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Last active September 10, 2024 15:27
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Graphviz Odin dependencies
package main
import "core:fmt"
import "core:io"
import "core:odin/ast"
import "core:odin/parser"
import "core:os"
import "core:path/filepath"
import "core:slice"
import "core:strings"
Graph :: struct {
packages: map[string]^Package,
entry: ^Package,
Package :: struct {
name: string,
fullpath: string,
imports: [dynamic]^Package,
Visitor :: struct {
pkg: ^ast.Package,
graph: ^Graph,
gpkg: ^Package,
collections: map[string]string,
main :: proc() {
if len(os.args) < 2 {
error("`%v` takes a package as its first argument.", os.args[0])
package_path := os.args[1]
graph: Graph
visitor: Visitor
visitor.graph = &graph
visitor.collections["base"] = ODIN_ROOT + "base"
visitor.collections["core"] = ODIN_ROOT + "core"
visitor.collections["vendor"] = ODIN_ROOT + "vendor"
visitor.collections["shared"] = ODIN_ROOT + "shared"
fill_graph(&visitor, package_path)
s := strings.builder_make()
write_graph(strings.to_stream(&s), graph)
write_graph :: proc(s: io.Stream, g: Graph) {
ws :: io.write_string
ws(s, "digraph deps {\n")
for _, pkg in g.packages {
write_package(s, pkg^)
ws(s, "}\n")
write_package :: proc(s: io.Stream, pkg: Package) {
ws :: io.write_string
for dep in pkg.imports {
ws(s, "\t")
ws(s, " -> ")
ws(s, ";\n")
fill_graph :: proc(gv: ^Visitor, start_pkg: string) {
parse_ok: bool
gv.pkg, parse_ok = parser.parse_package_from_path(start_pkg)
if !parse_ok {
error("Could not parse package %q.", start_pkg)
pkg := new(Package) =
pkg.fullpath = gv.pkg.fullpath
gv.graph.entry = pkg
gv.graph.packages[gv.pkg.fullpath] = pkg
gv.gpkg = pkg
runtime := new(Package) = "runtime"
runtime.fullpath = filepath.join({ODIN_ROOT + "base", "runtime"})
gv.graph.packages[runtime.fullpath] = runtime
builtin := new(Package) = "builtin"
builtin.fullpath = filepath.join({ODIN_ROOT + "base", "builtin"})
gv.graph.packages[builtin.fullpath] = builtin
intrinsics := new(Package) = "intrinsics"
intrinsics.fullpath = filepath.join({ODIN_ROOT + "base", "intrinsics"})
gv.graph.packages[intrinsics.fullpath] = intrinsics
v := ast.Visitor{
visit = visit,
data = gv,
ast.walk(&v, gv.pkg)
visit :: proc(v: ^ast.Visitor, node: ^ast.Node) -> ^ast.Visitor {
if node == nil {
return nil
gv := (^Visitor)(
#partial switch n in node.derived {
case ^ast.Package, ^ast.File: return v
case ^ast.Import_Decl:
import_path := n.fullpath[1:len(n.fullpath)-1]
if colon := strings.index_byte(import_path, ':'); colon >= 0 {
if colon == 0 || colon == len(import_path)-1 {
error("Invalid import path %q", import_path)
collection := import_path[:colon]
pkg := import_path[colon+1:]
if path, has_collection := gv.collections[collection]; has_collection {
import_path = filepath.join({gv.collections[collection], pkg})
} else {
error("Unknown collection %q", collection)
} else {
import_path = filepath.join({gv.pkg.fullpath, import_path})
abs, found := filepath.abs(import_path)
if !found {
error("Could not get absolute path of %q", import_path)
if pkg, has_pkg := gv.graph.packages[import_path]; has_pkg {
if !slice.contains(gv.gpkg.imports[:], pkg) {
append(&gv.gpkg.imports, pkg)
} else {
npkg := new(Package)
npkg.fullpath = import_path
append(&gv.gpkg.imports, npkg)
gv.graph.packages[import_path] = npkg
prev_ast_pkg := gv.pkg
prev_pkg := gv.gpkg
gv.gpkg = npkg
defer {
gv.gpkg = prev_pkg
gv.pkg = prev_ast_pkg
parse_ok: bool
gv.pkg, parse_ok = parser.parse_package_from_path(import_path)
if !parse_ok {
error("Parsing package %q failed", import_path)
} =
ast.walk(v, gv.pkg)
return nil
error :: proc(msg: string, args: ..any) -> ! {
fmt.eprint("ERROR: ")
fmt.eprintf(msg, ..args)
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