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Created December 20, 2018 01:56
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#lang racket
(define/contract (syntax-armed? stx)
(-> syntax? boolean?)
(define (tainted? v)
(and (syntax? v) (syntax-tainted? v)))
(or (syntax-tainted? stx)
(match (syntax-e stx)
[(list* as ... b)
(or (ormap tainted? as) (tainted? b))]
[(vector as ...)
(ormap tainted? as)]
[(hash-table [ks vs] ...)
(ormap tainted? vs)]
[(? prefab-struct-key (app struct->vector (vector _ as ...)))
(ormap tainted? as)]
[(box a)
(tainted? a)]
[_ #f])))
(define/contract (call-with-disarmed-syntax stx proc
#:use-mode? [use-mode? #f]
#:failure-proc [failure-proc #f])
(->* [(and/c syntax? (not/c syntax-tainted?))
(-> (and/c syntax? (not/c syntax-armed?))
(and/c syntax? (not/c syntax-tainted?)))]
[#:use-mode? any/c
#:failure-proc (-> any)]
(let ([disarmed-stx (syntax-disarm stx #f)])
(if (syntax-armed? disarmed-stx)
(if failure-proc
(raise-arguments-error 'call-with-disarmed-syntax "could not disarm syntax object"
"syntax object" stx))
(syntax-rearm (proc disarmed-stx) stx use-mode?))))
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