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Created May 8, 2023 00:09
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If your creep needs to find...
(can be accessed as creep.pos, or any other RoomPosition)
creep.pos.findClosestByRange(type, options) -- returns one object, type is FIND_xx, for example: target = creep.pos.findClosestByRange(FIND_MY_SPAWNS);
creep.pos.findClosestByPath(type, options) -- as above, but more CPU costly (searches by real path, not distance)
creep.pos.findInRange(type, range, options) -- array, type is FIND_xx. Searches in square. All 8 adjacent tiles to creep are in range 1
creep.pos.lookFor(type) -- array of objects that are at same position as creep. Type is LOOK_xx, for example LOOK_CONSTRUCTION_SITES
(can be accessed as, or any other Room), options) -- array, type is FIND_xx, for example FIND_DROPPED_RESOURCES. Options can have filter - as a function or object, like, { filter: { structureType: STRUCTURE_EXTENSION } });, { filter: (s) => s.structureType==STRUCTURE_EXTENSION; });, x, y) -- array, type is LOOK_xx, for example, 10, 10 )
If you need info of creep: -- obvious
creep.body -- array, like [WORK, WORK, ...]
creep.carry -- object, like, creep.carry[RESOURCE_ZYNTHIUM]
creep.carryCapacity -- maximum amount of all resources able to carry
creep.hits, creep.hitsMax -- current / max hit points,, -- position properties: x, y, room
creep.pos.getRangeTo(target) -- returns linear range to something. can be getRangeTo(x,y)
If you need info of room:
(can be accessed as, for example) -- how much energy available to spawn creep -- name, like 'E1N1'. -- room's StructureStorage, if built
If your mastermind needs info:
Game.constructionSites -- hashmap, key is id, value is construction site
Game.creeps -- hashmap, key is name, value is Creep. Usage for example Game.creeps['Vincent']
Game.flags -- hashmap, key is name, value is Flag. Usage: Game.flags.MyFlag1 or Game.flags['MyFlag1']
Game.rooms -- hashmap, only rooms available (having your structure or creep, excluding walls, roads, containers)
Game.time -- tick counter
Actions for your creep:
creep.attack(target) -- attacks target (each ATTACK part does 30dmg in one tick)
creep.attack(build) -- builds a Construction Site
creep.claimController(target) -- tries to take ownage of target neutral controller (referenced as (creep.) room.controller)
creep.harvest(target) -- harvests Source or Mineral -- repairs a structure (each WORK part repairs a structure for 100 hits in one tick which costs 1 energy)
creep.transfer(target, RESOURCE_xxx, amount) -- transfer specific amount of resource, like RESOURCE_ENERGY. Careful, we can't transfer more than target has storage
creep.upgradeController(target) -- transfers energy into controller
creep.moveTo(target) -- moves to target Object, position, or moveTo(x,y)
creep.spawning -- when Creep is not yet alive, this will be true
creep.ticksToLive -- how many ticks till creep dies
creep.say -- displays short message on top of creep for you (max 10 characters) -- the room's Controller
Game.getObjectById(id) -- returns object by its ID (you will use it when storing something in Memory - you can't store Object, but you can store id)
-construction site's id is different from the completed building's later on
-using FIND_MY_STRUCTURES you will not get walls, roads, containers
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