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Created December 2, 2017 21:51
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Place override in flow-typed/npm/react-apollo_vx.x.x.js and ignore shipped types using .flowconfig
import type {
} from 'apollo-client';
import type { Store } from 'redux';
import type { DocumentNode, VariableDefinitionNode } from 'graphql';
import type { Component } from 'react';
import { compose } from 'redux';
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
declare module 'react-apollo' {
declare export { gql, compose };
declare export interface ProviderProps {
store?: Store<*, *>;
client: ApolloClient;
declare export class ApolloProvider extends React$Component<ProviderProps> {
childContextTypes: {
store: Store<*, *>,
client: ApolloClient,
contextTypes: {
store: Store<*, *>,
getChildContext(): {
store: Store<*, *>,
client: ApolloClient,
render(): React$Element<*>;
declare export type MutationFunc<TResult> = (
opts: MutationOpts,
) => Promise<ApolloQueryResult<TResult>>;
declare export type ChildProps<P, R> = {
data: QueryProps & R,
mutate: MutationFunc<R>,
} & P;
// back compat
declare export type DefaultChildProps<P, R> = ChildProps<P, R>;
declare export interface MutationOpts {
variables?: Object;
optimisticResponse?: Object;
updateQueries?: MutationQueryReducersMap<*>;
refetchQueries?: string[] | PureQueryOptions[];
update?: MutationUpdaterFn<*>;
declare export interface QueryOpts {
ssr?: boolean;
variables?: Object;
fetchPolicy?: FetchPolicy;
pollInterval?: number;
skip?: boolean;
declare export interface QueryProps {
error?: ApolloError;
networkStatus: number;
loading: boolean;
variables: Object;
fetchMore: (
fetchMoreOptions: FetchMoreQueryOptions & FetchMoreOptions,
) => Promise<ApolloQueryResult<any>>;
refetch: (variables?: Object) => Promise<ApolloQueryResult<any>>;
startPolling: (pollInterval: number) => void;
stopPolling: () => void;
subscribeToMore: (options: SubscribeToMoreOptions) => () => void;
updateQuery: (
mapFn: (previousQueryResult: any, options: UpdateQueryOptions) => any,
) => void;
declare export interface OptionProps<TProps, TResult> {
ownProps: TProps;
data: QueryProps & TResult;
mutate: MutationFunc<TResult>;
declare export type OptionDescription<P> = (props: P) => QueryOpts | MutationOpts;
declare export type NamedProps<P, R> = P & {
ownProps: R,
declare export interface OperationOption<TProps: {}, TResult: {}> {
options?: OptionDescription<TProps>;
props?: (props: OptionProps<TProps, TResult>) => any;
+skip?: boolean | ((props: any) => boolean);
name?: string;
withRef?: boolean;
shouldResubscribe?: (props: TProps, nextProps: TProps) => boolean;
alias?: string;
declare export interface OperationComponent<
TResult: Object = {},
TOwnProps: Object = {},
TMergedProps = ChildProps<TOwnProps, TResult>,
> {
(component: React$ComponentType<TOwnProps>): React$ComponentType<TOwnProps>;
declare export function graphql<TResult, TProps, TChildProps>(
document: DocumentNode,
operationOptions?: OperationOption<TProps, TResult>,
): OperationComponent<TResult, TProps, TChildProps>;
declare export function withApollo<TProps>(
component: React$ComponentType<TProps & ApolloClient>,
): React$ComponentType<TProps & ApolloClient>;
declare export interface IDocumentDefinition {
type: DocumentType;
name: string;
variables: VariableDefinitionNode[];
declare export function parser(document: DocumentNode): IDocumentDefinition;
declare export interface Context {
client?: ApolloClient;
store?: Store<*, *>;
[key: string]: any;
declare export interface QueryTreeArgument {
rootElement: React$Element<*>;
rootContext?: Context;
declare export interface QueryResult {
query: Promise<ApolloQueryResult<mixed>>;
element: React$Element<*>;
context: Context;
declare export function walkTree(
element: React$Element<*>,
context: Context,
visitor: (
element: React$Element<*>,
instance: any,
context: Context,
) => boolean | void,
): void;
declare export function getDataFromTree(
rootElement: React$Element<*>,
rootContext?: any,
fetchRoot?: boolean,
): Promise<void>;
declare export function renderToStringWithData(
component: React$Element<*>,
): Promise<string>;
declare export function cleanupApolloState(apolloState: any): void;
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