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Last active September 19, 2024 18:51
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PSADT snippits/cheatsheet

This is a small gist with snippits I frequently use in PSADT - PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit.

Feel free to offer suggestions, if code I've provided no longer works, doesn't work with current windows versions, or if PSADT has provided native functionality for some of my 'PSADT adjacent' code,

I've also stole a few from here to get started, I've populated a bunch I use regularly.

Also, additional note that isn't strictly related to PSADT, but is helpful in deployment matters.. I've included an z_Example_App.exe.manifest file. From what I can see, when you come across a legacy app that requests administrator privilege on launch (but does not have 'run as administrator' checked in it's properties, you can overrule this behaviour by creating .exe.manifest file (named in accordance with the .exe's file name, e.g. notepad.exe.manifest), with the following within the file:

<requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker" uiAccess="false"/>

As opposed to:

<requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false"/>

See example in this repo, or read more here and here

## Commonly used PSADT env variables
$envCommonDesktop # C:\Users\Public\Desktop
$envCommonStartMenuPrograms # C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
$envProgramFiles # C:\Program Files
$envProgramFilesX86 # C:\Program Files (x86)
$envProgramData # c:\ProgramData
$envUserDesktop # c:\Users\{user currently logged in}\Desktop
$envUserStartMenuPrograms # c:\Users\{user currently logged in}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
$envSystemDrive # c:
$envWinDir # c:\windows
## How to load ("dotsource") PSADT functions/variables for manual testing (your powershell window must be run as administrator first)
cd "$path_to_PSADT_folder_youre_working_from"
. .\AppDeployToolkit\AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1
## Examples of exe install
Execute-Process -Path '<application>.exe' -Parameters '/quiet' -WaitForMsiExec:$true
Execute-Process -Path "$dirFiles\DirectX\DXSetup.exe" -Parameters '/silent' -WindowStyle 'Hidden'
# open notepad, don't wait for it to close before proceeding (i.e. continue with script)
Execute-Process -Path "$envSystemRoot\notepad.exe" -NoWait
# Execute an .exe, and hide confidential parameters from log file
$serialisation_params = '-batchmode -quit -serial <aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ffff11111> -username "<serialisation username>" -password "SuperSecret123"'
Execute-Process -Path "$envProgramFiles\Application\Serialise.exe" -Parameters "$serialisation_params" -SecureParameters:$True
## Example to install an msi
Execute-MSI -Action 'Install' -Path "$dirFiles\<application>.msi" -Parameters 'REBOOT=ReallySuppress /QN'
Execute-MSI -Action 'Install' -Path 'Discovery 2015.1.msi'
# MSI install + transform file
Execute-MSI -Action 'Install' -Path 'Adobe_Reader_11.0.0_EN.msi' -Transform 'Adobe_Reader_11.0.0_EN_01.mst'
## Install a patch
Execute-MSI -Action 'Patch' -Path 'Adobe_Reader_11.0.3_EN.msp'
## To uninstall an MSI
Execute-MSI -Action Uninstall -Path '{5708517C-59A3-45C6-9727-6C06C8595AFD}'
## Uninstall a number of msi codes
"{2E873893-A883-4C06-8308-7B491D58F3D6}", <# Example #>`
"{2E873893-A883-4C06-8308-7B491D58F3D6}", <# Example #>`
"{2E873893-A883-4C06-8308-7B491D58F3D6}", <# Example #>`
"{2E873893-A883-4C06-8308-7B491D58F3D6}", <# Example #>`
"{2E873893-A883-4C06-8308-7B491D58F3D6}", <# Example #>`
"{B234DC00-1003-47E7-8111-230AA9E6BF10}" <# Last example cannot have a comma after the double quotes #>`
| % { Execute-MSI -Action 'Uninstall' -Path "$_" } <# foreach item, uninstall #>
## Run a vbscript
Execute-Process -Path "cscript.exe" -Parameters "$dirFiles\whatever.vbs"
## Copy a file to the correct relative location for all user accounts
# grabbed from here:
$ProfilePaths = Get-UserProfiles | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'ProfilePath'
ForEach ($Profile in $ProfilePaths) {
Copy-File -Path "$dirFiles\Example\example.ini" -Destination "$Profile\Example\To\Path\"
## Remove registry key
# I dont know the right term, but these are to delete the whole 'folder' reg key
Remove-RegistryKey -Key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Macromedia\FlashPlayer\SafeVersions' -Recurse
Remove-RegistryKey -Key 'HKLM:SOFTWARE\Macromedia\FlashPlayer\SafeVersions' -Recurse
# This is to remove a specific reg key item from within a 'folder'
Remove-RegistryKey -Key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run' -Name 'RunAppInstall'
Remove-RegistryKey -Key 'HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run' -Name 'RunAppInstall'
## Create a reg key
Set-RegistryKey -Key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\LMKR\Licensing' -Name 'LMKR_LICENSE_FILE' -Value '@license'-Type String -ContinueOnError:$True
## To set an HKCU key for all users including default profile
[scriptblock]$HKCURegistrySettings = {
# I included both to illustrate that HKCU\ is an acceptable abbreviation
Set-RegistryKey -Key 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\AppX4hxtad77fbk3jkkeerkrm0ze94wjf3s9' -Name 'NoOpenWith' -Value '""'-Type String -ContinueOnError:$True -SID $UserProfile.SID
Set-RegistryKey -Key 'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Common' -Name 'qmenable' -Value 0 -Type DWord -SID $UserProfile.SID
Invoke-HKCURegistrySettingsForAllUsers -RegistrySettings $HKCURegistrySettings
# import a .reg key, useful if there's a butt-tonne of nested keys/etc
Execute-Process -FilePath "reg.exe" -Parameters "IMPORT `"$dirFiles\name-of-reg-export.reg`"" -PassThru
## To pause script for <x> time
Start-Sleep -Seconds 120
## To copy and overwrite a file
Copy-File -Path "$dirSupportFiles\mms.cfg" -Destination "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\mms.cfg"
## To copy a file
Copy-File -Path "$dirSupportFiles\mms.cfg" -Destination "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\"
## To copy a folder
# pls note the destination should be the PARENT folder, not the folder name you want it to be.
# for example, you'd copy "mozilla firefox" to "c:\program files", if you were wanting to copy the application files.
# if copying to root of c:, include trailing slash - i.e. "$envSystemDrive\" not "$envSystemDrive" or "c:"
Copy-File -Path "$dirFiles\client_1" -Destination "C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\" -Recurse
## To delete a file or shortcut
Remove-File -Path "$envCommonDesktop\GeoGraphix Seismic Modeling.lnk"
## Remove a bunch of specific files
"$envCommonDesktop\Example 1.lnk", <# Example #>`
"$envCommonDesktop\Example 2.lnk", <# Example #>`
"$envCommonDesktop\Example 3.lnk" <# Careful with the last item to not include a comma after the double quote #>`
| % { Remove-File -Path "$_" }
## Remove a bunch of specific folders and their contents
"$envSystemDrive\Example Dir1", <# Example #>`
"$envProgramFiles\Example Dir2", <# Example #>`
"$envProgramFiles\Example Dir3", <# Example #>`
"$envProgramFilesX86\Example Dir4", <# Example #>`
"$envSystemRoot\Example4" <# Careful with the last item to not include a comma after the double quote #>``
| % { Remove-Folder -Path "$_" }
## Remove a bunch of specific folders, only if they're empty
<# Use this by specifying folders from "deepest folder level" to "most shallow folder level" order e.g.
c:\program files\vendor\app\v12\junk - then
c:\program files\vendor\app\v12 - then
c:\program files\vendor\app - then
c:\program files\vendor
using the above example, it will only remove c:\program files\vendor if every other folder above is completely empty.
if for example v11 was also installed, it would stop prior #>
"$envProgramFilesX86\vendor" <# careful not to include the comma after the double quotes in this one #>
) | % { if (!(Test-Path -Path "$_\*")) { Remove-Folder -Path "$_" } }
# for each piped item, if the folder specified DOES NOT have contents ($folder\*), remove the folder
## Import a certificate to system 'Trusted Publishers' store.. helpful for clickOnce installers & importing drivers
# (for references sake, I saved as base64, unsure if DER encoded certs work)
Execute-Process -Path "certutil.exe" -Parameters "-f -addstore -enterprise TrustedPublisher `"$dirFiles\certname.cer`""
Write-Log -Message "Imported Cert" -Source $deployAppScriptFriendlyName
## Import a driver (note, >= win7 must be signed, and cert must be in trusted publishers store)
Execute-Process -Path 'PnPutil.exe' -Parameters "/a `"$dirFiles\USB Drivers\driver.inf`""
## Register a DLL module
Register-DLL -FilePath "$dirFiles\example\codec.dll"
# Legacy Approach to above
# Execute-Process -FilePath "regsvr32.exe" -Parameters "/s `"$dirFiles\example\codec.dll`""
## Unregister a DLL
UnRegister-DLL -FilePath "$envProgramFilesX86\Vendor\App\Temeletry.dll"
## Make an install marker reg key for custom detections
# for e.g. below would create something like:
# HKLM:\SOFTWARE\PSAppDeployToolkit\InstallMarkers\Microsoft_KB2921916_1.0_x64_EN_01
Set-RegistryKey -Key "$configToolkitRegPath\$appDeployToolkitName\InstallMarkers\$installName"
## While loop pause (incase app installer exits immediately)
# pause until example reg key
While(!(test-path -path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{product-code-hereD}")) {
sleep 5;
Write-Log -Message "$appVendor - $appName - $appVersion is still not finished installing, sleeping another 5" -Source $deployAppScriptFriendlyName;
# pause until example file
While(!(test-path -path "$envCommonDesktop\Example Shortcut.lnk")) {
sleep 5;
Write-Log -Message "$appVendor - $appName - $appVersion is still not finished installing, sleeping another 5" -Source $deployAppScriptFriendlyName;
## To Create a shortcut
New-Shortcut -Path "$envCommonStartMenuPrograms\My Shortcut.lnk" `
-TargetPath "$envWinDir\system32\notepad.exe" `
-Arguments "--example-argument --example-argument-two" `
-Description 'Notepad' `
-WorkingDirectory "$envHomeDrive\$envHomePath"
## Modify ACL on a file
# first load the ACL
$acl_to_modify = "$envProgramData\Example\File.txt"
$acl = Get-Acl "$acl_to_modify"
# add another entry to the ACL list (in this case, add all users to have full control)
$ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("BUILTIN\Users", "FullControl", "None", "None", "Allow")
# re-write the acl on the target file
Set-Acl "$acl_to_modify" $acl
## Modify ACL on a folder
$folder_to_change = "$envSystemDrive\Example_Folder"
$acl = Get-Acl "$folder_to_change"
$ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("BUILTIN\Users", "FullControl", "ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
Set-Acl "$folder_to_change" $acl
## Add to environment variables (specifically PATH in this case)
# The first input in the .NET code can have Path subtituted for any other environemnt variable name (gci env: to see what is presently set)
$path_addition = "C:\bin"
# add $path_addition to permanent system wide path
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path + ";" + $path_addition, "Machine")
# add $path_addition to permanent user specific path
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path + ";" + $path_addition, "User")
# add $path_addition to the process level path only (i.e. when you quit script, it will no longer be applied)
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path + ";" + $path_addition, "Process")
#.NET 4.x comparison/install
$version_we_require = [version]"4.5.2"
$version_we_want_path = "$dirFiles\NDP452-KB2901907-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe"
$install_params = "/q /norestart"
if((Get-RegistryKey "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full" -Value Version) -lt $version_we_require) {
Write-Log -Source $deployAppScriptFriendlyName -Message ".NET version is < [string]$version_we_require, installing"
Execute-Process -Path "$version_we_want_path" -Parameters "$install_params" -WaitForMSIExec:$true
# exit codes for reboot required
# soft reboot <- will not 'force' restart, and sccm will progress past, but will nag to restart afterward
Exit-Script -ExitCode 3010
# hard reboot <- does not 'force' restart, but sccm won't proceed past any pre-reqs without reboot
Exit-Script -ExitCode 1641
## Create Active Setup to run once per user, and run an arbitrary executable as the user
# *WARNING* this really isn't a recommended method for a number of reasons.
# 1. You must logoff a logged in user for them to run this
# 2. Activesetup is not syncronous and will hold up the user login process until the command completes
# 3. If the executable requests user input you can prevent logins
# 4. It's slow
# You're better off using a scheduled task, or capturing what the executable does and doing it another way
Copy-File -Path "$dirFiles\Example.exe" -Destination "$envProgramData\Example"
Set-ActiveSetup -StubExePath "$envProgramData\Example\Example.exe" `
-Description 'AutoDesk BIM Glue install' `
-Key 'Autodesk_BIM_Glue_Install' `
## Create an activesetup to run once per user, to import a .reg file
# *WARNING* this really isn't a recommended method for a number of reasons.
# 1. You must logoff a logged in user for them to run this
# 2. Activesetup is not syncronous and will hold up the user login process until the command completes
# 3. If the executable requests user input you can prevent logins
# 4. It's slow
# You're better off using a scheduled task, or capturing what the executable does and doing it another way
Copy-File -Path "$dirFiles\many_registry_keys_for_app_x.reg" -Destination "$envProgramData\Hidden\Path"
Set-ActiveSetup -StubExePath "reg.exe IMPORT `"$envProgramData\Hidden\Path\many_registry_keys_for_app_x.reg`"" `
-Description 'My undesirable way of applying registry keys' `
-Key 'Undesirable_Reg_keys' `
## function to assist finding uninstall strings, msi codes, display names of installed applications
# paste into powershell window (or save in (powershell profile)[]
# usage once loaded: 'Get-Uninstaller chrome'
function Get-Uninstaller {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $Name
$local_key = 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*'
$machine_key32 = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*'
$machine_key64 = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*'
$keys = @($local_key, $machine_key32, $machine_key64)
Get-ItemProperty -Path $keys -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' | ?{ ($_.DisplayName -like "*$Name*") -or ($_.PsChildName -like "*$Name*") } | Select-Object PsPath,DisplayVersion,DisplayName,UninstallString,InstallSource,InstallLocation,QuietUninstallString,InstallDate
## end of function
$expected_checksum = "A7BBC4B4F781E04214ECEBE69A766C76681AA7EB"
$file_to_checksum = "c:\windows\notepad.exe"
#$Algorithm = "sha1" #must be sha1 or md5, default sha1
function Get-Checksum
Param (
[string]$File=$(throw("You must specify a filename to get the checksum of.")),
if ($File -match '^\.\\') { $File = (get-item $File).FullName }
$fs = new-object System.IO.FileStream $File, "Open", "Read", "Read"
$algo = [type]"System.Security.Cryptography.$Algorithm"
$crypto = $algo::Create()
$hash = [BitConverter]::ToString($crypto.ComputeHash($fs)).Replace("-", "")
if (test-path -PathType Leaf $file_to_checksum) { $current_checksum = get-checksum -file $file_to_checksum }
if ($expected_checksum -eq $current_checksum) { Write-Host "Installed" }
$expected_version = [version]"4.6.2"
If( (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full").Version -ge $expected_version) { Write-Host "Installed" }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">
<assemblyIdentity version=""
<description>elevate execution level</description>
<trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2">
<requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker" uiAccess="false"/>
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Super - thank you for sharing!

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This is fantastic. Thank you for sharing!

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If anyone finds it helpful, here is a bit of powershell for getting the package ID of an installed MSI for working out the install string.

get-wmiobject Win32_Product | Format-Table IdentifyingNumber, Name

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Super - thank you for sharing!

Thanks! Sorry, I don’t check github comments much and have been auto deleting github emails 😅

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If anyone finds it helpful, here is a bit of powershell for getting the package ID of an installed MSI for working out the install string.

get-wmiobject Win32_Product | Format-Table IdentifyingNumber, Name

Thanks for your kind words! By the way, check out these lines:

The function does similar to what your wmiobject code does, but I’ve found it’s significantly faster & spits out a bit of useful info. I’ve got it in my powershell profile so I can quickly check the same, and it does a wildcard search so it thins out results. Paste those lines into a terminal and then try get-uninstaller chrome or get-uninstaller vlc

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Has anyone developed code that they’d be willing to share that removes all user installed Chrome versions in an enterprise environment? In the end, I want just the enterprise version that I install so I need a way to clean out all user installed versions.

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Has anyone developed code that they’d be willing to share that removes all user installed Chrome versions in an enterprise environment? In the end, I want just the enterprise version that I install so I need a way to clean out all user installed versions.

Would you believe that I tackled this ages ago? I never shared my code though, here you go:

Please test thoroughly, at the time the inbuilt uninstall methods were ineffective, they’d leave remnants of google chrome. I don’t know if the newer versions are more polite, and my ‘heavy handed’ approach is still warranted or not.

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redcrossevvy commented Feb 7, 2020 via email

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Had to check if a reboot is pending in an app. PSADT has a useful function for this:

$reboot = Get-PendingReboot;
		if($reboot.IsSystemRebootPending -eq $true -or $reboot.IsCBServicingRebootPending -eq $true -or $reboot.IsWindowsUpdateRebootPending -eq $true -or $reboot.IsSCCMClientRebootPending -eq $true -or $reboot.IsFileRenameRebootPending -eq $true) {
			# Reboot is pending

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redcrossevvy commented Feb 11, 2020 via email

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Hi Lee, I don't mind you copying my psadt cmds from my site, but can you edit this page to remove the paragraph about the UTF-8 formatting? It's fixed and was a Wordpress quirk. Thanks!

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Hi Lee, I don't mind you copying my psadt cmds from my site, but can you edit this page to remove the paragraph about the UTF-8 formatting? It's fixed and was a Wordpress quirk. Thanks!

Sure! I've taken the passage out, thanks for letting me share ☺️

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Timhe23 commented Feb 17, 2021


Line 3 $envCommonPrograms is wrong. Should be $envCommonStartMenuPrograms. If you use it with the $envcommonprograms it will place it in C:\

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Right you are, thanks @Timhe23. I've updated.

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bahnjee commented Mar 4, 2021


Has anyone developed code that they’d be willing to share that removes all user installed Chrome versions in an enterprise environment? In the end, I want just the enterprise version that I install so I need a way to clean out all user installed versions.

I realize this is an old post, and it's possible that you are/were looking to overcome some other issue, but I thought I'd point this out, nonetheless. In many instances, you need not worry about previously installed user versions of Chrome. The quote below is from Google Chrome Enterprise Help, which has lots of good information concerning deploying/managing Chrome.

Installing Chrome Browser from an MSI will override any version of Chrome Browser installed by a user.

EDIT: Typo

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There is a new CMDLET added for ## Register a DLL module
Register-DLL -FilePath "C:\Test\DcTLSFileToDMSComp.dll"
UnRegister-DLL -FilePath "C:\Test\DcTLSFileToDMSComp.dll"

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Thanks for sharing, his is very useful!

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Great list with commands. Thanks :)

found 1 error (perhaps a legacy thing). The varible $envCommonPrograms doesn't exist (anymore).

##To Create a shortcut
New-Shortcut -Path "$envCommon**StartMenu**Programs\My Shortcut.lnk" -TargetPath "$envWinDir\system32\notepad.exe"
-Arguments "--example-argument --example-argument-two" -Description 'Notepad'
-WorkingDirectory "$envHomeDrive$envHomePath"

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Thanks all, have updated the common start menu programs variable. Is anyone else able to confirm the register-dll functionality @Sri-Boddupalli mentions? If so, I'll add in.

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Drehmini commented Aug 30, 2022

Thanks all, have updated the common start menu programs variable. Is anyone else able to confirm the register-dll functionality @Sri-Boddupalli mentions? If so, I'll add in.

Hey @leeramsay I'm not sure if you're still updating this, but the documentation does confirm a Register-DLL and UnRegister-DLL cmdlet, which is really an alias for Invoke-RegisterOrUnregisterDLL -FilePath "C:\Test\DcTLSFileToDMSComp.dll" -DLLAction 'Register' and Invoke-RegisterOrUnregisterDLL -FilePath "C:\Test\DcTLSFileToDMSComp.dll" -DLLAction 'Unregister' respectively.

See more here.

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Thanks all, I've added in the PSADT way of registering and unregistering DLL's.

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If anyone finds it helpful, here is a bit of powershell for getting the package ID of an installed MSI for working out the install string.

get-wmiobject Win32_Product | Format-Table IdentifyingNumber, Name

it is not recommened to query Win32_Product,since it is not optimised for search and it will trigger MSI reconfigure and repair.(

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mrfrenzy commented Sep 17, 2023

Your example to wait for creation of a registry key or file after an installer finishes is great however some installers download and launch a separate file that lets the user choose from 1-10 different softwares to install, for example Brothers Printer installer. In that case it is better to look for the process with a specific name to exit, in this case "commoninstaller.exe"

pause until specified installer executable exits

While(!(get-process "commoninstaller" -ea SilentlyContinue) -eq $Null)) {
                sleep 10;
                Write-Log -Message "$appVendor - $appName - $appVersion is still not finished installing, sleeping another 10" -Source  $deployAppScriptFriendlyName;

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