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Fan Li lifan0127

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btroncone /
Last active June 26, 2024 08:27
A Comprehensive Introduction to @ngrx/store - Companion to Series

Comprehensive Introduction to @ngrx/store

By: @BTroncone

Also check out my lesson @ngrx/store in 10 minutes on!

Update: Non-middleware examples have been updated to ngrx/store v2. More coming soon!

Table of Contents

pathikrit / SudokuSolver.scala
Last active April 12, 2024 15:00
Sudoku Solver in Scala
val n = 9
val s = Math.sqrt(n).toInt
type Board = IndexedSeq[IndexedSeq[Int]]
def solve(board: Board, cell: Int = 0): Option[Board] = (cell%n, cell/n) match {
case (r, `n`) => Some(board)
case (r, c) if board(r)(c) > 0 => solve(board, cell + 1)
case (r, c) =>
def guess(x: Int) = solve(board.updated(r, board(r).updated(c, x)), cell + 1)
val used = board.indices.flatMap(i => Seq(board(r)(i), board(i)(c), board(s*(r/s) + i/s)(s*(c/s) + i%s)))
hadley /
Created March 13, 2015 18:49
My advise on what you need to do to become a data scientist...

If you were to give recommendations to your "little brother/sister" on things that they need to do to become a data scientist, what would those things be?

I think the "Data Science Venn Diagram" ( is a great place to start. You need three things to be a good data scientist:

  • Statistical knowledge
  • Programming/hacking skills
  • Domain expertise

Statistical knowledge

category value sector
UK production emissions 632 UK
Carbon flows from EU 88 EU
Carbon flows to EU -61 EU
Carbon flows from other Annex 1 82 Annex 1
Carbon flows to other Annex 1 -39 Annex 1
Carbon flows from non-Annex 1 104 Other non-Annex 1
Carbon flows from non-Annex 1 64 China
Carbon flows to non-Annex 1 -25 Non-Annex 1
UK consumption emissions 845 UK
hadley /
Created February 13, 2015 21:32
Advise for teaching an R workshop

I think the two most important messages that people can get from a short course are:

a) the material is important and worthwhile to learn (even if it's challenging), and b) it's possible to learn it!

For those reasons, I usually start by diving as quickly as possible into visualisation. I think it's a bad idea to start by explicitly teaching programming concepts (like data structures), because the pay off isn't obvious. If you start with visualisation, the pay off is really obvious and people are more motivated to push past any initial teething problems. In stat405, I used to start with some very basic templates that got people up and running with scatterplots and histograms - they wouldn't necessary understand the code, but they'd know which bits could be varied for different effects.

Apart from visualisation, I think the two most important topics to cover are tidy data (i.e. + tidyr) and data manipulation (dplyr). These are both important for when people go off and apply

staltz /
Last active September 20, 2024 10:10
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
planetoftheweb / base.css
Last active October 10, 2020 12:35
Base CSS document with google fonts, Eric Meyer's reset.css, Ethan Schoonover's solarized palette and some basic responsive code.
@import url(|Exo+2:300,600);
/* Eric Meyer's Reset CSS v2.0 - */
/* Solarized Palette - ---------
lightgray : #819090;
gray : #70
trestletech / server.R
Last active February 2, 2022 09:47
A Shiny app combining the use of dplyr and SQLite. The goal is to demonstrate a full-fledged, database-backed user authorization framework in Shiny.
# Load libraries and functions needed to create SQLite databases.
saveSQLite <- function(data, name){
path <- dplyr:::db_location(filename=paste0(name, ".sqlite"))