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Created January 27, 2020 00:29
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instaparse parser for CONLLU format
(ns erracle.conll.parse
(:require [ :as io]
[instaparse.core :as insta]))
(def conllu-parser
;; This is a parser for the CONLL-U format. Only the vanilla 10 columns are supported.
;; This aims to be complete for the specification as it existed in January 2020.
;; The result is this parser is a seq of 11-item vectors, the first being a keyword
;; indicating the line's type, and the remaining columns containing the CONLLU data.
;; Cf.
;; This parser does not enforce certain constraints, e.g. that feature names
;; conform to the pattern #'[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9a-z]*(\\[[a-z0-9]+\\])?'
<file> ::= line*
<line> ::= comment-line
| token-line
| supertoken-line
| ellipsis-line
| <empty-line>
<EOL> ::= <#'\\r\\n'>
| <#'\\r'>
| <#'\\n'>
| <#'\\Z'> (* \\Z means EOF *)
(* cool [^\\S\\r\\n] pattern from *)
empty-line ::= #'[^\\S\\r\\n]*' EOL
comment-line ::= #'#[^\\n]*' EOL
token-line ::= id-token <'\t'> 9-columns EOL
supertoken-line ::= id-supertoken <'\t'> 9-columns EOL
ellipsis-line ::= id-ellipsis <'\t'> 9-columns EOL
(* columns ****************************************************************************)
(* column 1 used to differentiate lines: supertoken, ellipsis, and token lines are all
* distinguished based on their IDs.
id-token ::= #'\\d+'
id-supertoken ::= #'\\d+-\\d+'
id-ellipsis ::= #'\\d+\\.\\d+'
<9-columns> ::= form
<'\t'> lemma
<'\t'> upos
<'\t'> xpos
<'\t'> feats
<'\t'> head
<'\t'> deprel
<'\t'> deps
<'\t'> misc
<underscore-or-not-tab> ::= '_' | #'[^\t]+'
<underscore-or-not-tab-or-whitespace> ::= '_' | #'[^\t\\s]+'
<underscore-or-digits> ::= '_' | #'\\d+'
form ::= underscore-or-not-tab
lemma ::= underscore-or-not-tab
upos ::= underscore-or-not-tab-or-whitespace
xpos ::= underscore-or-not-tab-or-whitespace
head ::= underscore-or-digits
deprel ::= underscore-or-not-tab-or-whitespace
(* e.g., `Case=Nom|NumType=Card` *)
feats ::= '_' | feat-list
<feat-list> ::= ε | feat feat-tail
<feat-tail> ::= ε | <'|'> feat feat-tail
feat ::= #'\\w+' <'='> #'\\w+'
deps ::= '_' | dep-list
<dep-list> ::= ε | dep dep-tail
<dep-tail> ::= ε | <'|'> dep dep-tail
dep ::= #'\\d+' <':'> #'\\w+'
misc ::= '_' | misc-list
<misc-list> ::= ε | misc-item misc-tail
<misc-tail> ::= ε | <'|'> misc-item misc-tail
misc-item ::= #'\\w+' <'='> #'\\w+'
(conllu-parser "
[:id-token "5"]
[:form "form"]
[:lemma "lemma"]
[:upos "upos"]
[:xpos "xpos"]
[:feats [:feat "A" "B"]]
[:head "1"]
[:deprel "qwe"]
[:deps "_"]
[:misc "_"]]
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