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lidgnulinux /
Created September 10, 2024 11:51
Menjalankan berkas appimage di lingkungan musl.

Menjalankan Berkas Appimage pada Distro Non-glibc / Musl.


  • Base image / arsip distro yg menggunakan glibc, sebagai contoh kita ambil Ubuntu Noble, Oracular, dll. Base image bisa diunduh di sini .
  • Berkas appimage, kami baru mencoba menjalankan berkas appimage Inkscape.
  • Module fuse, usahakan kita sudah menge-load module fuse.
lidgnulinux / recipe
Created August 26, 2024 01:43
Example of package recipe for dragora distro.
# Build recipe for slurp.
set -e
lidgnulinux /
Last active September 12, 2024 17:17
Install Alpine Linux Via Minirootfs Archive.

Install Alpine Linux Via Minirootfs Archive.


  • Any live usb bootable.
  • Alpine Linux minirootfs archive, we can get it here. We can choose alpine-minirootfs-3.20.2-x86_64.tar.gz.
  • Some partitions, for root system (/), efi (if you have uefi machine) and swap (optional).
  • Basic commandline knowledge.


lidgnulinux /
Last active August 1, 2024 05:39
Experimental way to install fedora via rootfs archive / the arch way. GRUB kind of work.

Experimental way to install fedora via rootfs archive / the arch way.

Don't ever try this if you don't know what you're doing !


  • Any live usb bootable.
  • Fedora rootfs archive, we can get it here. It's better to choose the most update / latest archive.
  • Some partitions, for root system (/), efi (if you have uefi machine) and swap (optional).
  • Basic commandline knowledge.
lidgnulinux /
Created July 28, 2024 01:19
Simple guide for setting static IP.


Hello, couple years ago, I wanted to set and have a static IP, but due lack of knowledge I can't have it. Now I manage to set it and it's kinda work. Here are some methods I'm using.


Netplan (Ubuntu & Debian).

I start with netplan. For netplan I just need to make this configuration :

lidgnulinux /
Last active September 17, 2024 12:53
Install Cosmic Desktop for Ubuntu Oracular, Debian Sid, and Alt Linux.


Download packages

We borrow rpm packages from fedora 40, because we won't build all components ourselves. Download all packages using wget !

$ wget -ci packages.txt
lidgnulinux /
Last active July 3, 2024 03:16
Post-installation guide openbsd.

Openbsd post-installation guide.

  • Boot openbsd from linux's grub.

    We can boot openbsd via linux's grub. These are how we can boot openbsd via linux's grub :

    • Enter grub !
    • Press "c" to enter grub shell !
    • List all partitions using ls command !
  • Because I install openbsd at /dev/sda1, so my partition will be shown as "hd0,msdos1".

lidgnulinux / dhcpcd
Created June 4, 2024 02:30
Example of wpasupplicant & dhcpcd service file for dinit.
# dhcpcd service
type = process
command = /usr/bin/dhcpcd -B -M -j /var/log/dhcpcd-service.log wlp3s0
before =
depends-on =
restart = true
logfile = /var/log/dhcpcd.log
lidgnulinux /
Created May 20, 2024 02:46
Show list of window(s) for wayland compositor. The compositor may need to implement foreign-toplevel protocol.
window_list=$(wlrctl toplevel list | awk '{ print substr($0, index($0,$2)) }')
selected=$(echo "$window_list" | wofi -d)
wlrctl toplevel focus title:"$selected"
# Note :
# We need to use "title" rather than "app_id" to avoid window with same app_id.
lidgnulinux /
Created May 20, 2024 02:09
Print second column to last column using awk.

Using awk to print second column to last column.

$ echo "first second third N69 NeNN" | awk '{ print substr($0, index($0,$2)) }'

The output will be :

second third N69 NeNN