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Created April 24, 2023 07:51
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Generated by XState Viz:
// Available variables:
// - Machine
// - interpret
// - assign
// - send
// - sendParent
// - spawn
// - raise
// - actions
// - XState (all XState exports)
const fetchMachine = Machine(
id: 'setup',
initial: 'login',
context: {
isExitModalVisible: false,
exitConfirmed: false,
exitReason: undefined
states: {
login: {
on: {
LOADING: 'inProgress.waiting',
target: 'exiting',
actions: ['rememberExitReason']
inProgress: {
states: {
waiting: {
initial: 'idle',
states: {
idle: {
on: {
LOGIN_FINISHED: '#setup.inProgress.waiting.ready',
PLAY: 'gameIsPlayed',
DUAL_AUTH_REQUIRED: '#setup.inProgress.dualAuth'
gameIsPlayed: {
initial: 'needsToWait',
states: {
needsToWait: {
on: {
LOGIN_FINISHED: 'sourceIsReady',
DUAL_AUTH_REQUIRED: 'dualAuthRequired'
dualAuthRequired: {
type: 'final',
on: {
CONTINUE: '#setup.inProgress.dualAuth'
sourceIsReady: {
type: 'final',
on: {
CONTINUE: '#setup.inProgress.waiting.ready'
ready: {
type: 'final',
invoke: {
src: () => (send) => send('REALLY_READY')
on: {
REALLY_READY: '#setup.success'
dualAuth: {
on: {
on: {
MANUAL_ACTION_REQUIRED: '#setup.manualActionRequired',
CAPTCHA: '#setup.captcha',
ERROR: { target: '#setup.error', actions: ['notify'] },
actions: ['rememberExitReason', 'openExitModal']
cond: (context) => context.isExitModalVisible,
target: 'exiting',
actions: ['closeExitModal']
actions: ['forgetExitReason', 'closeExitModal']
manualActionRequired: {},
captcha: {},
success: {
entry: () => {
push({ name: SOURCES_ROUTE_NAME })
error: {
entry: () => {
on: {
RETRY: 'login'
exiting: {
type: 'final',
entry: () => {
push({ name: SOURCES_ROUTE_NAME })
actions: {
notify: () => {
notify({ title: t('scrapers:notifications.loginFailed'), type: 'danger' })
openExitModal: (context) => {
context.isExitModalVisible = true
closeExitModal: (context) => {
context.isExitModalVisible = false
rememberExitReason: (context, event) => {
if (event.type === 'EXIT') {
context.exitReason = event.telemetryEvent
forgetExitReason: (context) => {
context.exitReason = undefined
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