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Created February 21, 2021 01:58
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Advanced Synthwave Scene
// Synthwave world
// WebGL Version is coming soon
const c = document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d') // There will party
const canvas = c.canvas
const postctx = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('canvas')).getContext('2d') // For post-processing
// This is for TV-effect
const redFilter = document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d')
const greenFilter = document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d')
const blueFilter = document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d')
// Common
let frame = 0
const polygons = []
const meshes = []
// Properties
const polygonCount = 16
const polygonSize = 48
const perspective = 70
const cameraY = 32
const colorDistortionSize = 2
const resolutionDivider = 4 // Image quality
const bloom = true
const { sin, cos, PI } = Math
const drawSun = (x, y, r) => {
c.fillStyle = c.createLinearGradient(x, y - r, x, y + r)
c.fillStyle.addColorStop(0.1, "#fdce74")
c.fillStyle.addColorStop(0.8, "#d60066")
c.arc(x, y, r, 0, Math.PI * 2)
// splitting the sun by lines
for (let i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
c.fillStyle = "#000"
c.fillRect(x - r, y + i * 10, r * 2, i)
// Generation model of mountain
const mountainMesh = function (x1, z1) {
let mesh = []
let s = 10
let cliffFunction = (vertex) => {
let x = vertex[0]
let y = vertex[1]
let z = vertex[2]
let dist = Math.sqrt((x1 - x) ** 2 + (z1 - z) ** 2)
if (dist < 400) {
vertex[1] -= 400 - dist
vertex[1] += cos(x) * 32 + sin(z) * 32
// Generation floor
for (let i = 0; i < s ** 2;i++) {
let x = i % s
let z = i / s >> 0
let y = 128
// Set origin of plane to center
x -= s / 2
z -= s / 2
// Scaling to polygonSize
x *= polygonSize
z *= polygonSize
// Translation to coord x1, z1
x += x1
z += z1
let p1 = [
[x, y, z],
[x, y, z + polygonSize],
[x + polygonSize, y, z],
[x, y, z]
let p2 = [
[x + polygonSize, y, z + polygonSize],
[x, y, z + polygonSize],
[x + polygonSize, y, z],
[x + polygonSize, y, z + polygonSize],
const loop = function () {
let rad = cos(frame / 40) * Math.PI / 20 // Camera rotation
// Resizing canvas
if (postctx.canvas.width !== postctx.canvas.offsetWidth || postctx.canvas.height !== postctx.canvas.offsetHeight) {
postctx.canvas.width =
canvas.width =
redFilter.canvas.width =
greenFilter.canvas.width =
blueFilter.canvas.width =
postctx.canvas.offsetWidth / resolutionDivider
postctx.canvas.height =
canvas.height =
redFilter.canvas.height =
greenFilter.canvas.height =
blueFilter.canvas.height =
postctx.canvas.offsetHeight / resolutionDivider
c.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
c.strokeStyle = "#00e9ff"
// 0,0 is center of the canvas
c.translate(canvas.width / 2, canvas.height / 2)
// Drawing sun with transformation
drawSun(sin(rad) * 150, -64, 64)
// Drawing Models
c.fillStyle = "#28144B"
c.strokeStyle = "#CC3B2F"
meshes.forEach(p => {
p.forEach((polygon, i) => {
polygon.forEach((vertex, j) => {
let x = vertex[0]
let y = vertex[1]
let z = vertex[2]
let dist = Math.abs(x)
let tx = x
let ty = y
let tz = z
// Transformation Rotate Y
tx = x * cos(rad) + z * sin(rad)
tz = -x * sin(rad) + z * cos(rad)
x = tx
y = ty
z = tz
// Translate by camera
y += cameraY + cos(frame / 5) * 1
y -= (sin(frame / 10 + z / 6) + cos(frame / 10 + x / 6)) * 8
if ( z < 1 ) z = 1
// Transform
x /= z / perspective
y /= z / perspective
c[j === 0 ? 'moveTo' : 'lineTo'](x, y)
// Drawing road
c.fillStyle = "#511445"
polygons.forEach((polygon, i) => {
polygon.forEach((vertex, j) => {
let x = vertex[0]
let y = vertex[1]
let z = vertex[2]
let tx, ty, tz;
let dist = Math.abs(x)
// Make ground move
z -= frame % polygonSize
// Waveform
if (dist > 256) { // This line makes cliffs in right and left
y -= dist - 128 + (sin(frame / 10 + z / 6) + cos(frame / 10 + x / 6)) * 8
// Translate by camera
y += cameraY + cos(frame / 5) * 1
tx = x
ty = y
tz = z
// Transform RotationY
tx = x * cos(rad) + z * sin(rad)
tz = -x * sin(rad) + z * cos(rad)
// Apply transformation
x = tx
y = ty
z = tz
if ( z < 1 ) z = 1
x /= z / perspective
y /= z / perspective
// if current vertex is first then calling 'moveTo' function else calling 'lineTo'
c[j === 0 ? 'moveTo' : 'lineTo'](x, y)
c.strokeStyle = `hsl(${polygon[0][2] / 10 + 250 - frame}deg, 100%, 50%)`
c.fillStyle = `hsl(${polygon[0][2] / 10 + 200 - frame}deg, 100%, 10%)`
// Bloom
if (bloom) {
c.globalCompositeOperation = 'screen'
c.filter = 'blur(8px)'
c.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0)
c.filter = 'blur(0px)'
// Color Correction
c.fillStyle = c.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, canvas.height)
c.fillStyle.addColorStop(0, "#AB4FE7")
c.fillStyle.addColorStop(0.4, "#28144B")
c.globalCompositeOperation = 'overlay'
c.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
c.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over'
// Post-processing
// Getting only red colors from canvas
redFilter.drawImage(canvas, 2, 0)
redFilter.globalCompositeOperation = 'multiply'
redFilter.fillStyle = "#f00"
redFilter.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
redFilter.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over'
// Getting only green colors from canvas
greenFilter.drawImage(canvas, 2, 0)
greenFilter.globalCompositeOperation = 'multiply'
greenFilter.fillStyle = "#0f0"
greenFilter.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
greenFilter.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over'
// Getting only blue colors from canvas
blueFilter.drawImage(canvas, 2, 0)
blueFilter.globalCompositeOperation = 'multiply'
blueFilter.fillStyle = "#00f"
blueFilter.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
blueFilter.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over'
// Making TV-effect
// Combine all filter in one with bloom effect and color shifting
postctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
postctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'screen'
postctx.filter = 'blur(0.5px)'
postctx.drawImage(redFilter.canvas, 0, 0)
postctx.drawImage(greenFilter.canvas, colorDistortionSize, 0)
postctx.drawImage(blueFilter.canvas, -colorDistortionSize, 0)
postctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over'
mountainMesh(0, 500, 15)
// Generating Ground
for (let i = 0; i < polygonCount ** 2;i++) {
let x = i % polygonCount
let z = i / polygonCount >> 0
let y = 0
// Set x-origin to center of plane
x -= polygonCount / 2
// Scaling to polygon Size
x *= polygonSize
z *= polygonSize
// Creating two polygons to make rectangle
[x, y, z],
[x, y, z + polygonSize],
[x + polygonSize, y, z],
[x, y, z]
[x + polygonSize, y, z + polygonSize],
[x, y, z + polygonSize],
[x + polygonSize, y, z],
[x + polygonSize, y, z + polygonSize]
canvas {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
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