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Created August 18, 2022 02:17
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fsharp monadic parser
type Exp =
| Num of int //number of integers
| Neg of Exp //negation
| Sum of Exp * Exp //sum
| Diff of Exp * Exp //difference
| Prod of Exp * Exp //product
| Quot of Exp * Exp;; //quotient
let rec evaluate = function
| Num n -> Some n
| Neg e -> match evaluate e with
| Some(e) -> Some(-e)
| _ -> None
| Sum (e1,e2) -> match evaluate e1, evaluate e2 with
| Some e1, Some e2 -> Some(e1+e2)
| _ -> None
| Diff(e1,e2) -> match evaluate e1, evaluate e2 with
| Some e1, Some e2 -> Some(e1-e2)
| _ -> None
| Prod(e1,e2) -> match evaluate e1, evaluate e2 with
| Some e1, Some e2 -> Some(e1*e2)
| _ -> None
| Quot(e1,e2) -> match evaluate e1, evaluate e2 with
| Some e1, Some(0) -> None
| Some e1, Some e2 -> Some(e1/e2)
| _ -> None;;
For this program we notice that only one type
yields a type int. All other operations happen on
an type Exp (Exp * Exp). In order to get the right
operation, we substitute the Exp for the recursirve
call and use the correct math operator accordingly.
The recursive call will eventually transform the type
Exp into an int and operate on it accordingly.
3 * (5 - 1):
> evaluate(Prod(Num 3, Diff(Num 5, Num 1)));;
val it : int = Some 12
3 - [5 / (7 * 0)]
> evaluate(Diff(Num 3, Quot(Num 5, Prod(Num 7, Num 0))));;
val it : int option = None;
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