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QuietNoise / G910 Keyboard Fix.ahk
Last active August 29, 2024 13:08
G910 Keyboard Fix for double typing problem
;What does this script do?
;It's a workaround for broken G910 Logitech keyboards (possibly other keyboards too) whereby some keys occasionally register multiple keystrokes for one kkkkkeypress.
;The key bug appears because keyboard registers multiple keystrokes in a very short timespan even though you pressed the key only once.
;This script makes it so the subsequent keystrokes registered in a very short timespan are ignored thus outputing the key only for the first stroke.
;List all your broken keys between quotes below. I.e. if your broken keys are g and f then the line below shoud be
;brokenKeys := "gf"
brokenKeys := "gf"
IAmSuyogJadhav / Transparent drawings in
Created July 10, 2018 09:41
Add transparency to rectangles, circles, polgons, text or any shape drawn in OpenCV.
import cv2
image = cv2.imread('test.jpg')
overlay = image.copy()
x, y, w, h = 10, 10, 10, 10 # Rectangle parameters
cv2.rectangle(overlay, (x, y), (x+w, y+h), (0, 200, 0), -1) # A filled rectangle
alpha = 0.4 # Transparency factor.
# original post:
sudo apt-get purge -y lightdm
sudo shutdown -r now
sudo apt-get clean
sudo apt-get autoclean
apt-get purge -y unity*
sudo apt-get purge -y unity*
sudo apt-get purge -y gnome-*