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Last active March 21, 2020 07:48
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package http_api
import (
type node struct {
path string // 路由路径
part string // 路由中由'/'分隔的部分, 比如路由/hello/:name,那么part就是hello和:name
children map[string]*node // 子节点
isWild bool // 是否精确匹配,true代表当前节点是通配符,模糊匹配
type router struct {
root map[string]*node // 路由树根节点,每个http方法都是一个路由树
route map[string]interface{} // 路由处理handler
func NewRouter() *router {
return &router{root: make(map[string]*node), route: make(map[string]interface{})}
// parsePath 分隔路由为part字典
// 比如路由/home/:name将被分隔为["home", ":name"]
func parsePath(path string) (parts []string) {
// 将path以"/"分隔为parts
par := strings.Split(path, "/")
for _, p := range par {
if p != "" {
parts = append(parts, p)
// 如果part是以通配符*开头的
if p[0] == '*' {
// addRoute 绑定路由到handler
func (r *router) AddRoute(method, path string, handler interface{}) {
parts := parsePath(path)
if _, ok := r.root[method]; !ok {
r.root[method] = &node{children: make(map[string]*node)}
root := r.root[method]
key := method + "-" + path
// 将parts插入到路由树
for _, part := range parts {
if root.children[part] == nil {
root.children[part] = &node{
part: part,
children: make(map[string]*node),
isWild: part[0] == ':' || part[0] == '*'}
root = root.children[part]
root.path = path
// 绑定路由和handler
r.route[key] = handler
// GetRoute 获取路由树节点以及路由变量
// method用来判断属于哪一个方法路由树,path用来获取路由树节点和参数
func (r *router) GetRoute(method, path string) (node *node, params map[string]string) {
//params = map[string]string{}
searchParts := parsePath(path)
// get method trie
var ok bool
if node, ok = r.root[method]; !ok {
return nil, nil
// 在该方法的路由树上查找该路径
for _, part := range searchParts {
var temp string
// 查找child是否等于part
for _, child := range node.children {
if child.part == part || child.isWild {
// 添加参数
//if child.part[0] == '*' {
// params[child.part[1:]] = strings.Join(searchParts[i:], "/")
//if child.part[0] == ':' {
// params[child.part[1:]] = part
temp = child.part
if len(temp) <= 0 {
// 遇到通配符*,直接返回
if temp[0] == '*' {
return node.children[temp], params
node = node.children[temp]
func (r *router) GetHandler(method string, node *node) interface{} {
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", strings.ToUpper(method), node.path)
handler, ok := r.route[key]
if !ok {
return nil
return handler
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