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Created January 25, 2020 06:18
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defnode macro
(defmacro defnode
"This macro defines a new node type. To do this, it does several things:
(1) Defines specs for a new node type. Specifically, it creates a new spec for:
- each additional attribute
- the entire attribute map with the built-in ::id, ::type, and ::labels keys
- the id-attribute vector pair used to add a node to ubergraph
(2) Defines a function make-name-symbol-pair (e.g. make-text-source-pair) that
takes an id argument and any additional arguments and returns an id-attr pair for
use with ubergraph.
`name-symbol`: a symbol that will be used for the node's type
`addtl-attrs`: a map from unqualified keywords to predicates"
[name-symbol addtl-attrs]
;; example: expanded call to (defnode text-source {:text string?}):
;; (do
;; (clojure.spec.alpha/def :halite.node.text-source.attrs/text string?)
;; (clojure.spec.alpha/def
;; :halite.node.text-source/attrs
;; (clojure.spec.alpha/keys
;; :req-un
;; [:halite.core-alt/id
;; :halite.core-alt/type
;; :halite.core-alt/labels
;; :halite.node.text-source.attrs/text]))
;; (clojure.spec.alpha/def
;; :halite.node/text-source
;; (clojure.spec.alpha/cat
;; :id
;; :halite.core-alt/id
;; :attrs
;; :halite.node.text-source/attrs))
;; (clojure.core/defn
;; make-text-source-pair
;; [id text]
;; [id {:id id, :type :text-source, :labels {}, :text text}]))
;; this does a LOT of things! Throughout these comments, I'll suppose our example input is
;; as if we had invoked the macro this way: `(defnode text-source {:text string?})`
(let [node-base-namespace (str BASE_NAMESPACE ".node") ;; "halite.node"
node-namespace (str node-base-namespace "." name-symbol) ;; "halite.node.text-source"
attr-namespace (str node-namespace ".attrs") ;; "halite.node.text-source.attrs"
;; function for taking a keyword and namespacing it against attr-namespace
;; ex: `(attr-keyword :text)` => `:halite.node.text-source.attrs/text`
attr-keyword #(keyword attr-namespace (name %))
;; a spec def for each additional attribute
;; ex: `(s/def :halite.node.text-source.attrs/text string?)
attr-defs (for [[k pred] addtl-attrs]
`(s/def ~(attr-keyword k) ~pred))
;; namespaced versions of the additional attr keys--we'll need these to register
;; specs with them
;; ex: `'(:halite.node.text-source.attrs/text)`
nsed-addtl-attr-keys (->> addtl-attrs keys (map attr-keyword))
;; properly namespaced spec keywords for every attribute
;; ex: `[::id ::type ::labels :halite.node.text-source.attrs/text]`
all-attr-keys (into [::id ::type ::labels] nsed-addtl-attr-keys)
;; args: the argument vector (of symbols) for the `make-` function
;; ex: `'[id text]`
addtl-args (->> addtl-attrs
(map name)
(map symbol))
args (into ['id] addtl-args)]
;; spec all the additional attributes using the map
;; (need to define attr-keyword# since attr-keyword is not available at runtime)
;; ex: `(s/def :halite.node.text-source.attrs/text string?)`
;; spec the attrs map containing all the attributes
;; ex: `(s/def
;; :halite.node.text-source/attrs
;; (s/keys :req-un [::id ::type ::labels :halite.node.text-source.attrs/text]))`
~(keyword node-namespace "attrs")
(s/keys :req-un ~all-attr-keys))
;; spec the [id, attrs] vector we'll use with ubergraph
;; ex: `(s/def
;; :halite.node/text-source
;; (s/cat :id ::id :attrs :halite.node.text-source/attrs))`
~(keyword node-base-namespace (str name-symbol))
(s/cat :id ::id
:attrs ~(keyword node-namespace "attrs")))
(defn ~(symbol (str "make-" (str name-symbol) "-pair"))
~(into {:id 'id
:type (keyword name-symbol)
:labels {}}
(for [s addtl-args]
[(keyword s) s]))])
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