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1.Enterprise Architecture


20170427 企业IT架构转型之道:阿里巴巴中台战略思想与架构实战 Kindle电子书,

20190801 中台战略:中台建设与数字商业, Kindle,

20190701 企业级业务架构设计:方法论与实践 (架构师书库,


  • p33, value stream / capability cross mapping


Software architect: hard skills needed

  • Unified Modeling Language (UML)
  • Searching for candidates with a deep knowledge of one or more programming languages essential to the business to support their long-term goals strategically. This could be anything: Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, Rust, Go, C, or even COBOL.
  • Manage software development practices in a collaborative and agile fashion.

Software Architect: soft skills needed,

  • Leadership
  • Problem-Solving & Conflict Resolution
  • Communication
  • Coaching & Inspiration
  • Organization
  • Prioritizing
  • Detailed Thinking
  • Creative Thinking

★★★ Enterprise architecture 101 (includes numerous samples/templates),
A channel with visuals on EA approaches and EA processes created on Dragon1

Building a strong Data Management capability with TOGAF and ArchiMate, EN,
Enterprise Architecture for Dummies - TOGAF 9 enterprise architecture overview, EN,

Togaf 9.1 basic concepts

★★★ TOGAF Model using Archimate,

TOGAF Learning Resources,

TOGAF 9 - 袖珍指南,


How To Become An Outstanding Solution Architect (NT:600),

New for 9.2! Part 1 Foundation Certification Training,

1.5. Avancier

Harmonising TOGAF concepts with ArchiMate – slide show,

####Harmonising TOGAF concepts with ArchiMate - paper

####Harmonising TOGAF diagram types with ArchiMate – slide show

####TOGAF & ArchiMate summaries & analyses ; Architecture Frameworks: TOGAF, ArchiMate, Zachman & DoDAF; ,,%20DoDAF%20and%20Zachman.htm

####★★★ TOGAF diagrams mapped to ArchiMate 2.1 and 3.0 Viewpoints,

####TOGAF building blocks & services,

####Building blocks and services Part2 – more detailed analysis,

1.6.Van Haren

ArchiMate® 3.0.1 – in 3 minutes

#####An Introduction to the ArchiMate® 3.0 Specification

The TOGAF framework and the ArchiMate language overlap in their use of viewpoints, and the concept of an underlying common repository of architectural artifacts and models. Therefore, they have a firm common foundation. The two standards complement each other with respect to the definition of an Enterprise Architecture development process (the TOGAF standard) and the definition of an Enterprise Architecture modeling language (the ArchiMate standard). The ArchiMate 3.0 Specification supports modeling many of the architectural building blocks encountered throughout the phases of the TOGAF ADM.


4 Generic Metamodel

5 Relationships

5.2 Dependency Relationships

  • The serving relationship represents a control dependency, denoted by a solid line.
  • The access relationship represents a data dependency, denoted by a dashed line.
  • The influence relationship is the weakest type of dependency, used to model how motivation elements are influenced by other elements.

8. Business Layer

9 Application Layer

9.5 Summary of Application Layer Elements, ★★★,

A Summary of Language Notation

A.1 Core Elements

A.2 Motivation, Strategy, Implementation and Migration Elements

A.3 Relationships

B Relationship Tables

  • (a)ccess (c)omposition (f)low a(g)gregation ass(i)gnment
  • i(n)fluence ass(o)ciation (r)ealization (s)pecialization (t)riggering ser(v)ing

C Example Viewpoints (Informative)

C.1 Basic Viewpoints in ArchiMate

C.1.1 Organization Viewpoint
C.1.2 Business Process Cooperation Viewpoint
C.1.3 Product Viewpoint
C.1.4 Application Cooperation Viewpoint
C.1.5 Application Usage Viewpoint
C.1.6 Implementation and Deployment Viewpoint
C.1.7 Technology Viewpoint
C.1.8 Technology Usage Viewpoint
C.1.9 Information Structure Viewpoint
C.1.10 Service Realization Viewpoint
C.1.11 Physical Viewpoint
C.1.12 Layered Viewpoint

C.2 Motivation Viewpoints

C.2.1 Stakeholder Viewpoint
C.2.2 Goal Realization Viewpoint
C.2.3 Requirements Realization Viewpoint
C.2.4 Motivation Viewpoint

C.3 Strategy Viewpoints

C.3.1 Strategy Viewpoint
C.3.2 Capability Map Viewpoint
C.3.3 Outcome Realization Viewpoint
C.3.4 Resource Map Viewpoint

C.4 Implementation and Migration Viewpoints

C.4.1 Project Viewpoint
C.4.2 Migration Viewpoint
C.4.3 Implementation and Migration Viewpoint
C.4 Implementation and Migration Viewpoints
8.4 Standard Viewpoints in ArchiMate
8.4.14 Implementation and Deployment Viewpoint ★★★


★★ Case Study


ArchiMate 3.0 A New Standard for Architecture -The Open Group Austin Event, July 2016

3.Archi Tool

  • An open source modelling toolkit to create ArchiMate models and sketches. Used by thousands of Enterprise Architects throughout the world.

4.Visual Paradigm


2.2 What is Architecture in the Context of the TOGAF Standard?

The TOGAF standard embraces but does not strictly adhere to ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011 terminology. In addition to the ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011 definition of "architecture", the TOGAF standard defines a second meaning depending upon the context:

"The structure of components, their inter-relationships, and the principles and guidelines governing their design and evolution over time."

9.1 Objectives

The objectives of the Data Architecture part of Phase C are to:

  • Develop the Target Data Architecture that enables the Business Architecture and the Architecture Vision, in a way that addresses the Statement of Architecture Work and stakeholder concerns
  • Identify candidate Architecture Roadmap components based upon gaps between the Baseline and Target Data Architectures
9.3 Steps

The steps in Phase C (Data Architecture) are as follows:

9.3.1 Select Reference Models, Viewpoints, and Tools

9.3.2 Develop Baseline Data Architecture Description

9.3.3 Develop Target Data Architecture Description

9.3.4 Perform Gap Analysis

9.3.5 Define Candidate Roadmap Components

9.3.6 Resolve Impacts Across the Architecture Landscape

9.3.7 Conduct Formal Stakeholder Review

9.3.8 Finalize the Data Architecture

9.3.9 Create the Architecture Definition Document

10.1 Objectives

The objectives of the Application Architecture part of Phase C are to:

  • Develop the Target Application Architecture that enables the Business Architecture and the Architecture Vision, in a way that addresses the Statement of Architecture Work and stakeholder concerns
  • Identify candidate Architecture Roadmap components based upon gaps between the Baseline and Target Application Architectures
10.3 Steps

The level of detail addressed in Phase C will depend on the scope and goals of the overall architecture effort.

New application building blocks being introduced as part of this effort will need to be defined in detail during Phase C. Existing application building blocks to be carried over and supported in the target environment may already have been adequately defined in previous architectural work; but, if not, they too will need to be defined in Phase C.

The order of the steps in this phase as well as the time at which they are formally started and completed should be adapted to the situation at hand in accordance with the established Architecture Governance. In particular, determine whether in this situation it is appropriate to conduct Baseline Description or Target Architecture development first, as described in Part III, 18. Applying Iteration to the ADM .

All activities that have been initiated in these steps should be closed during the Finalize the Application Architecture step (see 10.3.8 Finalize the Application Architecture). The documentation generated from these steps must be formally published in the Create the Architecture Definition Document step (see 10.3.9 Create the Architecture Definition Document).

The steps in Phase C (Application Architecture) are as follows:

10.3.1 Select Reference Models, Viewpoints, and Tools

10.3.2 Develop Baseline Application Architecture Description

10.3.3 Develop Target Application Architecture Description

10.3.4 Perform Gap Analysis

10.3.5 Define Candidate Roadmap Components

10.3.6 Resolve Impacts Across the Architecture Landscape

10.3.7 Conduct Formal Stakeholder Review

10.3.8 Finalize the Application Architecture

10.3.9 Create the Architecture Definition Document

  • Develop the Target Technology Architecture that enables the Architecture Vision, target business, data, and application building blocks to be delivered through technology components and technology services, in a way that addresses the Statement of Architecture Work and stakeholder concerns
  • Identify candidate Architecture Roadmap components based upon gaps between the Baseline and Target Technology Architectures

11.3.1 Select Reference Models, Viewpoints, and Tools

11.3.2 Develop Baseline Technology Architecture Description

11.3.3 Develop Target Technology Architecture Description

11.3.4 Perform Gap Analysis

11.3.5 Define Candidate Roadmap Components

11.3.6 Resolve Impacts Across the Architecture Landscape

11.3.7 Conduct Formal Stakeholder Review

11.3.8 Finalize the Technology Architecture

11.3.9 Create the Architecture Definition Document

  • Generate the initial complete version of the Architecture Roadmap, based upon the gap analysis and candidate Architecture Roadmap components from Phases B, C, and D
  • Determine whether an incremental approach is required, and if so identify Transition Architectures that will deliver continuous business value
  • Define the overall solution building blocks to finalize the Target Architecture based on the Architecture Building Blocks (ABBs)

12.3.1 Determine/Confirm Key Corporate Change Attributes

12.3.2 Determine Business Constraints for Implementation

12.3.3 Review and Consolidate Gap Analysis Results from Phases B to D

12.3.4 Review Consolidated Requirements Across Related Business Functions

12.3.5 Consolidate and Reconcile Interoperability Requirements

12.3.6 Refine and Validate Dependencies

12.3.7 Confirm Readiness and Risk for Business Transformation

12.3.8 Formulate Implementation and Migration Strategy

12.3.9 Identify and Group Major Work Packages

12.3.10 Identify Transition Architectures

12.3.11 Create the Architecture Roadmap & Implementation and Migration Plan

32.1 Introduction: Deliverables produced by executing the ADM are shown in the table below.
42.5 Architecture Compliance Review Checklists
  • 42.5.1 Hardware and Operating System Checklist
  • 42.5.2 Software Services and Middleware Checklist
  • 42.5.3 Applications Checklists

TOGAF 8.1 Standard

Reference Architecture


Cloud Computing Publications

Internet of Things Publications

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