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Created July 17, 2023 08:22
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Adyen 4.5.0 encryption
* Adyen 4.5.0 encryption by
* This code is a rough implementation and can be improved in some places.
* Read comments throughout the code for more information.
const jose = require('node-jose');
// Parse the key from the string found in securedFields.html ("10001|...")
async function parseKey(t) {
// These two functions can probably be replaced with something cleaner
// to: URL-safe base64 encode?
// ro: hex decode
function to(e) {
return function(e) {
var t = e;
for (var r = [], n = 0; n < t.length; n += 32768)
r.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, t.subarray(n, n + 32768)));
return btoa(r.join(""))
}(e).replace(/=/g, "").replace(/\+/g, "-").replace(/\//g, "_")
function ro(e) {
if (!e)
return new Uint8Array(0);
e.length % 2 == 1 && (e = "0" + e);
for (var t = e.length / 2, r = new Uint8Array(t), n = 0; n < t; n++)
r[n] = parseInt(e.substr(2 * n, 2), 16);
return r
const r = t.split("|"); // Key parts
const n = r[0]; // Exponent
const o = r[1]; // RSA public key
const i = ro(n);
const a = ro(o);
const c = to(i);
const s = to(a);
return jose.JWK.asKey({
kty: "RSA",
kid: "asf-key", // kid used in Adyen script
e: c,
n: s
// Encrypt fieldName with value and generationTime with the given pubKey
// Valid field names:
// - number
// - expiryMonth
// - expiryYear
// - cvc
async function encrypt(pubKey, fieldName, value, generationTime) {
// ISO string without milliseconds
const formattedGenerationTime = generationTime.toISOString().split('.')[0]+"Z";
let data;
switch (fieldName) {
case "number":
data = {
"number": value,
"activate": "3",
"deactivate": "1",
"generationtime": formattedGenerationTime,
"numberBind": "1",
"numberFieldBlurCount": "1",
"numberFieldClickCount": "1",
"numberFieldFocusCount": "3",
"numberFieldKeyCount": "2",
"numberFieldLog": "fo@5956,cl@5960,bl@5973,fo@6155,fo@6155,Md@6171,KL@6173,pa@6173",
"numberFieldPasteCount": "1",
"referrer": ""
case "expiryMonth":
data = {
"expiryMonth": value,
"generationtime": formattedGenerationTime
case "expiryYear":
data = {
"expiryYear": value,
"generationtime": formattedGenerationTime
case "cvc":
data = {
"activate": "1",
"cvc": value,
"cvcBind": "1",
"cvcFieldClickCount": "1",
"cvcFieldFocusCount": "2",
"cvcFieldKeyCount": "4",
"cvcFieldLog": "fo@20328,fo@20328,cl@20329,KN@20344,KN@20347,KN@20349,KN@20351",
"generationtime": formattedGenerationTime,
"referrer": ""
throw new Error("Invalid fieldName " + fieldName);
return jose.JWE.createEncrypt(
format: "compact",
contentAlg: "A256CBC-HS512",
fields: {
alg: "RSA-OAEP",
enc: "A256CBC-HS512",
version: "1" // additional field added by Adyen
{key: pubKey, reference: false} // don't include "kid" field in header
(async () => {
// Obtain key from securedFields.html
const key = await parseKey("10001|E9299A45B34AE878855F3E66136B461664F519E85F36E59B505CD6590311FE96BAF50830BED460FE6EB8AD39B3E4BFCF5028A33A64C518E3BC13F23E49CE9C68B13A3ED9BB9233C166A7572755E62CB67AAF7A6AFC1070CAD7FF3F6FD8C070168FC6ED31E81F3DE10A93D6A9494F9D24900F1499D95264E66E3DC357B4628E02A6DF0ED37196539309AB0B1EA7EEB2BD67452B16289452D617C687867981C3570E0C43C51EB273154011D53F09B2B2E1AAD41B13B686A861D2C095DFEA258AD589AE482CAF9B05EFFF1C16EF182D67CA459B6EBD00E63F170307B56237A6C8AE593EFAD9E58AEC7D560B41B3412DD7D5E64B76BFEF75354DC52BD2138B77F279");//await jose.JWK.createKey("RSA", 2048);
// generationTime should be the same for the entire object
// Note: the "live_" string needs to be replaced with the key
// of the site you're using, you should probably add it as a
// parameter to the encrypt function.
// encrypt function doesn't support objects over individual fields,
// but can be added easily.
const generationTime = new Date;
// Encrypt data
const data = await Promise.all([
encrypt(key, "number", "3700 000000 00002", generationTime),
encrypt(key, "expiryMonth", "03", generationTime),
encrypt(key, "expiryYear", "2030", generationTime),
encrypt(key, "cvc", "7474", generationTime)
// Print object (this may differ on some sites)
"type": "scheme",
holderName: "",
"encryptedCardNumber": data[0],
"encryptedSecurityCode": data[3],
"encryptedExpiryYear": data[2],
"encryptedExpiryMonth": data[1],
// Get this from the HTTP request
"checkoutAttemptId": "e1d2565b-49bc-4915-9366-3466088d327e16894362531752950F9D0E62A4448B2F8C1AA01EA010CFEDB377CADEC53EC9F67333B14A8FF19"
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Annnekkk commented Sep 8, 2023

You should change
var t = e; for (var r = [], n = 0; n < t.length; n += 32768) r.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, t.subarray(n, n + 32768))); return btoa(r.join(""))

var t=e; return Buffer.from(t).toString(‘base64’)

it work same but without any error, I tested

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grmango commented Jun 4, 2024

You should change var t = e; for (var r = [], n = 0; n < t.length; n += 32768) r.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, t.subarray(n, n + 32768))); return btoa(r.join(""))

to var t=e; return Buffer.from(t).toString(‘base64’)

it work same but without any error, I tested

nice, thank u vẻy much . it's help me a lot

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