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Last active May 15, 2019 18:21
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Object.setPrototypeOf(Array.prototype, new Int8Array(0));
const a = [];
a[0] = 4;
`a[0] = 4;`
[[Set]] ( P, V, Receiver )
1. Return ? OrdinarySet(O, P, V, Receiver).
OrdinarySet ( O, P, V, Receiver )
2. Let ownDesc be ? O.[[GetOwnProperty]](P).
3. Return OrdinarySetWithOwnDescriptor(O, P, V, Receiver, ownDesc).
[[GetOwnProperty]] ( P )
1. Return ! OrdinaryGetOwnProperty(O, P).
OrdinaryGetOwnProperty ( O, P )
2. If O does not have an own property with key P, return undefined.
OrdinarySetWithOwnDescriptor ( O, P, V, Receiver, ownDesc )
2. If ownDesc is undefined, then
a. Let parent be ? O.[[GetPrototypeOf]]().
b. If parent is not null, then
i. Return ? parent.[[Set]](P, V, Receiver).
--- [[Set]] ( P, V, Receiver ) (Integer-indexed exotic objects)
2. If Type(P) is String, then
a. Let numericIndex be ! CanonicalNumericIndexString(P).
b. If numericIndex is not undefined, then
i. Return ? IntegerIndexedElementSet(O, numericIndex, V).
IntegerIndexedElementSet ( O, index, value )
5. If IsInteger(index) is false, return false.
6. If index = -0, return false.
7. Let length be O.[[ArrayLength]].
8. If index < 0 or index length, return false. // End of the line, `a[0] = 4;` returns false. Without setting anything.
`a[0]` is `undefined`; `+undefined` is `NaN`;
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