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Created May 18, 2023 14:09
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Generated by XState Viz:
const globalMachine = Machine(
predictableActionArguments: true,
initial: 'idle',
context: {
user: null,
states: {
idle: {
entry: ['onIdle'],
on: {
AUTO_LOGIN: 'loading',
loading: {
id: 'loading',
entry: ['onLoading'],
after: {
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT: 'unauthorized',
invoke: {
src: 'loadUser',
onDone: {
target: 'authorized',
actions: 'setUser',
onError: 'unauthorized',
authorized: {
initial: 'idle',
entry: ['onAuthorized'],
on: {
LOGOUT: 'unauthorized',
REFRESH: '.refreshing',
EDIT_USER: '.updating',
REWARD: '.calculating',
states: {
idle: {},
refreshing: {
entry: ['onRefreshing'],
invoke: {
src: 'loadUser',
onDone: {
target: 'idle',
actions: 'setUser',
onError: '#unauthorized',
updating: {
entry: ['onUpdateUser'],
invoke: {
src: 'updateUser',
onDone: {
target: 'idle',
actions: 'setUser',
onError: 'idle',
calculating: {
entry: ['onCalculating'],
invoke: {
src: 'calculateLevel',
onDone: {
target: 'idle',
actions: 'setUser',
onError: 'idle',
unauthorized: {
id: 'unauthorized',
initial: 'idle',
entry: ['onUnauthorized', 'removeUser'],
invoke: {
src: 'cleanup',
on: {
target: '.validating',
states: {
idle: {},
validating: {
invoke: {
src: 'saveUser',
onDone: '#loading',
onError: 'idle',
actions: {
setUser: assign({ user: (_context, event) => }),
removeUser: assign({ user: (_context, _event) => null }),
onIdle: () => {
onLoading: () => {
Logger.debug(TAG, 'actions.onLoading');
onAuthorized: (_context, event) => {
onRefreshing: () => {
onUpdateUser: (_context, event) => {
onCalculating: (_context, event) => {
onUnauthorized: () => {
services: {
loadUser: async () => {
updateUser: async (context, event) => {
return event.user;
saveUser: async (_context, event) => {
calculateLevel: async (context, event) => {
return event.user;
cleanup: async () => {
delays: {
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