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Created August 21, 2024 15:51
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2024-08-21 17:49:20 Apache Commons Daemon procrun stdout initialized.
17:49:27,508 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - Could NOT find resource [logback-test.xml]
17:49:27,509 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - Found resource [logback.xml] at [file:/C:/app/camunda_deploy8%20-%20Copy/camunda-bpm-tomcat-7.15.0/server/apache-tomcat-9.0.43/webapps/userrights-processes/WEB-INF/classes/logback.xml]
17:49:27,549 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.action.ConfigurationAction - debug attribute not set
17:49:27,551 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - About to instantiate appender of type [ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender]
17:49:27,560 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - Naming appender as [STDOUT]
17:49:27,566 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.NestedComplexPropertyIA - Assuming default type [ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder] for [encoder] property
17:49:27,605 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - About to instantiate appender of type [ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender]
17:49:27,608 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction - Naming appender as [FILE-ROLLING]
17:49:27,622 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy@11214149 - No compression will be used
17:49:27,625 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.NestedComplexPropertyIA - Assuming default type [ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder] for [encoder] property
17:49:27,626 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender[FILE-ROLLING] - Active log file name: ./log/UserRights-processes.log
17:49:27,626 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender[FILE-ROLLING] - File property is set to [./log/UserRights-processes.log]
17:49:27,627 |-ERROR in ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender[FILE-ROLLING] - openFile(./log/UserRights-processes.log,true) call failed. .\log\UserRights-processes.log (Access is denied)
at .\log\UserRights-processes.log (Access is denied)
at at java.base/ Method)
at at java.base/
at at java.base/<init>(
at at ch.qos.logback.core.recovery.ResilientFileOutputStream.<init>(
at at ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender.openFile(
at at ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender.start(
at at ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender.start(
at at ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderAction.end(
at at ch.qos.logback.core.joran.spi.Interpreter.callEndAction(
at at ch.qos.logback.core.joran.spi.Interpreter.endElement(
at at ch.qos.logback.core.joran.spi.Interpreter.endElement(
at at
at at ch.qos.logback.core.joran.GenericConfigurator.doConfigure(
at at ch.qos.logback.core.joran.GenericConfigurator.doConfigure(
at at ch.qos.logback.core.joran.GenericConfigurator.doConfigure(
at at ch.qos.logback.core.joran.GenericConfigurator.doConfigure(
at at ch.qos.logback.classic.util.ContextInitializer.configureByResource(
at at ch.qos.logback.classic.util.ContextInitializer.autoConfig(
at at org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder.init(
at at org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder.<clinit>(
at at org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.bind(
at at org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.performInitialization(
at at org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory(
at at ch.qos.logback.classic.util.StatusViaSLF4JLoggerFactory.addStatus(
at at ch.qos.logback.classic.util.StatusViaSLF4JLoggerFactory.addInfo(
at at ch.qos.logback.classic.servlet.LogbackServletContainerInitializer.onStartup(
at at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.startInternal(
at at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start(
at at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChildInternal(
at at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChild(
at at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.addChild(
at at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployWAR(
at at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig$
at at java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$
at at java.base/
at at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.InlineExecutorService.execute(
at at java.base/java.util.concurrent.AbstractExecutorService.submit(
at at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployWARs(
at at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployApps(
at at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.start(
at at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.lifecycleEvent(
at at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.fireLifecycleEvent(
at at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.setStateInternal(
at at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.setState(
at at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.startInternal(
at at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.startInternal(
at at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start(
at at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase$
at at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase$
at at java.base/
at at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.InlineExecutorService.execute(
at at java.base/java.util.concurrent.AbstractExecutorService.submit(
at at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.startInternal(
at at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.startInternal(
at at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start(
at at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.startInternal(
at at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start(
at at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.startInternal(
at at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start(
at at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
at at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.start(
at at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(
17:49:27,628 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.action.LoggerAction - Setting level of logger [org.apache.ibatis] to INFO
17:49:27,628 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.action.LoggerAction - Setting level of logger [javax.activation] to INFO
17:49:27,628 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.action.LoggerAction - Setting level of logger [org.springframework] to INFO
17:49:27,628 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.action.LoggerAction - Setting level of logger [org.camunda] to INFO
17:49:27,628 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.action.LoggerAction - Setting level of logger [org.camunda.bpm.engine.jobexecutor] to OFF
17:49:27,628 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.action.LoggerAction - Setting level of logger [org.camunda.bpm.engine.context] to OFF
17:49:27,628 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.action.RootLoggerAction - Setting level of ROOT logger to DEBUG
17:49:27,628 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderRefAction - Attaching appender named [STDOUT] to Logger[ROOT]
17:49:27,629 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.joran.action.AppenderRefAction - Attaching appender named [FILE-ROLLING] to Logger[ROOT]
17:49:27,629 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.action.ConfigurationAction - End of configuration.
17:49:27,630 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.JoranConfigurator@70e76d93 - Registering current configuration as safe fallback point
>>> KeyTabInputStream, readName(): AD.BULOVKA.CZ
>>> KeyTabInputStream, readName(): HTTP
>>> KeyTabInputStream, readName():
>>> KeyTab: load() entry length: 99; type: 18
Looking for keys for: HTTP/
Java config name: C:\app\camunda_deploy8 - Copy\camunda-bpm-tomcat-7.15.0\server\apache-tomcat-9.0.43\conf\krb5.ini
Loading krb5 profile at C:\app\camunda_deploy8 - Copy\camunda-bpm-tomcat-7.15.0\server\apache-tomcat-9.0.43\conf\krb5.ini
Loaded from Java config
Added key: 18version: 10
>>> KdcAccessibility: reset
Looking for keys for: HTTP/
Added key: 18version: 10
default etypes for default_tkt_enctypes: 23 18 17.
>>> KrbAsReq creating message
>>> KrbKdcReq send: UDP:88, timeout=30000, number of retries =3, #bytes=168
>>> KDCCommunication: UDP:88, timeout=30000,Attempt =1, #bytes=168
>>> KrbKdcReq send: #bytes read=209
>>>Pre-Authentication Data:
PA-DATA type = 19
PA-ETYPE-INFO2 etype = 18, salt =, s2kparams = null
>>>Pre-Authentication Data:
PA-DATA type = 2
>>>Pre-Authentication Data:
PA-DATA type = 16
>>>Pre-Authentication Data:
PA-DATA type = 15
>>> KdcAccessibility: remove
>>> KDCRep: init() encoding tag is 126 req type is 11
sTime is Wed Aug 21 17:50:18 CEST 2024 1724255418000
suSec is 952723
error code is 25
error Message is Additional pre-authentication required
eData provided.
msgType is 30
>>>Pre-Authentication Data:
PA-DATA type = 19
PA-ETYPE-INFO2 etype = 18, salt =, s2kparams = null
>>>Pre-Authentication Data:
PA-DATA type = 2
>>>Pre-Authentication Data:
PA-DATA type = 16
>>>Pre-Authentication Data:
PA-DATA type = 15
KrbAsReqBuilder: PREAUTH FAILED/REQ, re-send AS-REQ
default etypes for default_tkt_enctypes: 23 18 17.
Looking for keys for: HTTP/
Added key: 18version: 10
Looking for keys for: HTTP/
Added key: 18version: 10
default etypes for default_tkt_enctypes: 23 18 17.
>>> EType:
>>> KrbAsReq creating message
>>> KrbKdcReq send: UDP:88, timeout=30000, number of retries =3, #bytes=255
>>> KDCCommunication: UDP:88, timeout=30000,Attempt =1, #bytes=255
>>> KrbKdcReq send: #bytes read=98
>>> KrbKdcReq send: TCP:88, timeout=30000, number of retries =3, #bytes=255
>>> KDCCommunication: TCP:88, timeout=30000,Attempt =1, #bytes=255
>>>DEBUG: TCPClient reading 1785 bytes
>>> KrbKdcReq send: #bytes read=1785
>>> KdcAccessibility: remove
Looking for keys for: HTTP/
Added key: 18version: 10
>>> EType:
>>> KrbAsRep cons in KrbAsReq.getReply HTTP/
Search Subject for SPNEGO ACCEPT cred (<<DEF>>,
Search Subject for Kerberos V5 ACCEPT cred (<<DEF>>,
Found KeyTab C:\app\camunda_deploy8 - Copy\camunda-bpm-tomcat-7.15.0\server\apache-tomcat-9.0.43\conf\camunda_sso.keytab for HTTP/
Found KeyTab C:\app\camunda_deploy8 - Copy\camunda-bpm-tomcat-7.15.0\server\apache-tomcat-9.0.43\conf\camunda_sso.keytab for HTTP/
Found ticket for HTTP/ to go to krbtgt/AD.BULOVKA.CZ@AD.BULOVKA.CZ expiring on Thu Aug 22 03:50:18 CEST 2024
Entered SpNegoContext.acceptSecContext with state=STATE_NEW
SpNegoContext.acceptSecContext: receiving token = a0 82 07 8e 30 82 07 8a a0 30 30 2e 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 12 01 02 02 06 09 2a 86 48 82 f7 12 01 02 02 06 0a 2b 06 01 04 01 82 37 02 02 1e 06 0a 2b 06 01 04 01 82 37 02 02 0a a2 82 07 54 04 82 07 50 60 82 07 4c 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 12 01 02 02 01 00 6e 82 07 3b 30 82 07 37 a0 03 02 01 05 a1 03 02 01 0e a2 07 03 05 00 20 00 00 00 a3 82 05 57 61 82 05 53 30 82 05 4f a0 03 02 01 05 a1 0f 1b 0d 41 44 2e 42 55 4c 4f 56 4b 41 2e 43 5a a2 30 30 2e a0 03 02 01 02 a1 27 30 25 1b 04 48 54 54 50 1b 1d 63 61 6d 75 6e 64 61 61 70 70 70 72 6f 64 31 2e 61 64 2e 62 75 6c 6f 76 6b 61 2e 63 7a a3 82 05 03 30 82 04 ff a0 03 02 01 17 a1 03 02 01 0a a2 82 04 f1 04 82 04 ed 3c 63 1d ec fa b6 7c d7 6d 01 fc 2d 41 dd 09 85 21 bb 34 ea 05 e5 d7 2c a0 1f df 0a 4f d2 f2 de c5 91 7e c5 cf 03 cb 2c 57 34 19 0c d9 0f 9a 37 de 9d 25 bc a1 d8 b0 d1 62 01 cd 68 b5 a4 da 25 48 85 c7 80 e7 67 7c c2 cb 64 44 0c 16 52 96 fc f0 84 94 50 9f f4 83 ae 54 cc 4d 68 e3 3b 22 31 56 0b 6d c8 76 2c fb ac 20 4b e2 66 37 24 42 76 a5 80 d4 61 9c af 3e 97 48 30 15 91 0c a7 2a f6 a8 42 66 ab 61 40 20 49 46 77 97 27 13 01 9b 9c 80 d9 00 2f 48 ef cc 37 3b 4e d8 80 38 0a ba e7 7a aa 31 c7 2c 83 90 b7 94 d2 3e 72 33 7f 30 a5 77 49 7a c7 7b 01 85 27 19 aa 4f f1 ee 93 06 59 a9 93 4a 27 bd a1 f3 ad e2 05 ec eb fa de b4 dc 80 9c 33 b1 af d9 5a 5f b7 a6 ee 84 54 84 01 86 10 f3 5b 75 93 f5 ac c3 63 a4 17 e1 51 5f 91 4f f7 d1 6a 38 46 58 02 ab 87 72 87 e2 dc ff d4 c8 05 b9 10 cb 19 d9 04 92 f6 4d 2f 3b de d6 f1 39 d9 14 ba 53 6d fe 56 20 ee 31 7c 3d 82 e5 10 62 c9 27 15 6f b5 46 99 9a 24 9d 35 93 8f f1 b5 5c b0 29 f6 4b b4 f4 59 26 fb b5 d7 55 5d 34 dc 93 aa 28 94 1f 1f 0e d1 04 eb d8 87 4d 63 b5 22 83 cf d5 e1 b8 dc 99 3d d7 36 1a 95 67 73 e6 dd 61 84 5b 6e 7a ab 20 99 d9 b2 2e 71 06 03 4a c3 2e 5f 2f e1 76 ff d1 41 85 5b 2f e2 de cf 20 82 27 38 51 1f c1 4f 4e e1 7e 66 7d b2 ed 64 8e c9 0c 3e df a1 bf d0 c3 27 ec 60 be 2b a0 b7 7e 11 89 75 ce 7b 9a d5 c0 70 43 a5 21 a2 4d 6c 0a 86 bc f2 d0 fd de f3 9b c9 ba 23 ed b1 65 07 fa dd 36 d3 d8 bd ec 3f 03 91 b4 b1 ad 93 57 ae 59 73 58 1a cb 62 fe 6c ba a2 a7 c1 23 29 3b 9f c9 24 60 71 97 c3 8b 37 bc e5 ee b1 a4 ff 46 a8 4a ca 5c 40 5c 30 51 36 3f 69 04 88 2c f4 74 f1 45 28 15 b9 e9 27 e2 6f ce c7 44 51 32 ed 56 6a 01 57 1e ae 6c 79 90 36 76 ed f2 c6 6a 15 d9 95 2d f3 70 64 82 d3 85 39 99 74 69 38 ee de d8 36 d2 7e 7f de 1d 56 eb d2 ed 13 3d 25 a7 d1 59 c4 4d b6 3f c0 5f 4c a5 31 bc 40 9b aa 44 55 cf a2 73 57 19 7f cd 75 bf 94 1c 39 d6 92 b1 13 4b 17 48 70 bd 29 67 82 f3 02 53 c2 b7 26 74 fa 40 1b 92 d8 66 bd ea da 11 46 68 95 56 b5 8e bc 29 d2 13 a9 be f3 cb 0c 5c c2 c3 2b 0a a0 57 87 da 27 b0 d2 9f f1 e3 4f ea 6c 86 3b 53 98 f7 6c 47 3f 70 6b f5 db b9 19 3c fe b6 f3 c3 26 eb 0c a0 36 71 e5 b2 d9 9d b9 05 0c 8e 93 e8 2c 50 49 d6 f5 a0 96 8e 74 83 08 2c 44 95 ef ae 52 2a c9 5e 91 99 a0 8c 1b c1 33 78 5b f5 69 92 ea 99 f6 f0 26 91 3d ed c0 7c de 24 52 8b 36 e2 ca 0c 7f fc 5c 05 bc 88 10 20 99 47 7a 9e b1 d6 ca 7c ce 1a ed e8 88 63 79 9a 75 10 fb 49 39 38 6b 95 19 8b c4 0e e7 86 51 dc 47 dc d4 d3 cf 1d cb c1 f3 cf 46 49 59 f1 02 c0 bf 70 22 35 b4 fc 57 65 53 31 51 32 42 53 71 f4 fd fb f7 05 7a 73 b2 46 d0 cb b2 f3 bd e2 ec b9 09 35 16 d4 40 73 b8 f1 60 21 d8 22 69 6a 32 63 e8 67 8f cc 6b a8 43 2f 94 5c 77 e4 88 36 c2 48 89 28 e0 2c 93 40 5b 80 a7 3c 94 0d 11 3d f3 4b de c3 24 3b 69 c4 0a 10 f6 fb e9 11 5f 61 48 94 be 63 02 0a a7 3f 95 d2 32 43 22 c3 f1 00 a4 1a c3 3e 95 df d5 0c 5c a8 4e 00 1a 7b 24 65 97 54 95 7b b1 cf 13 de bf 5d ae 18 19 15 8e a8 7d 58 87 ad e3 ad 1e 2f 30 66 99 68 ef 5c 23 f2 02 84 df bb 4a 74 ed 31 db b5 4e 89 30 40 38 6a be 04 0e 62 ba 7a c6 15 2f 8a ae c0 0c 56 6d 9a ec 96 89 1a b0 c8 99 0b 6f 42 3a fb f8 cb 2c fc c9 17 94 8f b0 94 fa fa 67 1f c7 c3 44 87 f2 6e 1c 1f 7d 8b da 48 47 ed 38 4e dd 86 42 bb 5f 0b a8 65 d9 d4 9b 3e 92 79 86 cb 67 a3 f2 f6 96 9a ce 9a 12 eb 1b b8 9c 2f 24 92 1d d7 6e 3e a9 2c b1 ae 7e 3e 25 43 4b 50 4f 6f 12 d1 c3 e9 ad 63 b0 38 6a 96 14 03 10 ea 52 a8 85 0b f9 cb 84 5c a3 80 0c de 14 d8 53 b5 3a 66 68 60 d8 a4 de 59 9f 0a 46 46 56 a5 c1 8d 73 b2 80 3b b0 ea 23 62 ad 0c d2 c8 21 8c 6b e1 61 85 b1 54 eb b9 60 21 39 85 97 08 ad e4 ed 00 9f 4f 1d b6 87 8c 18 7d d0 6a d5 8a 69 1e 24 c0 24 43 f5 f3 c6 7c d5 1a 7b e6 a9 c0 b0 59 90 8b 81 d3 64 d7 e3 68 cd 93 93 04 64 45 55 d2 73 16 84 50 e6 0a 01 dd 03 1d 25 80 51 64 1d e0 e9 ad 44 cf 59 18 3c 53 e7 88 e0 e5 19 66 b7 1c 6a 08 0c cd 74 51 f8 56 87 c6 03 ea 42 da 2d 45 04 17 fa 5d d8 81 78 a4 82 01 c5 30 82 01 c1 a0 03 02 01 12 a2 82 01 b8 04 82 01 b4 a7 a7 d6 16 60 9a 60 97 1c 09 db 5b 1b 35 18 93 c0 79 c6 ed 1e 89 79 f9 06 8f 0c bb 97 07 25 37 c4 b5 8c 59 23 e8 1a bf 6a 89 3a f1 1c b7 6a 63 b7 3a 5c a8 09 e1 6b 3b 9f 30 ba 52 93 58 c6 8e 4f 5d ee f5 f3 da 24 73 07 04 d4 80 99 a4 9f e1 d9 de 48 fd f1 4c 10 59 d0 17 23 04 96 bf 6b 52 1a d3 f5 1a bf 85 fe aa f4 65 e1 25 e6 05 53 96 49 63 3d d2 91 55 cf ef 62 01 18 7e a8 70 82 c6 aa f0 69 e6 60 c3 25 7d b6 7e c8 20 1f 91 37 8f c0 b5 94 1d 11 33 9c a4 ca 3b da 5c 36 15 10 c3 be 0c f4 95 51 9d 9a 8c 85 34 0d c4 fa f4 56 32 58 af 1f 33 2d 4d 1f 5b ef 25 4b 4b 96 4a 50 20 31 fb 74 0a 42 3b ed 88 8f a4 1e b7 36 bb 02 f6 90 69 8d 83 c9 05 c5 65 da 4c d2 0c 6e ac 35 f8 11 67 86 0d 16 2e 8a a9 f3 e1 e7 b5 63 7a a6 55 bc bc c8 cf 52 b7 43 1a e3 96 c1 90 27 47 b0 be d1 6a 55 2a 4a 5c 88 09 db ad c8 8f b4 f8 d1 6e dc f0 8e 5a 9e 0f b1 de 5e 82 d8 83 30 df af ca 40 1b 64 88 dc 37 40 7e 94 85 ce fc e9 67 65 0e 40 d3 c6 6a da 5e 43 1b c8 da 4b e6 a7 14 c7 7e 1c f0 36 96 5b 7c 11 a9 0f 3c 54 04 9b e0 02 da 91 af 1e 9e 5a 23 97 83 6b b6 f3 60 7a eb 26 e4 e4 9b 5e 8d 75 65 3e 3c d9 de 91 18 8d de c7 95 99 20 b6 52 1a 58 2e 15 e8 04 70 7e 7b 23 3a 1a 93 df e2 4b 67 83 11 ed fa 2c 29 c1 c7 a6 30 a6 68 89 89 62 70 88 9d da a5 d2 52 18 10 c0 98 6d 41 dc 08 00 31 13 39 d6 2c dd c7 f6 5f ce 3b de d9 04 3d 72
SpNegoToken NegTokenInit: reading Mechanism Oid = 1.2.840.113554.1.2.2
SpNegoToken NegTokenInit: reading Mechanism Oid = 1.2.840.48018.1.2.2
SpNegoToken NegTokenInit: reading Mechanism Oid =
SpNegoToken NegTokenInit: reading Mechanism Oid =
SpNegoToken NegTokenInit: reading Mech Token
SpNegoContext.acceptSecContext: received token of type = SPNEGO NegTokenInit
SpNegoContext: negotiated mechanism = 1.2.840.113554.1.2.2
Entered Krb5Context.acceptSecContext with state=STATE_NEW
Looking for keys for: HTTP/
Added key: 18version: 10
Looking for keys for: HTTP/
Added key: 18version: 10
Looking for keys for: HTTP/
Added key: 18version: 10
default etypes for default_tkt_enctypes: 23 18 17.
>>> KrbAsReq creating message
>>> KrbKdcReq send: UDP:88, timeout=30000, number of retries =3, #bytes=168
>>> KDCCommunication: UDP:88, timeout=30000,Attempt =1, #bytes=168
>>> KrbKdcReq send: #bytes read=209
>>>Pre-Authentication Data:
PA-DATA type = 19
PA-ETYPE-INFO2 etype = 18, salt =, s2kparams = null
>>>Pre-Authentication Data:
PA-DATA type = 2
>>>Pre-Authentication Data:
PA-DATA type = 16
>>>Pre-Authentication Data:
PA-DATA type = 15
>>> KdcAccessibility: remove
>>> KDCRep: init() encoding tag is 126 req type is 11
sTime is Wed Aug 21 17:50:23 CEST 2024 1724255423000
suSec is 155732
error code is 25
error Message is Additional pre-authentication required
eData provided.
msgType is 30
>>>Pre-Authentication Data:
PA-DATA type = 19
PA-ETYPE-INFO2 etype = 18, salt =, s2kparams = null
>>>Pre-Authentication Data:
PA-DATA type = 2
>>>Pre-Authentication Data:
PA-DATA type = 16
>>>Pre-Authentication Data:
PA-DATA type = 15
KrbAsReqBuilder: PREAUTH FAILED/REQ, re-send AS-REQ
default etypes for default_tkt_enctypes: 23 18 17.
Looking for keys for: HTTP/
Added key: 18version: 10
Looking for keys for: HTTP/
Added key: 18version: 10
default etypes for default_tkt_enctypes: 23 18 17.
>>> EType:
>>> KrbAsReq creating message
>>> KrbKdcReq send: UDP:88, timeout=30000, number of retries =3, #bytes=255
>>> KDCCommunication: UDP:88, timeout=30000,Attempt =1, #bytes=255
>>> KrbKdcReq send: #bytes read=98
>>> KrbKdcReq send: TCP:88, timeout=30000, number of retries =3, #bytes=255
>>> KDCCommunication: TCP:88, timeout=30000,Attempt =1, #bytes=255
>>>DEBUG: TCPClient reading 1785 bytes
>>> KrbKdcReq send: #bytes read=1785
>>> KdcAccessibility: remove
Looking for keys for: HTTP/
Added key: 18version: 10
>>> EType:
>>> KrbAsRep cons in KrbAsReq.getReply HTTP/
Search Subject for SPNEGO ACCEPT cred (<<DEF>>,
Search Subject for Kerberos V5 ACCEPT cred (<<DEF>>,
Found KeyTab C:\app\camunda_deploy8 - Copy\camunda-bpm-tomcat-7.15.0\server\apache-tomcat-9.0.43\conf\camunda_sso.keytab for HTTP/
Found KeyTab C:\app\camunda_deploy8 - Copy\camunda-bpm-tomcat-7.15.0\server\apache-tomcat-9.0.43\conf\camunda_sso.keytab for HTTP/
Found ticket for HTTP/ to go to krbtgt/AD.BULOVKA.CZ@AD.BULOVKA.CZ expiring on Thu Aug 22 03:50:23 CEST 2024
Entered SpNegoContext.acceptSecContext with state=STATE_NEW
SpNegoContext.acceptSecContext: receiving token = a0 82 07 8e 30 82 07 8a a0 30 30 2e 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 12 01 02 02 06 09 2a 86 48 82 f7 12 01 02 02 06 0a 2b 06 01 04 01 82 37 02 02 1e 06 0a 2b 06 01 04 01 82 37 02 02 0a a2 82 07 54 04 82 07 50 60 82 07 4c 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 12 01 02 02 01 00 6e 82 07 3b 30 82 07 37 a0 03 02 01 05 a1 03 02 01 0e a2 07 03 05 00 20 00 00 00 a3 82 05 57 61 82 05 53 30 82 05 4f a0 03 02 01 05 a1 0f 1b 0d 41 44 2e 42 55 4c 4f 56 4b 41 2e 43 5a a2 30 30 2e a0 03 02 01 02 a1 27 30 25 1b 04 48 54 54 50 1b 1d 63 61 6d 75 6e 64 61 61 70 70 70 72 6f 64 31 2e 61 64 2e 62 75 6c 6f 76 6b 61 2e 63 7a a3 82 05 03 30 82 04 ff a0 03 02 01 17 a1 03 02 01 0a a2 82 04 f1 04 82 04 ed 3c 63 1d ec fa b6 7c d7 6d 01 fc 2d 41 dd 09 85 21 bb 34 ea 05 e5 d7 2c a0 1f df 0a 4f d2 f2 de c5 91 7e c5 cf 03 cb 2c 57 34 19 0c d9 0f 9a 37 de 9d 25 bc a1 d8 b0 d1 62 01 cd 68 b5 a4 da 25 48 85 c7 80 e7 67 7c c2 cb 64 44 0c 16 52 96 fc f0 84 94 50 9f f4 83 ae 54 cc 4d 68 e3 3b 22 31 56 0b 6d c8 76 2c fb ac 20 4b e2 66 37 24 42 76 a5 80 d4 61 9c af 3e 97 48 30 15 91 0c a7 2a f6 a8 42 66 ab 61 40 20 49 46 77 97 27 13 01 9b 9c 80 d9 00 2f 48 ef cc 37 3b 4e d8 80 38 0a ba e7 7a aa 31 c7 2c 83 90 b7 94 d2 3e 72 33 7f 30 a5 77 49 7a c7 7b 01 85 27 19 aa 4f f1 ee 93 06 59 a9 93 4a 27 bd a1 f3 ad e2 05 ec eb fa de b4 dc 80 9c 33 b1 af d9 5a 5f b7 a6 ee 84 54 84 01 86 10 f3 5b 75 93 f5 ac c3 63 a4 17 e1 51 5f 91 4f f7 d1 6a 38 46 58 02 ab 87 72 87 e2 dc ff d4 c8 05 b9 10 cb 19 d9 04 92 f6 4d 2f 3b de d6 f1 39 d9 14 ba 53 6d fe 56 20 ee 31 7c 3d 82 e5 10 62 c9 27 15 6f b5 46 99 9a 24 9d 35 93 8f f1 b5 5c b0 29 f6 4b b4 f4 59 26 fb b5 d7 55 5d 34 dc 93 aa 28 94 1f 1f 0e d1 04 eb d8 87 4d 63 b5 22 83 cf d5 e1 b8 dc 99 3d d7 36 1a 95 67 73 e6 dd 61 84 5b 6e 7a ab 20 99 d9 b2 2e 71 06 03 4a c3 2e 5f 2f e1 76 ff d1 41 85 5b 2f e2 de cf 20 82 27 38 51 1f c1 4f 4e e1 7e 66 7d b2 ed 64 8e c9 0c 3e df a1 bf d0 c3 27 ec 60 be 2b a0 b7 7e 11 89 75 ce 7b 9a d5 c0 70 43 a5 21 a2 4d 6c 0a 86 bc f2 d0 fd de f3 9b c9 ba 23 ed b1 65 07 fa dd 36 d3 d8 bd ec 3f 03 91 b4 b1 ad 93 57 ae 59 73 58 1a cb 62 fe 6c ba a2 a7 c1 23 29 3b 9f c9 24 60 71 97 c3 8b 37 bc e5 ee b1 a4 ff 46 a8 4a ca 5c 40 5c 30 51 36 3f 69 04 88 2c f4 74 f1 45 28 15 b9 e9 27 e2 6f ce c7 44 51 32 ed 56 6a 01 57 1e ae 6c 79 90 36 76 ed f2 c6 6a 15 d9 95 2d f3 70 64 82 d3 85 39 99 74 69 38 ee de d8 36 d2 7e 7f de 1d 56 eb d2 ed 13 3d 25 a7 d1 59 c4 4d b6 3f c0 5f 4c a5 31 bc 40 9b aa 44 55 cf a2 73 57 19 7f cd 75 bf 94 1c 39 d6 92 b1 13 4b 17 48 70 bd 29 67 82 f3 02 53 c2 b7 26 74 fa 40 1b 92 d8 66 bd ea da 11 46 68 95 56 b5 8e bc 29 d2 13 a9 be f3 cb 0c 5c c2 c3 2b 0a a0 57 87 da 27 b0 d2 9f f1 e3 4f ea 6c 86 3b 53 98 f7 6c 47 3f 70 6b f5 db b9 19 3c fe b6 f3 c3 26 eb 0c a0 36 71 e5 b2 d9 9d b9 05 0c 8e 93 e8 2c 50 49 d6 f5 a0 96 8e 74 83 08 2c 44 95 ef ae 52 2a c9 5e 91 99 a0 8c 1b c1 33 78 5b f5 69 92 ea 99 f6 f0 26 91 3d ed c0 7c de 24 52 8b 36 e2 ca 0c 7f fc 5c 05 bc 88 10 20 99 47 7a 9e b1 d6 ca 7c ce 1a ed e8 88 63 79 9a 75 10 fb 49 39 38 6b 95 19 8b c4 0e e7 86 51 dc 47 dc d4 d3 cf 1d cb c1 f3 cf 46 49 59 f1 02 c0 bf 70 22 35 b4 fc 57 65 53 31 51 32 42 53 71 f4 fd fb f7 05 7a 73 b2 46 d0 cb b2 f3 bd e2 ec b9 09 35 16 d4 40 73 b8 f1 60 21 d8 22 69 6a 32 63 e8 67 8f cc 6b a8 43 2f 94 5c 77 e4 88 36 c2 48 89 28 e0 2c 93 40 5b 80 a7 3c 94 0d 11 3d f3 4b de c3 24 3b 69 c4 0a 10 f6 fb e9 11 5f 61 48 94 be 63 02 0a a7 3f 95 d2 32 43 22 c3 f1 00 a4 1a c3 3e 95 df d5 0c 5c a8 4e 00 1a 7b 24 65 97 54 95 7b b1 cf 13 de bf 5d ae 18 19 15 8e a8 7d 58 87 ad e3 ad 1e 2f 30 66 99 68 ef 5c 23 f2 02 84 df bb 4a 74 ed 31 db b5 4e 89 30 40 38 6a be 04 0e 62 ba 7a c6 15 2f 8a ae c0 0c 56 6d 9a ec 96 89 1a b0 c8 99 0b 6f 42 3a fb f8 cb 2c fc c9 17 94 8f b0 94 fa fa 67 1f c7 c3 44 87 f2 6e 1c 1f 7d 8b da 48 47 ed 38 4e dd 86 42 bb 5f 0b a8 65 d9 d4 9b 3e 92 79 86 cb 67 a3 f2 f6 96 9a ce 9a 12 eb 1b b8 9c 2f 24 92 1d d7 6e 3e a9 2c b1 ae 7e 3e 25 43 4b 50 4f 6f 12 d1 c3 e9 ad 63 b0 38 6a 96 14 03 10 ea 52 a8 85 0b f9 cb 84 5c a3 80 0c de 14 d8 53 b5 3a 66 68 60 d8 a4 de 59 9f 0a 46 46 56 a5 c1 8d 73 b2 80 3b b0 ea 23 62 ad 0c d2 c8 21 8c 6b e1 61 85 b1 54 eb b9 60 21 39 85 97 08 ad e4 ed 00 9f 4f 1d b6 87 8c 18 7d d0 6a d5 8a 69 1e 24 c0 24 43 f5 f3 c6 7c d5 1a 7b e6 a9 c0 b0 59 90 8b 81 d3 64 d7 e3 68 cd 93 93 04 64 45 55 d2 73 16 84 50 e6 0a 01 dd 03 1d 25 80 51 64 1d e0 e9 ad 44 cf 59 18 3c 53 e7 88 e0 e5 19 66 b7 1c 6a 08 0c cd 74 51 f8 56 87 c6 03 ea 42 da 2d 45 04 17 fa 5d d8 81 78 a4 82 01 c5 30 82 01 c1 a0 03 02 01 12 a2 82 01 b8 04 82 01 b4 e7 a2 83 78 eb 69 1d 11 54 2a 86 0b 51 18 ff fe 89 f9 87 81 b0 fd 39 65 59 3b 22 a6 f9 ac 12 ed 37 1d b4 0c c5 f3 cc 2e cb fe 8d 34 09 dd 83 28 56 0a be ea b6 84 44 c7 1f 6e b4 9b 04 a3 09 1b 9f 72 60 10 4c a1 8c ee dd 6e 13 fa 66 ca 7c dc f9 ad 43 2a b9 7c 52 c0 24 b7 1e 8e c7 24 84 3a 67 5c 62 cb 04 d2 ad be 4c 48 7f bc 60 c0 cb 2b 95 22 93 5a a7 bd d9 25 df 3c 1f b6 8c 23 3c fe d5 40 bc 52 5f b6 40 5a 45 0f 35 4d 30 a5 80 25 46 1c ec d4 93 d7 b6 6a fd b2 72 64 58 2b b7 20 ea 4d 63 a9 64 2a 63 30 8f 2e 12 5f ca 68 b9 ee 09 c9 c1 bf 7d 33 1c 70 24 38 59 63 a0 60 af b8 b5 fa 17 db 2e 77 42 2a c9 a8 a8 89 a1 92 27 49 13 db 6b 69 77 59 0b 2a dc 95 f4 78 b8 52 22 f4 eb c8 fb f4 ec ed a4 72 50 d1 c2 63 0c 01 22 f7 dd ad 3b e7 7e ee a9 16 c5 6f 11 77 dd 60 df 65 20 61 76 6d 82 c1 6a 30 bf a4 a3 c0 8c 87 bb 02 01 d9 58 a3 46 2f d0 3c 1f 82 19 b9 88 49 f3 97 55 24 43 31 fd d5 50 ce da 91 6e 6b 26 83 1b 15 db 53 38 36 a0 55 55 e4 9e 8b ef 0a 26 d9 3a d4 cb b9 f1 b6 0c 1d de cb 0d b7 e8 e6 34 cd fa 60 6c 95 bf da da 46 be 9a bc 14 b0 fe 42 0a 62 19 76 1a 9d 61 4b e7 2f 3c 6a 71 a7 65 39 e3 4b 4b 47 84 c5 60 96 51 d4 fa 38 94 27 c1 5f c6 0a b6 94 6f ce f6 8a 8e 13 e1 f2 7c d6 a3 fd d9 28 0b e4 9a ee 95 35 29 bd 80 34 c4 eb ee b8 1d 88 b6 b3 91 0f 2e 66 fc 8a ba c6 3a 45 91 43 f2 27 2e b4 04 46 39
SpNegoToken NegTokenInit: reading Mechanism Oid = 1.2.840.113554.1.2.2
SpNegoToken NegTokenInit: reading Mechanism Oid = 1.2.840.48018.1.2.2
SpNegoToken NegTokenInit: reading Mechanism Oid =
SpNegoToken NegTokenInit: reading Mechanism Oid =
SpNegoToken NegTokenInit: reading Mech Token
SpNegoContext.acceptSecContext: received token of type = SPNEGO NegTokenInit
SpNegoContext: negotiated mechanism = 1.2.840.113554.1.2.2
Entered Krb5Context.acceptSecContext with state=STATE_NEW
Looking for keys for: HTTP/
Added key: 18version: 10
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