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Created August 28, 2017 19:59
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# Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go/private:common.bzl", "get_go_toolchain", "DEFAULT_LIB", "VENDOR_PREFIX", "go_filetype")
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go/private:asm.bzl", "emit_go_asm_action")
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go/private:providers.bzl", "GoLibrary", "GoSource")
def emit_library_actions(ctx, sources, deps, cgo_object, library, want_coverage):
go_toolchain = get_go_toolchain(ctx)
go_srcs = depset([s for s in sources if s.basename.endswith('.go')])
asm_srcs = [s for s in sources if s.basename.endswith('.s') or s.basename.endswith('.S')]
asm_hdrs = [s for s in sources if s.basename.endswith('.h')]
dep_runfiles = [d.data_runfiles for d in deps]
if library:
golib = library[GoLibrary]
gosrc = library[GoSource]
go_srcs += gosrc.go_sources
asm_srcs += gosrc.asm_sources
asm_hdrs += gosrc.asm_headers
deps += golib.direct_deps
dep_runfiles += [library.data_runfiles]
if golib.cgo_object:
if cgo_object:
fail("go_library %s cannot have cgo_object because the package " +
"already has cgo_object in %s" % (,
cgo_object = golib.cgo_object
if not go_srcs:
fail("may not be empty", "srcs")
transitive_cgo_deps = depset([], order="link")
if cgo_object:
dep_runfiles += [cgo_object.data_runfiles]
transitive_cgo_deps += cgo_object.cgo_deps
extra_objects = [cgo_object.cgo_obj] if cgo_object else []
for src in asm_srcs:
obj = ctx.new_file(src, "%s.dir/%s.o" % (, src.basename[:-2]))
emit_go_asm_action(ctx, src, asm_hdrs, obj)
extra_objects += [obj]
importpath = go_importpath(ctx)
lib_name = importpath + ".a"
out_lib = ctx.new_file("~lib~/"+lib_name)
out_object = ctx.new_file("~lib~/" + + ".o")
searchpath = out_lib.path[:-len(lib_name)]
race_lib = ctx.new_file("~race~/"+lib_name)
race_object = ctx.new_file("~race~/" + + ".o")
searchpath_race = race_lib.path[:-len(lib_name)]
gc_goopts = get_gc_goopts(ctx)
direct_go_library_deps = []
direct_go_library_deps_race = []
direct_search_paths = []
direct_search_paths_race = []
direct_import_paths = []
transitive_go_library_deps = depset()
transitive_go_library_deps_race = depset()
transitive_go_library_paths = depset([searchpath])
transitive_go_library_paths_race = depset([searchpath_race])
for dep in deps:
golib = dep[GoLibrary]
direct_go_library_deps += [golib.library]
direct_go_library_deps_race += [golib.race]
direct_search_paths += [golib.searchpath]
direct_search_paths_race += [golib.searchpath_race]
direct_import_paths += [golib.importpath]
transitive_go_library_deps += golib.transitive_go_libraries
transitive_go_library_deps_race += golib.transitive_go_libraries_race
transitive_cgo_deps += golib.transitive_cgo_deps
transitive_go_library_paths += golib.transitive_go_library_paths
transitive_go_library_paths_race += golib.transitive_go_library_paths_race
if want_coverage:
go_srcs = _emit_go_cover_action(ctx, out_object, go_srcs)
sources = go_srcs,
libs = direct_go_library_deps,
lib_paths = direct_search_paths,
direct_paths = direct_import_paths,
out_object = out_object,
gc_goopts = gc_goopts,
emit_go_pack_action(ctx, out_lib, [out_object] + extra_objects)
sources = go_srcs,
libs = direct_go_library_deps_race,
lib_paths = direct_search_paths_race,
direct_paths = direct_import_paths,
out_object = race_object,
gc_goopts = gc_goopts + ["-race"],
emit_go_pack_action(ctx, race_lib, [race_object] + extra_objects)
dylibs = []
if cgo_object:
dylibs += [d for d in cgo_object.cgo_deps if d.path.endswith(".so")]
runfiles = ctx.runfiles(files = dylibs, collect_data = True)
for d in dep_runfiles:
runfiles = runfiles.merge(d)
return struct(
label = ctx.label,
files = depset([out_lib]),
library = out_lib,
race = race_lib,
searchpath = searchpath,
searchpath_race = searchpath_race,
runfiles = runfiles,
go_sources = go_srcs,
asm_sources = asm_srcs,
asm_headers = asm_hdrs,
importpath = importpath,
cgo_object = cgo_object,
direct_deps = deps,
transitive_cgo_deps = transitive_cgo_deps,
transitive_go_libraries = transitive_go_library_deps + [out_lib],
transitive_go_libraries_race = transitive_go_library_deps_race + [race_lib],
transitive_go_library_paths = transitive_go_library_paths,
transitive_go_library_paths_race = transitive_go_library_paths_race,
gc_goopts = gc_goopts,
def _go_library_impl(ctx):
"""Implements the go_library() rule."""
cgo_object = None
if hasattr(ctx.attr, "cgo_object"):
cgo_object = ctx.attr.cgo_object
lib_result = emit_library_actions(ctx,
sources = depset(ctx.files.srcs),
deps = ctx.attr.deps,
cgo_object = cgo_object,
library = ctx.attr.library,
want_coverage = ctx.coverage_instrumented(),
return [
label = ctx.label,
library = lib_result.library,
race = lib_result.race,
searchpath = lib_result.searchpath,
searchpath_race = lib_result.searchpath_race,
importpath = lib_result.importpath,
cgo_object = lib_result.cgo_object,
direct_deps = lib_result.direct_deps,
transitive_cgo_deps = lib_result.transitive_cgo_deps,
transitive_go_libraries = lib_result.transitive_go_libraries,
transitive_go_libraries_race = lib_result.transitive_go_libraries_race,
transitive_go_library_paths = lib_result.transitive_go_library_paths,
transitive_go_library_paths_race = lib_result.transitive_go_library_paths_race,
gc_goopts = lib_result.gc_goopts,
go_sources = lib_result.go_sources,
asm_sources = lib_result.asm_sources,
asm_headers = lib_result.asm_headers,
files = lib_result.files,
runfiles = lib_result.runfiles,
race = depset([lib_result.race]),
go_library = rule(
attrs = {
"data": attr.label_list(allow_files = True, cfg = "data"),
"srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = go_filetype),
"deps": attr.label_list(providers = [GoLibrary]),
"importpath": attr.string(),
"library": attr.label(providers = [GoLibrary]),
"gc_goopts": attr.string_list(),
"cgo_object": attr.label(
providers = [
#TODO(toolchains): Remove _toolchain attribute when real toolchains arrive
"_go_toolchain": attr.label(default = Label("@io_bazel_rules_go_toolchain//:go_toolchain")),
"_go_prefix": attr.label(default=Label("//:go_prefix", relative_to_caller_repository = True)),
fragments = ["cpp"],
def go_importpath(ctx):
"""Returns the expected importpath of the go_library being built.
ctx: The skylark Context
Go importpath of the library
path = ctx.attr.importpath
if path != "":
return path
path = ctx.attr._go_prefix.go_prefix
if path.endswith("/"):
path = path[:-1]
if ctx.label.package:
path += "/" + ctx.label.package
path += "/" +
if path.rfind(VENDOR_PREFIX) != -1:
path = path[len(VENDOR_PREFIX) + path.rfind(VENDOR_PREFIX):]
if path[0] == "/":
path = path[1:]
return path
def get_gc_goopts(ctx):
gc_goopts = ctx.attr.gc_goopts
if ctx.attr.library:
gc_goopts += ctx.attr.library[GoLibrary].gc_goopts
return gc_goopts
def emit_go_compile_action(ctx, sources, libs, lib_paths, direct_paths, out_object, gc_goopts):
"""Construct the command line for compiling Go code.
ctx: The skylark Context.
sources: an iterable of source code artifacts (or CTs? or labels?)
libs: a depset of representing all imported libraries.
lib_paths: the set of paths to search for imported libraries.
direct_paths: iterable of of import paths for the package's direct deps,
including those in the library attribute. Used for strict dep checking.
out_object: the object file that should be produced
gc_goopts: additional flags to pass to the compiler.
go_toolchain = get_go_toolchain(ctx)
gc_goopts = [ctx.expand_make_variables("gc_goopts", f, {}) for f in gc_goopts]
inputs = depset([go_toolchain.go]) + sources + libs
go_sources = [s.path for s in sources if not s.basename.startswith("_cgo")]
cgo_sources = [s.path for s in sources if s.basename.startswith("_cgo")]
args = [go_toolchain.go.path]
for src in go_sources:
args += ["-src", src]
for dep in direct_paths:
args += ["-dep", dep]
args += ["-o", out_object.path, "-trimpath", ".", "-I", "."]
for path in lib_paths:
args += ["-I", path]
args += ["--"] + gc_goopts + cgo_sources
inputs = list(inputs),
outputs = [out_object],
mnemonic = "GoCompile",
executable = go_toolchain.compile,
arguments = args,
env = go_toolchain.env,
def emit_go_pack_action(ctx, out_lib, objects):
"""Construct the command line for packing objects together.
ctx: The skylark Context.
out_lib: the archive that should be produced
objects: an iterable of object files to be added to the output archive file.
go_toolchain = get_go_toolchain(ctx)
inputs = objects +,
outputs = [out_lib],
mnemonic = "GoPack",
executable = go_toolchain.go,
arguments = ["tool", "pack", "c", out_lib.path] + [a.path for a in objects],
env = go_toolchain.env,
def _emit_go_cover_action(ctx, out_object, sources):
"""Construct the command line for test coverage instrument.
ctx: The skylark Context.
out_object: the object file for the library being compiled. Used to name
cover files.
sources: an iterable of Go source files.
A list of Go source code files which might be coverage instrumented.
go_toolchain = get_go_toolchain(ctx)
outputs = []
# TODO(linuxerwang): make the mode configurable.
count = 0
for src in sources:
if (not src.basename.endswith(".go") or
src.basename.endswith("_test.go") or
outputs += [src]
cover_var = "GoCover_%d" % count
out = ctx.new_file(out_object, out_object.basename + '_' + src.basename[:-3] + '_' + cover_var + '.cover.go')
outputs += [out]
inputs = [src] +,
outputs = [out],
mnemonic = "GoCover",
executable = go_toolchain.go,
arguments = ["tool", "cover", "--mode=set", "-var=%s" % cover_var, "-o", out.path, src.path],
env = go_toolchain.env,
count += 1
return outputs
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