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Last active August 21, 2024 05:01
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  • Save laymanstake/bd22fe8db7375a9416c26b6c7d0a03ee to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save laymanstake/bd22fe8db7375a9416c26b6c7d0a03ee to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Author : Nitish Kumar (
Performs Entra ID Assessment
version 1.0 | 17/07/2024 Initial version
version 1.1 | 19/07/2024 Error handling improvements
version 1.2 | 28/07/2024 Application details performance improvements
Disclaimer: This script is designed to only read data from the entra id and should not cause any problems or change configurations but author do not claim to be responsible for any issues. Do due dilligence before running in the production environment
Get-EntraIDDetails.ps1 - Perform Entra ID assessment and generate a HTML report.
Script to get important details of Entra ID
This would need a number of permissions, which would involve the Global admin permissions for the first time but all these permissions are READ permissions (except two) and would not make change in curnt configuration. The script is NOT using any POST or PATCH methods with API so it would not change anything in the environment
# This function creates log entries for the major steps in the script.
function Write-Log {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, mandatory = $true)]$logtext,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, mandatory = $true)]$logpath
$Stamp = (Get-Date).toString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")
$LogMessage = "$Stamp : $logtext"
$isWritten = $false
do {
try {
Add-content $logpath -value $LogMessage -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$isWritten = $true
catch {
} until ( $isWritten )
# This function creates a balloon notification to display on client computers.
function New-BaloonNotification {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, mandatory = $true)][String]$title,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, mandatory = $true)][String]$message,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, mandatory = $false)][ValidateSet('None', 'Info', 'Warning', 'Error')][String]$icon = "Info",
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, mandatory = $false)][scriptblock]$Script
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
if ($null -eq $script:balloonToolTip) { $script:balloonToolTip = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon }
$tip = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon
$path = Get-Process -id $pid | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path
$tip.Icon = [System.Drawing.Icon]::ExtractAssociatedIcon($path)
$tip.BalloonTipIcon = $Icon
$tip.BalloonTipText = $message
$tip.BalloonTipTitle = $title
$tip.Visible = $true
try {
register-objectevent $tip BalloonTipClicked BalloonClicked_event -Action { $script.Invoke() } | Out-Null
catch {}
$tip.ShowBalloonTip(10000) # Even if we set it for 1000 milliseconds, it usually follows OS minimum 10 seconds
Start-Sleep -seconds 1
$tip.Dispose() # Important to dispose otherwise the icon stays in notifications till reboot
Get-EventSubscriber -SourceIdentifier "BalloonClicked_event" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Unregister-Event # In case if the Event Subscription is not disposed
# This function gives user option to opt out from some of the permissions required, report would be reduced as well
function Get-PermSelection {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, mandatory = $true)]$permissions
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
[System.Windows.Forms.Application]::EnableVisualStyles() # To enable system theme
$OKButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button -Property @{
Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(75, 220)
Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75, 23)
Text = 'OK'
DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK
$CancelButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button -Property @{
Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(250, 220)
Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75, 23)
Text = 'Cancel'
DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::Cancel
$label = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label -Property @{
Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(10, 20)
Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(370, 20)
Text = 'Select the permissions, you wish to allow, all needed for complete report'
$listBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Listbox -Property @{
Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(10, 50)
Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(370, 150)
SelectionMode = 'MultiExtended'
Height = 150
[void] $listBox.Items.AddRange($permissions)
$SScreen = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Form -Property @{
Width = 400
Height = 300
TopMost = $true
StartPosition = 1
FormBorderStyle = 5
BackColor = [System.Drawing.Color]::White
AcceptButton = $OKButton
CancelButton = $CancelButton
$SScreen.Controls.AddRange(@($OKButton, $CancelButton, $label, $listBox))
# All permissions are selected by default
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $listBox.Items.Count; $i++) {
$listBox.SetSelected($i, $true)
$result = $SScreen.ShowDialog()
if ($result -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK) {
return $listBox.SelectedItems
else {
return $null
# Function to parse datetime string with different cultures
function Convert-ToDateTime {
param (
# List of cultures to test
$cultures = @('en-US', 'en-GB', 'fr-FR', 'de-DE', 'es-ES', 'en-IN')
$results = @()
if (-Not $dateStrings) {
return $null
foreach ($dateString in $dateStrings) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($dateString)) {
$results += $null
$parsed = $null
foreach ($culture in $cultures) {
try {
$cultureInfo = [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::GetCultureInfo($culture)
$parsed = [datetime]::Parse($dateString, $cultureInfo)
catch {
# Continue to the next culture if parsing fails
if (-NOT $parsed) {
throw "Unable to parse date string: $dateString"
$results += $parsed.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss")
return $results
function Get-SensitiveApps {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, mandatory = $false)][array]$Sensitivepermissions = ("User.Read.All", "User.ReadWrite.All", "Mail.ReadWrite", "Files.ReadWrite.All", "Calendars.ReadWrite", "Mail.Send", "User.Export.All", "Directory.Read.All", "Exchange.ManageAsApp", "Directory.ReadWrite.All", "Sites.ReadWrite.All", "Application.ReadWrite.All", "Group.ReadWrite.All", "ServicePrincipalEndPoint.ReadWrite.All", "GroupMember.ReadWrite.All", "RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory", "AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All")
# Populate a set of hash tables with permissions used for different Office 365 management functions
$GraphApp = (invoke-MgGraphRequest -uri "`$filter=appid eq '00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000'&`$select=appid,AppRoles").value
$GraphRoles = @{}
ForEach ($Role in $GraphApp.AppRoles) { $GraphRoles.Add([string]$Role.Id, [string]$Role.Value) }
$ExoPermissions = @{}
$ExoApp = (invoke-MgGraphRequest -uri "`$filter=appid eq '00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000'&`$select=appid,AppRoles").value
ForEach ($Role in $ExoApp.AppRoles) { $ExoPermissions.Add([string]$Role.Id, [string]$Role.Value) }
$O365Permissions = @{}
$O365API = (invoke-MgGraphRequest -uri "`$filter=DisplayName eq 'Office 365 Management APIs'&`$select=appid,AppRoles").value
ForEach ($Role in $O365API.AppRoles) { $O365Permissions.Add([string]$Role.Id, [string]$Role.Value) }
$AzureADPermissions = @{}
$AzureAD = (invoke-MgGraphRequest -uri "`$filter=DisplayName eq 'Windows Azure Active Directory'&`$select=appid,AppRoles").value
ForEach ($Role in $AzureAD.AppRoles) { $AzureADPermissions.Add([string]$Role.Id, [string]$Role.Value) }
$TeamsPermissions = @{}
$TeamsApp = (invoke-MgGraphRequest -uri "`$filter=DisplayName eq 'Skype and Teams Tenant Admin API'&`$select=appid,AppRoles").value
ForEach ($Role in $TeamsApp.AppRoles) { $TeamsPermissions.Add([string]$Role.Id, [string]$Role.Value) }
$RightsManagementPermissions = @{}
$RightsManagementApp = (invoke-MgGraphRequest -uri "`$filter=DisplayName eq 'Microsoft Rights Management Services'&`$select=appid,AppRoles").value
ForEach ($Role in $RightsManagementApp.AppRoles) { $RightsManagementPermissions.Add([string]$Role.Id, [string]$Role.Value) }
$Appdetails = @()
$sps = @()
$managedidentities = @()
$appcreds = @()
$approles = @()
$Sensitivepermissions = ("User.Read.All", "User.ReadWrite.All", "Mail.ReadWrite", "Files.ReadWrite.All", "Calendars.ReadWrite", "Mail.Send", "User.Export.All", "Directory.Read.All", "Exchange.ManageAsApp", "Directory.ReadWrite.All", "Sites.ReadWrite.All", "Application.ReadWrite.All", "Group.ReadWrite.All", "ServicePrincipalEndPoint.ReadWrite.All", "GroupMember.ReadWrite.All", "RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory", "AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All")
$uri = "`$filter=tags/any(t:t+eq+'WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryIntegratedApp')&`$top=999&`$select=id,appid,displayname,createdDateTime,accountEnabled,servicePrincipalType,signInAudience,appRoleAssignmentRequired,appOwnerOrganizationId"
do {
$response = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri
$apps = $response.value
$SPs += $apps
$uri = $response.'@odata.nextLink'
} while ($uri)
$Uri = "`$filter=ServicePrincipalType eq 'ManagedIdentity'&`$top=999&`$select=id,appid,displayname,createdDateTime,accountEnabled,servicePrincipalType,signInAudience,appRoleAssignmentRequired,appOwnerOrganizationId"
do {
$response = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri
$apps = $response.value
$managedidentities += $apps
$uri = $response.'@odata.nextLink'
} while ($uri)
$AllApps = $SPs + $managedidentities
$Uri = "`$select=appid,passwordCredentials,keycredentials&`$top=999"
do {
$response = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri
$apps = $response.value
$appcreds += $apps
$uri = $response.'@odata.nextLink'
} while ($uri)
$Uri = "`$top=999&`$expand=appRoleAssignments&`$select=appId,appRoleAssignments"
do {
$response = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri
$apps = $response.value
$approles += $apps
$uri = $response.'@odata.nextLink'
} while ($uri)
$i = 0
$count = $AllApps.count
ForEach ($app in $AllApps) {
Write-Progress -Activity "Processing $($app.displayName)" -Status "$i of $count completed" -PercentComplete ($i * 100 / $count)
$Roles = $null
$Roles = $approles | Where-Object { $_.appid -eq $app.appid }
[array]$Permission = $Null
$spermissions = $null
if (($Roles.count) -gt 0) {
ForEach ($Approle in $Roles.appRoleAssignments) {
Switch ($AppRole.ResourceDisplayName) {
"Microsoft Graph" {
$Permission += $GraphRoles[$AppRole.AppRoleId]
"Office 365 Exchange Online" {
$Permission += $ExoPermissions[$AppRole.AppRoleId]
"Office 365 Management APIs" {
$Permission += $O365Permissions[$AppRole.AppRoleId]
"Windows Azure Active Directory" {
$Permission += $AzureADPermissions[$AppRole.AppRoleId]
"Skype and Teams Tenant Admin API" {
$Permission += $TeamsPermissions[$AppRole.AppRoleId]
"Microsoft Rights Management Services" {
$Permission += $RightsManagementPermissions[$AppRole.AppRoleId]
if ($Permission) {
$spermissions = (compare-object -ReferenceObject ($Permission | Where-Object { $_ }) -DifferenceObject $Sensitivepermissions -IncludeEqual | Where-Object { $_.SideIndicator -eq "==" }).inputobject
$secrets = @()
$secrets = $appcreds | Where-Object { $_.appid -eq $app.appid }
$passwords = $secrets.passwordcredentials | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{displayname = $_.displayname; startdatetime = $_.startdatetime; enddatetime = $_.enddatetime } }
$certs = $secrets.keycredentials | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{displayname = $_.displayname; startdatetime = $_.startdatetime; enddatetime = $_.enddatetime; usage = $_.usage; type = $_.type; customKeyIdentifier = $_.customKeyIdentifier } }
$temp = [pscustomobject]@{
id = $
displayName = $app.displayName
createdDateTime = $app.createdDateTime
enabled = $app.accountEnabled
servicePrincipalType = $app.servicePrincipalType
permissions = $permission -join "`n"
sensitivepermissions = $spermissions -join "`n"
secretdisplayname = $passwords.displayname -join "`n"
secretstartdate = (Convert-ToDateTime -dateStrings $passwords.startdatetime) -join "`n"
secretenddate = (Convert-ToDateTime -dateStrings $passwords.enddatetime) -join "`n"
certdisplayname = $certs.displayname -join "`n"
certthumbprint = $certs.customKeyIdentifier -join "`n"
certstartdate = (Convert-ToDateTime -dateStrings $certs.startdatetime) -join "`n"
certenddate = (Convert-ToDateTime -dateStrings $certs.enddatetime) -join "`n"
certusage = $certs.usage -join "`n"
certtype = $certs.type -join "`n"
signInAudience = $app.signInAudience
appRoleAssignmentRequired = $app.appRoleAssignmentRequired
appOwnerOrganizationId = $app.appOwnerOrganizationId
$Appdetails += $temp
return $Appdetails
$logpath = "c:\temp\EntraIDDReport_$(get-date -Uformat "%Y%m%d-%H%M%S").txt"
#Import PowerShell Module, install if not already installed
if (get-module -List Az.Accounts) {
Import-Module Az.Accounts
Else {
Write-Output "Installing the module Az.Accounts as current user scope"
try {
Set-PSRepository PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted
Install-Module -Name Az.Accounts -Scope CurrentUser -Confirm:$False -Force
catch {
Write-Output "Could not load the necessary module Az.Accounts, so can not proceed."
if (get-module -List Microsoft.Graph.Authentication) {
Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Authentication
Else {
Write-Output "Installing the module Microsoft.Graph.Authentication as current user scope"
try {
Set-PSRepository PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted
Install-Module -Name Microsoft.graph.authentication -Scope CurrentUser -Confirm:$False -Force
catch {
Write-Output "Could not load the necessary module Microsoft.Graph.Authentication, so can not proceed."
$message = "Modules check done"
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
New-BaloonNotification -title "Information" -message $message
# Output formating options
$logopath = ""
$ReportPath = "c:\temp\EntraIDReport_$(get-date -Uformat "%Y%m%d-%H%M%S").html"
$CopyRightInfo = " @Copyright Nitish Kumar <a href=''>Visit</a>"
# CSS codes to format the report
$header = @"
body { background-color: #D3D3D3; }
h1 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #e68a00; font-size: 28px; }
h2 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #000099; font-size: 16px; }
table { font-size: 12px; border: 1px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }
td { padding: 4px; margin: 0px; border: 1; }
th { background: #395870; background: linear-gradient(#49708f, #293f50); color: #fff; font-size: 11px; text-transform: uppercase; padding: 10px 15px; vertical-align: middle; }
tbody tr:nth-child(even) { background: #f0f0f2; }
CreationDate { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #ff3300; font-size: 12px; }
If ($logopath) {
$header = $header + "<img src=$logopath alt='Company logo' width='150' height='150' align='right'>"
# Need to run below if you wish remove ALL user consented delegated permissions from the Microsoft Graph Command Line Tools enterprise application
connect-mggraph -Scopes Directory.ReadWrite.All
$PrincipalId = (invoke-mggraphrequest -uri "`$select=id").id
$sp = (invoke-mggraphrequest -uri "`$search=`"displayName:Microsoft Graph Command Line Tools`"`&`$select=id,displayName" -Headers @{ "ConsistencyLevel" = "eventual" }).value
$oAuthgrants = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri "`$filter=clientid eq '$($'and PrincipalId eq '$($PrincipalId)'").value
invoke-mggraphrequest -method DELETE -uri "$($"
$requiredscopes = @(
"IdentityProvider.Read.All", # Required for reading configured identity providers
"Directory.Read.All", # Required for reading licenses, organization settings, roles
"OnPremDirectorySynchronization.Read.All", # Required for on-prem directory synchronization settings
"Application.Read.All", # Required for reading enabled directory extensions
"RoleManagement.Read.All" # Required for reading Piviledged and RBAC roles
"AccessReview.Read.All", # Required for reading access review settings
"Policy.Read.All", # Required for reading conditional access policy details
"SecurityEvents.Read.All", # Required for reading Identity security score details
"Directory.ReadWrite.All", # Required for reading Pass Through authenication agent details
"Policy.ReadWrite.AuthenticationMethod" # Required for reading authentication method details
) # Enterprise Application named Microsoft Graph Command Line Tools would be granted delegated permissions
$message = "opt out screen though all permissions are required for full report"
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
$selectscopes = Get-PermSelection -permissions @('IdentityProvider.Read.All', 'Directory.Read.All', 'OnPremDirectorySynchronization.Read.All', 'Application.Read.All', 'RoleManagement.Read.All', 'AccessReview.Read.All', 'Policy.Read.All', 'SecurityEvents.Read.All', 'Directory.ReadWrite.All', 'Policy.ReadWrite.AuthenticationMethod')
if ($selectscopes) {
$requiredscopes = $selectscopes
if (Get-MgContext) {
# Disconnect current connection before starting
try {
$null = Disconnect-MGGraph
Connect-MGGraph -NoWelcome -scopes $requiredscopes -ErrorAction Stop
catch {
$message = "MS Graph login: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
Write-Output "Unable to login to Graph Command Line Tools 1"
else {
# Connect with tenant if no existing connection
try {
Write-Host "No starting connection"
Connect-MGGraph -NoWelcome -scopes $requiredscopes -ErrorAction Stop
catch {
$message = "MS Graph login: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
Write-Output "Unable to login to Graph Command Line Tools"
$ConnectionDetail = Get-MgContext | Select-Object Account, TenantId, Environment, Scopes
$message = "Microsoft Graph connection done"
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
New-BaloonNotification -title "Information" -message $message
$message = "Connecting to Az module"
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
New-BaloonNotification -title "Information" -message $message
$null = Disconnect-AzAccount -InformationAction Ignore -WarningAction Ignore
if (Get-AzAccessToken -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue) {
try {
$null = Disconnect-AzAccount
$null = Connect-AzAccount -AccountId $ConnectionDetail.Account -TenantId $ConnectionDetail.TenantId -Scope CurrentUser -ErrorAction Stop -WarningAction Ignore -InformationAction Ignore *>&1
catch {
$message = $Error[0].exception.message
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
Write-Output "Unable to login to Az Accounts"
else {
try {
$null = Connect-AzAccount -AccountId $ConnectionDetail.Account -TenantId $ConnectionDetail.TenantId -Scope CurrentUser -ErrorAction Stop -WarningAction Ignore -InformationAction Ignore *>&1
catch {
$message = $Error[0].exception.message
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
Write-Output "Unable to login to Az Accounts"
# Workaround to hit undocumented api
$resource = '74658136-14ec-4630-ad9b-26e160ff0fc6'
# Keeping Az token for using later on
$null = Update-AzConfig -DisplayBreakingChangeWarning $false
if ((get-module -List Az.Accounts).version.major -ge 3) {
$encryptedToken = (Get-AzAccessToken -AsSecureString -ErrorAction Stop).token
$azToken = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($encryptedToken))
$encryptedtoken1 = (Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl $resource -TenantId $ConnectionDetail.TenantId -AsSecureString -ErrorAction Stop).token
$Token1 = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($encryptedtoken1))
else {
$azToken = (Get-AzAccessToken -ErrorAction Stop).token
$token1 = (Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl $resource -TenantId $ConnectionDetail.TenantId).token
$message = "Connection to Az module completed."
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
$portaltoken = (Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl "" -TenantId $ConnectionDetail.TenantId).token
$portalheaders = @{
"Authorization" = "Bearer $($portaltoken)"
"Content-Type" = "application/json"
try {
$SpeechEnabled = Invoke-RestMethod '' -Method GET -Headers $portalheaders
catch {
$message = "Azure speech details: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
try {
$BasicAuthDetails = Invoke-RestMethod '' -Method GET -Headers $portalheaders
catch {
$message = "Basic/ Modern Auth details: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
if ($ConnectionDetail.scopes -contains "Directory.Read.All" -OR $ConnectionDetail.scopes -contains "Directory.ReadWrite.All") {
try {
$ServicePlans = ((Invoke-mgGraphRequest -Uri "`$select=skuPartNumber,skuId,prepaidUnits,consumedUnits,servicePlans").value | Where-Object { $_.ServicePlans.ProvisioningStatus -eq "Success" }).ServicePlans.ServicePlanName
catch {
$message = "Service Plan details: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
If ($ServicePlans -contains "AAD_Premium_P2") {
$EntraLicense = "Entra ID P2"
elseif ($ServicePlans -contains "AAD_Premium") {
$EntraLicense = "Entra ID P1"
else {
$EntraLicense = "Entra ID Free"
# Get app ID for Entra ID Connected registered app
if ($ConnectionDetail.scopes -contains "Directory.Read.All" -OR $ConnectionDetail.scopes -contains "Directory.ReadWrite.All" -OR $ConnectionDetail.scopes -contains "Application.Read.All") {
try {
$app = ((Invoke-MgGraphRequest -uri "`$select=id,appid,displayName").value | Where-Object { $_.displayName -eq "Tenant Schema Extension App" }) | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{id = $; appid = $_.appid } }
catch {
$message = "Directory Extensions Details: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
if ($app) {
try {
$DirectoryExtensions = (invoke-mggraphrequest -uri "$($`$select=name") | ForEach-Object { $_.replace("extension_" + $app.appid.replace("-", "") + "_", "") }
$message = "Directory extensions identified: $($DirectoryExtensions -join ",")"
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
catch {
$message = "Directory Extensions Details: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
# On-Premise configuration
if ($ConnectionDetail.scopes -contains "OnPremDirectorySynchronization.Read.All") {
try {
$OnPremConfigDetails = (Invoke-mgGraphRequest -Uri "`$select=features").value.features | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{PasswordHashSync = $_.passwordSyncEnabled; passwordWritebackEnabled = $_.passwordWritebackEnabled; cloudPasswordPolicyForPasswordSyncedUsersEnabled = $_.cloudPasswordPolicyForPasswordSyncedUsersEnabled; userWritebackEnabled = $_.userWritebackEnabled; groupWriteBackEnabled = $_.groupWriteBackEnabled; deviceWritebackEnabled = $_.deviceWritebackEnabled; unifiedGroupWritebackEnabled = $_.unifiedGroupWritebackEnabled; directoryExtensionsEnabled = $_.directoryExtensionsEnabled; synchronizeUpnForManagedUsersEnabled = $_.synchronizeUpnForManagedUsersEnabled } }
catch {
$message = "Onprem config Details: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
#$PHSEnabled = $OnPremConfigDetails.PasswordHashSync
# Pass through authentication details
if ($ConnectionDetail.scopes -contains "Directory.ReadWrite.All") {
try {
$PTAAgentDetail = (Invoke-mgGraphRequest -Uri "`$expand=agents").value.Agents | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{machinename = $_.machinename; externalIp = $_.externalIp; status = $_.status; supportedPublishingTypes = $_.supportedPublishingTypes -join "," } }
catch {
$message = "PTA Agent Details: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
$PTAEnabled = $PTAAgentDetail.machinename.count -ge 1
if ($ConnectionDetail.scopes -contains "IdentityProvider.Read.All") {
try {
$IdentityProviders = (invoke-MgGraphRequest -uri "`$select=name").value.values -join ","
catch {
$message = "Identity Details: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
if ($ConnectionDetail.scopes -contains "Policy.Read.All") {
try {
$SecurityDefaults = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri "")["isEnabled"]
catch {
$message = "Security defaults: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
try {
$tenantsetting = Invoke-RestMethod '' -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $($token1)"; "x-ms-client-request-id" = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString(); "x-ms-client-session-id" = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString() } | Select-Object @{l = "AdminPortalAccess"; e = { if ($_.restrictNonAdminUsers) { "restrictNonAdminUsers" } else { "allusersallowed" } } }, @{l = "LinkedInEnabled"; e = { switch ($_.enableLinkedInAppFamily) { 1: { "False" }; 0 { "EnabledforAll" }; 4 { "SelectGroupOnly" } } } }
catch {
$message = "Tenant additional details: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
try {
$ptasss = Invoke-RestMethod '' -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $($token1)"; "x-ms-client-request-id" = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString(); "x-ms-client-session-id" = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString() } | Select-Object @{l = "PTA"; e = { $_.passThroughAuthenticationEnabled } }, @{l = "seamlessSingleSign"; e = { $_.seamlessSingleSignOnEnabled } }
$phs = Invoke-RestMethod '' -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $($token1)"; "x-ms-client-request-id" = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString(); "x-ms-client-session-id" = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString() }
catch {
$message = "PTA/PHS/Seamless Signon details: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
if ($ConnectionDetail.scopes -contains "Directory.Read.All" -OR $ConnectionDetail.scopes -contains "Directory.ReadWrite.All") {
try {
$TenantBasicDetail = (Invoke-mgGraphRequest -Uri "").value | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{DisplayName = $_.displayName; createdDateTime = $_.createdDateTime; countryLetterCode = $_.countryLetterCode; TenantID = $_.Id; OnPremisesSyncEnabled = $_.OnPremisesSyncEnabled; OnPremisesLastSyncDateTime = $_.OnPremisesLastSyncDateTime; TenantType = $_.TenantType; EntraID = $EntraLicense; Domain = (($_.VerifiedDomains | Where-Object { $_.Name -notlike "*" }) | ForEach-Object { "$($_.Type):$($_.Name)" } ) -join "`n"; SecurityDefaults = $SecurityDefaults ; PTAEnbled = $ptasss.pta; PHSEnabled = $phs; SeamlessSignOn = $ptasss.seamlessSingleSign; passwordWritebackEnabled = $OnPremConfigDetails.passwordWritebackEnabled; DirectoryExtensions = ($DirectoryExtensions -join ","); groupWriteBackEnabled = $OnPremConfigDetails.groupWriteBackEnabled; IdentityProviders = $IdentityProviders; cloudPasswordPolicyForPasswordSyncedUsersEnabled = $OnPremConfigDetails.cloudPasswordPolicyForPasswordSyncedUsersEnabled; AdminPortalAccess = $tenantsetting.AdminPortalAccess ; LinkedInEnabled = $tenantsetting.LinkedInEnabled ; SpeechEnabled = $SpeechEnabled.isTenantEnabled } }
$message = "Tenant basic details done"
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
catch {
$message = "Tenant basic Details: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
# Find latest available Entra ID connect version
try {
$VersionHistory = Invoke-RestMethod ""
catch {
$message = $error[0].exception.message
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
$LatestVersion = $VersionHistory -split "`n" | Where-Object { $_ -match "^## [0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+" } | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "## " } | Sort-Object | Select-Object -Last 1
if ($LatestVersion -notmatch "^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$") {
Write-Output "Unable to determine latest version of Azure AD Connect"
$LatestVersion = $LatestVersion.ToString()
$message = "Latest version for Entra ID connect found from GitHub as $LatestVersion."
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
# Check if the Azure API to for Entra ID connect health accessible
try {
$PremiumCheck = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' -Headers @{'Authorization' = "Bearer $azToken" }
catch {
$message = "API accessibility: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
if ($PremiumCheck.PSObject.Properties.Count -ge 1) {
try {
$EntraIDConnectDetails = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($PremiumCheck.value[0].serviceName)/servicemembers?api-version=2014-01-01" -Headers @{'Authorization' = "Bearer $azToken" }).value | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{machinename = $_.machinename; Enabled = -Not($_.disabled); version = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($PremiumCheck.value[0].serviceName)/servicemembers/$($_.serviceMemberId)/serviceconfiguration?api-version=2014-01-01" -Headers @{'Authorization' = "Bearer $azToken" }).version; LatestVersionAvailable = $LatestVersion; staging = ($_.monitoringConfigurationsComputed | Where-Object { $_.key -eq "StagingMode" }).value; createdDate = [DateTime]::Parse($_.createdDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); lastReboot = [DateTime]::Parse($_.lastreboot).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); OsName = $_.Osname } }
$message = "Entra ID connect servers found: $(if($EntraIDConnectDetails){$EntraIDConnectDetails.machinename -join ","})."
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
New-BaloonNotification -title "Information" -message $message
catch {
$message = "Entra ID connect Details: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
if ($EntraLicense -ne "Entra ID Free") {
# Password protection details
if ($ConnectionDetail.scopes -contains "Directory.Read.All" -OR $ConnectionDetail.scopes -contains "Directory.ReadWrite.All") {
$PasswordProtectionDetails = [PSCustomObject]@{}
try {
((Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri "").value | Where-Object { $_.displayName -eq "Password Rule Settings" }).values | Where-Object { $_ } | ForEach-Object { $PasswordProtectionDetails | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $_.Name -NotePropertyValue (($_.value -split "\t") -join "`n") }
$message = "Entra ID password protection details done."
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
catch {
$message = "Entra ID password protection Details: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
if ($ConnectionDetail.scopes -contains "Policy.ReadWrite.AuthenticationMethod") {
try {
$EnabledAuthMethods = (Invoke-mgGraphRequest -Uri "`$select=authenticationMethodConfigurations").authenticationMethodConfigurations | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{AuthMethodType = $_.Id; State = $_.state } }
catch {
$message = "Entra ID enabled auth methods Details: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
if ($ConnectionDetail.scopes -contains "Directory.Read.All" -OR $ConnectionDetail.scopes -contains "Directory.ReadWrite.All" -OR $ConnectionDetail.scopes -contains "RoleManagement.Read.All") {
$MonitoredPriviledgedRoles = ("Global Administrator", "Global Reader", "Security Administrator", "Privileged Authentication Administrator", "User Administrator")
try {
$ActivatedRoles = (Invoke-mgGraphRequest -Uri "`$select=id,displayName").value | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{Id = $_.Id; DisplayName = $_.displayName } }
catch {
$message = "Entra ID activated role Details: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
$RoleDetail = ForEach ($privilegedRole in $MonitoredPriviledgedRoles) {
$RoleID = ($ActivatedRoles | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -eq $privilegedRole }).Id
If ($privilegedRole -in $ActivatedRoles.DisplayName) {
$name = $privilegedRole
try {
$Count = (Invoke-mgGraphRequest -Uri "$RoleID/members" -Headers @{ "ConsistencyLevel" = "eventual" }).value.displayname.count
catch {
$message = "Entra ID priviledged role Details: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
else {
$name = $privilegedRole
$count = "Role not activated"
Name = $Name
Count = $Count
$message = "Entra ID admin roles details done."
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
# RBAC roles details
try {
$Roles = ((Invoke-mggraphRequest -Uri "`$select=id,isBuiltIn,displayName,isEnabled,rolePermissions").value | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{id = $; isBuiltIn = $_.isBuiltIn; displayName = $_.displayName; Enabled = $_.isEnabled; rolePermissions = ($_.rolePermissions.allowedResourceActions -join "`n") } })
$RBACRoles = $Roles | Where-Object { $_.isBuiltIn -eq $false }
$message = "Entra ID RBAC roles details done."
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
catch {
$message = "Entra ID RBAC role Details: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
if ($EntraLicense -ne "Entra ID Free" -AND $ConnectionDetail.scopes -contains "RoleManagement.Read.All") {
# PIM Roles
try {
$ActivePIMAssignments = (invoke-mggraphRequest -Uri "`$expand=principal").value | ForEach-Object { $roledef = $_.RoleDefinitionId; [pscustomobject]@{RoleName = ($Roles | Where-Object { $ -eq $roledef }).displayName; PrincipalName = $_.Principal.displayName; PrincipalType = ($_.Principal."@odata.type").replace("`#microsoft.graph.", ""); state = $_.assignmenttype; membership = $_.memberType; StartTime = $_.scheduleInfo.StartDateTime; EndTime = $_.scheduleInfo.expiration.enddatetime; type = $_.scheduleInfo.expiration.type; directoryScopeId = $_.directoryScopeId } }
catch {
$message = "Entra ID active PIM assignment Details: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
try {
$ElligiblePIMAssignments = (invoke-mggraphRequest -Uri "`$expand=principal").value | ForEach-Object { $roledef = $_.RoleDefinitionId; [pscustomobject]@{RoleName = ($Roles | Where-Object { $ -eq $roledef }).displayName; PrincipalName = $_.Principal.displayName; PrincipalType = ($_.Principal."@odata.type").replace("`#microsoft.graph.", ""); state = $_.assignmenttype; membership = $_.memberType; StartTime = $_.scheduleInfo.StartDateTime; EndTime = $_.scheduleInfo.expiration.enddatetime; type = $_.scheduleInfo.expiration.type; directoryScopeId = $_.directoryScopeId } }
catch {
$message = "Entra ID elligible PIM assignment Details: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
$PIMRoles = $ActivePIMAssignments + $ElligiblePIMAssignments
$message = "Entra ID Priviledged identity management details done."
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
if ($EntraLicense -eq "Entra ID P2" -AND $ConnectionDetail.scopes -contains "AccessReview.Read.All") {
try {
$Accessreviews = (invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri "`$select=displayName,status,instanceEnumerationScope,createdDateTime,lastModifiedDateTime,descriptionForReviewers,descriptionForAdmins").value | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{AccessReviewName = $_.displayName; status = $_.status; scope = if ($_.instanceEnumerationScope.query) { (invoke-mggraphrequest -uri $_.instanceEnumerationScope.query).displayName -join "," } else { (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -uri $_.scope.resourceScopes.query).DisplayName -join "," }; createdDateTime = $_.createdDateTime; lastModifiedDateTime = $_.lastModifiedDateTime; descriptionForReviewers = $_.descriptionForReviewers; descriptionForAdmins = $_.descriptionForAdmins } }
$message = "Entra ID access review details done."
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
catch {
$message = "Entra ID access review Details: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
if ($ConnectionDetail.scopes -contains "Directory.Read.All" -OR $ConnectionDetail.scopes -contains "Directory.ReadWrite.All") {
# License summary
try {
$LicenseDetail = (Invoke-mgGraphRequest -Uri "$select=skuPartNumber,skuId,prepaidUnits,consumedUnits,servicePlans").value | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{Skuid = $_.skuId; skuPartNumber = $_.skuPartNumber; activeUnits = $_.prepaidUnits["enabled"]; consumedUnits = $_.consumedUnits; availableUnits = ($_.prepaidUnits["enabled"] - $_.consumedUnits) } }
$message = "License summary done."
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
catch {
$message = "Entra ID license summary: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
if ($ConnectionDetail.scopes -contains "Policy.Read.All") {
try {
$CASPolicyDetail = (Invoke-mgGraphRequest -Uri "`$select=displayname,state,createdDateTime,modifiedDateTime,conditions" ).value | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{DisplayName = $_.displayName; State = $_.state; createdDateTime = $_.createdDateTime; modifiedDateTime = $_.modifiedDateTime; locations = $_.conditions.locations.includeLocations -join "`n"; platforms = $_.conditions.platforms.includeplatforms -join "`n" ; clientapplicationtypes = $_.conditions.clientAppTypes -join "`n" } }
$message = "Conditional access policies summary done."
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
catch {
$message = "Entra ID CAS policy summary: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
try {
$PasswordLessDetails = (invoke-MgGraphRequest -uri "").includetargets | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{authenticationMode = if ($_.authenticationMode -eq "any" -OR $_.authenticationMode -eq "deviceBasedPush") { "Passwordless" } else { "Password Based" }; id = $; isRegistrationRequired = $_.isRegistrationRequired; targetType = $_.targetType } }
$message = "Passwordless Auth details summary done."
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
catch {
$message = "Entra ID passwordless config: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
# Collaberation settings
try {
$Collabsettings = (invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri "`$select=defaultUserRolePermissions,allowInvitesFrom,allowEmailVerifiedUsersToJoinOrganization,blockMsolPowerShell") | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{AppRegistrationForAll = $_.defaultUserRolePermissions.allowedToCreateApps; allowedToReadOtherUsers = $_.defaultUserRolePermissions.allowedToReadOtherUsers; allowedToCreateSecurityGroups = $_.defaultUserRolePermissions.allowedToCreateSecurityGroups; AllowGuestInvitesFrom = $_.allowInvitesFrom; allowEmailVerifiedUsersToJoinOrganization = $_.allowEmailVerifiedUsersToJoinOrganization; blockMsolPowerShell = $_.blockMsolPowerShell; allowedToCreateTenants = $_.defaultUserRolePermissions.allowedToCreateTenants } }
$message = "Collaberation details summary done."
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
catch {
$message = "Entra ID collaberation details: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
# SSPR settings | This is a workaround using undocumented API
try {
$sspr = Invoke-RestMethod '' -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $($token1)"; "x-ms-client-request-id" = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString(); "x-ms-client-session-id" = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString() } | Select-Object @{l = "SSPRStatus"; e = { If ($_.enablementType -eq 1) { "Enabled" } else { "disabled" } } }, @{l = "AuthMethodCout"; e = { $_.numberOfAuthenticationMethodsRequired } }, @{l = "numberOfQuestionsToRegister"; e = { $_.numberOfQuestionsToRegister -join "," } }, @{l = "numberOfQuestionsToReset"; e = { $_.numberOfQuestionsToReset -join "," } }, @{l = "GroupsInScope"; e = { $_.passwordResetEnabledGroupName -join "`n" } }, @{l = "skipRegistrationAllowed"; e = { $_.skipRegistrationAllowed } }, @{l = "skipRegistrationMaxAllowedDays"; e = { $_.skipRegistrationMaxAllowedDays } }, @{l = "customizeHelpdeskLink"; e = { $_.customizeHelpdeskLink } }, @{l = "customHelpdeskEmailOrUrl"; e = { $_.customHelpdeskEmailOrUrl } }
catch {
$message = "SSPR details: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
if ($ConnectionDetail.scopes -contains "SecurityEvents.Read.All") {
# Identtity Secure score recommendations
try {
$Controls = (invoke-mggraphRequest -Uri "`$filter=controlCategory eq 'Identity'").value | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{controlCategory = $_.controlCategory; id = $; title = $_.title; service = $_.service; userImpact = $_.userImpact; threats = ($_.threats -join ","); actionType = $_.actionType; remediation = $_.remediation; maxScore = $_.maxScore; deprecated = $_.deprecated } }
catch {
$message = "Entra ID secure score controls: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
try {
$Scores = (invoke-mggraphRequest -Uri "").value | ForEach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{createdDateTime = $_.createdDateTime; currentScore = $_.currentScore; maxScore = $_.maxScore; controlScores = $_.controlScores; licensedUserCount = $_.licensedUserCount; activeUserCount = $_.activeUserCount } }
catch {
$message = "Entra ID secure score details: " + $error[0].exception.message + " : " + ($error[0].errordetails.message -split "`n")[0]
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
$SecureScoreReport = @()
if ($scores) {
$latestScore = $scores[0]
foreach ($control in $latestScore.controlScores | Where-Object { $_.controlCategory -eq "Identity" }) {
$controlProfile = $Controls | Where-Object { $ -contains $control.controlname }
$SecureScoreReport += [PSCustomObject]@{
ControlCategory = $control.ControlCategory
Title = $controlProfile.title
description = $control.description
Threats = $controlprofile.threats
scoreInPercentage = $control.scoreInPercentage
Score = "$([int]$control.score) / $([int]$controlProfile.maxScore)"
UserImpact = $controlProfile.userImpact
actionType = $controlProfile.actionType
remediation = $controlProfile.remediation
implementationStatus = $control.implementationStatus
lastSynced = $control.lastSynced
$threshold = 7 # number of days after which cert/secret would be expired
$apps = @()
$expiringsecrets = @()
$expiringcerts = @()
$sensitiveapps = @()
if ($ConnectionDetail.scopes -contains "Directory.Read.All") {
$apps = Get-SensitiveApps
$expiringsecrets = ($apps | Where-Object { $_.secretenddate }) | Where-Object { (($_.secretenddate -split "`n" | ForEach-Object { [datetime]::ParseExact($_, "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss", [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture) }) | Measure-Object -Maximum).maximum -lt (get-date).Adddays($threshold) }
$expiringcerts = ($apps | Where-Object { $_.certenddate }) | Where-Object { (($_.certenddate -split "`n" | ForEach-Object { [datetime]::ParseExact($_, "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss", [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture) }) | Measure-Object -Maximum).maximum -lt (get-date).Adddays($threshold) }
$sensitiveapps = $apps | Where-Object { $_.sensitivepermissions }
$message = "Creating HTML Report..."
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
New-BaloonNotification -title "Information" -message $message
# Create HTML table elements
if ($EnabledAuthMethods) {
$EnabledAuthSummary = ($EnabledAuthMethods | Sort-Object State -Descending | ConvertTo-Html -As Table -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Auth Methods Summary : $($TenantBasicDetail.DisplayName)</h2>")
if ($RoleDetail) {
$RoleSummary = ($RoleDetail | Sort-Object Count | ConvertTo-Html -As Table -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Priviledged Entra Role Summary: $($TenantBasicDetail.DisplayName)</h2>")
if ($TenantBasicDetail) {
$TenantSummary = ($TenantBasicDetail | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Entra Summary: $forest</h2>") -replace "`n", "<br>" -replace ",", "<br>"
if ($BasicAuthDetails) {
$BasicAuthSummary = ($BasicAuthDetails | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Basic/Modern Auth Summary: $forest</h2>") -replace "`n", "<br>"
if ($EntraIDConnectDetails) {
$EntraIDConnectSummary = $EntraIDConnectDetails | ConvertTo-Html -As Table -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Entra ID connect agents Summary: $($TenantBasicDetail.DisplayName)</h2>"
if ($PTAEnabled) {
$PTAAgentSummary = $PTAAgentDetail | ConvertTo-Html -As Table -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Pass through agents Summary: $($TenantBasicDetail.DisplayName)</h2>"
If ($RBACRoles) {
$RBACRolesSummary = ($RBACRoles | ConvertTo-Html -As Table -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>RBAC Roles Summary: $($TenantBasicDetail.DisplayName)</h2>") -replace "`n", "<br>"
If ($PIMRoles) {
$PIMRolesSummary = ($PIMRoles | Sort-Object RoleName, PrincipalType, type | ConvertTo-Html -As Table -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>PIM Roles Summary: $($TenantBasicDetail.DisplayName)</h2>") -replace "`n", "<br>"
if ($Accessreviews) {
$AccessreviewSummary = ($Accessreviews | ConvertTo-Html -As Table -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Access Review Summary: $($TenantBasicDetail.DisplayName)</h2>") -replace "`n", "<br>"
if ($PasswordProtectionDetails.PSObject.Properties.Count -ge 1) {
$PasswordProtectionSummary = ($PasswordProtectionDetails | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Password Protection Summary: $($TenantBasicDetail.DisplayName)</h2>") -replace "`n", "<br>"
if ($CASPolicyDetail) {
$CASSummary = ($CASPolicyDetail | ConvertTo-Html -As Table -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Conditional Access Policy Summary: $($TenantBasicDetail.DisplayName)</h2>") -replace "`n", "<br>"
if ($PasswordLessDetails) {
$PasswordLessSummary = $PasswordLessDetails | ConvertTo-Html -As Table -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Passwordless Auth mode Summary: $($TenantBasicDetail.DisplayName)</h2>"
If ($Collabsettings) {
$CollabsettingsSummary = $Collabsettings | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Collaberation settings Summary: $($TenantBasicDetail.DisplayName)</h2>"
If ($LicenseDetail) {
$LicenseSummary = $LicenseDetail | ConvertTo-Html -As Table -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>License Summary: $($TenantBasicDetail.DisplayName)</h2>"
If ($SecureScoreReport) {
$SecureScoreReportSummary = $SecureScoreReport | ConvertTo-Html -As Table -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Identity - Secure Scores Summary: $($TenantBasicDetail.DisplayName)</h2>"
if ($expiringsecrets) {
$expiringsecretSummary = ($expiringsecrets | select-object displayName, createdDateTime, enabled, servicePrincipalType, secretdisplayname, secretstartdate, secretenddate | ConvertTo-Html -As Table -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Apps - Expiring secrets Summary: $($TenantBasicDetail.DisplayName)</h2>") -replace "`n", "<br>"
if ($expiringcerts) {
$expiringcertSummary = ($expiringcerts | select-object displayName, createdDateTime, enabled, servicePrincipalType, certdisplayname, certthumbprint, certstartdate, certenddate, certusage, certtype | ConvertTo-Html -As Table -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>Apps - Expiring certificate Summary: $($TenantBasicDetail.DisplayName)</h2>") -replace "`n", "<br>"
if ($sensitiveapps) {
$sensitiveappSummary = ($sensitiveapps | select-object displayName, createdDateTime, enabled, servicePrincipalType, permissions, sensitivepermissions | ConvertTo-Html -As Table -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>sensitive apps Summary: $($TenantBasicDetail.DisplayName)</h2>") -replace "`n", "<br>"
if ($sspr) {
$ssprsummary = ($sspr | ConvertTo-Html -As List -Fragment -PreContent "<h2>SSPR setting Summary: $($TenantBasicDetail.DisplayName)</h2>") -replace "`n", "<br>"
$ReportRaw = ConvertTo-HTML -Body "$TenantSummary $BasicAuthSummary $ssprsummary $CollabsettingsSummary $EntraIDConnectSummary $PasswordLessSummary $PTAAgentSummary $LicenseSummary $RoleSummary $RBACRolesSummary $PIMRolesSummary $AccessreviewSummary $PasswordProtectionSummary $EnabledAuthSummary $CASSummary $SecureScoreReportSummary $expiringsecretSummary $expiringcertSummary $sensitiveappsummary" -Head $header -Title "Report on Entra ID: $($TenantBasicDetail.Displayname)" -PostContent "<p id='CreationDate'>Creation Date: $(Get-Date) $CopyRightInfo </p>"
# To preseve HTMLformatting in description
$ReportRaw = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlDecode($ReportRaw)
$ReportRaw | Out-File $ReportPath
Invoke-item $ReportPath
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