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Last active July 13, 2019 17:19
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Various ways to get a current timestamp or convert a timestamp to a `datetime`
#!/usr/bin/env python3
I spent way too much time messing with timestamps.
A timestamp is the number of seconds elapsed since the epoch.
A unix timestamp uses the unix epoch, which is defined as
* the `datetime` module handles two different types of datetimes:
1. "naive" times don't know their timezone
2. "aware" times do know their timezone
* most functions treat a naive time as a local time
* `datetime.utcnow()` is evil: it creates a naive time that is not local time
* ditto for `datetime.utcfromtimestamp()`
* use `` or `datetime.fromtimestamp(t,UTC)` instead
* avoid using naive times
import time
from datetime import datetime as DT
from datetime import timezone
UTC = timezone.utc
EPOCH = DT.fromtimestamp(0,UTC)
TEMPLATE ="{:24} {:10d} {:32} {:32} {:32}"
print("Unix epoch:",EPOCH.isoformat())
def prtime(label,dt,template=TEMPLATE):
ts = round(dt.timestamp())
plain = dt.isoformat()
local = dt.astimezone().isoformat()
utc = dt.astimezone(UTC).isoformat()
def mktime(label,func,*args,**kw):
dt = func(*args,**kw)
return dt
now = time.time()
rnow = round(now)
dates = [ mktime(*args) for args in
# naive. wrong unless local time is UTC
# correct, but naive
# correct and aware
# naive. wrong unless local time is UTC
# correct, but naive
# correct and aware
# these should all represent approximately the same time
for d in dates:
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note that utcfromtimestamp() has the same problem as utcnow()

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