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Created July 13, 2022 13:44
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epyt: a simple yet challenging typing game for JS1024 2022
// _
// ___ __ _ _ _ _| |
// / _ \ / _` | | | |__ | by Kang Seonghoon (@senokay,
// \__ | (_| | |_| |_| | 2022-07-13, for JS1024 2022
// |___/ \__, | .__/|__/ Public Domain (CC0 1.0)
// |_|\___|
// This is a simple typing game where you have lots of short English words to
// quickly type before a timer runs out. Perhaps most surprisingly, the game
// seems to have an access to lots of real English words (1,903 to be exact).
// Given it's a 1 KB of JavaScript, this only leaves at most 0.792 bits per
// character (!!!!) which sounds very implausible. While it is thought to be
// technically possible to compress a _large enough_ text down to this ratio,
// such a ratio is only possible with a very advanced algorithm and lots of
// computing power (as of 2022-07, the best ratio for the Large Text Compression
// Benchmark is only 0.867 bpc and that requires 1 GB of input and ~60 hours of
// heavy GPU computation using RTX 3090). This is not surprising at all; the
// data compression is all about exploiting the input distribution and predict
// as accurate as possible, and a small data simply lacks any prior context to
// estimate the distribution.
// What if there is a way to provide the prior context? Indeed, this is possible
// and called the dictionary compression. Normally this works by providing _your
// own_ dictionary to be used multiple small-sized data, but for a certain (and
// common enough) type of data like text it is worthwhile to provide the default
// dictionary. To my knowledge there is the only one such compression format
// available from web browsers, namely Brotli (RFC 7932). Brotli's default
// dictionary is pretty beefy (120+ KB), is stable unlike other browser-provided
// environments, and contains lots of common English words amongst others, which
// are exactly what we need.
// Extracting this dictionary is not easy. In fact I'm still amazed that this
// is actually (only barely) possible. Brotli is nowadays most commonly used in
// HTTP compression, but you can't control the exact HTTP byte stream for web
// browsers. The only possibility is to use the WOFF2 font file format which
// Brotli was originally designed for, but you need to make a whole font file
// to leverage this. This got more complicated recently by the fact that modern
// browsers sanitize font files, typically by the OpenType Sanitizer (OTS), as
// it is very insecure to put untrusted font files directly to the system.
// Therefore we need to make an WOFF2 file that is sane enough to be accepted by
// OTS _and_ has a desired byte sequence inside which can be somehow extracted.
// After lots of failed experiments, I settled on the glyph widths ("advance")
// which get encoded in a sequence of two-byte signed integers with almost no
// other restrictions. One of the craziest consequences of this design is that
// we can actually pack the source code alongside with the extracted dictionary.
// That's all I can say at the moment. The remainder of this code will require
// you a basic understanding of the OpenType file format, the WOFF2 file format,
// the Brotli compression format and enough C++ experience to read the OTS code.
// Sorry for that, but I thought about this possibility for literally years!
// ------------
// How To Build
// ------------
// The code should be prepared in this order:
// - Prepare the embedded code, which will be run in `setInterval`. For testing
// this code can be also given without embedding (set `REPLACE_EMBEDDED_CODE`
// to true), but in the final version the embedded code should be extracted
// and minified separately.
// - Run this code in node.js with the `embeddedCode` variable set accordingly.
// You need to have a Brotli preset dictionary file in the current directory.
// The packing process is quite computation intensive, and sometimes can fail
// just by a pure chance, so be prepared for that.
// - The resulting code fragment should be pasted in an appropriate place and
// the whole source code should be minified.
// This code is designed to be copied directly to the minifier, assuming that
// the minimier has a knowledge of `window` being defined in web browsers.
// I specifically used Terser and RegPack via Maxime Euziere's terser-online
// ( but anything else would work.
// You will need to set `compress.global_refs` to `{"window": true}` though.
// Note that you should NOT use RegPack to minifiy the embedded code, because
// Brotli would do a way better job than RegPack there. I also had to make a
// final tweak to the RegPack output because it did a suboptimal job when the
// deduplicate fragment starts at the first byte.
// node.js has its own Brotli interface so this process should work without
// any additional tool, but it is extremely recommended to have a copy of
// OTS (; specifically ots-sanitize), WOFF2
// ( and Brotli in your command line. You would
// have to build at least OTS manually in this case, so make sure to have a copy
// of meson and ninja as well. You can get lots of information from enabling
// debug outputs of OTS, WOFF2 and Brotli.
// There are lots of things to tune. For example, the packing process will give
// you multiple code fragments and some may perform better than others---the
// final version for example happened to have more `AA`s in the base64 encoding
// and they got deduplicated. There are certain fragments of code that I know
// they look longer than alternatives but result in a shorter code when packed.
// Ultimately, code golfing is an endless iterative process that has to stop at
// some point, and I'm pretty happy with where I stopped at.
// creates a _template_ of an WOFF2 font file, which should be reconstructed
// in the following way:
// +-----------------------------+ -.
// | WOFF2 header | |
// +-----------------------------+ |
// | WOFF2 table list | |
// +-----------------------------+ |
// | Brotli stream | |
// | .--------------------------+ | `prefix` (base64-encoded)
// | | head, hhea, maxp, os2, | |
// | | glyf, loca, name, post | |
// | | (order can vary) | |
// | +--------------------------+ |
// | | cmap .-------------------+ -:
// | | | glyph IDs | | consecutive 16-bit big endian integers
// | | | | | from 0 to `sequenceCount - 1`
// | +------+-------------------+ -:
// | | hmtx .-------------------+ |
// | | | advances | | `infix` (base64-encoded)
// | | | | |
// | | | (actually source | -:
// | | | code followed by | | multiple consecutive 16-bit little endian
// | | | dictionary refs) | | integers according to `encodedRange`
// +--+------+-------------------+ -'
// all but last segment is guaranteed to be aligned to the 3-byte boundary,
// so dynamic segments can be encoded to base64 and everything can be
// concatenated with a simple operation. the caller should ensure that
// the resulting WOFF2 file is aligned to the 4-byte boundary, otherwise
// this function will report a failure.
// due to the dependency this function can be only run in node.js, and also
// requires dictionary.bin from the Brotli source code to be available in
// the current directory.
async function makeTemplate(params) {
const zlib = require('node:zlib'), fs = require('node:fs'), crypto = require('node:crypto');
const {
embeddedCode, // will be padded to a line comment
dictionaryRefs, // [ {length, startDistance, count}, ...]
} = params;
let dictionary;
try {
dictionary = String.fromCharCode(...fs.readFileSync('dictionary.bin'));
} catch (e) {
console.warn('this packer requires dictionary.bin from Brotli in the current directory.');
throw e;
const dictionaryRanges = [];
let cumulOffset = 0;
[0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 10, 11, 11, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9, 9, 8, 7, 7, 8, 7, 7, 6, 6, 5, 5].forEach((ndbits, i) => {
dictionaryRanges.push({ offset: cumulOffset, count: ndbits ? 1 << ndbits : 0 });
if (ndbits) cumulOffset += i << ndbits;
if (cumulOffset !== dictionary.length) throw 'dictionary size does not match';
let input = '';
for (const dref of dictionaryRefs) {
const { offset: wordOffset, count: wordCount } = dictionaryRanges[dref.length];
if (dref.startDistance + dref.count > wordCount) {
// transformed dictionary words have varying lengths and can't be reliably used
throw 'dictionary reference no longer corresponds to a single word';
input += dictionary.slice(
wordOffset + dref.length * dref.startDistance,
wordOffset + dref.length * (dref.startDistance + dref.count));
const dictionaryInputLength = input.length;
// make sure that the final input length is always a multiple of 6
const excessSlashCount = (6 - (embeddedCode.length + 2 + input.length) % 6) % 6;
input = embeddedCode + '//' + '/'.repeat(excessSlashCount) + input;
// we will have [startCode, endCode] mapping to actual glyphs we want,
// and [startCode - excessGlyphs, startCode) used as a placeholder.
// excessGlyphs should be at least 1 because the first glyph is effectively unusable.
const excessGlyphs = 1;
const startCode = 20000; // U+4E20
const endCode = startCode + input.length / 2 - 1;
const numGlyphs = input.length / 2 + excessGlyphs;
// the second dynamic segment is a sequence of IaC (insert-and-copy) and
// distance codes. an IaC code dictates the number of literal bytes to
// insert (0 in this case) and the number of past bytes to copy (4---7 in
// this case). a distance code is how far those past bytes should be, and
// since we need to refer to the built-in dictionary the encoded distance
// should be large enough to get past the LZ77 window.
// since the size of LZ77 window will increase as new word gets decoded,
// we need to track both the size of window and the distance code and that's
// pretty cumbersome. but there is a trick: we can simply increase the
// window size up to the maximum allowed and work from there. for example,
// given WBITS=14 the maximum window size is 2^14 - 16, so distance codes
// from 2^14 - 15 always refer to the built-in dictionary.
// distance codes are organized in the way that large enough consecutive
// distances are groupped into a single code plus extra bits, so if a code
// corresponds to distances starting from 16389 or lower we can make that
// code zero bits long and entirely work with extra bits. in Brotli distance
// code trees can be configured via two parameters NPOSTFIX and NDIRECT,
// but unfortunately the minimum distance possible seems to be 2^14 - 3, so
// we have to give up a few (12 to be exact) starting distances. in return
// the resulting extra bits are much smaller and easier to work with.
// long story short, we will use the following prefix codes:
// - no literal codes.
// - IaC codes 130..133, i.e. insert length 0 and copy lengths 4--7.
// - a single implied distance code spanning (2^WBITS - 3) through
// (2^WBITS + 2^(WBITS-1) - 4), using (WBITS - 1) extra bits.
// this is possible when NPOSTFIX=0, NDIRECT=0 and the resulting
// code will be (12 + 2 * WBITS).
// these result in each dictionary word being represented as a 16-bit
// little endian integer in this way:
// - 2 low bits are IaC codes, which copy lengths are 00=4, 10=5, 01=6 and
// 11=7. these are reversed because, while prefix codes are sorted
// lexicographically they are read from the least significant bit.
// - 14 high bits are extra bits for the implied distance code. since this
// should be also (WBITS - 1) bits long, WBITS should be set to 15.
// there are other possible options. for example, WBITS can be lowered
// if we use more IaC codes (which will be mostly unused but that's fine).
// on the other hand, WBITS can't be higher because we then have to use
// shorter IaC codes to fit to two-byte integers, but that'd mean that we
// can only have two kind of lengths and that's kinda boring for this game.
const windowBits = 15;
// this can be made larger, at the expense of more complex packer code
const minTargetSizeBeforeDynamic2 = (1 << windowBits) - 16;
const encodedRanges = []; // {start, step, count}
for (const { length, startDistance, count } of dictionaryRefs) {
if (length < 4 || length > 7) throw 'dictionary word length should be 4--7';
if (startDistance < 12) throw 'some initial dictionary words cannot be used';
start: (startDistance - 12) << 2 | [0, 2, 1, 3][length - 4],
step: 4,
// two-byte big endian integer
const two = v => [v >>> 8 & 255, v & 255];
// four-byte big endian integer
const four = v => [v >>> 24 & 255, v >>> 16 & 255, v >>> 8 & 255, v & 255];
// variable-length 32-bit integer, UIntBase128 in the WOFF2 specification
const varfour = v => {
const b = [];
while (v > 127) b.unshift(128 | v & 127), v >>>= 7;
b.unshift(128 | v);
b[b.length - 1] &= 127;
return b;
const repeat = (n, f) => {
const r = [];
for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) r.push(...f(i));
return r;
const maxWidth = 0x7fff; // this is signed and can't be 0xffff
// Now we have to fill all the required table.
// font header
const head = [
...two(1), // majorVersion
...two(0), // minorVersion
...four(0), // fontRevision
...four(0), // checksumAdjustment (WOFF2 recomputes this, so we don't have to be correct)
...four(0x5f0f3cf5), // magicNumber
...two(1<<0 | 1<<1 | 1<<3), // flags
...two(16), // unitsPerEm (the minimum possible)
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // created
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, // modified
...two(0), ...two(0), // xMin, yMin
...two(maxWidth), ...two(0), // xMax, yMax (excess xMax is okay, as long as it's positive)
...two(0), // macStyle
...two(0), // lowestRectPPEM (0 is probably okay)
...two(0), // fontDirectionHint (deprecated)
...two(0), // indexToLocFormat
...two(0), // glyphDataFormat
// horizontal header
const hhea = [
...two(1), // majorVersion
...two(0), // minorVersion
...two(0), // ascender
...two(0), // descender
...two(0), // lineGap
...two(maxWidth), // advanceWidthmax
...two(0), // minLeftSideBearing
...two(0), // minRightSideBearing
...two(maxWidth), // xMaxExtent
...two(1), // caretSlopeRise
...two(0), // caretSlopeRun
...two(0), // caretOffset
...two(0), ...two(0), ...two(0), ...two(0), // reserved0..3
...two(0), // metricDataFormat
...two(numGlyphs), // numberOfHMetrics
// maximum profile
const maxp = [
...four(0x00010000), // version
...two(numGlyphs), // numGlyphs
...two(1), // maxPoints (at least 1)
...two(1), // maxContours (at least 1)
...two(0), // maxCompositePoints
...two(0), // maxCompositeContours
...two(2), // maxZones
...two(0), // maxTwilightPoints
...two(0), // maxStorage
...two(0), // maxFunctionDefs
...two(0), // maxInstructionDefs
...two(0), // maxStackElements
...two(0), // maxSizeOfInstructions
...two(0), // maxComponentElements
...two(0), // maxComponentDepth
// OS/2 and Windows metrics
const os2 = [
...two(0), // version
...two(0), // xAvgCharWidth
...two(500), // usWeightClass (anything from 100 to 900 will work)
...two(5), // usWidthClass (normal)
...two(0), // fsType
...two(0), // ySubscriptXSize
...two(0), // ySubscriptYSize
...two(0), // ySubscriptXOffset
...two(0), // ySubscriptYOffset
...two(0), // ySuperscriptXSize
...two(0), // ySuperscriptYSize
...two(0), // ySuperscriptXOffset
...two(0), // ySuperscriptYOffset
...two(0), // yStrikeoutSize
...two(0), // yStrikeoutPosition
...two(0), // sFamilyClass
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // panose (matches any spec)
...four(0), ...four(0), ...four(0), ...four(0), // ulUnicodeRange1..4
...four(0x00000000), // achVendorId
...two(0x0040), // fsSelection (regular)
...two(0), // usFirstCharIndex (OTS does fix this so leave it as 0)
...two(0), // usLastCharIndex (ditto)
...two(0), // sTypoAscender
...two(0), // sTypoDescender
...two(0), // sTypoLineGap
...two(0), // usWinAscent
...two(0), // usWinDescent
// glyph data
// WOFF2 provides two ways to represent the glyf table, but the no-op
// transform (version 3) is not usable due to a possible WOFF2 bug.
// so we need to use the default transform (version 0) instead.
// this also means that the loca table (index to location) is entirely
// reconstructed from this transformed data and never stored.
// we don't use TrueType outlines at all, but OTS will complain when every
// glyph is empty, so we put a single point to the first glyph.
const glyfBboxBitmapSize = ((numGlyphs + 31) >>> 5) * 4;
const glyf = [
...two(0), // reserved
...two(0), // optionFlags
...two(numGlyphs), // numGlyphs
...two(0), // indexFormat (= head.indexToLocFormat)
...four(2 * numGlyphs), // nContourStreamSize
...four(1), // nPointsStreamSize
...four(1), // flagStreamSize
...four(2), // glyphStreamSize
...four(0), // compositeStreamSize
...four(glyfBboxBitmapSize), // bboxStreamSize
...four(0), // instructionStreamSize
// nContourStream = [1, 0...]
...repeat(numGlyphs, i => two(i === 0 ? 1 : 0)),
// nPointsStream = [1]
// flagStream = [0]
// flag 0: x = 0, y = 0 - (8 additional bits)
// glyphStream
0b00000000, // additional bits for flag 0
0, // instruction length for the glyph
// bboxBitmap = [0...]
...repeat(glyfBboxBitmapSize, _ => [0]),
// naming table
// names are actually irrelevant in the context of web fonts because they
// are always overriden by CSS-provided names. this is also why we can't
// use the name table to extract the dictionary, as there is no interface
// to access the original name of given web font. (amusingly there *is*
// an interface for variable font metadata, but I don't think they can be
// exploited for compression purpose.) OTS will synthesize any required
// names anyway.
const name = [
...two(0), // version
...two(0), // count
...two(6), // storageOffset (can't be zero, OTS will complain)
// plus padding; see below
// PostScript table
const post = [
...four(0x00030000), // version
...four(0), // italicAngle
...two(0), // underlinePosition
...two(0), // underlineThickness
...four(0), // isFixedPitch
...four(0), ...four(0), // min/maxMemType42 (suggestive, can be left as 0)
...four(0), ...four(0), // min/maxMemType1 (ditto)
// character to glyph index mapping table
// now here's actually an interesting bit. we need to associate glyphs with
// actual characters (of given encoding, here Unicode). the mapping itself
// is trivial, but there are multiple possible encodings of given mapping
// and the degree of support varies. specifically OTS only accepts a handful
// number of selected combinations which we have to consider.
// TODO format 12 is actually easier to build, but I couldn't get it working
// in Firefox despite of it using the same OTS library as other browsers.
const sequenceCount = numGlyphs + (3 - numGlyphs) % 3; // for the 3-byte alignment
const cmap1 = [
...two(0), // version
...two(1), // numTables
...two(3), // platformID (Microsoft)
...two(1), // encodingID (Unicode)
...four(12), // subtableOffset
// cmap format 4 subtable:
...two(4), // format
...two(32 + sequenceCount * 2), // length
...two(0), // language (default)
// segCount = 2
// maps [startCode - excessGlyphs, startCode + input.length / 2) to glyph ids [0, numGlyphs)
...two(4), // segCountX2
...two(4), // searchRange
...two(1), // entrySelector
...two(0), // rangeShift
...two(startCode - excessGlyphs + numGlyphs - 1), ...two(0xffff), // endCode[segCount]
...two(0), // reservedPad
...two(startCode - excessGlyphs), ...two(0xffff), // startCode[segCount]
...two(0x10000 - (startCode - excessGlyphs)), ...two(1), // idDelta[segCount]
...two(0), ...two(0), // idRangeOffsets[segCount]
// glyphIdArray[] is encoded in the first dynamic segment following
const cmap2 = repeat(sequenceCount, i => two(i));
// horizontal metrics
// this table encodes a sequence of advance widths and left side bearings,
// and those are almost directly visible to the 2D canvas context interface.
// these are interleaved in the original TrueType format; for the simplicity
// we only use advance widths which are encoded as a sequence of signed
// 16-bit integers when the transform version 1 is in use.
const hmtx1 = [
0x03, // flags (both lsb and leftSideBearing inferred)
// advanceWidth[numberOfHMetrics] follows
...repeat(excessGlyphs, i => two(0)),
...[...input.slice(0, -dictionaryInputLength)].map(c => c.charCodeAt(0)),
// the second dynamic segment follows
const hmtx2 = [...input.slice(-dictionaryInputLength)].map(c => c.charCodeAt(0));
// ensure that the font size is at least the target size. while many tables
// can be fine with excess data, glyf is already large enough so enlarging
// glyf has a smaller effect than enlarging other smaller tables.
let uncompressedSize =
head.length + hhea.length + maxp.length + os2.length +
glyf.length + name.length + post.length +
cmap1.length + cmap2.length + hmtx1.length + hmtx2.length;
let glyfPadSize = minTargetSizeBeforeDynamic2 - (uncompressedSize - hmtx2.length);
if (glyfPadSize < 0) throw `target size ${minTargetSizeBeforeDynamic2}B cannot be met (${uncompressedSize - hmtx2.length}B already)`;
for (let i = 0; i < glyfPadSize; ++i) glyf.push(0);
uncompressedSize += glyfPadSize;
const tables = [
{ tag: 1, transform: 0, size: head.length },
{ tag: 2, transform: 0, size: hhea.length },
{ tag: 4, transform: 0, size: maxp.length },
{ tag: 6, transform: 0, size: os2.length },
// unlike other tables, the glyf table can be reconstructed in multiple ways
// and WOFF2 specifically ignores the original size of the glyf table.
{ tag: 10, transform: 0, size: glyf.length, originalSize: 0 },
{ tag: 11, transform: 0, size: 0, originalSize: 2 + 2 * numGlyphs },
{ tag: 5, transform: 0, size: name.length },
{ tag: 7, transform: 0, size: post.length },
{ tag: 0, transform: 0, size: cmap1.length + cmap2.length },
{ tag: 3, transform: 1, size: hmtx1.length + hmtx2.length, originalSize: 4 * numGlyphs },
const uncompressedStatic1 = new Uint8Array([...head, ...hhea, ...maxp, ...os2, ...glyf,,, ...cmap1]);
const uncompressedDynamic1 = new Uint8Array(cmap2);
const uncompressedStatic2 = new Uint8Array(hmtx1);
const uncompressedDynamic2 = new Uint8Array(hmtx2);
const uncompressedHeader = [
...four(0x774f4632), // signature
...four(0x00010000), // flavor (sfnt version)
...four(0), // total size (patched later)
...two(10), // # tables
...two(0), // reserved
...four(0x00010000), // total uncompressed size (unused, but should be larger than the font itself)
...four(0), // total compressed size (patched later)
...two(0), // font major version
...two(0), // font minor version
...four(0), // metadata block offset
...four(0), // metadata compressed size
...four(0), // metadata uncompressed size
...four(0), // private data block offset
...four(0), // private data block size
for (const { tag, transform, size, originalSize } of tables) {
uncompressedHeader.push(tag | transform << 6);
if (typeof originalSize === 'number') uncompressedHeader.push(...varfour(originalSize));
class CompressingStream {
constructor(params) {
this.c = zlib.createBrotliCompress({ params });
writeAtomically(buf) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// assumes that buf is small enough that this is triggered only once!
this.c.once('data', chunk => resolve(chunk));
this.c.on('error', e => reject(e));
endAtomically(buf) {
if (buf) this.c.write(buf);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const chunks = [];
this.c.once('data', chunk => chunks.push(chunk));
this.c.on('end', () => resolve(Buffer.concat(chunks)));
this.c.on('error', e => reject(e));
// counts the number of extra bits that can be safely removed from given
// partial compressed data, which should NOT have been completed but be
// known to be aligned to the byte boundary somehow.
const countPadding = compressed => {
// the byte boundary alignment means that the last metablock happens
// to be aligned or an empty metablock with empty metadata has been added:
// ----+-------------+-----+ ----+-------------------+
// ... | metablock N |empty| or ... | metablock N |
// ----+-------------+-----+ ----+-------------------+
// the empty metablock consists of 6 header bits (000110; corresponding to
// ISLAST=1, MNIBBLES=0, MSKIPBYTES=0 and thus MSKIPLEN=0) and any padding
// which should be always zero. so we first determine the padding and then
// check if the header bits are as expected.
if (compressed.length === 0) return 0;
// append an empty metablock (ISLAST=1, ISLASTEMPTY=1)...
const lastByte = compressed.length - 1;
compressed = new Uint8Array([...compressed, 3]);
// that this will succeed
const input = zlib.brotliDecompressSync(compressed);
let padding = 0;
for (; padding < 8 && (compressed[lastByte] >> (7 - padding)) === 0; ++padding) {
const mask = 1 << (7 - padding);
compressed[lastByte] |= mask;
try {
// if this succeeds, it means that the last metablock is valid
// regardless of the final bit, but that final bit is not padding
} catch (e) {
// unexpected code means that we have altered something other than
// the metadata padding after MSKIPLEN
if (e.code !== 'ERR_PADDING_1') break;
} finally {
compressed[lastByte] &= ~mask;
if (padding === 8) throw 'metadata padding spans one full byte?!';
// try to remove header bits
let bits = (compressed[lastByte] << 8 | (lastByte > 0 ? compressed[lastByte - 1] : 0));
const possiblePadding = padding + 6;
if ((lastByte > 0 || possiblePadding <= 8) && (bits >> (16 - possiblePadding)) === 0b000110) {
let filteredBits = bits;
filteredBits &= (1 << (16 - possiblePadding)) - 1; // remove the possible metadata metablock
filteredBits |= 3 << (16 - possiblePadding); // and add an empty metablock instead
compressed[lastByte] = filteredBits >> 8;
if (lastByte > 0) compressed[lastByte - 1] = filteredBits & 255;
try {
if (zlib.brotliDecompressSync(compressed).equals(input)) padding = possiblePadding;
} catch (e) {}
// verify that the new padding is indeed correct
bits &= (1 << (16 - padding)) - 1;
bits |= 3 << (16 - padding);
compressed[lastByte] = bits >> 8;
if (lastByte > 0) compressed[lastByte - 1] = bits & 255;
if (!zlib.brotliDecompressSync(compressed).equals(input)) throw 'verification failed';
return padding;
// remove enough bytes from `buf` so that there are at most 7 padding bits
// in `buf`. returns the updated number of padding bits.
const shrinkPadding = (buf, padding) => {
if (padding > buf.length * 8) throw 'padding is too large';
while (padding >= 8) {
padding -= 8;
return padding;
// append given number of bits to a byte array, in which the last `padding`
// bits should be ignored. if the resulting byte array is not aligned to
// the byte boundary it will be padded to zeroes.
const appendBits = (buf, padding, bits, nbits) => {
padding = shrinkPadding(buf, padding);
bits = BigInt(bits);
buf[buf.length - 1] = (buf[buf.length - 1] & (255 >> padding)) | Number(bits << BigInt(8 - padding) & 255n);
bits >>= BigInt(padding);
nbits -= padding;
while (nbits > 0) {
// it's possible that nbits < 8, in which case this is the last
// iteration and missing bits are automatically padded to zeroes
buf.push(Number(bits & 255n));
bits >>= 8n;
nbits -= 8;
// true if this number of bits results in, after padded to the next byte
// boundary, no `=` padding after base64 encoding.
const base64PaddingOkay = nbits => nbits % 24 === 0 || nbits % 24 > 16;
// there are multiple possible encodings for static segments,
// so we vary Brotli parameters to get the shortest result (in bits).
let compressedStatic1, compressedStatic2, padding1, padding2, size = Infinity;
const randomDynamic1 = crypto.randomBytes(uncompressedDynamic1.length);
for (const mode of [
]) {
// lower quality levels result in a different bitstream organization
for (let quality = 8; quality <= 11; ++quality) {
// unfortunately for us, metablocks share not only the LZ77 window
// but also the past distance buffer which we have no control over.
// what we are trying to do here is to put random bytes in place of
// the 1st dynamic segment, so that Brotli hopefully compresses this
// as an uncompressed metablock just like what we will do later.
// this is arguably a hack but we have a final verification so the
// worst possible outcome is just a spontaneous verification error.
const stream = new CompressingStream({
[zlib.constants.BROTLI_PARAM_QUALITY]: quality,
[zlib.constants.BROTLI_PARAM_MODE]: mode,
[zlib.constants.BROTLI_PARAM_LGWIN]: windowBits,
const s1 = await stream.writeAtomically(uncompressedStatic1);
const rd1 = await stream.writeAtomically(randomDynamic1);
if (rd1.length !== randomDynamic1.length + 3) throw 'rd1 is probably not an uncompressed metablock';
const s2 = await stream.writeAtomically(uncompressedStatic2);
const end = await stream.endAtomically();
if (end.length !== 1 || end[0] !== 3) throw 'writeAtomically somehow did not work well';
// for the same reason, s2 now depends on s1 and they can't be
// handled independently.
const p1 = countPadding(s1);
const p2 = countPadding([...s1, ...rd1, ...s2]);
if (size > (s1.length + s2.length) * 8 - p1 - p2) {
size = (s1.length + s2.length) * 8 - p1 - p2;
compressedStatic1 = s1;
compressedStatic2 = s2;
padding1 = p1;
padding2 = p2;
// various bit patterns to build a compressed Brotli bitstream.
// note that the bitstream is always read as if all bytes are concatenated
// in the way that bytes `12 34 56` are interpreted as 0x563412, and least
// significant bits are read each time (or each bit for prefix codes).
// so the convention here is to progress from right (LSB) to left (MSB).
const emptyMetablockSize = 6, emptyMetablock = // empty metablock
// 0 - ISLAST
// 11 - MNIBBLES (0)
// 0 - reserved
//00 - MSKIPBYTES (padding to the next byte boundary follows)
const s1headerSize = 20, s1header = // metablock header for the 1st dynamic segment
// 0 - ISLAST
// 00 - MNIBBLES (4)
// xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - MLEN-1
//1 - ISUNCOMPRESSED (padding to the next byte boundary follows)
0b10000000000000000000 | ((uncompressedDynamic1.length - 1) << 3);
// the second static segment ends with a metablock header, which has to be
// manually aligned to the 3-byte boundary. we first put enough empty
// metablocks _before_ the segment (which is guaranteed to be byte-aligned)
// to do a coarse-grained adjustment and pick an appropriate bit sequence
// to exactly align to the next boundary. quite annoying, but it's possible.
const s2headerSize = 33, s2header = // metablock header for the 2nd dynamic segment
// 1 - ISLAST
// 00 - MNIBBLES (4)
// xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - MLEN-1
// 0 - NBLTYPESL (1)
// 0 - NBLTYPESI (1)
// 0 - NBLTYPESD (1)
// 00 - NPOSTFIX (0)
// 0000 - 4 most significant bits of NDIRECT (0)
// 00 - context modes for literal block 0 (unused)
// 0 - NTREESL (1)
//0 - NTREESD (1)
0b000000000000000000000000000000001n | (BigInt(uncompressedDynamic2.length - 1) << 4n);
const s2literalTreeMinSize = 12, s2literalTreeOptions = new Map([ // literal tree (unused)
// 00 - HSKIP (all tree codes are present)
// 0111 - tree code 1: length 1 (0)
// 0111 - tree code 2: length 1 (1)
// 0 - literal 0: length 1 (0)
// 0 - literal 1: length 1 (1)
[12, 0b000111011100n],
// ...
// 0 - literal 0: length 1 (0)
// 1 - literal 1: length 2 (01)
// 1 - literal 2: length 2 (11)
[13, 0b0110111011100n],
// ...
// 1 - literal 0: length 2 (00)
// 1 - literal 1: length 2 (10)
// 1 - literal 2: length 2 (01)
// 1 - literal 3: length 2 (11)
[14, 0b11110111011100n],
// 15 is probably impossible, which makes different IaC trees necessary.
// 00 - HSKIP (all tree codes are present)
// 011 - tree code 1: length 2 (01)
// 0111 - tree code 2: length 1 (0)
// 011 - tree code 3: length 2 (11), unused
// 01 - literal 1: length 1 (0)
// 0 - literal 2: length 2 (01)
// 0 - literal 3: length 2 (11)
[16, 0b0001011011101100n],
// 00 - HSKIP (all tree codes are present)
// 0111 - tree code 1: length 1 (0)
// 011 - tree code 2: length 2 (01)
// 011 - tree code 3: length 2 (11), unused
// 0 - literal 1: length 1 (0)
// 01 - literal 2: length 2 (01)
// 01 - literal 3: length 2 (11)
[17, 0b01010011011011100n],
const s2iacTreeMinSize = 36, s2iacTreeOptions = new Map([ // IaC (insert-and-copy) code tree
// | | | | 00 - HSKIP (all tree codes are listed)
// | | | | 00 - tree code 1: length 0
// | | | |0111 - tree code 2: length 1 (0)
// | | | 00| - tree code 3: length 0
// | | | 00 | - tree code 4: length 0
// | | | 00 | - tree code 0: length 0
// | | |00 | - tree code 5: length 0
// | | 0111| | - tree code 17: length 1 (1), zero repeat
// | | | | IaC code 0..129: length 0
// | |0001 | | - zero repeat count = 3 + 0b000 = 3
// | 1101| | | - zero repeat count = 8 * (3 - 2) + 3 + 0b110 = 17
// |1111 | | | - zero repeat count = 8 * (17 - 2) + 3 + 0b111 = 130
// 0| | | | - IaC code 130 (insert 0, copy 4): length 2 (00)
// 0 | | | | - IaC code 131 (insert 0, copy 5): length 2 (10)
// 0 | | | | - IaC code 132 (insert 0, copy 6): length 2 (01)
// 0 | | | | - IaC code 133 (insert 0, copy 7): length 2 (11)
[36, 0b0000_11111101_00010111_00000000_01110000n],
// | | | | 00 - HSKIP (all tree codes are listed)
// | | | | 00 - tree code 1: length 0
// | | | |0111 - tree code 2: length 1 (0)
// | | | 00| - tree code 3: length 0
// | | | 00 | - tree code 4: length 0
// | | | 00 | - tree code 0: length 0
// | | 0|11 | - tree code 5: length 2 (01), unused
// | | 011 | | - tree code 17: length 2 (11), zero repeat
// | | | | IaC code 0..129: length 0
// | 0|0011 | | - zero repeat count = 3 + 0b000 = 3
// | 11011 | | | - zero repeat count = 8 * (3 - 2) + 3 + 0b110 = 17
// 111|11 | | | - zero repeat count = 8 * (17 - 2) + 3 + 0b111 = 130
// 0 | | | | - IaC code 130 (insert 0, copy 4): length 2 (00)
// 0 | | | | - IaC code 131 (insert 0, copy 5): length 2 (10)
// 0 | | | | - IaC code 132 (insert 0, copy 6): length 2 (01)
// 0 | | | | - IaC code 133 (insert 0, copy 7): length 2 (11)
[39, 0b0000111_11110110_00110110_11000000_01110000n],
// | | | | 00 - HSKIP (all tree codes are listed)
// | | | | 011 - tree code 1: length 2 (01), unused
// | | | |011 - tree code 2: length 2 (11)
// | | | 00| - tree code 3: length 0
// | | | 00 | - tree code 4: length 0
// | | | 00 | - tree code 0: length 0
// | | |00 | - tree code 5: length 0
// | | 0111| | - tree code 17: length 1 (0), zero repeat
// | | | | IaC code 0..129: length 0
// | |0000 | | - zero repeat count = 3 + 0b000 = 3
// | 1100| | | - zero repeat count = 8 * (3 - 2) + 3 + 0b110 = 17
// |1110 | | | - zero repeat count = 8 * (17 - 2) + 3 + 0b111 = 130
// 11| | | | - IaC code 130 (insert 0, copy 4): length 2 (00)
// 11 | | | | - IaC code 131 (insert 0, copy 5): length 2 (10)
// 11 | | | | - IaC code 132 (insert 0, copy 6): length 2 (01)
// 11 | | | | - IaC code 133 (insert 0, copy 7): length 2 (11)
[40, 0b11111111_11101100_00000111_00000000_01101100n],
const s2distanceSize = 10, s2distance = // distance code tree
// 01 - HSKIP (simple tree)
// 00 - NSYM-1
//xxxxxx - distance code: length 1 (0)
0b0000000001n | BigInt((12 + 2 * windowBits) << 4);
// we guarantee that there is a combination of s2literal/iacTree for
// all bit sizes between s2minSize and s2minSize + 7
const s2minSize = s2headerSize + s2literalTreeMinSize + s2iacTreeMinSize + s2distanceSize;
// prepare the first static segment
const static1 = [...uncompressedHeader, ...compressedStatic1];
padding1 = shrinkPadding(static1, padding1);
if (!base64PaddingOkay(static1.length * 8 - padding1 + 20)) {
// append empty metablocks to satisfy the base64 padding requirement.
// each metablock with empty metadata is 6 bits long so it should be
// possible to pad the buffer to any number of integral bytes.
// (note that a non-empty metablock should be at least 22 bits long,
// so we necessarily need to use multiple empty metablocks here.)
appendBits(static1, padding1, emptyMetablock, emptyMetablockSize);
padding1 = 0;
while (!base64PaddingOkay(static1.length * 8 + 20)) {
appendBits(static1, padding1, s1header, s1headerSize);
// prepare the second static segment
const static2 = [...compressedStatic2];
padding2 = shrinkPadding(static2, padding2);
while (!base64PaddingOkay(static2.length * 8 - padding2 + s2minSize)) {
// we know that the beginning of static2 is aligned to the byte boundary,
// so this is fine and should not alter padding2
let s2literalTreeSizeUsed = Infinity, s2iacTreeSizeUsed = Infinity;
for (const [s2literalTreeSize, s2literalTree] of s2literalTreeOptions.entries()) {
for (const [s2iacTreeSize, s2iacTree] of s2iacTreeOptions.entries()) {
const size = static2.length * 8 - padding2 +
s2headerSize + s2literalTreeSize + s2iacTreeSize + s2distanceSize;
if (size % 24 !== 0) continue;
if (s2literalTreeSizeUsed + s2iacTreeSizeUsed > s2literalTreeSize + s2iacTreeSize) {
s2literalTreeSizeUsed = s2literalTreeSize;
s2iacTreeSizeUsed = s2iacTreeSize;
s2header |
s2literalTreeOptions.get(s2literalTreeSizeUsed) << BigInt(s2headerSize) |
s2iacTreeOptions.get(s2iacTreeSizeUsed) << BigInt(s2headerSize + s2literalTreeSizeUsed) |
s2distance << BigInt(s2headerSize + s2literalTreeSizeUsed + s2iacTreeSizeUsed),
s2headerSize + s2literalTreeSizeUsed + s2iacTreeSizeUsed + s2distanceSize);
// now patch the uncompressed header in static1 to correct compressed sizes
let totalSize = static1.length + sequenceCount * 2 + static2.length;
for (const { count } of encodedRanges) totalSize += count * 2;
if (totalSize % 4 !== 0) throw `WOFF2 file size should be a multiple of 4 bytes, the actual size ${totalSize}B`;
static1.splice(8, 4, ...four(totalSize));
static1.splice(20, 4, ...four(totalSize - uncompressedHeader.length));
const prefix = btoa(String.fromCharCode(...static1));
const infix = btoa(String.fromCharCode(...static2));
if (prefix.endsWith('=') || infix.endsWith('=')) throw 'padding compensation did not work!';
// try to reconstruct the font file
const recons1 = btoa(String.fromCharCode(...repeat(sequenceCount, i => [i >> 8, i & 255])));
if (recons1.endsWith('=')) throw 'padding compensation did not work!';
const recons2buf = [];
for (const { start, step, count } of encodedRanges) {
for (let i = 0, v = start; i < count; ++i, v += step) recons2buf.push(v & 255, v >> 8);
const recons2 = btoa(String.fromCharCode(...recons2buf));
const recons = Uint8Array.from(atob(prefix + recons1 + infix + recons2), c => c.charCodeAt());
const expectedDecompressed = new Uint8Array([...uncompressedStatic1, ...uncompressedDynamic1, ...uncompressedStatic2, ...uncompressedDynamic2]);
try {
const actualDecompressed = zlib.brotliDecompressSync(recons.slice(uncompressedHeader.length));
if (!actualDecompressed.equals(expectedDecompressed)) {
if (actualDecompressed.length !== expectedDecompressed.length) throw 'decompressed data mismatch (length)';
for (let i = 0; i < actualDecompressed.length; ++i) {
if (actualDecompressed[i] !== expectedDecompressed[i]) {
const encodePrintable = s => [...s].map(c => {
return 0x20 <= c && c <= 0x7e && c !== 0x5c /*\*/ ? String.fromCharCode(c) : '\\x' + c.toString(16).padStart(2, '0');
const actual = encodePrintable(actualDecompressed.slice(Math.max(0, i - 32), i + 32));
const expected = encodePrintable(expectedDecompressed.slice(Math.max(0, i - 32), i + 32));
throw `decompressed data mismatch around ${i}:\nexpected ${expected}\nactual ${actual}`;
throw 'somehow bits got flipped';
} catch (e) {
fs.writeFileSync('', recons.slice(uncompressedHeader.length));
fs.writeFileSync('failed.woff2', recons);
throw e;
const base64Size = prefix.length + infix.length;
const uncompressedHeaderSize = uncompressedHeader.length;
return {
// to be actually used by the external code
prefix, infix, sequenceCount, encodedRanges, startCode, endCode,
// diagnostic purpose and not actually used
base64Size, uncompressedHeaderSize,
// the following code is for node.js packer. basically you are supposed to paste
// anything printed by this code below.
if (typeof window === 'undefined') {
(async () => {
const embeddedCode = `"scaleX(-1",a.width|=0,c.globalCompositeOperation="xor",c.font="20vw serif",c.fillText(r=r||"type",(a.width-c[m](r).width)/2,a.height/2),c.fillText(q,(a.width-c[m](r).width)/2,a.height/2),i=k&&(+new Date-t)/4e5*(40+k),c.fillRect(0,0,i*a.width,a.height),i>1&&alert("GAME OVER\nScore: "+k,k=0,r=q=""),onkeydown=a=>{if("Backspace"==(a=a.key)&&(q=q.slice(0,-1)),a.match(/^[a-z]+$/)&&(q+=a).length==r.length){if(q==r){t=+new Date,++k;do{r=p.substr(-22*(COUNT*Math.random()|0)-140778%(i=4*Math.random()|28),i%8)}while(!r.match(/^[a-z]+$/))}q=""}}
.replace('\n', '\\n')
//.replace('r=r||', 'r||=')
.replace(/Math\.random()\*COUNT/g, 'COUNT*Math.random()');
let limit, tmpl, bestBase64Size = Infinity;
// the starting limit of 670 was chosen because the 671st 4-letter word would be `dick`
nextLimit: for (limit = 670; limit >= 600; --limit) {
retry: for (let trial = 0; trial < 5; ++trial) {
try {
tmpl = await makeTemplate({
embeddedCode: embeddedCode.replace(/COUNT/g, limit - 12),
dictionaryRefs: [
// we intentionally reorder lengths to match the IaC code order
{ length: 4, startDistance: 12, count: limit - 12 },
{ length: 6, startDistance: 12, count: limit - 12 },
{ length: 5, startDistance: 12, count: limit - 12 },
{ length: 7, startDistance: 12, count: limit - 12 },
} catch (e) {
const msg = e.toString();
// simply too large to continue
if (msg.match(/target size.*cannot be met/)) continue nextLimit;
// this is normally a dead end, but there is a possibility of spontaneous
// failure so we try to retry a bit more
if (msg.match(/WOFF2 file size should be a multiple of 4 bytes/)) continue retry;
// this is definitely a spontaneous failure
if (msg.match(/Decompression failed/)) continue retry;
throw e;
// only print the best solution so far
if (bestBase64Size >= tmpl.base64Size) {
bestBase64Size = tmpl.base64Size;
console.log(`// ${tmpl.base64Size}B in total (limit=${limit})`);
console.log(`var PREFIX = ${JSON.stringify(tmpl.prefix)};`);
console.log(`var INFIX = ${JSON.stringify(tmpl.infix)};`);
console.log(`var SEQUENCE_COUNT = ${tmpl.sequenceCount};`);
for (let i = 0; i < tmpl.encodedRanges.length; ++i) {
const { start, step, count } = tmpl.encodedRanges[i];
if (step !== 4 || start >= 4 || count !== limit - 12) throw 'unexpected';
console.log(`var COUNT = ${limit - 12};`);
console.log(`var START_CODE = ${tmpl.startCode}, END_CODE = ${tmpl.endCode};`);
break retry;
} else {
var DUMP_WORDS = false;
// paste the packer output here:
// 720B in total (limit=664)
var INFIX = "kBEAQJZsE9ppoVdL7vwrmuqwdRINfuBBfOCcoMOBYXRb5KuwArGUz1eXC5d3EfSowRum5pHa3w6w3jsyCRa0WX3/HVxSloXlF1uKtmb9fvA67As/Exu/hUe8HIoqQqJyeVHE+aIyaUhujju51wuOrSMk260SyqJbwF5yta/+DwiOFBgKyx78Q/seAlxi/Np4pu7JCRiGAN/dFMN540LDeTRdUPCtURuJNtqsDxIGXoGHhLkZg/jlhaReqn4PeEZatxV1vbZdilZoTEqhZV6A9MF/TUwPm9wE9cK1roqWNhEwsS/q48kJjGkc6sZKtC4hWqZ38CL8frFb/5ijUJobYuQU4RPJE4Pw0ZhITnNKE/zVGtO9qw83QiP3n6bAFYWGy4ub3Q79/9pGdOk8Xl1dH0Om84JGcY02Hy/szoXkJwfycQruptzZ7UIIIQ5wAAB3wAFc9EOo";
var SEQUENCE_COUNT = 7452;
var COUNT = 652;
var START_CODE = 20000, END_CODE = 27451;
// a: canvas element (from shim)
// c: 2D canvas context (from shim)
// d: document (from shim)
// p: source code and extracted dictionary
// q: typed word
// r: current word
// i: general temporary variable
// k: score
// t: start time for current word; unused when k = 0, i.e. before the first word
// m: 'measureText'
// reconstruct a data URI for the font file. `p` is for the 1st dynamic segment
// (big-endian) and `q` is for the second (little-endian).
// most importantly first n words of certain length correspond to two-byte
// integers from k to 4(n-1)+k in the second segment, so we can simply emit all
// integers from 0 to 4*COUNT-1 to put every required word into the decompressed
// string. because IaC codes are shuffled, words are also shuffled in the same
// way and the embedded code should account for this:
// +---------------------------------+
// |"...";... |
// | | embeddedCode
// | .../// |
// +------+--------+-------+---------+
// | just | global | music | country | 13th word of each length
// | like | medium | field | account | 14th word of each length
// | free | filter | order | created | 15th word of each length
// | work | number | point | stories | 16th word of each length
// | : | : | : | : |
// | : | : | : | : |
// | : | : | : | : |
// | HTTP | ****** | i++){ | bearing | 663rd word of each length
// | -201 | ****** | adobe | mapping | 664th word of each length (* unprintable)
// +------+--------+-------+---------+
r = q = p = '';
for (i = 0; i < SEQUENCE_COUNT; ++i)
p += String.fromCharCode(i >> 8, 255 & i),
i < COUNT * 4 && (q += String.fromCharCode(i & 255, i >> 8));
// we have made sure that all but last segment has no `=` padding after base64.
// the correct argument should be `url(data:font/woff2;base64,...)`, but the
// last `)` can be omitted per the CSS syntax, and a media type doesn't seem to
// be necessary for all modern browsers.
d.fonts.add(new FontFace('t', 'url(data:;base64,' + PREFIX + btoa(p) + INFIX + btoa(q)));
// ensure that the font is ready for use, and also set the initial font size.
// this initial font size should be same to head.unitsPerEm.
// (FontFaceSet.load is not guaranteed to be synchronous; Safari requires this.)
d.fonts.load(c.font = '16px t').then(_ => {
// extract advance widths from each glyph. this loop is intentionally made
// to look identical to the prior URI reconstruction loop.
r = q = p = '';
for (i = 0; i < END_CODE - START_CODE + 1; ++i)
p += String.fromCharCode(
// we will use `c.measureText` later so let's cache the method name.
// note that metrics are limited in size and anything above 0x7fff
// will be mangled, but we only use ASCII letters both in the
// embedded code and in the dictionary so that should be fine;
// in the other words, this mangling won't make valid words invalid.
(k = c[m = 'measureText'](String.fromCharCode(i + START_CODE)).width)
>> 8,
255 & k); // this shares a common `>> 8, 255 &` fragment
// the actual source code should be in the reconstructed string, but for
// testing we can replace it with an arbitrary function.
if (REPLACE_EMBEDDED_CODE) p = '(' + (() => {
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// the following code should be minified and copied to `embeddedCode` later
// this code assumes the following assignments in the very first call:
// p: source code and extracted dictionary
// q: ''
// r: '' (immediately reset to 'type')
// k: 0
// t: 0
// m: 'measureText'
// mirror the canvas globally, `)` not required for the same reason = 'scaleX(-1';
// clear the canvas (also resets 2D context)
a.width |= 0;
// everything will be XORed
c.globalCompositeOperation = 'xor';
// enlarge and set the font.
// it seems that serif is generally harder than sans-serif in this game.
// there are many factors, including general shapes and ligatures.
// browsers have different default fonts, which can be either serif or
// sans-serif and leaving them as is would mean a varying difficulty.
c.font = '20vw serif';
// draw the current word and the typed word in the same position.
// we put the current word in center and then align the beginning of
// the typed word with that current word, so we need the width of the
// current word. the y coordinate in comparison corresponds to the
// alphabetic baseline by default so there is no need for adjustment.
// in principle XOR should mean that matching characters completely
// disappear, but antialiasing generally leaves a faint outline,
// which is in my opinion better than no antialiasing.
c.fillText(r = r || 'type', (a.width - c[m](r).width) / 2, a.height / 2);
c.fillText(q, (a.width - c[m](r).width) / 2, a.height / 2);
// draw the timer bar. `i` would be a fraction of the screen width.
// the first word (always `type`) serves both as a splash screen and
// a self-check for keyboard, so it has no time limit.
// the time limit is set to ~10 seconds for the second word, then
// slowly decaying (8s after 10 words, 5s after 40 words, 2.5s after
// 120 words, 1s after 360 words etc). this does feel enough for
// first words but too lenient later, but the game is already hard
// enough so I'm okay with that.
i = k && (+new Date - t) / 4e5 * (40 + k);
c.fillRect(0, 0, i * a.width, a.height);
// if that fraction exceeds the screen width, the game is over
if (i > 1)
alert('GAME OVER\nScore: ' + k,
// reset the score, current and typed word.
// the current word will be reset to `type` in the next call.
k = 0,
r = q = '');
// this sets `window.onkeydown`
onkeydown = e => {
e = e.key;
// respond to the backspace
if (e == 'Backspace') {
q = q.slice(0, -1);
// `KeyboardEvent.key` is only lowercase when it's a single key.
// this prevents all special keys, including "Backspace" above.
// `+` is not required, but kept to exploit a common code fragment.
if (e.match(/^[a-z]+$/)) {
// append the key to the typed word, and check the length
if ((q += e).length == r.length) {
// we've now got an attempt and the typed word should be
// reset later, check if the typed word is correct first
if (q == r) {
// set or reset the start time, and increase the score
t = +new Date;
// pick a word from the word list. this may fail, so
// we may have to pick a word multiple times.
do {
// the first random call picks a group of 4 words,
// the second random call picks one out of them and
// also sets the (biased) length variable `i` which
// is finally used to get the correct word.
// this particular code was found with an exhaustive
// search and results in the following mapping:
// +------------+----+----+----+----+
// | i | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 |
// +------------+----+----+----+----+
// | i % 8 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | <- length
// +------------+----+----+----+----+
// | 140778 % i | 22 | 12 | 18 | 7 | <- offset
// +------------+----+----+----+----+
r = p.substr(
-(7 + 5 + 6 + 4) * (COUNT * Math.random() | 0) -
140778 % (i = 4 * Math.random() | 28),
i % 8);
} while (
// again, a common code fragment for compession
q = '';
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
}) + ')()' + p.slice(-((4 + 5 + 6 + 7) * COUNT));
// extract the source code and execute it periodically. `setInterval` can be
// given a source code string instead of a string, and the interval can be
// omitted for the default 0. in reality browsers will enforce the minimal
// interval, but that interval seems small enough for smooth animation so we
// don't use requestAnimationFrame here.
setInterval(p.slice(t = k = 0, -((4 + 5 + 6 + 7) * COUNT)));
// dump all allowed words for testing
let numWords = 0, numBytes = 0, lines = [];
for (const [length, offset] of [[4, 7+5+6+4], [5, 7+5], [6, 7+5+6], [7, 7]]) {
let words = [];
for (let i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i) {
words.unshift(p.substr(-(7 + 5 + 6 + 4) * i - offset, length));
words = words.filter(s => s.match(/^[a-z]+$/));
const wordsPerLine = 78 / (length + 1) | 0;
for (let i = 0; i < words.length; i += wordsPerLine) {
lines.push(words.slice(i, i + wordsPerLine).join(' '));
numWords += words.length;
numBytes += words.join('').length;
console.log(numWords, numBytes);
// 1022B
// ----------------
// Bonus: Word List
// ----------------
// This word list of 1,903 words was constructed by taking 13th through 664th
// words of lengths 4--7 from the Brotli preset dictionary, that exclusively
// contain lowercase Latin letters. Since the dictionary itself was (thought to
// be) generated from a large corpus of Internet texts, there is some bias
// towards Internet-specific words like `user`, `popup`, `nowrap` etc. It also
// contains some part-of-words-but-not-words like `ation`, `ition` or `pacity`.
// But overall they are mostly genuine English words, probably because
// the cutoff precluded slightly common but not genuine words and most non-
// English words towards the end.
// I initially thought that some manual filtering would be required, like `fuck`
// which is the 760th 4-letter word. But it seems the cutoff is low enough that
// it's the least concern. And honestly speaking, when a word is mirrored and
// a clock is ticking you have no time to think about problematic words ;-)
// just like free work text year over body love form book play live line help
// home side more word long them view find page days full head term each area
// from true mark able upon high date land news even next case both post used
// made hand here what name blog size base held make main user hold ends with
// read were sign take have game seen call path well plus menu film part join
// this list good need ways west jobs mind also logo rich uses last team army
// food king will east ward best fire know away move than load give self note
// much feed many rock icon once look hide died rule host ajax info club laws
// less half some such zone ones care race blue four week face hope gave hard
// lost when park kept pass ship room plan done save keep flag link sold five
// took rate town jump thus dark card file fear stay kill that fall auto ever
// talk shop vote deep mode rest turn born band fell rose skin role come acts
// ages meet gold item vary felt then send drop copy stop else lies tour pack
// past gray mean ride shot late said road feel john rick port fast dead poor
// bill type wood must rank wide want wall lead paul wave sure wait mass arms
// goes gain lang paid lock unit root walk firm wife song test kind rows tool
// font mail safe star maps core rain flow baby span says arts foot real wiki
// heat step trip lake weak told cast fans bank very runs july task goal grew
// slow edge sets soon seat none tube zero sent reed fact into gift harm came
// hill bold zoom void easy ring fill peak init cost jack tags bits roll edit
// knew near grow duty sale lots pain jazz cold eyes fish risk tabs prev rise
// ding ball ford earn wild fair lack vers pair june tech pick evil warm lord
// does pull idea draw huge spot fund burn href cell keys tick hour loss fuel
// suit deal aged grey ease aims girl aids navy grid tips wars lady cars hell
// tall whom hall push chat crew hash flat rare tell camp onto laid miss skip
// tent fine male gets plot cool feet eric most guid bell desc hair math atom
// luck cent tiny gone html sell drug node nick lose null vast wind wear rely
// been same duke nasa cape wish gulf hits slot gate kick blur they msie wins
// bird sort beta seek ords tree mall farm boys bear kids mary tend quad prop
// lift vice andy debt pool neck blow door eval lets fail oral poll nova cols
// gene soft rome till ross pour fade pink mini mine bars hear milk iron fred
// disk went soil puts holy adam sees json cont loop asia moon soul fort cart
// mike nice inch rice pure mage para tone bond tank yard bowl bush jeff cash
// visa golf snow quer sick meat bind dell hire pics rent
// music field order point value level table board house group works years state
// today water start style death power phone night error input about terms title
// tools event local times large words games short space focus clear model block
// guide radio share women again money image names young lines later color green
// front watch force price rules begin after visit issue areas below index total
// hours label print press built links speed study trade found sense under shown
// forms range added still moved taken above flash fixed often other views check
// legal river items quick shape human exist going movie third basic peace stage
// width login ideas wrote pages users drive store break south voice sites month
// where build which earth forum three sport party lower lives class layer entry
// story usage sound court birth popup types apply being upper notes every shows
// means extra match track known early began super paper north learn given named
// ended parts brand using woman false ready audio takes while lived cases daily
// child great judge those units never broad coast cover apple files cycle scene
// plans click write queen piece email frame older photo limit cache civil scale
// enter theme there touch bound royal asked whole since stock faith heart empty
// offer scope owned might album think blood array major trust canon union count
// valid stone happy occur fresh quite films grade needs urban fight basis hover
// route mixed final slide topic brown alone drawn split reach dates march quote
// goods doubt async thumb allow chief youth novel serve until hands query james
// equal twice panel songs round eight shift worth posts leads weeks avoid these
// miles plane smart alpha plant marks rates plays claim sales texts stars wrong
// thing multi heard stand token solid bring ships staff tried calls fully facts
// agent admin egypt cross spent blogs noted leave china sizes guest robot heavy
// seven grand crime signs aware dance phase latin enjoy ation smith holds peter
// india chain score comes doing prior roman lists japan falls trial owner agree
// abuse alert opera cards hills teams truth clean saint metal louis meant proof
// brief genre truck looks makes costs plain adult quest train labor helps cause
// magic motor their least steps could glass sides funds hotel award mouth moves
// paris gives dutch texas fruit ocean floor speak depth banks catch chart align
// deals would parks mouse among brain based carry draft refer meter delay dream
// prove joint drugs april ideal allen exact forth codes logic seems blank ports
// saved goals grant greek homes rings rated whose parse linux jones pixel david
// horse raise boxes ement tower cable henry setup italy sharp minor taste wants
// reset wheel girls clubs stuff bible votes korea bands queue cking ahead clock
// irish ratio stats yahoo finds debug tasks cells prime tells turns spain beach
// taxes micro angel gifts steve mount roger frank feeds scott tests drink lewis
// shall loved waste simon reply meets unter cheap tight dress clips rooms onkey
// mobil plate funny trees wmode param idden virus chair trans worst ition patch
// firms tours asian adobe
// global medium filter number change result public screen choose normal travel
// issues source target spring module mobile switch photos border region itself
// social active column record follow either length family friend layout author
// create review summer server played player expand policy format double points
// series person living design months forces unique weight people energy nature
// search figure having custom offset letter window submit render groups upload
// health method videos school future shadow debate values others rights league
// chrome simple notice shared ending season report online square button images
// enable moving latest winter period strong repeat detail formed demand secure
// passed toggle places device static cities stream yellow attack street flight
// hidden opened useful valley causes leader secret second damage sports except
// rating signed things effect fields states office visual editor volume museum
// movies parent access mostly mother market ground chance survey before symbol
// moment speech motion inside matter object exists middle growth legacy manner
// enough career answer origin portal client select random closed topics coming
// father option simply raised escape chosen church define reason corner output
// memory iframe police models during offers styles killed listed called silver
// margin delete better browse limits single widget center budget nowrap credit
// claims engine safety choice spirit spread making needed russia please extent
// broken allows charge divide factor member theory config around worked helped
// impact should always bottom prefix orange couple garden bridge launch taking
// vision little dating beauty themes forgot anchor almost loaded return string
// reload income supply orders viewed course island cookie amazon modern advice
// dialog houses starts centre height adding assets effort direct nearly manual
// joined awards handle import regard skills nation degree weekly behind doctor
// logged united begins plants assist artist issued canada agency scheme remain
// sample beyond accept served marine camera leaves stress onload loader sister
// surviv listen female appeal levels thanks higher forced animal anyone agreed
// recent wonder prices turned inline sunday failed census minute beacon quotes
// estate remote linked signal formal signup prince papers sounds extend slider
// studio owners manage profit annual params bought famous google longer israel
// saying decide header ensure branch pieces stated racing resize pacity sexual
// bureau obtain titles amount comedy lyrics indeed county looked turkey forest
// giving errors insert footer faster agents pragma friday junior dollar placed
// covers plugin boston avatar tested forums schema filled shares reader appear
// seeing jersey verify expert injury across thread native pocket cancer tables
// proved really driver boards colors campus guitar finish showed assume layers
// wilson stores relief sweden easily taylor resort french though buying brands
// opping sector vspace poster coffee martin mature happen kansas hspace jordan
// miller senior guides ection repair within virgin phones bahasa brasil galego
// magyar polski srpski
// country account created stories results running process writing objects
// visible welcome article unknown network company dynamic browser privacy
// problem respect display request reserve website history friends options
// working version million channel address visited weather correct product
// edirect forward removed subject control archive current reading library
// limited manager further summary machine minutes private context program
// society numbers written enabled trigger sources loading element partner
// finally perfect meaning systems keeping culture journal project surface
// expires reviews balance through opinion contact average primary village
// gallery decline meeting mission popular quality measure general species
// session section writers counter initial reports figures members holding
// dispute earlier express digital picture married traffic leading changed
// central victory reasons studies feature listing schools usually episode
// playing growing obvious overlay present actions wrapper already certain
// reality storage another desktop offered pattern unusual capital failure
// connect reduced decades regular animals release getting methods nothing
// caption letters capture science license changes updated require comment
// warning toolbar remains because elected finance workers quickly between
// exactly setting disease weapons exhibit classes covered outline attacks
// devices purpose killing showing dropped heavily effects confirm advance
// sharing opening drawing billion ordered related include whether defined
// catalog buttons largest uniform journey sidebar holiday passage animate
// feeling arrived passing natural roughly density tribute factors receive
// husband affairs radical brought finding landing leaders planned premium
// package complex looking station believe smaller records similar studied
// maximum heading rapidly climate kingdom emerged amounts founded pioneer
// formula dynasty revenue economy brother soldier largely calling segment
// efforts learned nations applied acquire massive granted treated biggest
// benefit driving minimum perhaps morning selling reverse variant missing
// achieve promote student someone extreme restore evolved sitemap english
// symbols matters musical against serving payment trouble concept compare
// parents players regions monitor winning explore adapted produce ability
// enhance careers collect ancient existed handler printed console exports
// windows illegal neutral suggest signing settled western causing claimed
// chapter victims mozilla promise parties edition outside hundred authors
// reached chronic demands seconds protect adopted prepare neither greatly
// greater overall improve command special worship funding thought highest
// instead utility quarter testing clearly exposed liberal example answers
// allowed defense serious freedom trained prevent observe provide borders
// artists powered perform fiction medical tickets opposed witness justice
// twitter notably waiting warfare ranking phrases mention survive scholar
// ignored strange stopped islands notable carried several becomes wedding
// monarch teacher biology plusone hunting joining circles vehicle crystal
// enjoyed assumed foreign retired however battles seeking cabinet conduct
// happens turning lacking typical extract enemies generat decided beliefs
// located convert violent entered circuit chemist divided mystery falling
// railway college monster descent nuclear protest flowers predict reforms
// lecture instant suicide generic periods markets fishing combine graphic
// winners cookies outcome resolve briefly depicts columns housing scripts
// bearing mapping
// Here is a list of words that are not common English words to my knowledge.
// cont desc eval guid href html init json msie nasa ords para pics prev quer
// vers async ation cking ement idden ition onkey param unter wmode bahasa
// config ection galego hspace iframe lingle nowrap onload opping pacity params
// polski pragma signup srpski surviv vspace edirect generat plusone sitemap
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