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Modern Software Engineering Resources

Modern Software Engineering

University of Anarchism - SWE Resource Library and MSc STEAM Curriculum

Information, Knowledge, Education, and Instruction must always be open & free.
All tyrants must be neutralized. Hierarchy must permanently be abolished.


The Foundation (jump)

Wayback Machine, Library Genesis/OceanofPDF/Project Gutenberg/Anna's Archive , 1337x/bk (media archive).
Fight slavery & monopoly with FOSS, ad blockers, paywall bypassers, VPNs, proxies, peer to peer, tor snowflake, etc.

  • Z. Notes below (down). A non-grift library for SWE.
  • A. (go) Development Environment (Linux, Neovim, Wezterm, Dev Tools, Languages, Configs, Security, and Dotfiles).
  • B. (go) Complementary Subjects (Linguistics, English, Security, OpSec, Psychology, Anthropology, History, Philosophy, Religion, Economics, Business, Cooking, Xenology, and Self Defense).
  • C. (go) Fundamentals of Science and Technology (Logic, Physics, Mathematics, Game Theory, Geology/Geography, Business, Chemistry, Biology, Medical, MCAT, and Their Applications).
  • D. (go) Computer Science and Competitive Programming (CPU/OS/Linux/CMake, Git/Vim/Cronjob/Regex, Object Oriented/Functional Programming, Lua/Python/JavaScript/C/C++, Data Structures and Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Design Patterns, Database Design, Networking/Security/Encryption/Cryptography, Distributed Systems, and System Design).
  • E. (go) Low-Level Programming (Assembly/C, Embedded Systems, Interpreter/Compiler, Control Theory, and Robotics).
  • F. (go) Game Dev and Digital Arts (Game Theory, Worldbuilding, Game Design, C/Raylib, Godot, Lua/Love2D/Defold, C++/OpenGL, Aseprite/LDtk/Tiled/Krita/Inkscape, Gimp/Blender/Kdenlive, and LMMS/Audacity).
  • G. (go) Fullstack Dev and Backend Engineering (Figma/JS/TS/Node/Vue/React/React Native/Next, Java/Spring, Go/Pprof/DevContainers/Testcontainers, Python/Django, Bun/HTMX, PostgreSQL/MongoDB/SQLite/Supabase, REST/GraphQL/GRPC-Protobuf/NSQ/NATS/Kafka, NGINX/Certbot, Docker/Kubernetes/OpenTelemetry/Prometheus/Grafana, AWS/Jenkins/Ansible/OpenTofu, and Rust).
  • I. (go) Preparation for Job Search and Realities of the Industry (Head Ups, Pathways, Resume, Interview, and Reflections).
  • J. (go) Pet Project Ideas and advice on open-source contribution.
  • K. (go) Interview Questions that I've been asked (Fundamentals, DS&A, Go, JS, and React).
  • L. (go) Interview Preparation Template (Frequent questions, how to avoid traps and answer them properly).
  • M. (go) Some non-free resources (books & Udemy courses, wait for sales).
  • N. (go) Streamlined Noob to SWE L7 Roadmap - The Foundation 52 weeks of 20 hours/week (Effective Training, Frontloading Method, Foundations, Fundamentals, Languages, Tools, Web Dev, Infrastructures, and Production-grade Software).
  • O. (go) Productive Daily Plan for NEETs (Daily normal days and Uposatha/Sabbath days).
  • P. (go) Philosophy in Action (Internal Analysis, External Influences, and Layman's Primer).
  • Q. (go) Chess Practice (Fundamentals, Tactics, Strategies, London, CaroKann, NimzoIndian, and Bullet).
  • R. (go) Speedcubing Resources (Rubiks, Big Cubes, Blindfolded, and Side Events).

(a manifesto).

"Birth, old age, sickness, death, and corruption, are the realities of the world." - MN 26

"The world is unstable and swept away. The world has no shelter and no savior. The world has no owner—you must leave it all behind and pass on. The world is wanting, insatiable, the slave of craving." - MN 82

"A wise man should avoid unchastity as a pit of glowing charcoal. If unable to lead a celibate life, he should not go to another’s wives." - KN Snp 2.14

"Greater in battle than the man who would conquer a thousand-thousand men, is he who would conquer just one — himself." - KN Dhp 103

Knowledge, Education, and Instruction should be open and free. Hierarchy must be abolished.


Hierarchy is inherently problematic because it will always have the problem of asymmetries: power and information, and thus, will inevitably lead to corruption and exploitation.

Hierarchical power structures are inherently evil because they will always seek self-perpetuation using any mean possible, whether it's deception, manipulation, coercion, or violent domination, no matter what they call themselves - mean-end disunity. In this way, a minority of elites can control and exploit the population.

The concept of Government is the longest running fraud in human history, as well as God, Church, Capitalism, or Socialist Tankism. All hierarchical power structures are inherently evil, no matter what they call themselves or what they promise. Why? Because they will do whatever it takes to maintain the asymmetries of power, wealth, and information, whether it's deception, manipulation, coercion, or violent domination. Means and ends are inseparable and unjustifiable. There is no just war. The only solution is complete anarchy with direct democracy, mutual aids, and library economy.

If God created the universe, who created God? If God doesn't need a creator, so does the universe. The concept of a Creator God, universal consciousness, or any of those vague terms, is just pure absurd and utterly useless, made by grifters, preys on your delusion and insecurity. If anyone worthy of being called a Creator, a God, that's your mother and father. They've literally created you, showed you the world, and they're your first teacher. It's hard to repay them.

"Wage slavery refers to a person's dependence on wages or a salary for their livelihood, in a world where the distribution of and conditions for these wages is determined by a specific class."

Copyright Law, NDAs, Cease and Desists, etc. are capitalist mechanisms created for the perpetuation of slavery and monopoly. "Copyright isn't about paying artists, it's about being an idea landlord. In the end, "intellectual property" only serves to exclude the poor from accessing and using knowledge and culture. It's one of the pillars of capitalism." All forms of knowledge and education should forever be open and free without any restriction.

It's just rebranded feudalism, where the elites own all the lands and means of production, most wealth are inherited, self-made is a myth created to gaslight the masses, while slavery becomes systemic. "Butttt, you can choose your employer." Good luck saying this with a hobo, a neet who for years cannot land a single job, or a minimum wagie. The vast budget (thievery via taxes) in the army, wars, law enforcement, subservient school systems, consumerism propaganda, and entertainment industrial complex is solely for protecting the system and to make the population dull and indulging. The elites, meanwhile, prepped for the worst with their underground cities and luxury New Zealand villas. They can just safely farm the population, and everything is going as planned.


A. Development Environment

B. Complementary Subjects

C. Fundamentals of Science and Technology

D. Computer Science and Competitive Programming

E. Low-Level Programming

F. Game Dev and Digital Arts

G. Fullstack Dev and Backend Engineering

I. Preparation for Job Search and Realities of the Industry

  • If you’re following along this list, you may need to have a proof of work, i.e. a document or a portfolio to list all of your projects ordered by themes, this acts as a degree for when you go to interviews (up).
  • It’s essential to be able to read official documentations, search on Google, and prompt the AI. But be aware that AIs can hallucinate stuffs, last time I ask Bard it said its hallucination rate is 57%.
  • Keep resume simple, condense, one single page if possible, don’t leak your picture or address, and don’t lie or add unnecessary things.
  • Avoid scammy recruiters, offshore sweatshops, and dodgy domains like gambling, drugs, drinks, sex works, dating apps, weapon sellers, blockchain, property development, PR, quant.
  • Don't talk or even look at women in your workplace unless for urgent work related reasons, to avoid false accusation, defamtion, and envy from fellow male employees.
  • Again, don't work for anyone for free especially unpaid internship, avoid one-way interviews, send them introduction videos/voices, too much personal information, take homes (demand standard compensation rate instead), etc..
  • One applicant per day is a good rate, too much will lead to overwhelm and drop in quality of job and preparation. Upwork, Workable, GolangProjects, Turing, Toptal, LinkedIn, etc. Or just directly apply to the companies' career portal.
  • Practice makes perfect, just keep studying, building pet projects, implementing your practical ideas, and interviewing a lot & take notes.
  • It’s just a number game, don’t take it personally if you constantly fail, keep up the grind.
  • Even if you’re employed, don’t stop job seeking, or else you will get complacent, delusion, and atrophy. And you have zero leverage in case of laid off.
  • Understand that companies will do whatever it takes to force you to work as much as possible and pay you as little as possible, so don't rely on recognition or some shit, always have backup plans, only you can protect yourself.
  • If you're still in school just finish them, get that degree. Despite their pointlessness, having them helps a bit. Meritocracy is a myth. But still it's always important if you have the real skill to back yourself up. This is why this resources guide exist. If you're a drop out, you will need to work twice as hard and apply quadruple as much. Life is rigged and cruel, you just have to bite the bullet, know the game and how to navigate it.
  • Building your own knowledge base with free/OSS tools like Anki, and Vim/Neovim (back) (up).


J. Pet Project Ideas

Try to build them yourself without watching tutorials. I gathered some these on the internets, not all are my original ideas. If you want to work with an open source project, contact their team first and see how it goes. Please don't spam open source projects fishing for contribution, it's just not worth it and you only degrade yourself, only if you're using the software and run into problems, then try report the issue and contact the maintainer first. Check out the Nix Drama.
Build ones that are not too basic and you can explain them well. Also check the project based learning list.

  • Something that you are interested on or have a need to solve, ad blockers, bypass paywalls, your personal website, discord bots, tools and mods for hobbies or video games you're playing, emulator, memory trainer, repertoire trainer, maze solver robot, automated irrigation system with an app for calibrations and monitoring, sudoku solver, ant simulator, genetic algorithm visualizer, invent a new board game, schema generator, or just simply automate and sync your daily repetitive tasks (back) (up).
  • Try to create something that will help people, make the world a little bit better for somebody (up).
  • A fully functional text editor that support undo/redo, search/replace, tables, and drawing (up).
  • A free blog/writing collection website with headless CMS (up).
  • A statistical analysis and solution website that based on the United Nation's 17 Sustain Development Goals (up).
  • A peer-to-peer messaging app (up).
  • A free course website (Netflix clone but instead of movies you deliver educational content) (up).
  • A content/project management system with task synching and scheduling (up).
  • A 4chan clone (up).
  • A multi-threaded web indexing spider (up).
  • An e-commerce website/app (Amazon clone) that integrate with map, payment, and delivery (up).
  • A decentralized peer-to-peer (not blockchain) barter transaction app with proper backend system that can support a large Anarchy society (up).
  • 3D Printing hardware and software (up).
  • A grid gallery portfolio website with pure HTML/CSS and host on GitHub Pages (up).
  • A personal project/habit/income/expense planner from scratch with React Native (up).
  • Code 15 classic games from scratch with ECS using Rust/Bevy and Aseprite/LDtk (Street Fighter, Pokemon-like RPG, Shoot 'em Up, Bomberman, Tower Defense, Graph Visualizer, Pacman, Tetris, Galaga, Asteroid, Arkanoid, Frogger, Snake, Cellular Automata, and Pong) (up).
  • A turn-based 2D RPG with physics-based-slingshot-combat from scratch with Defold/Krita and release on Steam and Google (up).
  • Setting up a production-grade REST API with tests, autho/en, caching, migration, PostgreSQL database, and GitHub CI in Go from scratch with Docker/Pprof and AlwaysData/Oracle Cloud Free Tier hosting (up).
  • A fullstack distributed market system for mutual aids with Go, NodeJS, GRPC, NextJS frontend, and Docker/K8s/OpenTelemetry/Prometheus/OpenTofu/AWS (back) (up).

K. Interview Questions

That I've been asked (Fundamentals, DS&A, Go, JS, and React) (back) (up).

  • (DSA) Explain and compare Object Oriented, and Functional Programming; explain MVC, MVVM, and ECS.
  • (DSA) Explain the concept of array, linked list, tree, hash map, stack, queue, and priority queue.
  • (DSA) Explain differences between any of the 2 data structures.
  • (DSA) Explain DFS, BFS, topology sort, and their practical applications.
  • (DSA) Implement a string reverser, palindrome checker, prime number checker, permutation generator, or reverse a linked list.
  • (DSA) Solve an array problem like two sum; or a 2D array problem like find all isolated islands.
  • (DSA) Solve a dynamic programming, a medium string manipulation with trie, or an easy graph problem (up).
  • (JS) Explain hoisting, scope, and closures; explain expression precedence.
  • (JS) Difference between var, let, and const; explain null, undefined, NaN, and Optionals.
  • (JS) Explain DOM manipulation; how to center a div both horizontally and vertically.
  • (JS) Explain class, arrow function, map-filter-reduce.
  • (JS) Explain async and await; list and explain some ES6 features.
  • (JS) Explain Node's single threaded event loop model; explain callback and promise; explain prototype and how to use it.
  • (JS) Implement word count; tricky questions asked to do in one single loop.
  • (JS) Implement an event emitter from scratch.
  • (JS) Implement map-filter-reduce from scratch.
  • (JS) Implement promise and async/await from scratch; resolve chain promises.
  • (JS) Implement signal from scratch; migrate CSV data to Mongo (up).
  • (React) What's the difference between function component and class component.
  • (React) What are props, how children prop and prop drilling works; how Virtual DOM works.
  • (React) Explain all built-in React hooks; how to create custom hooks; explain react-router and router-dom.
  • (React) When to use context vs using redux to reduce prop drilling, when to cache queries using rtk query.
  • (React) How to use GraphQL with React; the difference between REST and GraphQL; the n+1 problem.
  • (React) Implement a listing page in React with TDD using a public API.
  • (React) Build a virtual DOM from scratch (up).
  • (Go) What's the difference between ACID and BASE; explain in the context of PostgreSQL and MongoDB.
  • (Go) Which features of PostgreSQL/MongoDB did you use; drop all data; how to use cursor or limit/offset.
  • (Go) How to use JSON data in PostgreSQL; how to store money and discounts in PostgreSQL/MongoDB.
  • (Go) Explain normalization and indexing; concurrent transactions, blocks, and isolation levels.
  • (Go) Explain optimistic versus pessimistic blocking; how to find and sort in AWS S3.
  • (Go) How to read 10gb of data from PostgreSQL; how would you read a 10gb file with Go.
  • (Go) What's the difference between HTTP, TCP, UDP, WebSockets, and GraphQL.
  • (Go) Explain HTTPS; what's the difference between certificate and public key; differences between symmetric and asymmetric encryption.
  • (Go) Name and explain some important services in a cloud platform; cronjob scheduling.
  • (Go) How to scale with and without a cloud platform; explain API gateway, reverse proxy; how Kubernetes works.
  • (Go) Identify bottleneck in production environment; explain tracing, distributed logging, and metrics (up).
  • (Go) Explain how Go garbage collector work and how to fine tune it.
  • (Go) Explain and give code examples for some design patterns that are commonly used in Go.
  • (Go) The difference between parallelism and concurrency; Go's concurrency features and their use cases.
  • (Go) How Go's scheduler works; compare it with the OS scheduler; difference between Kafka and NATS;
  • (Go) Explain context package in Go; how would you implement time out; how would you handle errors.
  • (Go) How would you write unit tests in Go; explain mocking and dependency injection.
  • (Go) How would you test a database layer, a service layer, a handler layer, or a 3rd-party callback layer.
  • (Go) Explain common concurrent patterns in Go and their usages; practical ways to use closure in Go.
  • (Go) Explain CAP theorem; how Event Driven works in Go services; orchestrate a micro-services architecture.
  • (Go) Explain producer, consumer, and offset in Kafka; how to concurrently consume and retry.
  • (Go) Design a notification system.
  • (Go) Implement a task with generics; design and implement an inventory and storefront system.
  • (Go) Implement a parallel URL fetcher with 5 async processes and print a specific field in the JSON respond.
  • (Go) Implement a REST API with a database layer, caching, and rate limiting using only standard libs.
  • (Go) Implement a Kafka batch producer and consumer streaming system and test suite with persistent and stateful data.
  • (Go) Implement a custom schema generator/parser; check if a mongo geoloc coordinates is within a polygon.
  • (Go) Modify an existing source code and add features according to requirements, in real time (up).

L. Interview Prep Template

I'm looking for a full-time software development job in X (A, B, C; great if remote). Back-end or full-stack regarding anything Go and/or JavaScript (Node, React and Vite, React Native, and a little bit of Next). I love to work on a quality product or project with proper git workflow, code review, and unit tests. My salary requirements: $X-X/month gross with standard benefits (9-to-5, 13th month pay, full social insurance, health insurance, yearly health check, etc.) (back).

Introduction (up)

  • I'm Lavantien, a Y born in X, and I studied computer engineering at UIT, majoring in embedded systems, and minoring in robotics. Now I'm working mostly as a web developer, I enjoy programming and solving problems. I mostly use Go and JavaScript. I can do front-end but I love develop my back-end skill because there's always something new to learn, like networking, protocols, security, dealing with distributed systems and databases, setting up a robust testing pipeline, and working with third-party integrations and cloud services. During the 7 years of my web development career, I've been involved in some large projects like ETCC E470 and Ackio Mesh, but most of them were small projects and startups where I had the chance to build things from the ground up and participate in the whole development process.

Values that I will bring to the team (up)

  • Good sense of responsibility.
  • When in doubt, I always directly ask questions and clarify with others. I'm open to feedback and welcome criticism.
  • I am good at analyzing problems, reading documentation, and searching for solutions. I always try to find the best ways to save costs and improve profitability for my clients.
  • I have a strong foundation of core programming techniques, data structures and algorithms, design patterns, and networking. I have a robust mental model for debugging and writing code.
  • And I am very intimate with all aspects of backend development and all the nuances of the Go and JavaScript languages. I am very familiar with complex code bases, distributed systems, and third-party integrations.
  • I focus on team objectives. I have a win-win mentality.
  • I love to learn from other people and to constantly improve myself.

Potential incompatibilities with company culture (up)

  • I don't want to speak with anyone unless it's necessary for the job.
  • I don't like to work on a legacy code base or just pure maintenance work.
  • I don't like most of the meetings where people are just bantering and wasting time on what could be just email.
  • I don't like to give vague estimations. I hate it when PMs give unrealistic timelines just to
  • I might come across as being critical, as I don't want to flatter.
  • I love meritocracy. I hate micromanagement, nepotism, cronyism, and favoritism regarding performance reviews.

Description of my favorite project (up)

  • Use AI to cook a story highlighting your experience.

Role play a daily meeting (up)

  • Yesterday I've been working on the ticket A, already resolved it.
  • encountered some problems regarding development environment but able to sort them out with the help of the team lead.
  • Also I've been pair-programming with B for the past week to work on feature C,
  • Today I'll continue with my other tickets as well as pair-programming with B to finish off C, we'll see how it goes.

Points I would like to clarify with HR (up)

  • Real salary range? Full social insurance? Payment method and frequency?
  • Yearly health checkup? PTO policy? OT policy? Work log?
  • 13th month policy? Project bonus?
  • Who are the clients of the company? What are the domains of projects in the company? What are the sources of funding? How stable is the profitability of the company?
  • What is the longest project in the company, and how did it end up?
  • Layoff possibility? "We can keep the contract but no more salary, or you can write a resignation letter"?
  • Is there nepotism in the company (e.g., HRM is the CEO's wife and CTO is the CEO's brother)? Cronyism? Favoritism regarding performance reviews? Micromanagement?

Questions I would like to ask the tech lead (up)

  • Is there a minimum standard for the code base? Like, regression testing, 80% on the test coverage, or all PRs need to be reviewed and rebase before merging? And what does the CI pipeline look like?
  • Are there sufficient onboarding documentation and a development wiki? How many SLOC in the code base?
  • What are the problems that you expect this position to solve? Could you describe a typical ticket or story?
  • How are stories and tickets divided? What does a typical sprint look like? Timeline and release cycle?
  • How are estimations and decisions made? Evident-based solutions, data-driven approach, i.e., profiling and benchmarking first? Does the team keep decision records?
  • I've heard about the term, but what are your definition of Clean Code? Who decided whose code is cleaner?
  • How many users are the system serving? What kind of architecture? Why chose microservices? What are the network latency between each service and the amount of serialization and deserialization on each request? Are you solving problems you don't have?
  • How does the team evaluate performance? What are the specific metrics? Are there peer reviews?
  • What are the types of meetings? How does each of them go? What does a typical working day look like?

Feedback for the interview process (up)

  • Try to focus on the positive (back).

M. Some non-free resources

If you want to buy something, always wait for the deepest discount, and check for the last updated date.
For all the books, just use Library Genesis, OceanofPDF, Project Gutenberg, or Anna's Archive.

N. Streamlined Noob to SWE L7 Roadmap - The Foundation

0. Orientation and Onboarding

  • Welcome to University of Anarchism, Faculty of STEAM Education (not the one in Paris ↗).
  • You don't need any qualification or tuition to attend. And you'll get a MSc in Software Engineering official degree at the end of your journey.
  • The Curriculum has been independently audited: Perflexity ↗, ChatGPT ↗, and Gemini ↗.
  • Me, a Buddhist Anarchist (early buddhism and anarcho-syndicalism), PhD in Xenology, will be your professor, or more correctly, you're your own professor.
  • Warning: Maybe read through the Notes section and the below walls of text first before proceeding, most of your questions should probably be answered.

(TL;DR), (up).

A. The Curriculum

  • You'll be quite proficient in 2+12 programming languages, 2 natural languages, learn how to survive in the modern Western world as a broke incel ↗ without any inheritance or connection (true self-made), and become a wise and competent man, a man of integrity:

    • Lua, Python, C, C++, Go, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, C#, Rust (10 core),
    • Zig, Lisp, Ocaml, Scala (4 off),
    • HTML, CSS, Bash, JSON, YAML, etc. (∞ support),
    • English, Pali (3+ spoken),
    • develop compassion, equanimity, a structured life, long term thinking, and the ability to delay gratification,
    • strong STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics) theoretical foundation and how to apply them,
    • bottom-up approach of building enduring knowledge and understanding:
      • the art of inner peace and wisdom:
        • realities and blackpill, self-defense and security, opsec and osint, first aid and survival,
        • health and habits, morality and ethics, buddhism and anarchism, mythology,
      • social science:
        • philosophy and psychology, economics and law, geopolitics and psychohistory,
        • anthropology and linguistics, xenology and non-human intelligence,
      • natural science: applied maths, applied physics, applied biology, general medical
      • computer science: logical reasoning and game theory, computer engineering, first principles, basic tech primitives,
    • and software engineering: related technologies and methodologies for real world industry-grade and enterprise systems thorough this section.
  • If you don't even know wtf is programming then this process will take many years, at least 10,000 quality hours! And this is not a get-rich-quick bootcamp or a one-trick-pony roadmap, it's just a plan to build good habits and real practical software engineering skills.

(top), (up).

B. Orientation

  • If you're still in school, try to study your way to the top and earn the full university scholarship (especially HYPSM or Caltech) to ease the monetary burden; or else, take on some community college credits while you're in high school.
  • If you're a neet ↗, try collegemaxxing, a trade degree or BSc in CS is better than nothing, refer to the point above; do 9 hours of deep work/study on mon, tue, thu, and fri, and relax on wed, sat, and sun; constantly building your skill up and applying to jobs; don't slacking off and throw your life away for no reason and learn about abject poverty around the world.
  • If you're working and/or didn't have a degree yet, careermaxxing by planning on saving money and come back to school to get a good A-grade engineering degree and self-study IELTS Academic 8.0+, it does really help in this recession and overstaturated market, and it opens the door for moving abroad to US or EU if you're currently living in a shithole country (detailed method below).
  • If you're an incel, you can't afford to be fat or have mental illnesses, most people are hypocrites who just want to gaslight you so that you can quickly fuck off and they can feel good about themselves, no one actually give a fuck about you. Only you yourself can make a real difference. The instructions below will solve these issues.
  • If you're autistic and got bully or abandoned, you must staying low and stop seeking attention or validation, people are hypocrites and beyond cruel (welcome to the human realm), they don't really give two fucks about you and will see you as a monster despite said otherwise, and will talk shit about you behind your back, so strive both for a good career if possible and a guaranteed heaven slot (detailed instructions below). Focus on what you can bring with you when you die, discard the rest for an efficient trip. Those pathetic greedy deceitful narcissists wouldn't stance a chance and will end up in hell, animal, or the hungry ghost realm. Who got the last laugh now, motherfuckers?
  • Don't be a dopamine chaser, prove the doubters wrong.
  • NDAs and Non-Compete clauses are mechanisms to monopolize and legally enslave you, so read and consider carefully before signing any thing. And remember that under the guise of "civil" many evil atrocities have been committed. Anything that goes against the big brother's narrative will surely be suppressed.
  • Never underestimate anybody and expect them to back stab you. So, always minimize attacking surface and apply zero trust policy wherever possible.
  • People who contribute the most to society, e.g. janitors, garbage collectors, and servers, are being disrespected and got pennies. While those parasites at the top and their sons enjoy fame and luxury. So don't rely too much on social recognition. Strive for internal integrity instead.
  • The concept of Government is the longest running fraud in human history, as well as God, Church, Capitalism, or Socialist Tankism. All hierarchical power structures are inherently evil, no matter what they call themselves or what they promise. Why? Because they will do whatever it takes to maintain the asymmetries of power, wealth, and information, whether it's deception, manipulation, coercion, or violent domination. Means and ends are inseparable and unjustifiable. There is no just war. The only solution is complete anarchy with direct democracy, mutual aids, and library economy.
  • Real Buddha Quotes:
    • "Birth, old age, sickness, death, and corruption, are the realities of the world." - MN 26.
    • "The world is unstable and swept away. The world has no shelter and no savior. The world has no owner—you must leave it all behind and pass on. The world is wanting, insatiable, the slave of craving." - MN 82.
    • "A wise man should avoid unchastity as a pit of glowing charcoal. If unable to lead a celibate life, he should not go to another’s wives." - KN Snp 2.14.
    • "Greater in battle than the man who would conquer a thousand-thousand men, is he who would conquer just one — himself." - KN Dhp 103.
Be aware of the Halo Effect, i.e. two guys of the exact same behavior: (..more)
Attractive simp guy = kind man
Short simp guy = nice guy
Rude attractive guy = bad boy
Rude short guy = incel
Smart attractive guy = brilliant, intelligent
Smart short guy = nerd
Quiet attractive guy = stoic strong type
Quiet short guy = shy loner
Confident attractive guy = boss
Confident short guy = creepy, Napoleon complex
Buff attractive guy = hot
Buff short guy = Manlet
Demanding attractive guy = alpha
Demanding short guy = controlling
Old attractive guy = mature
Old short guy = old
Well dressed attractive guy = sexy
Well dressed short guy = try hard
Broke attractive guy = potential
Broke short guy = loser
  • Minimum wage math: $15/h (federally mandated starting 2025)

    • -> $600/w -> $2600/m -> $31200/y.
    • If you're a mid-level SWE and not even making minimum wage, regardless of your country, then there's something wrong and you're being seriously ripped off somewhere.
  • How long til your first 100k in cash with minimum wage?

    • -> after taxes (18% or $468), all things rent ($500), expenses, food, water, logistics ($280), and college debt or pay back to your parents ($250)
    • -> ~$1100
    • -> you can hard-save $1k (preferably in .9999 gold, don't trust the bank), and spend the rest however you want
      • Don't trust the bank and especially investment/property/stock/crypto bros, they're all pyramid scams based on speculation, fomo, and fud, all of which are immoral, preying on the destitute, such pure evil.
    • -> 8 years of living frugally (a real minimalist) and saving every single cent of every single pay check, for your first $100k cash.
  • The way to get a green card and US citizenship as a global-south pleb (the US is not ideal, but it's miles better than some corrupted cesspools):

      1. Beware that oldschool slavery is not abolished (despite declared otherwise, not to mention contract slavery or wage slavery), is still legal and constitutionally protected in the USA via the 13th Amendment ↗, mass incarceration of poor people and immigrants, forced labor, and the prison industrial complex (of which, 80% are POCs).
      1. Lookism and racism (especially from Asian hoes, they hate Asian men the most for some reasons) are absolutely rampant in the West, both in dating as well as the job market (most upper managers and C suite are 6"+). So if you're a short currycel or ricecel, know that it's pure over (regarding dating), and focus on other aspects of your life.
      1. Apply to Green Card Lottery ↗ (often May each year, not applicable to some nationalities like Indian, Vietnamese, or Chinese, RIP), tell all your family members and relatives to apply too.
      1. For EU countries like France, Sweden, or Switzerland, see the Passport Talent Program ↗.
      1. Get the MSc in Computer Science in your local tier 1 college (e.g. UET/UIT/HCMUS in Vietnam, IITs/CMI in India, or C9 in China) and graduate with excellent grade 3.7-4.0/4.0 GPA (non-negotiable, all As, except some Bs on some shitty brainwashing tankies' subjects like Principles of Maxist-Leninism or LMao's Ideology).
      1. Self-taught IELTS Academic 8.0+ (or TOEFL iBT 110+), very doable if you're already using English everyday (don't go to IELTS bootcamps or 1-on-1 courses as they're all scams and predators).
      1. Apply to companies in easier places like Singapore or EU and work there for 2-5 years, to cleanse your resume.
      1. Apply to decent US companies and request them to sponsor you via EB-2 visa (don't do H1B it's slavery, at least do EB-3 if you're incompetent).
      1. Work in the US for 5+ years, then apply for full-fledged citizenship.
  • How to get good at a video game? Here are my experiences as a Top Auto Chess Athlete ↗:


Here's a rephrased version of the text:

Selecting a competitive game typically involves choosing a skill-based, solo multiplayer game with a substantial player base and no pay-to-win elements, so that you will have only yourself to blame for your failure. Examples include Auto Chess, Fortnite Solo Zero-Build, and StarCraft 1/2.

Auto Chess, which I've played since its inception as a Dota 2 custom map, generated significant excitement, particularly within the Dota 2 community.

To excel in any game:

  1. Thoroughly study and comprehend all game aspects.
  2. Play extensively to internalize mechanics.
  3. Initially focus on mastering 1-2 meta strategies.
  4. Concentrate on learning core game mechanics.
  5. At higher levels, study professional players through live matches or replays.

Practice comes in two forms: deliberate and repetitive. Deliberate practice helps familiarize yourself with new concepts, while repetitive practice helps internalize these concepts.

In essence: learn the rules, practice extensively, and observe skilled players.

Many games, like Auto Chess and Dota 2, feature built-in live match spectating. For other games, seek out professional replays.

To find top players, consult the leaderboard and follow the best performers. Watch their gameplay to identify a style that resonates with you, then emulate their approach.

When watching replays or live matches, maintain focus and question the player's decisions, such as "Why did they choose this action over another?"

(top), (up).

  • The real minimalist complete guide to hygiene and heath - 32 steps:

    • Stop looking at screen after 10 pm and sleep before 11 pm.
    • Wake up at 6 am. Don't sleep on luxury high comfort bed and soft pillows.
    • Sleep on a small hard pillow, simple blanket, and mat instead.
    • Fold your blanket and sleeping mat. Always keep your places tidy and clean.
    • Brush your teeth twice a day. Wash your face with water thrice a day.
    • Keep 5 precepts everyday. 8 precepts on Sabbath.
    • Never jestermaxx, cock-block, or any goofy ass shit. Never become a cucked simp or a betabuxxer.
    • 15m of breath meditation session, twice a day.
    • 15m of sunlight exposure everyday before 9am or after 4pm.
    • Brisk walking 7k or 10k steps daily. Maintain a lean physique with 12% Men Body Fat and 19.5 BMI.
    • Do strength training on mon, wed, fri: push ups, pull ups, squats, hanging knee raises.
    • Do endurance training on tue, thu, sat: jumping rope.
    • Total rest day on sunday. Don't try to exercise or work or study on Sunday. Just relax.
    • Shower every day 5m after exercise. Wash your hair 3 times a week is enough.
    • No alcohol, psychoactive substances, nicotine, or caffein.
    • Eat one single meal a day. Gather all of the stuff you wanna eat and eat in one go.
    • Drastically reduce sugar and refined carbs intake. Replace processed carbs and sugar with vegetables and fruits.
    • Increase protein intake with eggs and beans. Decrease salt intake. Increase potassium intake with bananas.
    • Consume around 1.5 to 2L of water everyday, no more, no less. Again, no alcohol, and better without tea or coffee.
    • Stop masturbating, gooning, edging, watching porn, or even peeking. Never talk to females unprompted, or even look at their direction. Avoid foids who are in a relationship at all cost. Stop watching fake viral, wealth flexing, or those influencer brain rot contents. Never become a pedo, a simp, or a cuck.
    • Maintain mindfulness, situational awareness, and sense restraint throughout the day. No deceit or flattery. Recollect about mortality, old age, and sickness, of you, and the ones you care about, every day, to ground yourself in reality. Human Decomposition ↗, Darwin Awards ↗, Accidents Awareness ↗, and Some Of You May Die ↗.
    • Stay away from bad influences. Associate with good influences. Be completely celibate if you can.
    • All of the afformentioned 22 steps are to prevent yourself turning into a digustingly evil fat pig full of acnes and pimples.
    • Stand up and move around every 2 hours of sitting and do chores or something.
    • Wash your cloths and towels every week. Fold them properly after dried and put them in proper places.
    • Wash your sitting mats or chairs, shoes, and slippers every week.
    • Trim your finger nails and toe nails, and shave your beard every fortnight.
    • Cut your hair if it's too long for you, or else well kept long hair is alright.
    • Don't get tattoos, don't dye your hair, don't do surgeries if you aren't wildy deformed.
    • Don't wear jewelries or those stupid watches. Cheap digital watches are ok for counting steps and pulses.
    • Stay away from beauty products if you can. Chemincals are always harmful in the long run.
    • Wear simple casual cloths like non-cuffed jogger and oversized plain tshirt, or black hoodies.
    • Wear cheap durable simple shoes or AF1 or Vans. Don't turn yourself into a clown with fancy clothing.
  • The complete guide to heaven: God does not exist ↗, but heavens ↗ do, and here is the exact way to book a ticket to a good heaven, the true "love yourself", no matter your religion or lack there-of - by keeping strong moral principles and integerity:

      1. Strictly keep these 5 hard limits unbroken, impeccable, spotless, unmarred, liberating, praise by the wise, not mistaken, and leading to concentration.
      • Regarding real attraction, money doesn't mean shit, and will only get you gold diggers or settling hoes. If you want to be a cucked betabuxxer with dead bedroom then go ahead.
      • If you did all the aforementioned guides and still got zero bitches by the age of 24, it means you're officially a sub-5 incel. Enough with all the copes.
      • What's the point of seething? Don't hate foids, don't be jealous or envious of chads, it is what it is, hate the game instead.
      • Congrats, you don't ever have to worry about STDs, STIs, HIV, or preggie anymore. It's time to forget about femoids and heavenmaxx instead.
      • "A wise man should avoid unchastity as a pit of glowing charcoal. If unable to lead a celibate life, he should not go to another’s wives." - KN Snp 2.14.
      1. Avoid at all cost these 5 trades: weapons, living creatures (human trafficking, prostitution, pest control, pesticides, experiments on animals, buying and selling pets, etc.), meat (including bugs, fish, and shellfish), intoxicants (alcohol, psychoactive drugs, and nicotine), and poisons.
      • And strictly stay away and don't ever participate in abortion (there are some evil countries that punish the doctors for refusing to perform abortion),
      • euthenasia (human or animal, "put down" your pets or some other bullshit excuses, so the safest way is to not have any pet, and don't enslave any animal),
      • wars (don't ever join the army, there's no just war, only maniacs killing each other for the elite ruling class),
      • military (fuck the draft, fuck conscription, find ways to avoid getting conscripted, the concept of a country or a nation is a long running scam created by the elites to farm the population, divide and conquer, human is just simply human, nationality is a useless concept used to justify domination and genocides),
      • becoming police/government/politicians (they're the real criminals), tax collectors (it's theft), bucreaucracy (banality of evil), banking, advertisement, marketing, anything relate to corruption and bribery,
      • grifting and scamming (pig butchering scam, upsell, funnel, pyramid, ponzi, mlm, mmo, smmo), jobs that prey on people's desires and fomo,
      • any landlording and speculative buying-to-sell-later-for-profit (real estate, land, property, gold, etc. if you're to buy a house just solely to have a place to live then it's ok),
      • or any job that breaks or make you break the 5 hard limits, in any capacity.
      1. Upgrade to 8 limits based on the moon phases (29, 1, 8, 14, 15, 16, 22) every month,
      • with heightened sense of conscience (internal shame of evil deeds) and prudence (external fear of consequences).
      • This is called observing the Uposatha, or Sabbath.
      1. Be generous and get rid of stinginess.
      • Develop compassion and equanimity on the way. Treat everyone the same no matter aesthetic, whether in public or private.
        • Every lifeform seeks pleasure.
        • Every lifeform avoids pain.
        • I should delight on their good deeds.
        • I should focus on my business, what else can I possibly do?
      • Always seek chance to save/relocate bugs and animals and give proper requisites (not money) like proper healthy foods (not spoiled/outdated foods or those fucking instant noodles en masse), clean water, clothes, medicines, and shelters to people and animals in need (including bugs and marine lifeforms).
      • When purchasing gifts, buy from their local vendors first, to avoid disrupting their local businesses.
      • If you don't have the mean then donate with your time instead (as I am doing right now compiling this SWE resource library).
      • "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven" - Luke 18:25.
      1. Develop right view (so that when shit hits the fan, you won't regress back into doing savage deeds because of the lack of concern/conscience/prudence, the mind is doing subliminary calculation all the time in the background without you knowing, without Right View, don't supprise when at first "I would never do that" and then later "I don't know why I did that") - try to understand or just put faith in these reasonable axioms:
      • There is no God or Savior. You're the owner of your actions, responsible for your actions, and heir to your actions. And death is not the end for the vast majority of sentient beings (the only exception is the Perfected Ones, who has permanently eradicated greed, hate, and delusion). Sooner or later, you will reap what you sow, whether good or bad.
      • "There is meaning in giving, sacrifice, and offerings.
      • There are fruits and results of good and bad deeds.
      • There is an afterlife.
      • There are such things as mother and father, and beings that are reborn spontaneously.
      • And there are ascetics and priests who are rightly comported and rightly practiced, and who describe the afterlife after realizing it with their own insight." - MN 117 ↗
      1. There is your mother and there is your father, they're your Creator and your first Teacher. It's hard to pay them back. Respect, honor, and pay pack your mother and father, grandparents, and other elders in your family. How? By leading as an exemplar yourself:
      • "But you have done enough, more than enough, to repay them if you encourage, settle, and ground
      • unfaithful parents in faith,
      • unethical parents in ethical conduct,
      • stingy parents in generosity,
      • or ignorant parents in wisdom." - AN 2.33 ↗
      • and last, your fat and unhealthy parrents in a lean body and a healthy lifestyle (details below).
      1. Minimize anger, envy, and jealousy. Stop finding justifications for anger, stop delighting in the feeling of powerful when you're angry. It's your mind that suffer in the end, anger is simply a poison. Out of anger and false sense of justice that people commit many kinds of horrific attrocity.
      • Remember to be mindful, aware, and restraint during the day. Instruction below.
  • Complete guide to Buddhism and Anarchism: Layman's Primer.

  • All of the above are the minimum basis to maintain good physical and mental heatlh.

  • For self-taught independent dev, landing a decent job (non-sweatshop) is like winning lottery, it's just pure statistics, it's mostly luck, but you'll need skills to back up the luck when it comes; it's normal nowadays to apply to 1000 jobs with tailored resume and cover letter and not even getting a single call back; the reality is that 99% of all the job postings are fake, most of them are just a facade for internal promotions or a dick-measuring contest to reassure the shareholders.

Some words of encouragement from the Buddha (...more)
So hard it is to do, Lord,
It's so very hard to do!

But still they do what's hard to do,
Who steady themselves with virtue.
For one pursuing homelessness,
Content arrives, and with it joy.

So hard it is to get, Lord,
This content of which you speak!

But still they get what's hard to get,
Who delight in a tranquil mind.
The mind of those, both day and night,
Delights in its development.

So hard it is to tame, Lord,
This mind of which you speak!

But still they tame what's hard to tame,
Who delight in senses at peace.
Cutting through mortality's net,
The nobles, Kamada, proceed.

So hard it is to go, Lord,
On this path that gets so rough!

Still nobles, Kamada, proceed
On paths both rough and hard to take.
Those who are less than noble fall
On their heads when the path gets rough.
But for nobles the path is smooth
— For nobles smooth out what is rough!

KN Snp 2.6

(top), (up).

C. Onboarding

  • To be quite efficient with all of them, with each language, on the saturday, set out a 2-4 focused hours, treat it as recreational programming and try to do yourself on your own:

    • 99 Problems (go),
    • Game of Life and Rule 110 (go, go),
    • Advent of Code (go),
    • 75 Problems - LeetCode Study Plan, or Non-Pro NeetCode 150 Roadmap (go, go),
    • using all of the free AIs (Perflexity, ChatGPT, Copilot, Codeium, Claude, Gemini) for additional research,
    • a schema parser (go),
    • Mindsweeper, Sudoku and solver, or Gomoku with embedded AI; firing squad synchronization simulation (go),
    • Algorithms benchmarking, comparing, and visualizer;
    • an SQLite REST API with caching, rate limiting, authen/o, validators, migration, etc., and full test suite,
    • a multipage React/Vite UI for the above backend, or try different libraries/frameworks,
    • a concurrent data fetcher/scrapper and processor with database indexer,
    • a pub-sub system and a chat app on top of it (go),
    • a distributed or microservices system using GRPC and NATS/Kafka with Podman, K8s, and OpenTf (go, go),
    • tools for video games you're playing; bots; automation,
    • looking for freelance gigs or side jobs,
    • and try concepts from the K. Real World Interview Questions or redo stuff that you've failed.
  • All you need to know to train from tutorials and documentations effectively is after every item in The Frontloading Method list:

      1. watch everything in 3x speed (2x if you're an old man with slow brain); don't waste too much time on meta contents (reaction, tech news, drama, etc.); with educational contents, imagine yourself doing them while watching, summarize in your head what that tut/doc is about, take notes is useless as you'll most likely never look at it again,
      1. redo all the code without looking at the tut/doc, add your own spin to it and see how it goes; for theoretical sources, use anki to make flashcards and review them often,
      1. try to explain to and teach yourself the concept, and try to understand the underline mechanism behind it; for maths vids, try to implement them yourself with a language of choice,
      1. make sure to use terminal and neovim keybinds or at least vim motions when coding to familiar with your dev env,
      1. if you encounter a problem, go through this problem solving pipeline:
      • reread the code and go through all related references and internal docs to get a mental model and really understand how the code flows (what are all of the inputs, expected outputs, and how the services communicate?)
      • if it's hard to pin down, then the codebase is probably overengineered by incompetent stupid devs, leads, managers, and executives who are gatekeeping their money printing scheme, with tons of useless convoluted abstractions and insane proliferations. Scrum my ass. Simplicity is the first principle. KISS and YAGNI ftw
      • -> try put stdout printf across related POIs and rerun (is the problem in backend, frontend, database, protobuf schemas, or 3rd party integration?)
      • -> official docs
      • -> ask some ai (perplexity, copilot, chatgpt, codeium, claude, gemini, etc., use free "pro" queries)
      • -> search on internet
      • -> go through forums and blogposts (stack..., blogposts, freecodecamp articles, 4chan, reddit, etc.)
      • -> scrap through github, PRs, issues, and mailing lists
      • -> write some table-driven unit tests or fuzzy tests to zone out edge cases
      • -> actually use the debugger for real
      • -> write a small isolate program to reproduce the problem and test on it
      • -> after 2 hours of struggle, if you're on the job, now is the time to nicely ask some colleagues for help, and write down or record their instructions, don't be lazy and keep bodering people with things that they've already explained to you,
      • -> update the unit tests, write integration/ab test to make sure there'll be no regression regarding this problem in the future.
    • only proceed to the next items when you've completed these 5 tasks, or else you're just wasting your time and not building any skill; remember, every choice you make in life will have consequences, whether you aware of them or not,

(top), (up).

D. The Frontloading Method

Finish (frontload) these 12 semesters first by committing 20-40 hours/week for 1 full year or more, use Anki to review knowledge, (every weekday, set out at least 4 hours for deep study and programming), to have a general idea and mental models about software engineering, and know what, which, and where to search when you've get off the training wheels:

  • (Month 0, 12 credits) (jump) 0. Orientation and Onboarding
  • (Month 1, 309 credits) (jump) 1. The Art of Inner Peace and Wisdom
  • (Month 2, 114 credits) (jump) 2. Social Science
  • (Month 3, 64 credits) (jump) 3. Natural Science and Python
  • (Month 4, 136 credits) (jump) 4. Computer Science, Linux, Lua, and Neovim
  • (Month 5, 68 credits) (jump) 5. C and C++
  • (Month 7, 144 credits) (jump) 6. Go
  • (Month 9, 123 credits) (jump) 7. JavaScript and TypeScript
  • (Month 11, 44 credits) (jump) 8. Java and C#
  • (Month 11, 33 credits) (jump) 9. Rust
  • (Month 12, 29 credits) (jump) 10. Zig, Lisp, Ocaml, and Scala
  • (Month 12, 19 credits) (jump) 11. Job Search and Interview
  • (Month 12+, 81 credits) (jump) 12. Your Magnum Opus, and Life-Long Practice of Programming, Spirituality, Anthropology, and Xenology

If you have already thoroughly finished this curriculum, you will earn a Software Engineering - Master of Science (MSc) Degree. Feel free to include this Master's Degree in Software Engineering in your resume,
e.g. "MSc in Software Engineering, University of Anarchism".

  • Enroll: "I undertake the training under this curriculum and will try to thoroughly finish it".

(top), (up).

1. The Art of Inner Peace and Wisdom

  • Youtube: Back to Work Wagie (go) (back).
  • Youtube: Clean It Up, Wagie (go).
  • Youtube: Just Work Harder (go).
  • Youtube: Permanently stop masturbation (go).
  • Youtube: Eating Trash and Inherited Slave Mentality (go).
  • Youtube: Clean Code and Successful Career in Software Development (go).
  • Youtube: Terry Davis - The Hardest Question In Programming (go).
  • Youtube: Average linux user (go).
  • Youtube: Terry A. Davis Compilation (go).
  • Youtube: Spaceship You (go).
  • Youtube: Being productive is easy, actually (go).
  • Youtube: Becoming smart is easy, actually (go).
  • Youtube: Learning a new language is easy, actually (go).
  • Youtube: Losing weight is easy, actually (go).
  • Youtube: How Jumping Rope changes the Human Body (go).
  • Youtube: How to Boost Your Metabolism and Burn More Fat | 4 Steps (go).
  • Youtube: How to Lose Weight Without Counting Calories (go).
  • Youtube: The CHEAPEST Meal Plan to Lose Fat (HEALTHY & EASY) (go).
  • Youtube: Your Body Seriously Trying to Keep You Well-Functioned (go).
  • Youtube: Fentanyl Explained (go).
  • Youtube: Fentanyl is Very Deadly… Here's Why (go).
  • Youtube: Everything Alcohol Does To Your Body (go).
  • Youtube: How Porn Turns Men Into Cuckolds (go).
  • Youtube: Why is it So Hard For Influencers Not to Like Minors? (go).
  • Youtube: 3 Things That’s Going To Happen To You In Public On Semen Retention (go).
  • Youtube: The Reality of Authentic Attraction (go).
  • Youtube: Indian Girl Hits Man Proposing to her with Ukulele VIDEO (go).
  • Youtube: Simp vs Very handsome man (go).
  • Youtube: PSL Gods VS Friendzoned normies (go).
  • Youtube: Women's reaction to unattractive VS handsome men (go).
  • Youtube: Psl gods vs personality (go).
  • Youtube: Only Looks Matter (go).
  • Youtube: Is It BP Or Are You Just Dumb? (go).
  • Youtube: Villains Of The Internet (go).
  • Youtube: The Black Mass Will Destroy You (go).
  • Youtube: Genetic Limitations: Do You Deserve The Hate? (go).
  • Youtube: 7 Facts About Life (go).
  • Youtube: Things We Learn TOO LATE (go).
  • Youtube: Survive & Thrive in College | What No One Tells You (go).
  • Youtube: What The Rise Of Fake Job Listings Says About The Job Market (go).
  • Youtube: The Employer Is Lying To You In Your Interview - Here's The Proof. (go).
  • Youtube: How HR Cheats Employees (go, go).
  • Youtube: My Advice to You (go) (up).
  • Youtube: When bad software kills (go).
  • Youtube: AI Hype is completely out of control - especially since ChatGPT-4o (go) (up).
  • Youtube: The worst thing you can commit, and how you can fix it (go).
  • 22 pioneering women in science history you really should know about ft. Ada Lovelace & Marie Curie (go).
  • Youtube: Evil Kings That Did Evil Things in History (go).
  • Youtube: Great People Who Weren't Great People (go).
  • Youtube: Creepy guy filming kids at park (go).
  • Youtube: We tested five ways to find hidden cameras in hotels and house rentals (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Why Democracy Is Mathematically Impossible (Complete anarchy with direct democracy and mutual aids is the only solution) (go).
  • Youtube: Why reform will NEVER work (go).
  • Youtube: Why Abolish The State? (go).
  • Youtube: 1 minute of what Anarchy really looks like (go).
  • Youtube: Thank You From a Land Speculator (go).
  • Youtube: This Land Is Mine (go).
  • Youtube: The Rules for Rulers (go).
  • Youtube: BEYOND THE RESET - Animated Short Film (go).
  • Youtube: "Model Citizen" | Dystopian Animated Short Film (go).
  • Youtube: Yellow Cake - Animated Short Film (HD remastered) (go).
  • Youtube: Staff resists the occupation | "Résistance" (go).
  • Youtube: Dinner for few (go).
  • Youtube: CORPORATE MONSTER (go).
  • Youtube: THE BOX (go).
  • Youtube: 1984 - Dystopias and Apocalypses (go, go, go).
  • Youtube: Animal Farm (1999) - 4K AI Remaster - The Communist False Promises (go).
  • Youtube: The Real Face of Wars (go).
  • Youtube: Crazy Mother Murder Her Own Daughter While The Whole World Praising Her (go).
  • Youtube: Governments Couldn't Crack Signal, So They Banned It (go).
  • Youtube: Governments Are Suddenly Shutting Down The Internet - Here’s Why (go).
  • Youtube: Free Speech, Censorship, and the Threat of Totalitarianism (go).
  • Youtube: The Tyranny of the Majority - Why "Democracy" Leads to Tyranny (go).
  • Youtube: All of your problems have something in common (go).
  • Youtube: The birth, life and death of the universe (go).
  • Youtube: The Four Fundamental Forces (4K) (go).
  • Youtube: You've Been Lied To About Genetics (go).
  • Youtube: You DON’T Descend From All Your Ancestors (go).
  • Youtube: How Much Do Genes Matter (go).
  • Youtube: Undercover as a MILF on Dating Apps (go) (up).
  • Youtube: The Most Brutal Dating App Experiment (go).
  • Youtube: 100 Approaches How Differently Are Sub5s Treated To Chads? (go).
  • Youtube: Two Eugenes Fail at Picking up Girls (go).
  • Youtube: Eugene Shows us how to get the girls (go).
  • Youtube: Eugene Meets His Long Distance Girlfriend for the First Time (go).
  • Youtube: Don't be gaslighted by hypocrites, human attractiveness is not subjective (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Epigenetics: The Truth about Gene's and Gene Expression (go).
  • Youtube: 50 Bluepill Lies DEBUNKED In 1 Video (go).
  • Youtube: The Worst Dating Advice You'll Hear - DEBUNKING THE REDPILL (go, go).
  • Youtube: New study DESTROYS the oofy-doofy theory (go).
  • Youtube: Insane normies copes debunked (go).
  • Youtube: The Sad World Of Masculinity Copers (go).
  • Youtube: A Better World For Chad’s Offspring (go).
  • The basis of looksmaxxing and mewing (go).
  • The origin of Blackpill (go).
  • Youtube: Wage Slavery & Anticapitalist Slavers (go).
  • Youtube: Who is God? (go).
  • Youtube: Worldwide Poverty and Slavery are always Systemic. Here's how (go).
  • Youtube: What being a Top Auto Chess Athlete teaches me about Life - Lifemaxxing 101 (Blackpill Solution) (go).
  • Youtube: Slavery - Summary on a Map (go).
  • Youtube: What is Modern Slavery? (go).
  • Beware of threats from police and right-wing militias (go, go).
  • Small Unit Tactics - Clandestine cell system (go).
  • The Buddha - On Abolishing the Caste System (go).
  • The Buddha and His Disciples - On Achieving Unity and Harmony in Communities (go).
  • Youtube: How To Throw Your Life Away (go).
  • Youtube: Men Don't Believe This Anymore (go).
  • Youtube: Something worth fighting for and JBWW (go, go).
  • Youtube: (Almost) Everything I Have Ever Learned About Prions (go).
  • Youtube: How Vodka ruined Russia - A history of Systemic Addiction (go).
  • Youtube: YouTube's Fake Animal Rescue Channels (go).
  • Youtube: These Stupid Trucks are Literally Killing Us (go).
  • Youtube: Why Germany Hates Nuclear Power (go).
  • Youtube: The World's Biggest Desalination Plants Should Not Exist (go).
  • Youtube: The Human Industrial Boinking Complex (go).
  • Youtube: The Long and Violent War Against Your Soul (go).
  • Youtube: Academia is a Ponzi Scheme (go) (up).
  • Youtube: The Perfect Crime - Scientific Fraud in America (go).
  • Youtube: Don't trust Doctors - The Most EVIL Dentist on Earth (go).
  • Youtube: The unspoken aspects of Abortion and Euthanasia (go).
  • Youtube: Dilation and Extraction (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Children Circumcision - Forced Body Mutilation (go).
  • Youtube: The History of Inbreeding (go).
  • Youtube: Stop Breeding Dogs - Pedigree of Evil (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Inside China‘s Torture Camps for Teens (go).
  • Youtube: Abortion of Samsara (go).
  • Youtube: Metta Sutta Study (go).
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  • Profits at world’s seven biggest oil firms soar to almost £150bn this year (go).
  • Youtube: Governments are The Real Criminals (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Home Made Defense - The FGC9 MKII | Making Tyrants Afraid Again (go).
  • Youtube: The Dark Untold History The Islamic Arabs Have Tried To Erase (go).
  • Youtube: New footage of West Papua massacre by Islamic Indonesia State casts spotlight on military abuses (go).
  • Youtube: The Chilling Story of the CIA-Sponsored ‘Jakarta Method’ (go).
  • Youtube: Untouchable: Why does parody avoid Islam? (go).
  • Youtube: The Sad Status of Women According to Islam - Theocratic Babaric Totalitarianism (go).
  • Youtube: The Impact of Islamism in Malaysia (go).
  • Youtube: Is the West finally waking up to the rise of Islam? - Death Penalty for Apostasy or Blasphemy (go).
  • The Christian Crusades - Genocide, Massacre, Robbery, and Rape in the name of God (go).
  • Youtube: How Sex Killed Off the Vikings (go).
  • Youtube: Only Date These Girls (go).
  • Youtube: How Differently Are Sub5s Treated To Chads? (go).
  • Youtube: How Socialism Killed Venezuela (go).
  • Youtube: COMMUNIST Revolution in Monopoly (go).
  • Youtube: Corony Capitalism: Big Bailouts! (go).
  • Youtube: "Free" Birth Control (go).
  • Youtube: Fund Planned Parenthood you Anti-Feminist Woman Hater! (go).
  • Youtube: ThE RiOTS aRe JuStiFiEd (go).
  • Youtube: Forcing religion (go).
  • Youtube: Introduction to the Slave Trade of the Slavs (go).
  • Youtube: Mass Immigration Explained - We Are Being Destroyed From Within (go).
  • Youtube: China's Uyghur internment concentration camps (go).
  • Youtube: Vietnam’s "Re-education" Camps (go).
  • Youtube: The Trail of Tears: The Genocide of America's Native Americans (go).
  • Youtube: How Ethnic Cleansing Created Israel (go).
  • Youtube: Turkey's Assyrian Genocide: A Fate Worse Than Death (go).
  • Youtube: The Worst Job In Hell - The Sonderkommando Of Auschwitz (go).
  • Youtube: Stalin's Most Deadly Famine - What They Never Told You About Stalin's GENOCIDE(S)! (go, go).
  • Youtube: Why Mao Zedong Was The Most Brutal Tyrant - Meet the Man Responsible for the Most Deaths in History (go, go).
  • Youtube: How Hungary Almost Beat the USSR (Before they roll out the tanks - aka Tankies) (go).
  • Youtube: The true face of modern "communists" - Europe's North Korea (go).
  • Youtube: Archive: Chinese troops fire on protesters in Tiananmen Square and roll out the tanks (aka Tankies) (go, go, go).
  • Youtube: Vietnam's new king To Lam (a human trafficking & kidnapping criminal) feasts gold steak at Salt Bae's London restaurant while ordinary people starving at home (justice is a joke) (go, go, go, go, go, go).
  • Mass killings and genocides under communist regimes (go).
  • Modern Slavery in China (go).
  • Modern Savery in USA - 13th Amendment, mass incarceration and the prison industrial complex (go).
  • Youtube: Think Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself? Here’s Why You’re Definitely WRONG (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Pleasure Trips or Underage Sex Tourism? (go).
  • Youtube: Legalized Slavery - The Private Prison System (go) (up).
  • Youtube: What Governments Don’t Want You To Know About Modern Slavery | System Error (go).
  • Youtube: How Slavery Caused the American Civil War (go) (up).
  • Youtube: CNN witnesses 9-year-old being sold for marriage to 55-year-old man (go).
  • Youtube: The domestic slaves rescued from London’s richest streets (go).
  • Youtube: Maids for Sale: Silicon Valley’s Online Slave Market (go).
  • Youtube: How Millions Are Trapped In Modern-Day Slavery At Brick Kilns In Pakistan (go).
  • Youtube: Modern Slavery in Gulf Countries (go).
  • Youtube: How Qatar built stadiums with forced labor (go).
  • Youtube: The Indian Ocean Slave Trade was Likely Bigger than the Atlantic Trade (go).
  • The Why Docuseries: Slavery, Poverty, Freedom, Democracy, Women, Plastic, Stories (go).
  • Youtube: How Landlords Ruined Everything (go).
  • Youtube: The WORLD Explained in 30 Maps! (go).
  • Youtube: Ethnic Groups of the United States 1820-2023 | US Population by Ancestry (go).
  • Youtube: Neo-feudalism: G7 supports BlackRock buying up world's infrastructure, to make rich even richer (go).
  • Youtube: The Economy Is Fake, the Jobs Are Fake, the Money Is Fake (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Means and Ends: The Anarchist Critique of Seizing State Power (go).
  • Youtube: Anarchism - Summary Lectures (go).
  • "Eat the Rich" - The Elite Class List - Royals, Politicians, Billionaires (go, go, go, go).
  • Youtube: How to spot a pyramid scheme scam and Hit List of MLM companies (go, go).
  • Youtube: The MLM Kangen Alkaline Water Scam Is Getting MUCH Worse...(go).
  • Youtube: How Much Plastic Is In Your Body? (go).
  • Youtube: Women's Actual Pron (go).
  • Youtube: The Female Gooning Epidemic (go).
  • Youtube: The Nofap Deniers (go).
  • Youtube: Overcoming the Sexual Urge - NoFap forever (go).
  • Youtube: ...Even Being a Layman Does Not Justify Your Sensuality. (go).
  • Youtube: How To Secure and Anonymize Your Online Activity (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Avoiding FED Honey Pots and Entrapment (go).
  • Youtube: The Best Browsers for Privacy and Ad Blocking (go).
  • Youtube: You Need Physical Security (go).
  • Youtube: How to Stalk People Effectively and Legally Through OSINT (go).
  • Youtube: Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) in 5 Hours - Full Course - Learn OSINT! (go).
  • Youtube: How to ACTUALLY Survive on a Desert Island (go).
  • Youtube: 50+ Survival Skills When You Have Only Seconds to Act (go).
  • Youtube: Diets and Weight loss (go).
  • Youtube: 50 Cooking Tips With Gordon Ramsay Part One, Part Two.
  • Youtube: Muay Thai Tips and Techniques (go).
  • Youtube: Comparing 6 STAFF Martial Arts from around the World. History, Self-defence, Fitness & Flow (go).
  • Youtube: The Most Annoying Guy Ever (go).
  • Youtube: How The Current Education System Undermines Democracy (go).
  • Youtube: How Design & Propaganda to Control You (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Why Western Designs Fail in Developing Countries (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Most EVIL Game of ALL TIME | The Story of Axie Infinity (go).
  • Youtube: The Game That Stole $130,000,000 (go).
  • Youtube: The Satisfying Downfall of MrBeast (go).
  • Youtube: What does a consultant actually do? (go).
  • Youtube: I went to business school - Corporate Breeding Ground (go).
  • Youtube: Amazon and Starbucks Union Busting Tricks, Exposed (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Why Corporate Hates Unions (go) (up).
  • Youtube: About Bullshit Jobs (go).
  • Youtube: The Lies of Disco Elysium (go).
  • Youtube: We Need To Rethink School (go).
  • Youtube: What Does a Solarpunk City Look Like? (go).
  • Youtube: Study Shows 50 Things Nobody Tells You About Calisthenics (go).
  • Youtube: Why Winning The Lottery Is The Worst Thing That Can Happen To You (go).
  • Youtube: Terrifying Reason You've Been Lied To About Crop Circles (go).
  • Youtube: Why we need to colonize the Moon (go).
  • Youtube: Ashoka the Great - Rise of the Mauryan Empire Documentary (go).
  • Human Decomposition, Darwin Awards, Accidents Awareness, and Some Of You May Die.
  • Discourses: conversations with the Buddha (go).
  • The Noble Quest - MN 23 (go).
  • The Four Noble Truths - Rolling Forth the Wheel of Dhamma - SN 56.11 (go).
  • The Noble Eigthfold Path - Analysis - SN 45.8 (go).
  • Overview of the Buddha's philosophy (go) (up).
  • Book of Exodus - With the Kālāmas of Kesamutta - AN 3.65 (go).
  • Book of Judges - Kunala Jataka - KN Ja 536 (go).
  • Book of Matthew - The People of Bamboo Gate - SN 55.7 (go).
  • Book of Maccabees - With Jānussoṇi - AN 10.177 (go).
  • Book of Jude - Putrefaction - KN Snp 2.2 (go).
  • Book of Sammuel - A Warrior - SN 42.3 (go).
  • Book of Corinthians - With Tālapuṭa - SN 42.2 (go).
  • Book of Genesis - What Came First - DN 27 (go).
  • Book of Kings - The Wheel-Turning Monarch - DN 26 (go).
  • Book of Revelation - Traveling to the End of the World - SN 35.116 (go).
  • Book of Leviticus - Advice to Sigālaka - DN 31 (go).
  • Book of Deuteronomy - The Shorter Discourse on the Lion’s Roar - MN 11 (go).
  • Book of Isaiah - With Ghaṭīkāra - MN 81 (go).
  • Book of Job - With Raṭṭhapāla - MN 82 (go).
  • Book of Ezekiel - Messengers of the Gods - MN 130 (go).
  • Book of Enoch - The Seven Suns - AN 7.66 (go).
  • Book of Proverbs - Sayings of the Dhamma - KN Dhammapada (go).
  • Book of Psalms - Anthology of Discourses - KN Suttanipāta (go).
  • Book of Numbers - Numbered Discourses Collection - AN (go).
  • Book of John - The Great Discourse on the Buddha’s Extinguishment - DN 16 (go).
  • AN 5.57 - Subjects for Regular Reviewing (go).
  • SN 47.2 - Mindful and Aware (go).
  • MN 61 - Advice to Rāhula at Ambalaṭṭhika (go).
  • AN 10.176 - With Cunda (go).
  • AN 5.179 - A Layperson (go).
  • AN 3.70 - Sabbath (go).
  • AN 10.46 - With the Sakyans (go).
  • AN 2.32-41 - The Chapter on the Peaceful Mind (go).
  • SN 42.8 - A Horn Blower (go).
  • AN 3.100 - A Lump of Salt (go).
  • MN 51 - With Kandaraka (go).
  • MN 107 - With Moggallāna the Accountant (go).
  • MN 2 - All the Defilements (go).
  • MN 20 - How to Stop Thinking (go).
  • MN 117 - The Great Forty (go).
  • DN 15 - The Great Discourse on Causation (go).
  • MN 140 - The Analysis of the Elements (go).
  • MN 62 - The Longer Advice to Rāhula (go).
  • MN 118 - Mindfulness of Breathing (go).
  • MN 10 - Mindfulness Meditation (go).
  • MN 121 - The Shorter Discourse on Emptiness (go).
  • MN 131 - One Fine Night (go).
  • KN Snp 2.10 - Get Up! (go).
  • AN 3.107, AN 3.108, SN 3.13, AN 5.217, SN 42.6, AN 10.76, MN 21, MN 22, MN 12, MN 18, AN 5.30, AN 9.3, SN 47.9.
  • AN 5.161, AN 5.162, SN 56.34, SN 47.8, AN 10.72, AN 6.77, AN 8.73, AN 8.74, AN 12.63, AN 10.60, SN 35.247, SN 35.127, SN 8.4, AN 7.50, AN 3.113, AN 10.61.
  • Youtube: How Power Structures Control Your Life (go).
  • Youtube: Why we must destroy the state (go).
  • Youtube: I AM AN ANARCHIST (go).
  • Anarchism - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (go).
  • Anarchism - Britannica article (go).
  • Worshipping Power - An Anarchist View of Early State Formation (go).
  • The Enigma of Peter Thiel and other tech billionaires (There Is No Enigma — He's a Fascist) (go).
  • The State is Counter-Revolutionary (go).
  • Youtube: Anark Abridged (go).
  • Youtube: A Modern Anarchism (go).
  • Youtube: Meditation Toolkit (go).
  • Further readings on Buddhism and Anarchism in the P. Philosophy in Action section (go).
  • Youtube: The Incel Repression, Kekistan, and the Battle of Incelistan (go, go, go) (up).
  • Understand singlism, reverse ageism, don't work on yourself just because of women, just-world fallacy, just be first theory, dominance hierarchy, marriage, wagecuck, neet, gaslighting, empathy gap, ableism, virtue signaling, good genes hypothesis, life history theory, microchimerism, neoteny, monogamy, volcel, bluepillsplaining, demographics of inceldom, incelphobia, anti-incels, dark triad, looksmatch, hypergamy, pussy cartel, the wall, roastie, milf, juggernaut law, asshole, nice guy, betabuxxing, jestermaxx, cope, galting, monk-mode, and evolutionary psychology (up).
  • Youtube: Social media damages your brain and sabotages your potential (go).
  • Youtube: Basic First Aid Training UK (Updated 2023) (go) (up).
  • Youtube: All Dark Science videos about prominent health problems and their causes (go).
  • Youtube: All Brew videos about health problems and their causes (go).
  • Youtube: No Lab Coat Required dietary science (go).
  • Youtube: FreeMedEducation Medical playlists (go).
  • Youtube: Ninja Nerd's Medical Playlists (go).
  • Youtube: How to Actually Escape the Botnet (go).
  • Youtube: The Darknet Market OPSEC Bible 2023 Edition (go) (up).
  • Youtube: STEAM Education: Putting an A in your STEM (go) (up).
  • (Youtube: Every Chess Tip Explained In 10 Minutes) (go).
  • (Youtube: Every Chess Tactic Explained In 8 Minutes) (go).
  • (Youtube: Every Checkmate Pattern Explained In 8 Minutes) (go).
  • (Youtube: Building Chess Habits) (go).
  • (Youtube: Building Bullet Habits) (go).
  • (Youtube: ALL MY CFOP ALGS | F2L OLL PLL) (go).
  • (Youtube: Solve Critiques) (go) (top).

2. Social Science

  • Youtube: Color Theory Basics (go) (back).
  • Youtube: How to get hollow cheeks fast! (from a model) (go).
  • Youtube: Is it an outfit or is he just a man? (go).
  • Youtube: Every Logical Fallacy Explained in 11 Minutes (go).
  • Youtube: Every Bias Explained in 8 Minutes (go).
  • Youtube: Every Psychological Effect Explained in 12 Minutes (go).
  • Youtube: Every Mental Complex Explained in 8 Minutes (go).
  • Youtube: Every Paradox in 8 Minutes (go).
  • Youtube: Every Dilemma Explained in 9 Minutes (go).
  • Youtube: Every Common Misconception Debunked in 15 Minutes (go, go).
  • Youtube: On work-life balance and working hard (go).
  • Youtube: Techniques for dealing with lack of motivation, malaise, depression (go).
  • Youtube: Every Marketing Trick Explained in 10 Minutes (go).
  • Youtube: Every Interrogation Technique Explained in 8 Minutes (go).
  • Youtube: Every Propaganda Technique Explained in 11 Minutes (go).
  • Youtube: Every War Tactic Explained in 8 Minutes (go).
  • Youtube: Every War Strategy Explained in 8 Minutes (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Paint Vista's Psychology Videos (go).
  • Youtube: The Psychology of Animals (go).
  • Youtube: Linguistics (go).
  • Interactive IPA Chart (go).
  • Youtube: Aze Linguistics videos, watch from oldest (go).
  • Youtube: Learn Pali Language series (in English) (go).
  • Youtube: Pronouncing ED and S postfix (go).
  • Youtube: English Pronunciation Practice - Word Lists - American Accent (go).
  • Youtube: Learn ALL Verb Tenses - Past, Present, Future with examples (go) (up).
  • TsinghuaX's English Communication Skills Professional Certificate (go).
  • UPValenciaX's Upper-Intermediate English Professional Certificate (go).
  • UWashingtonX's English for Business Networking Professional Certificate (go).
  • ETSx: TOEFL iBT Test Preparation: The Insider’s Guide (go).
  • UQx: IELTS Academic Test Preparation (go).
  • Free IELTS resources and tests (go).
  • Youtube: Porter's five forces analysis (go).
  • Youtube: Serious History videos (go).
  • Youtube: The US Government’s Not-So-Secret Propaganda Department (go).
  • Youtube: Why Rich People Love Pretending to Be Poor (go).
  • Youtube: Why Smart People Believe Stupid Things (go).
  • Youtube: Wokeness, and the Myth of Meritocracy (go).
  • Youtube: Feudal Economics (go).
  • Youtube: How Capitalism Becomes Feudalism (Severance and Technofeudalism) (go).
  • Youtube: Superheroes and the Police (go).
  • Youtube: How Special are Humans ACTUALLY? (go).
  • Youtube: Wait why can politicians trade stocks? (go).
  • Youtube: How Do Politicians Keep Getting So Rich? (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Is the sports betting industry a huge mistake? (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Subliminal Warfare | Mind Control and Invisible Influence (go).
  • Youtube: Pop History and its Consequences (go).
  • Youtube: Space Feudalism : DuneBattleHammer (go).
  • Youtube: The Paintings You Aren't Supposed to Look At (go).
  • Youtube: The Destruction of Madame X (go).
  • Youtube: How Much Google ACTUALLY Pays Their Software Engineers (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Why do CEOs make so much money now? (go).
  • Youtube: Why Farmers Always Win (go).
  • Youtube: How One Tiny Chinese Company Took Over America (go).
  • Youtube: Loki and How Conservatives Become Fascists (go).
  • Youtube: These Countries Won't Let You Go (go).
  • Youtube: Debunking the State of Israel (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Star Trek into Socialism: Or Who Deserves the Future (go).
  • Youtube: Finding Yourself Under Capitalism (go).
  • Youtube: How the Hippies Became Yuppies (go).
  • Youtube: Monetization will ruin the internet (again) (go).
  • Youtube: The Dark Side of DARPA | The Human Cost of Technological Supremacy (go).
  • Youtube: Bitcoin - Unmasking Satoshi Nakamoto (go).
  • Youtube: True Crime is Dead (go).
  • Youtube: Why did everyone fall for the J1407b myth? (go) (up).
  • Youtube: When 200IQ Suspects Destroy Corrupt Cops (go) (up).
  • Youtube: All The Paint Explainer videos (go).
  • Youtube: War.....War Never Changes (go).
  • Youtube: Missing 411 - Sick Games and Possible Coverups (go).
  • Youtube: Should be careful with all relationships (society is full of thieves) (go).
  • Youtube: Playing Odd (go).
  • Youtube: Mesopotamia in Minutes (go).
  • Youtube: Myths of Ancient History (go).
  • Youtube: Civilizations (go).
  • Youtube: A Brief History Of The Man Who Brainwashed America: Edward Bernays (go).
  • Youtube: How 3 Crooked Cons Bullied Americans Into Canceling Red Meat (and going vegan) (go).
  • Youtube: Capitalocene: how capitalism caused the climate crisis (go) (up).
  • Youtube: How Kurzgesagt Cooks Propaganda For Billionaires (go).
  • Youtube: Kurzgesagt and the art of climate greenwashing (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Kurzgesagt: billionaire propaganda, trusting science, and effective altruism (go).
  • Youtube: Man in Cave (go).
  • Youtube: 5 Most Disastrous Accounts of First Contact in History (go).
  • Youtube: How Many Missing Links Are There? (go).
  • Youtube: Ancient Mysteries and Beliefs (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Ancient Aliens Debunked - (full movie) HD (go).
  • Youtube: The Earth 10,000 Years Ago (go).
  • Youtube: The Birth of China - The Dawn of Inequality (5000 to 3000 BCE) (go).
  • Youtube: 4 First-Hand Accounts of Civilizations Being Wiped Out (go).
  • Youtube: The Earth in 50,000 Years (go).
  • Youtube: A Tour of Earth 1 Billion Years from Today (go).
  • Youtube: The Complete History of the Earth (go).
  • Youtube: The Triassic Period (That We Know Of) ft. Paleo Analysis (go).
  • Youtube: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? (go).
  • Youtube: The Earth 100,000 Years Ago (go).
  • Youtube: The Earth 200,000 Years Ago (go) (up).
  • Youtube: The Earth 300,000 Years Ago (go).
  • Youtube: The Earth 500,000 Years Ago (go).
  • Youtube: All The Budget Museum videos about anthropology (go).
  • Youtube: The Mass Extinction Debates: A Science Communication Odyssey (go).
  • Youtube: The Out-of-Place Artifacts Iceberg (go, go).
  • Youtube: The Complete Extraterrestrial Encounters Iceberg Explained (go).
  • Youtube: How Joe Rogan Was Fooled by Graham Hancock (go).
  • Youtube: What Will Humanity Do If We Ever Discover Aliens? (go).
  • Youtube: Astrology: Fact or Fiction? (go).
  • Youtube: Debunking the Electric Universe (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Quantum Mysticism is WARNING Stupid (Deepak Chopra, Spirit Science, (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Structuralism: how non-being shaped the modern world (go).
  • Youtube: Necessary Being and Modal Logic (go).
  • Youtube: Course Work Basics (go).
  • Youtube: Laws of Nature: The Best System Analysis (go).
  • Youtube: COMPILATION: Biblical Mysteries from Eden to Armageddon (go).
  • Youtube: Compilation: The Moon is Weird - No, really. The Moon does not make sense. (go).
  • Youtube: Compilation: Our Reality is an Illusion (go) (top).

3. Natural Science and Python

  • Youtube: All Clockwork videos about biology (go) (back).
  • Youtube: Are Anteaters OP? (go).
  • Youtube: Can there be zombies? (go).
  • Youtube: Archaea: Bacteria's Pacifist Cousins? (go).
  • Youtube: Brief history of the Wrong Earths (go).
  • Youtube: James Toland's Your Life as a lifeform Series (go).
  • Youtube: All Wacky Science videos (go).
  • Youtube: All Domain of Science videos (go).
  • Youtube: Science and Technology (go).
  • Youtube: Python Tutorial for Beginners (with mini-projects) (go).
  • Youtube: Python for Data Science (go) (up).
  • Kaggle Learning Center (go).
  • Exercism - Free language learning tracks and exercises (go).
  • MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) Online edX Courses (go).
  • FreeCodeCamp Blogposts (go).
  • Youtube: Trigonometry From Scratch (go).
  • Youtube: Learn Trigonometry (go).
  • Youtube: Learn Algebra 1 and 2 in One Video (go).
  • Youtube: Learn Learn Precalculus (go).
  • Youtube: College Precalculus – Full Course with Python Code (go).
  • Youtube: Learn Probability (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Essence of calculus (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Essence of linear algebra (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Bayes theorem, the geometry of changing beliefs (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Bayes theorem examples (go, go).
  • Youtube: How to systematically approach truth - Bayes' rule (go).
  • Youtube: The algorithm that (eventually) revolutionized statistics (go).
  • Youtube: All 0Mean1Sigma equation explain videos (go).
  • Youtube: All Rational Animations videos (go).
  • Youtube: All Physics for the Birds videos (go).
  • Youtube: Mathematics (All Of It) (go).
  • Open College Mathematics Course All-In-One (go).
  • Youtube: Classical Physics (go).
  • Youtube: Modern Physics (go).
  • Youtube: The Actual Reason Semiconductors Are Different From Conductors and Insulators. (go).
  • Youtube: Electromagnetism as a Gauge Theory (go).
  • Youtube: Fusion (go).
  • Youtube: Math for Game Devs 2022 (go).
  • Youtube: Gamedev Math (go).
  • Youtube: The Most Underrated Concept in Number Theory (go) (up).
  • Youtube: A Sensible Introduction to Category Theory (go) (up).
  • Youtube: The Mathematician's Weapon | Category Theory and Why We Care 1.0 (go).
  • Youtube: Okay but WTF is a MONAD (go).
  • Youtube: The Absolute Best Intro to Monads For Software Engineers (go).
  • Youtube: What is a Monad? - The Last Monad Intro You'll Ever Need (go).
  • Youtube: Programming with Math | The Lambda Calculus (go).
  • Youtube: Asianometry videos about Semiconductors (go) (up).
  • (Non-free Book) A Philosophy of Software Design, 2nd Edition (up).
  • Youtube: Practical Data Oriented Design (DoD) (go).
  • Youtube: Domain Driven Design and Python (go).
  • Youtube: How to Test Python Code (go).
  • Youtube: A Python Introduction to Behavior Driven Development (go).
  • Youtube: Software Testing (go).
  • Youtube: Complete Intro to Web Development, v3 (go).
  • Youtube: Web Frameworks (And why you don't need one) (go).
  • Youtube: Web Scraping with Python 101 (go).
  • Youtube: Every Web Scraper should know THIS (go).
  • Youtube: My System for Easily Scraping 150k Items from the web (go).
  • Go to Dribbles and try to recreate some designs with only pure HTML and CSS with scrapped data (go).
  • Youtube: Full Flask Course For Python - From Basics To Deployment (go).
  • Youtube: Django Ecommerce Website - Htmx/Tailwind (go) (up).
  • Youtube: E-commerce FullStack Website using Django (go).
  • Youtube: Building an IMDB clone with Django 4.2 & HTMX (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Threading vs multiprocessing in python (go) (top).

4. Computer Science, Linux, Lua, and Neovim

  • Youtube: Logic 101 Full Course (go) (back).
  • Youtube: Game Theory 101 (go) (up).
  • Youtube: How do computers work? CPU, ROM, RAM, address bus, data bus, control bus, address decoding (go).
  • Youtube: Exploring How Computers Work (go).
  • Youtube: All Core Dumped videos about Computer Architecture (go).
  • ChalmersX's Computer System Design: Concepts of Modern Microprocessors Professional Certificate (go).
  • HarvardX's Computer Science for Databases using SQL Professional Certificate (go).
  • Youtube: Metaprogramming and JIT Compilers - A Brief Overview (go).
  • Youtube: These compression algorithms could halve our image file sizes (but we don't use them) (go).
  • Youtube: All Art of the Problem playlists (go).
  • Youtube: 2swap's Connect Four Videos (go).
  • Computation Structures (go).
  • Youtube: Harvard CS50 (2023) – Full Computer Science University Course (go).
  • Harvard CS50x 2024 (go).
  • CS50: Computer Science Courses and Programs from Harvard (go).
  • Youtube: All Malloc videos (go).
  • What is soydev? And why do I hate it (go).
  • Youtube: Paying for software is stupid… 10 free and open-source SaaS replacements (go).
  • Youtube: Full Lua Crash Course - Beginner's Programming Fundamentals Guide for Developers (go).
  • Youtube: Lua Programming Tutorials (go).
  • Youtube: Alice and Bob (go).
  • Youtube: Firing squad synchronization problem (go).
  • Youtube: The BEST Way to Find a Random Point in a Circle (go).
  • Youtube: The best way to count (go).
  • Youtube: The Thirty Million Line Problem (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Episode 1 - Mongo DB Is Web Scale (go).
  • Youtube: Microservices (go).
  • Youtube: Hitler Learns Topology (go).
  • Youtube: Hitler uses Docker (go).
  • Youtube: Hitler reacts to functional programming (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Factorio teaches you software engineering, seriously (go).
  • Youtube: Real-Time Strategy is incredible and you should play it (go).
  • Youtube: Hype is a Mind Virus... a sobering perspective (go).
  • Youtube: How freelancing actually changed my life as a developer (go).
  • Youtube: I Hate UML (go).
  • Youtube: The Only Database Abstraction You Need (Not ORM) (go).
  • Youtube: Solid Programming - No Thanks (go).
  • Youtube: Maintainability And Readability (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Why Go Or Rust On New Projects (go).
  • Youtube: Don't Contribute to Open Source (go).
  • Youtube: I regret doing this (go) (up).
  • Youtube: The Clean Code Debacle and Rhetoric Tricks (go).
  • Web3 is Going Just Great (go).
  • Youtube: The Revolutionary Genius Of Joseph Fourier (go).
  • Youtube: Optimal Parallel Algorithms in the Binary-Forking Model (go).
  • Youtube: Intro to Data Science (go).
  • Youtube: Graph Theory 101 (go).
  • Youtube: Coderized's programming videos (go).
  • Youtube: You're doing agile wrong (go) (up).
  • Youtube: All CodeAesthetic videos (go).
  • Youtube: All Udiprod videos (go).
  • Youtube: All Spanning Tree videos (go).
  • Youtube: All Reducible videos (go).
  • Youtube: All B001 videos (go) (up).
  • Youtube: All Argonaut videos (go).
  • Complete Introduction to the 30 Most Essential Data Structures & Algorithms (go) (up).
  • Implement Rule 110 in your programming language of choice (go) (up).
  • Paper: Out of the Tar Pit (go).
  • What’s the Difference Between Monolithic and Microservices Architecture? (go) (up).
  • Introduction to microservices (go).
  • The Reactive Principles (go).
  • The Twelve-Factor App (go).
  • The C4 model for visualising software architecture (go) (up).
  • Radical Simplicity (go, go).
  • Book: Software Engineering at Google (go).
  • Youtube: Sebastian Lague videos (go).
  • Youtube: Molly Rocket's programming critiques videos (go).
  • Youtube: Sam H Smith's programming critiques videos (go) (up).
  • Youtube: How To Write A Technical Doc (go).
  • Youtube: How principled coders outperform the competition (go).
  • Youtube: Dream of Code videos (go).
  • Book: Principles of Algorithmic Problem Solving (go).
  • Youtube: The Evolution of Web Apps 1992-2024 (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Coding with Yalco concepts explanation videos (go).
  • Youtube: Transaction Boundaries and Quick Architecture (go, go).
  • Youtube: Object-Oriented Programming is Bad (go).
  • Youtube: Filter, Map, Reduce from first principles (go).
  • Youtube: 8 Design Patterns (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Most Common Concepts for Coding Interviews (go).
  • NeetCode 150 Roadmap (use Go in Neovim, the site doesn't support Go) (go).
  • Youtube: The Right Way To Build REST APIs (go).
  • RESTful web API design and Best practices in cloud applications (go, go).
  • Youtube: Turns out REST APIs weren't the answer (and that's OK!) (go).
  • 1 Billion Row Challenge (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Programming Chaos videos about procedural generation (go).
  • GitHub Skills (go, go).
  • Youtube: Programming All The Things - Intro to State Machine and Don't Scare of AI (go).
  • Youtube: Everything You'll Need to Know About Git (go).
  • Youtube: Git and GitHub for Poets (go).
  • Youtube: Git Stash and Worktree (go, go).
  • Youtube: Philomatics git videos (go).
  • Youtube: How to be a git expert (go).
  • Youtube: Learn GitHub Projects (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Introduction To GitHub Actions Course (go) (up).
  • Youtube: GitHub Actions Certification Course (go).
  • Youtube: Please don't do this - Pre-commit hooks are bad (go).
  • Layzigt tutorials (go) (up).
  • Youtube: 100+ Linux Things you Need to Know (go).
  • Youtube: The Art of Linux CLIs (go).
  • Youtube: 60 Linux Commands you NEED to know (in 10 minutes) (go).
  • Train on Monkeytype to get at least 60 WPM or level 60 (punctuation, numbers, time 60s) (go).
  • Youtube: VIM Essentials Course for Beginners (go).
  • Youtube: Vim Tips (go).
  • Obsidian and Excalidraw (go) (up).
  • Youtube: GNU Parallel tutorial (go).
  • Youtube: Jq + Vim (go).
  • Youtube: Awk (go).
  • Developer Tools secrets that shouldn’t be secrets (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Simple, Non-Commercial, Open Source Notes (go).
  • Youtube: Your Command Line, Oxidised (go).
  • Youtube: 7 Amazing CLI Tools You Need To Try (go).
  • Linux GNU Coreutils Cheatsheet (go).
  • Git Cheatsheet (go).
  • Vim Cheatsheet (go) (up).
  • AIO Linux cheatsheet (go) (up).
  • AIO Operation cheatsheet (go).
  • AIO Webdev cheatsheet (go).
  • First time open a project with Neovim will take time, for the LSP to build and cache its dependencies (up).
  • Youtube: Why NeoVim could be a good option to use (go).
  • Youtube: The Only Video You Need to Get Started with Neovim (go).
  • LazyVim for Ambitious Developers (go).
  • Minimal dotfiles for Dev - Ubuntu/Windows, Neovim, and Wezterm (go).
  • Youtube: How to Use Neovim with Devcontainers (go).
  • Free AIO Image Webtool (go).
  • Free Perplexity AI (5 pro queries reset every 4h) (go) (up).
  • Free ChatGPT AI (Limitless with 4h timeout) (go).
  • Free Microsoft Copilot AI (5-30 prompts per topic depends on context) (go).
  • Free Codeium Chat AI (Limitless but weak and short and frequent crashing) (go).
  • Free Claude AI (Unreliable server, region locked, and patronizing attitude) (go) (up).
  • Free Google Gemini AI (Limitless but weak, high hallucination, and patronizing in blocking answers regarding some diversity and inclusivity bullshit) (go) (up).
  • Free Suno Muisc AI (5 prompts per day) (go).
  • Free Microsoft Designer AI (Quick image generation) (go).
  • Youtube: TJ DeVries videos (go).
  • Youtube: Luke Smith videos (go).
  • Youtube: Mental Outlaw videos (go) (up).
  • (Non-free Book) Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth Edition (top).

5. C and C++

  • Youtube: C Programming Mini Projects (go) (back).
  • Youtube: 3h Beginner Course: Learn C programming from scratch (go).
  • Youtube: Master C programming - SEVEN hour Advanced course (go).
  • Youtube: 2h of C programming Tutorial: Advanced Concepts (go).
  • Youtube: Hacker CS: Advanced C Programming (go).
  • Youtube: More Advanced C Programming (go).
  • Youtube: How I program C (go).
  • Youtube: Easy Web Games in C (go).
  • Youtube: Data structures playlist (go).
  • Youtube: Dynamic Programming playlist (go).
  • Youtube: Graph Theory playlist (go).
  • Hands-on Algorithmic Problem Solving (go).
  • Youtube: Johnson Trotter Algorithm - Generate Permutations (go).
  • Detecting if GPS coordinates fall within polygon of points (go).
  • 75 Leetcode Problems (go).
  • NeetCode 150 Roadmap (go).
  • Articles - Functional Programming in C (go).
  • Youtube: Advanced C: The UB and optimizations that trick good programmers (go).
  • Youtube: Practical C (go).
  • Youtube: Designing your own Database in C (go).
  • Youtube: Hash Table in C (go).
  • Youtube: Enter The Arena: Simplifying Memory Management (2023) (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Arenas, strings and Scuffed Templates in C (go).
  • Youtube: Async Engine in C (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Linux Programming with C (go) (up).
  • Youtube: I Wrote HTTP "From Scratch" (It Was Easy) (go).
  • Youtube: I Wrote Websockets "From Scratch" (go).
  • Youtube: Coding your own Toralizer - 8 hours of C coding projects: Cyber Security (go).
  • Youtube: Reverse Engineering - GDB (GNU Debugger) (go).
  • Youtube: Crash-course in how the Internet is Poorly Designed (go).
  • The WebSocket Protocol Spec (go, go).
  • Youtube: Tree-Sitter Explained (go).
  • Youtube: Ok I tried Tree-sitter! Here is what I think about it (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Deriving 3D Rigid Body Physics and implementing it in C/C++ (with intuitions) (go) (up).
  • Youtube: The Best Coding Interview Question Ever (go).
  • Youtube: Jeffrey Chupp videos about Go and LSP (go).
  • Youtube: Tsoding Daily videos (go).
  • Youtube: Molly Rocket videos (go).
  • Youtube: TheVimeagen videos (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Introduction to C++ (go).
  • Youtube: Full C++17 course (go).
  • Youtube: Bo Qian's Modern C++ (go).
  • Youtube: Bo Qian's Advanced C++ (go).
  • Youtube: Bo Qian's C++ Standard Library (go).
  • Youtube: Bo Qian's C++ Unit Test (go).
  • Youtube: Bo Qian's Advanced STL (go).
  • Youtube: Bo Qian's Practical Programming Algorithms (go).
  • Youtube: Bo Qian's Concurrent Programming with C++ 11 (go).
  • Youtube: C++ STD Gems (go).
  • Youtube: Learning STL (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Advanced C++ Programming (go).
  • Youtube: C++ Advanced Tutorials (go).
  • Youtube: Dark Side of C++ (go).
  • Youtube: C++ Infrastructure (Inversion of Control) (go).
  • Youtube: C++ Buildsystem (go).
  • C++ References (go).
  • C++ Cheatsheets (go (up).
  • Youtube: Coding Challenger (go).
  • Youtube: C++ Multithreading (go).
  • A cheatsheet of modern C++ language and library features (go (up).
  • Youtube: Casey Muratori | Smart-Pointers, RAII, OOP. Becoming an N+1 programmer (go).
  • Youtube: Errichto's Algo Lectures (go).
  • Algorithms for Competitive Programming (go).
  • Book: Competitive Programmer’s Handbook (go).
  • Youtube: Algorithms Live (go).
  • CSES Problem Set (go).
  • Project Euler (go) (up).
  • (Non-free Book) C++20 - The Complete Guide (top).

6. Go

  • Youtube: We gonna learn Go FAST (go) (back).
  • Youtube: Learn GO Fast: Full Tutorial (go).
  • Youtube: Go 1.23 Released (go).
  • Youtube: Golang Tutorial (go).
  • Youtube: Bite-sized Golang Tutorials (go).
  • Learn Go with Tests (go).
  • Youtube: Go Class (go).
  • Youtube: System Design Concepts Course and Interview Prep (go).
  • Go by Example (go) (up).
  • Read and practice through all Go Documentations, especially Effective Go and Memory Model (go).
  • Youtube: Let's Auth With Go - From JWT go GRPC (go, go).
  • How to Implement Server-Sent Events in Go (go).
  • (Non-free Book) Writing an interpreter in Go (up).
  • (Non-free Book) Writing a compiler in Go (up).
  • (Non-free Book) Learn Concurrent Programming with Go (up).
  • (Non-free Book) 100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid Them (up).
  • Donal Feury Topics (go).
  • Flo Woelki backend videos (go).
  • Gokatas (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Exploring Concurrency Pitfalls: Rust vs. C++ and Go (go).
  • How Google mock their tests (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Learn By Building: Language Server Protocol (go).
  • Youtube: An Introduction to Fuzzy Logic (go).
  • Youtube: Fuzz Testing Made Easy (go).
  • (Non-free Book) Working Effectively with Legacy Code (up).
  • (Non-free Book) The Pragmatic Programmer, 20th Anniversary Edition (up).
  • Youtube: Relational Databases (go).
  • Youtube: Database Design (go).
  • Youtube: Learn RDBMS, Database Normalization, and Boyce-Codd Normal Form (go).
  • Youtube: PostgreSQL Tutorial Full Course 2022 (go).
  • PostgreSQL Primer for Busy People (go).
  • Youtube: Go and MySQL Complete Course (go).
  • Youtube: Introduction to Writing Modern Parsers (go).
  • Youtube: ALL Hackerrank SQL Solutions - Easy Medium Hard Problems (go).
  • Youtube: Understand isolation levels & read phenomena in MySQL & PostgreSQL via examples (go) (up).
  • MongoDB Basics (go).
  • Youtube: Data Modeling with MongoDB (go) (up).
  • A Comprehensive Guide to Data Modeling (go).
  • Youtube: Memcached Tutorial for Beginners (go).
  • The NoSQL Ecosystem (go).
  • Build Redis from scratch with Go (go).
  • Practical MongoDB Aggregation Book (go).
  • Youtube: When (and when not) to store JSON in Postgres (go).
  • PostgreSQL is enough (go).
  • Youtube: ACID Definition (go) (up).
  • Youtube: DSA for DB (go).
  • Youtube: Writing My Own Database Form Scratch (go).
  • Getting a Software Engineering Job, v3 (go).
  • Build your portfolio website that show projects in a grid layout, make a resume, and start applying (up).
  • Regex Explain (go).
  • Crontab (go).
  • AST Explorer (go) (up).
  • Compiler Explorer (go).
  • GDB Online Debugger (go).
  • Youtube: Spreadsheets Tutorial for Beginners (go).
  • Batch Processing 22GB of Transaction Data with Pandas (go).
  • Web Page to PDF and other PDF tools (go).
  • Mongo Playground (go) (up).
  • (Non-free Book) Distributed Algorithms, Second Edition - An Intuitive Approach (up).
  • (Non-free Book) Patterns of Distributed Systems (up).
  • Read and practice through all Go Documentations, especially Effective Go and Memory Model (go).
  • Youtube: Never install locally (go).
  • Youtube: Docker Networking Crash Course (go).
  • Youtube: Multiuser Chat (4at) (go).
  • Youtube: Introduction to Microservices, Docker, and Kubernetes (go).
  • Youtube: Docker Build Manual and Best Practices (go).
  • Youtube: Using docker in unusual ways (go).
  • Youtube: System design fundamentals (Series) (go).
  • Continuous Integration (go).
  • Scalable Web Architecture and Distributed Systems (go).
  • Software Design by Example with Python (go).
  • Software Design by Example with JavaScript (go).
  • Youtube: Sustainable Software Architecture (go).
  • Youtube: Patterns of Event-Driven Architecture (go).
  • PostgreSQL High-Availability (go).
  • (Non-free Book) Let's Go (up).
  • (Non-free Book) Let's Go Further (up).
  • Youtube: Advanced Golang (go).
  • Youtube: Google I/O 2012 - Go Concurrency Patterns (go).
  • Youtube: Google I/O 2013 - Advanced Go Concurrency Patterns (go).
  • Youtube: 3 SIMPLE patterns to organize your goroutines (go).
  • Youtube: Go Semaphore Pattern Tutorial (go).
  • Youtube: Go REST API with NO DEPENDENCIES (go).
  • Youtube: Cache ALL THE THINGS using Valkey (Redis but FOSS) with Golang (go).
  • Youtube: Mastering Golang: Comprehensive Tutorial Series (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Go Design Patterns (go).
  • Youtube: Advanced Golang (go).
  • Youtube: Build Web Application with Golang (go).
  • Youtube: Golang Ecommerce Platform (go) (up).
  • Youtube: GO - Monolith Vs Microservice Project (go) (up).
  • Youtube: The complete gRPC course (Golang, Java, Protobuf) (go).
  • Udemy: Backend Master Class (request free coupon from the author) (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Fundamental of Profiling a Go application (go).
  • Debugging Go Code: Using pprof and trace to Diagnose and Fix Performance Issues (go).
  • Go-profiler-notes (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Ultimate Go: Advanced Engineering (go).
  • Youtube: Ultimate Go: Web Services with Kubernetes (go).
  • Youtube: OpenTelemetry Bootcamp Tutorials | Complete Course (go).
  • Youtube: Anton Putra's DevOps videos (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Tiago's Go videos (go).
  • Youtube: ProgrammingPercy's Go videos (go).
  • Read goyave code, try to understand it (go) (up).
  • (Non-free Book) Designing Data-Intensive Applications (up).
  • Youtube: KILLER GOLANG Projects (go).
  • Youtube: Podman Introduction (go, go).
  • Youtube: Kubernetes 101 Workshop for Absolute Beginners (go).
  • From Podman to Kubernetes: A Practical Integration Guide (go).
  • Youtube: Ansible 101 (go).
  • Youtube: AWS Cloud Complete Bootcamp Course (go).
  • Secure DevOps environments for Zero Trust (go).
  • AWS Fargate for Amazon ECS Theory (go).
  • Youtube: Complete OpenTofu Course (Learn Infrastructure as Code) (go).
  • AWS and Go (go).
  • Youtube: GitHub Actions, OpenTofu, K8s, and Helm (go).
  • Container Self-Pace Training (go).
  • Youtube: Testcontainers have forever changed the way I write tests (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Testcontainers – From Zero to Hero (go).
  • Testcontainers Getting Started (go).
  • Leveraging Containers and OpenStack - A Comprehensive Review (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Let's read the Kubernetes source code (go) (up).
  • Read and investigate Kubefirst codebase, k8s infra - cloud infra - terraform / gitops relationships - argocd gitops - argo workflows, gitlab runner, github action controller controller - vault secrets and oidc - rbac/users/groups - cluster lifecycle management - vcluster isolation techniques - crossplane iac - helm delivery patterns when 3rd party or internal dev delivery - ton of other cool free stuff.
  • Distributed Systems - A free online class (go).
  • Distributed Problems Theory (go).
  • Youtube: System Design Interview (go).
  • Kubernetes Ultimate Hands-on Labs and Tutorials (go).
  • Kubetools - A Curated List of Kubernetes Tools (go).
  • Youtube: Distributed Database Concepts (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Understanding and using NATS Server in Golang (go).
  • Learn NATS by Example (go).
  • Youtube: Distributed File Storage In Go (go).
  • Go and Kafka with franz-go (go).
  • Youtube: Apache Kafka Series (in English) (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Event Driven Programming with GO and Kafka (go).
  • Youtube: High Available Microservices With Apache Kafka In Golang (go).
  • Youtube: Solving A Golang Job Interview Assignment With Kafka (go).
  • Youtube: Building Microservices with Go (go) (up).
  • AWS' Building serverless applications on AWS XSeries Program (go).
  • AWS' Cloud Solutions Architecture Professional Certificate (go).
  • AWS Workshops (go).
  • (Non-free Book) Amazon Web Services in Action, Third Edition - An in-depth guide to AWS (up).
  • (Non-free Book) Distributed Services with Go: Reliable, Scalable, & Maintainable Systems (up).
  • (Non-free Book) Cloud Native Go: Building Reliable Services in Unreliable Environments (up).
  • The Hadoop Distributed File System (go).
  • Youtube: Ants Are Everywhere reading source code videos (go) (top).

7. JavaScript and TypeScript

  • How Web Works (go) (back).
  • Youtube: Each layer of the OSI model and TCP/IP explained (go).
  • Wiki: OSI model (go).
  • Youtube: Networking Tutorial (go).
  • Youtube: Error detection (go).
  • MDN: Getting Start with the Web (go).
  • MDN: JavaScript (go).
  • HTTP Networking in JavaScript – Handbook for Beginners (go).
  • MDN: HTTP (go).
  • Youtube: The QUIC Protocol, HTTP3, and How HTTP Has Evolved (go).
  • Youtube: Cryptography (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Cryptography Deep Dive (go).
  • Youtube: A complete overview of SSL/TLS and its cryptographic system (go) (up).
  • OWASP Top 10 (go).
  • Youtube: HTML & CSS Full Course - Beginner to Pro (go).
  • Youtube: How to put an HTML website online (GitHub Pages) (go).
  • Youtube: Host your Database for Free on Github Pages (go).
  • Youtube: JavaScript Tutorial Full Course - Beginner to Pro (2024) (go).
  • Youtube: Everything I Wish I Knew About Javascript Scoping A Week Ago (go).
  • Youtube: How to Roll Your Own Auth (go).
  • Youtube: The Nature of Code (go).
  • Youtube: Making a computer Turing complete (go).
  • Youtube: An introduction to finite state machines and the state pattern for game development (go).
  • Youtube: DIY Programming Language 1: The Shunting Yard Algorithm (go).
  • Youtube: DIY Programming Language 2: Tokenising with Finite State Machine (go).
  • Youtube: Entity Component System (ECS) - Definition and Simple Implementation (go).
  • Youtube: JavaScript for Game Dev 101 (go).
  • Youtube: JavaScript game development basics (go) (up).
  • Youtube: JavaScript with p5 JS (go).
  • Youtube: A* Pathfinding (go).
  • Youtube: A* Search: How Your Map Applications Find Shortest Routes (go).
  • Youtube: Algorithms Explained – minimax and alpha-beta pruning (go).
  • Youtube: The Most Important Algorithm in Machine Learning - Backpropagation from the ground up (go).
  • Youtube: Why Neural Networks can learn (almost) anything (go).
  • Youtube: Watching Neural Networks Learn (go).
  • Youtube: Ant Colony Optimization (go).
  • Youtube: Coding Adventure: Ant and Slime Simulations (go).
  • Youtube: The Traveling Salesman Problem: When Good Enough Beats Perfect (go).
  • Youtube: 2048 with Web Techs (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Hang Man with Web Techs (go).
  • Youtube: JavaScript Game Development Course for Beginners (go).
  • Youtube: Pokémon JavaScript Game Tutorial with HTML Canvas (go).
  • Youtube: How to code a Street Fighter game (go).
  • Youtube: How to code a Bomberman game (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Web Development In 2024 - A Practical Guide (go) (up).
  • Youtube: World's shortest UI/UX design course (go).
  • Youtube: Understanding the Complexity of Modern Web Dev Stack (Webpack, Babel, TypeScript, React) (go) (up).
  • Youtube: What is Hydration (go) (up).
  • Youtube: 21 Awesome Web Features you’re not using yet (go).
  • Youtube: Learn DOM Manipulation In 18 Minutes (go).
  • Go to Dribbles and try to recreate some designs with only pure HTML and CSS (go).
  • Youtube: Reactivity Explained (go).
  • Youtube: Briefly Explained (go).
  • Youtube: Visual Guide to the Modern Frontend Toolchain (Vite) (go).
  • Youtube: Signal Explained and Implementation (go, go) (up).
  • Youtube: Promises and Async/Await From Scratch (go).
  • How to build an event emitter in JavaScript (go).
  • Youtube: Array Iteration: 8 Methods - map, filter, reduce, some, every, find, findIndex, forEach (go).
  • Inner workings of Map, Reduce & Filter in JavaScript (go).
  • Youtube: State Of JS 2023 (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Node.js Crash Course 2024 (go).
  • Youtube: Node.js Event Loop (go).
  • Youtube: Express Crash Course 2024 (go).
  • Youtube: Express JS Full Course (go).
  • Youtube: Node.js / Express Course - Build 4 Projects (go) (up).
  • Youtube: React JS Tutorial - Basic to Advance (2023) (go).
  • Youtube (in-progress): Front-end crash course (VueJS + TypeScript + PrimeVue) (go).
  • Youtube: Vue.js Crash Course 2024 (go).
  • Youtube: Working with Data and APIs in JavaScript (go).
  • Youtube: Front-End engineer front end architecture playlists (go).
  • Youtube: Jack Herrington's videos (go).
  • Youtube: Fireship's tech update (go).
  • Youtube: Beyond Fireship webdev videos (go).
  • Public APIs List (go).
  • Coding Interview Prep (go) (up).
  • The TypeScript Handbook (go).
  • Youtube: The purest coding style, where bugs are near impossible (go).
  • Youtube: Functional Programming with TypeScript (go).
  • Youtube: Advanced TypeScript (go).
  • FrontendMasters: The Last Algorithms Course You'll Need (go).
  • Youtube: Code vs Data (Metaprogramming) (go).
  • Youtube: Impure Pics functional programming videos (go).
  • Youtube: Raycasting in TypeScript (go).
  • Youtube: I tried React and it Ruined My Life (go).
  • Learn React (don't use any of the framework they suggest, we'll use Vite) (go).
  • React Foundations (use they course, but again, don't use Next) (go).
  • Youtube: React Crash Course 2024 (go).
  • Youtube: React JS Full Course 2024 (go).
  • Youtube: React JS Full Course - Build 4 Projects in 5 Hours (go).
  • Project Odin: Foundations (go).
  • Project Odin: Full Stack JavaScript (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Learn NestJS – Complete Course (go).
  • Youtube: Design Patterns in React (go).
  • Youtube: Learn React Hooks - Simply Explained (go) (up).
  • Youtube: The Story of React Query (go) (up).
  • Youtube: React Query, Hook Form, Zustand, and Drizzle ORM Tutorials (go, go, go, go)
  • Youtube: Learn React, Router, Redux, Zustand, React Query, Zod, i18next - Complete Tutorials (go).
  • Youtube: Full Stack JavaScript Complete Course (go).
  • Youtube: React i18next (Complete Tutorial) (go).
  • Youtube: Learn Accessibility - Full a11y Tutorial (go).
  • Youtube: Build 25 React Projects – Tutorial (go).
  • Youtube: Advanced React Tutorials (go).
  • Know your hooks and when to use them, when to use context vs using redux to reduce prop drilling, when to cache queries using rtk query, and be able to create your own hooks.
  • Youtube: MERN Stack E-Commerce Store 2024 (go).
  • Youtube: MERN Stack Netflix Clone: React, Node.js, Express.js - Full Course 2024 (go).
  • Youtube: Headless WordPress with React JS: Explained for Beginners - 2023 (go).
  • Youtube: GraphQL Crash Course in 2024 - Build a Full Stack MERN App (go) (up).
  • Youtube: N + 1 Query Problem, GraphQL, and Performance Woes (go, go) (up).
  • Youtube: tRPC, gRPC, GraphQL or REST: when to use what (go).
  • Youtube: The Hidden Cost Of GraphQL And NodeJS (go, go) (up).
  • Youtube: The Simplest Tech Stack - Go and HTMX (go).
  • Hypermedia Systems (go).
  • Youtube: FULL Introduction To HTMX Using Golang (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Go and React Query (go).
  • Youtube: Complete Next.js Course (go).
  • Youtube: From 0 to Prod with React (go).
  • Youtube: Build and Deploy Banking and Finance App with NextJS 14 (go).
  • As a Programmer's videos about JS ecosystem and building stuff (go) (up).
  • Building React/Vite projects throughout the process (split 8/2 for example, dedicate 2h everyday building side projects, while 8h focus on main plan progressing).
  • Youtube: React Native Course – Android and iOS App Development (go).
  • React Native Guide, Components, APIs, and Architecture (go, go, go, go).
  • Youtube: Building a Budget Buddy App with React Native Expo SQLite (go) (up).
  • Build an all-in-one management android app in React Native and SQLite (tasks, finance, health, projects, etc.) (top).

8. Java and C#

  • Youtube: Java Tutorial (go) (back).
  • Learn Java (go).
  • Youtube: Object Oriented Design (go).
  • Youtube: Code Refactoring (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Design Patterns (go).
  • Youtube: Functional Programming in Java (go).
  • Youtube: Learn SOLID Principles with CLEAN CODE Examples (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Modern Java in Action (go).
  • Java Versions and Features, Changes from 8 to 21 (go, go).
  • Youtube: Design Patterns Revisited in Modern Java (go, go).
  • Youtube: Multithreading for Beginners (go).
  • Modern Java in a Nutshell, 8th Edition (go).
  • Spring Academy: Spring Framework Essentials (go).
  • A simple standard RESTful API implementation with Functional Validator and Unit Testing (go).
  • Youtube: Modern Java Microservices in the Cloud (go).
  • Youtube: Spring Microservices and Kafka (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Implementing Domain Driven Design with Spring (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Hexagonal Architecture with Spring (go).
  • Youtube: Advanced Spring Boot tutorials (go).
  • Kafka Documentation (read through all) (go).
  • Architectural Decision Records (go).
  • IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) (go).
  • A Practitioners’ Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) (go).
  • Youtube: Top 10 Reasons to Learn C# and DotNet (go, go).
  • A tour of the C# language (go).
  • Youtube: C# for Beginners (go).
  • Youtube: Learn C# in 2023 (go) (up).
  • Youtube: C# Full Course : C# Tutorial for Beginners (go).
  • Youtube: Create Complex Objects With Ease - Factory Method (go).
  • Youtube: Deep .NET (go).
  • Youtube: Advanced C# Programming Course (go).
  • Free Foundational C# Certification from Microsoft (go).
  • Youtube: Programming a Snake Game in C# - Full Guide (go).
  • Youtube: Programming a Chess Game in C# - Full Guide (go).
  • Youtube: Blazor (WebAssembly) Shopping Cart Application (go).
  • Youtube: Blazor Server App with .NET 6 and Syncfusion UI Components (go).
  • Youtube: .NET MAUI Course for Beginners – Create Cross-Platform Apps with C# (go).
  • Youtube: .NET MAUI Tutorial Full Course (go) (up).
  • .NET Multi-platform App UI documentation (go).
  • Youtube: Database Concurrency - 3-part series (go).
  • Youtube: Containers with .NET and Docker for Beginners (go).
  • Youtube: Back-end Web Development with .NET for Beginners (go).
  • Youtube: How to Become a Highly Employable C# Developer in 2024 (go).
  • .NET Microservices: Architecture for Containerized .NET Applications (go) (top).

9. Rust

  • Youtube: Rust Tutorial Full Course (go) (back).
  • Youtube: Rust Programming Full Course (go).
  • Youtube: Rust Programming Tutorial (go).
  • Youtube: Rust 101 (go).
  • Youtube: Rust Demystified - Simplifying The Toughest Parts (go).
  • Youtube: You Should Really Know These Traits in Rust (go).
  • Youtube: But what is 'a lifetime? (go).
  • Youtube: Modern All Rust Stack - Dioxus, Axum, Warp, SurrealDB (go).
  • Youtube: Compiler-Driven Development in Rust (go).
  • (Non-free Book) Zero to Production in Rust: An introduction to backend development (up).
  • Youtube: 1 billion row challenge in Rust using Apache Arrow (go).
  • Youtube: Bevy Basics (go).
  • Youtube: Bevy 0.12 Beginner Tutorial Series - Bevy Basics (go).
  • Youtube: Build a Breakout Clone with Rust and Bevy - Learn Rust Creatively (go).
  • Youtube: Zero to Bevy 0.14 (go).
  • Youtube: Rust Bevy Full Tutorial - Game Development with Rust (go).
  • Bevy Engine (go).
  • Youtube: Asteroids and GPU particle effects in Bevy (go).
  • Youtube: Bevy Top Down Shooter Tutorial With Massive Enemy Hordes (go).
  • Youtube: Platformer in Bevy (go).
  • Youtube: Bevy Procedural Generation (go).
  • Code 15 classic games from scratch with ECS using Rust/Bevy and optionally Aseprite/LDtk (Street Fighter, Pokemon-like RPG, Shoot 'em Up, Bomberman, Tower Defense, Graph Visualizer, Pacman, Tetris, Galaga, Asteroid, Arkanoid, Frogger, Snake, Cellular Automata, and Pong) (up).
  • Learn Zig (go).
  • Youtube: Zig Master (go) (up).
  • The Rust Programming Language (go).
  • Youtube: Crust of Rust (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Advanced topics in Rust (go).
  • Youtube: Impl Rust (go).
  • Youtube: Decrusted (go).
  • Youtube: Rust in Production (go).
  • Advent of Code (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Solving distributed systems challenges in Rust (go) (up).
  • (Non-free Book) Rust for Rustaceans: Idiomatic Programming for Experienced Developers (top).

10. Zig, Lisp, OCaml, and Scala

  • Zig (go - Zig Master) (back).
  • Lisp (1 - Introduction).
  • Lisp (2 - Basics).
  • Lisp (3 - Multithreading).
  • Lisp (4 - Cookbook).
  • OCaml (1 - Introduction to Functional Programming and the Structure of Programming Languages using OCaml).
  • OCaml (2 - OCaml Programming: Correct + Efficient + Beautiful).
  • Scala (1 - MOOCs).
  • Scala (2 - Type Level Programming, etc.) (top).
  • Youtube: Why Lisp Is One Of The Most Productive Programming Languages (go).
  • Youtube: Common Lisp Tutorial (go).
  • Youtube: Common Lisp Basics (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Common Lisp Multithreading (go).
  • Youtube: Common Lisp Web (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Practical Common Lisp (go).
  • Youtube: Common Lisp Tips (go).
  • Youtube: Common Lisp Tricks (go).
  • The Common Lisp Cookbook (go).
  • A Tour of OCaml (go).
  • Introduction to Functional Programming and the Structure of Programming Languages using OCaml (go).
  • OCaml Programming: Correct + Efficient + Beautiful (go).
  • Youtube: Let's Talk About Functional Programming (go) (up).
  • 99 OCaml Problems (go).
  • Real World OCaml (go) (up).
  • Functional Program Design in Scala (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Scala at Light Speed (go).
  • Youtube: Type-Level Programming in Scala (go).
  • Youtube: An Akka, Cats and Cassandra Project in Scala (go).
  • Youtube: Scala in Action (go) (top).

11. Job Search and Interview

  • How To Get Into Tech (go, go) (back).
  • Youtube: The Best Career Advice Everyone Should Know (go).
  • Youtube: Resume Advice (go).
  • Youtube: LaTeX for Students – A Simple Quickstart Guide (go).
  • Youtube: How To Succeed In Coding & Technical Interviews (go).
  • Open Source eBooks (go).
  • Hired In Tech (go).
  • Front End Interview Handbook (go).
  • Tech Interview Handbook (go).
  • Check I. Job Search and Realities of the Industry, L. Behavioral Questions and Answers, and K. Real World Interview Questions (top).
  • How Corporate Layoffs Work – An Insider’s Perspective On Why You Will Be Laid Off, and Overemployed (go, go, go, go, go, go, go).
  • Start buffing up your resume and applying to every single decent platform and companies job portals after 100 work days while continue training.
  • LinkedIn, Indeed, Upwork, Glassdoor (97% of reviews are rigged), TechJobsForGood, PeopleFirstJobs, Remotive, RemoteOK, WeWorkRemotely, Hired, or directly apply to companies job portals like Microsoft Careers; just keep in mind that 99% of job posts are fake and only used as a facade for internal promotions or to trick their shareholders.
  •; don't hesitate to apply to jobs that use ancient techs (Cobol, Fortran, PHP, Ruby, etc.) if they pays well; be aware that 90% of recruiters are assholes and info havestors; Tech coops list (go).
  • If you have a A-grade college/post engineering degree, especially Master's (not this MSc obviously lol) or PhD in Computer Science, considering applying abroad to places like Estonia, Norway, Ireland, USA, or EU in general; or spend 2 to 5 years working in Singapore or equivalent country first for more sure-fire Westernize road.
  • Using AIs to prep for interview, senior backend engineer (Java) examples (go, go, go, go)
  • Youtube: Off the Clock videos (go).
  • Youtube: ThePrimeagen videos (go) (top).

12. Your Magnum Opus, and Life-Long Practice of Programming, Spirituality, Anthropology, and Xenology

  • Final Project: Mutual Aid Distributed Platform with Go/GRPC backend and React/Vite frontend, any database; while concurrently building other web apps (go, go) (back).
  • Good first issue for Open-Source participation (go).
  • Try to learn Elixir on Phoenix, Ruby on Rails, PHP on Laravel, Cobol on Open Mainframe, Server-Side Swift, Fortran, or other languages or frameworks next.
  • Try to learn MCAT.
  • Youtube: Fermilab physics videos (go).
  • Youtube: Easy, actually lifestyle videos (go).
  • The Ancient Buddhist Texts (go).
  • The Ancient Buddhist Texts Repository (go).
  • Abridged Jataka Tales (go).
  • Youtube: How to retrieve Ancient Buddhist Canon (Cách thỉnh kinh) 2024 (go).
  • Hillside Hermitage Suttas Repository (go).
  • Metta Forest Monastery Suttas Repository (go).
  • Youtube: DhammaNet spiritual playlists (go).
  • Youtube: Dhamma-Vinaya Patipada spiritual videos (go).
  • Youtube: Ajahn Punnadhammo spiritual videos (go).
  • Youtube: Hillside Hermitage spiritual playlists (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Ajahn Sona spiritual playlists (go).
  • Youtube: The Dhamma Hub spiritual videos (go) (up).
  • Youtube: English Buddhist Monk spiritual videos (go).
  • Youtube: Sujato Bhikkhu anarchism videos (go).
  • Youtube: Anark anarchism playlists (go).
  • Youtube: Andrewism anarchism videos (go).
  • Youtube: Literate Machine anarchism videos (go).
  • Global South Anarchism Movements (go).
  • Slingshot Anarchism Collective (go).
  • Youtube: Horses social commentary videos (go).
  • Youtube: Dark Science videos about prominent health problems and their causes (go).
  • Youtube: Brew videos about health problems and their causes (go).
  • Youtube: No Lab Coat Required dietary science (go).
  • Youtube: FreeMedEducation Medical playlists (go).
  • Youtube: Ninja Nerd's Medical Playlists (go).
  • Youtube: AlternateHistoryHub althropology videos (go).
  • Youtube: Hardcore Sci-Fi xenology videos (go).
  • Youtube: The Why Files xenology videos (go) (up).
  • Youtube: That is impossible xenology videos (go).
  • Youtube: DeepseaOddities xenology videos (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Mr. Mythos xenology videos (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Thought Potato xenology videos (go).
  • Youtube: Armoured Skeptic xenology videos (go).
  • Youtube: The Missing Enigma xenology videos (go).
  • Youtube: Ivan0135 xenology videos (go).
  • Youtube: UAP Gerb xenology videos (go).
  • Youtube: Jenined UFO Research xenology videos (go).
  • Youtube: MetaBallStudios anthropology simulation videos (go).
  • Youtube: Kyplanet xenology videos (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Koranos xenology videos (go).
  • Youtube: Epic Spaceman xenology videos (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Melodysheep xenology videos (go).
  • Youtube: SEA xenology videos (go).
  • Youtube: Artifexian xenology videos (go).
  • Youtube: Biblaridion xenology videos (go).
  • Youtube: World of Antiquity anthropology videos (go).
  • Youtube: Toldinstone anthropology videos (go).
  • Youtube: Extra History anthropology videose (go).
  • Youtube: Sam O'Nella Academy anthropology videos (go) (up).
  • Youtube: BlueJay anthropology videos (go).
  • Youtube: The Evaluator anthropology videos (go).
  • Youtube: Tapakapa anthropology videos (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Good Enough anthropology videos (go).
  • Youtube: Chat History anthropology videos (go).
  • Youtube: LEMMiNO anthropology videos (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Barely Sociable anthropology videos (go).
  • Youtube: IMPERIAL anthropology videos (go).
  • Youtube: Zoanfly anthropology videos (go) (up).
  • Youtube: CrashCourse educational playlists (go).
  • Youtube: SciShow general science videos (go).
  • Youtube: PBS Space Time xenology videos (go).
  • Youtube: PBS Eons anthropology videos (go).
  • Youtube: Bizarre Beasts xenology videos (go).
  • Youtube: But Why xenology videos (go).
  • Youtube: Atlas Pro anthropology videos (go).
  • Youtube: Jeff Suzuki: The Random Professor educational playlists (go).
  • Youtube: Professor Dave Explains educational playlists (go).
  • Youtube: Gutsick Gibbon's videos about primates and archeology (go) (up).
  • Youtube: Primer anthropology videos (go).
  • Youtube: The Efficient Engineer engineering videos (go).
  • Youtube: Avoid scams and grifters with Coffeezilla, Voidzilla, Coffee Break, and SomeOrdinaryGamers.
  • Youtube: Thunderf00t's videos debunking scammers (go) (up).
  • FreeCodeCamps news and articles (go).
  • Youtube: ThePrimeTime programming commentary videos (go).
  • Youtube: Theo - t3 programming commentary videos (go) (top).


For reference, here is an estimation of level based on Google, NASA JPL, and Microsoft's scheme:

  • L0: intern
  • L1/L59: junior
  • L2/L60: semi-middle
  • L3/L61: middle
  • L4/L62: semi-senior
  • L5/L63: senior
  • L6/L64: staff
  • L7/L65+: principal/partner/fellow (up)

Official Degree

University of Anarchism
Faculty of STEAM Education

have conferred on comrade
the degree of

Master of Science
in Software Engineering

Signing: GLHF.

  • Received.

(back) (top) (up).

O. NEET Productive Daily Plan

5 Hard Limits

  1. Abstain from/not making people do/not praising killing any being whether human or animal, abortion, euthanasia, suicide, wars;
  2. Abstain from/not making people do/not praising stealing, thievery, slavery, exploitations, coercion, fraud, bribery, looting;
  3. Abstain from/not making people do/not praising sexual misconducts, assaults, adultery, cheating, hookups, protistution when you're in a relationship, pedophilia, beastiality, necrophilia, simp and cuck;
  4. Abstain from/not making people do/not praising lying, deceiving, cheating, forgery, white lies;
  5. Abstain from/not making people do/not praising alcohol, physchoactive substances, nicotine, caffeine, clubbing.


Normal days

  1. 7.5 hours of sleep (10:30pm-6am); 15 minutes of morning stretching and breath meditation, 15 minutes of night stretching and breath meditation.
  2. 1 hour and 30 minutes of brisk walk (10k steps); 15 minutes of muay and staff training; 15 minutes of alternate-day body-weight exercises:
    1. On Mon, Thu: Strength, either push to near limit in 1 or 2 sets (e.g. 30 squats, 15 push ups, 3 pull ups, and 15 hanging knee raises), or 4 sets of:
      1. upper body: 7 push-ups, 2 pull-ups;
      2. lower body: 28 squats;
      3. core: 7 hanging knee raises;
      4. rest: 28 breaths.
    2. On Tue, Fri: Endurance, either push to near limit in 2 sets, or 10 sets of 40 jumping rope reps with a 21 breaths rest.
    3. On Wed, Sat, Sun: rest day.
  3. 1 hour of training Pali or English.
  4. Strictly keep the 5 hard limits.
  5. 15 minutes of one meal of vegetables, fruits, and pasture raised chicken eggs; 15 minutes of house chores.
  6. 5 hours of deep programming and 3 hours of study from books or college.
  7. The rest for gaming, chess, cubing, or researching, writing, and making videos (up).

Uposatha/Sabbath days

Average 4 or 12 days per month, based on lunar calendar.

  1. 7.5 hours of sleep (10:30pm-6am); 15 minutes of morning stretching and breath meditation, 15 minutes of night stretching and breath meditation.
  2. 1 hour and 30 minutes of walking meditation.
  3. 2 hours of reading scriptures.
  4. 8-Factor Uposatha/Sabbath Observance. Abstain from/not making people do/not praising:
    1. killing any being whether human or animal, abortion, euthanasia, suicide, wars;
    2. stealing, thievery, slavery, exploitations, coercion, fraud, bribery, looting;
    3. all sexual activities;
    4. lying, deceiving, cheating, forgery, white lies;
    5. alcohol, physchoactive substances, nicotine, caffeine, clubbing;
    6. from meals at the wrong times and at night;
    7. from all entertainments and beautifications;
    8. from sleeping on high or luxury beds (back).
  5. 15 minutes of one meal of vegetables, fruits, and pasture raised chicken eggs; 30 minutes of house chores.
  6. 5 hours of deep programming and 3 hours of learning from books or college.
  7. The rest for studying Buddhism or listening to dhamma talks (up).


A detail timetable example

P. Philosophy in Action

0. Acknowledge the Realities of the World


"Birth, old age, sickness, death, and corruption, are the realities of the world." - MN 26

"The world is unstable and swept away. The world has no shelter and no savior. The world has no owner—you must leave it all behind and pass on. The world is wanting, insatiable, the slave of craving." - MN 82

"A wise man should avoid unchastity as a pit of glowing charcoal. If unable to lead a celibate life, he should not go to another’s wives." - KN Snp 2.14

"Greater in battle than the man who would conquer a thousand-thousand men, is he who would conquer just one — himself." - KN Dhp 103

Knowledge, Education, and Instruction should be open and free. Hierarchy must be abolished.

Hierarchy is inherently problematic because it will always have the problem of asymmetries: power and information, and thus, will inevitably lead to corruption and exploitation.

Hierarchical power structures are inherently evil because they will always seek self-perpetuation using any mean possible, whether it's deception, manipulation, coercion, or violent domination, no matter what they call themselves - mean-end disunity. In this way, a minority of elites can control and exploit the population.

The concept of Government is the longest running fraud in human history, as well as God, Church, Capitalism, or Socialist Tankism. All hierarchical power structures are inherently evil, no matter what they call themselves or what they promise. Why? Because they will do whatever it takes to maintain the asymmetries of power, wealth, and information, whether it's deception, manipulation, coercion, or violent domination. Means and ends are inseparable and unjustifiable. There is no just war. The only solution is complete anarchy with direct democracy, mutual aids, and library economy.

If God created the universe, who created God? If God doesn't need a creator, so does the universe. The concept of a Creator God, universal consciousness, or any of those vague terms, is just pure absurd and utterly useless, made by grifters, preys on your delusion and insecurity. If anyone worthy of being called a Creator, a God, that's your mother and father. They've literally created you, showed you the world, and they're your first teacher. It's hard to repay them.

"Wage slavery refers to a person's dependence on wages or a salary for their livelihood, in a world where the distribution of and conditions for these wages is determined by a specific class."

Copyright Law, NDAs, Cease and Desists, etc. are capitalist mechanisms created for the perpetuation of slavery and monopoly. "Copyright isn't about paying artists, it's about being an idea landlord. In the end, "intellectual property" only serves to exclude the poor from accessing and using knowledge and culture. It's one of the pillars of capitalism." All forms of knowledge and education should forever be open and free without any restriction.

It's just rebranded feudalism, where the elites own all the lands and means of production, most wealth are inherited, self-made is a myth created to gaslight the masses, while slavery becomes systemic. "Butttt, you can choose your employer." Good luck saying this with a hobo, a neet who for years cannot land a single job, or a minimum wagie. The vast budget (thievery via taxes) in the army, wars, law enforcement, subservient school systems, consumerism propaganda, and entertainment industrial complex is solely for protecting the system and to make the population dull and indulging. The elites, meanwhile, prepped for the worst with their underground cities and luxury New Zealand villas. They can just safely farm the population, and everything is going as planned.

1. Internal Analysis (Buddhism)

  • 8 external influences: gain and loss, fame and disgrace, blame and praise, pleasure and pain.
  • The keeping of the five precepts and eight precepts on Uposatha days; strengthening Right View and analysis frameworks.
  • The training in Noble Eightfold Path.
  • The training in healthy lifestyle, strength, and endurance.
  • The training in self defense and staff usage.

2. External Analysis (Anarchism)

  • 8 core aspects of a society: infrastructure, healthcare, welfare, education, council of direct democracy, economics, defense, intelligence.
  • 3 core analyses of hierarchy: mean-end disunity; violent domination, exploitation, and deception; self perpetuation.
  • The abolition of all forms of hierarchy, state, class, slavery, involuntary servitude, exploitation, domination, prison system, and taxation; the uprooting of any chance of re-arising of any form of hierarchy, state, or class; the prevention of any form of upstartism and exploitation.
  • The abandonment of all forms of private property and land ownership or representation, the protection of personal possessions based on usage, the right to keep and bear arms including automatic firearms, and the right to self-defense.
  • Freedom and solidarity; stateless classless moneyless society via mutual aid and library economy; freedom of movement, of speech, of assembly, of horizontal association, of religion, to self defense and to keep and bear arms, of restoration or social sanction or eviction or excommunication of bad people from a community; the protecting of the ecology and the conscious continuous ongoing revolution, of mutual aid.

3. Layman's Primer - A collection of 30 discourses

Read and try to understand and memorize by heart the discourses to have a strong theoretical foundation and develop Right View, what’s right and what’s wrong, what’s to be done and what’s not to be done, and to be able to recall the Dhamma in dire circumstances. Keep the five precepts (understand all the specificities, not break them yourself, not encourage the breaking of them, and not praise the breaking of them) everyday, keep the eight precepts on Uposatha days. Practice the Noble Eightfold Path according to the Buddha’s instructions (pay attention to Right Livelihood as you’re a lay person). Develop the habit of contemplation and meditation (both sitting and walking), see what’s obstructing the mind and what’s nourishing it.

  • Discourses: conversations with the Buddha (go).
  • The Noble Quest - MN 23 (go).
  • The Four Noble Truths - Rolling Forth the Wheel of Dhamma - SN 56.11 (go).
  • The Noble Eigthfold Path - Analysis - SN 45.8 (go).
  • Overview of the Buddha's philosophy (go).
  • The Buddha - On Abolishing the Caste System and The Great Equality (go).
  • The Buddha and His Disciples - On Achieving Unity and Harmony in Communities (go).
  • Book of Exodus - With the Kālāmas of Kesamutta - AN 3.65 (go).
  • Book of Judges - Kunala Jataka - KN Ja 536 (go).
  • Book of Matthew - The People of Bamboo Gate - SN 55.7 (go).
  • Book of Maccabees - With Jānussoṇi - AN 10.177 (go).
  • Book of Jude - Putrefaction - KN Snp 2.2 (go).
  • Book of Sammuel - A Warrior - SN 42.3 (go).
  • Book of Corinthians - With Tālapuṭa - SN 42.2 (go).
  • Book of Genesis - What Came First - DN 27 (go).
  • Book of Kings - The Wheel-Turning Monarch - DN 26 (go).
  • Book of Revelation - Traveling to the End of the World - SN 35.116 (go).
  • Book of Leviticus - Advice to Sigālaka - DN 31 (go).
  • Book of Deuteronomy - The Shorter Discourse on the Lion’s Roar - MN 11 (go).
  • Book of Isaiah - With Ghaṭīkāra - MN 81 (go).
  • Book of Job - With Raṭṭhapāla - MN 82 (go).
  • Book of Ezekiel - Messengers of the Gods - MN 130 (go).
  • Book of Enoch - The Seven Suns - AN 7.66 (go).
  • Book of Proverbs - Sayings of the Dhamma - KN Dhammapada (go).
  • Book of Psalms - Anthology of Discourses - KN Suttanipāta (go).
  • Book of Numbers - Numbered Discourses Collection - AN (go).
  • Book of John - The Great Discourse on the Buddha’s Extinguishment - DN 16 (go).
  • SN 55.7, MN 130, MN 135, SN 42.8, AN 3.100, SN 42.2
  • DN 31, AN 8.25, KN Kp 5, AN 6.10, AN 5.57, MN 14
  • AN 3.70, AN 10.46, KN Ud 5.5, SN 8.4, MN 100, AN 4.159
  • SN 45.8, AN 5.177, AN 3.119, MN 117, DN 15, AN 8.6
  • MN 51, MN 81, MN 61, MN 62, MN 10, MN 118
  • AN 5.57 - Subjects for Regular Reviewing (go).
  • SN 47.2 - Mindful and Aware (go).
  • MN 61 - Advice to Rāhula at Ambalaṭṭhika (go).
  • AN 10.176 - With Cunda (go).
  • AN 5.179 - A Layperson (go).
  • AN 3.70 - Sabbath (go).
  • AN 10.46 - With the Sakyans (go).
  • AN 2.32-41 - The Chapter on the Peaceful Mind (go).
  • SN 42.8 - A Horn Blower (go).
  • AN 3.100 - A Lump of Salt (go).
  • MN 51 - With Kandaraka (go).
  • MN 107 - With Moggallāna the Accountant (go).
  • MN 2 - All the Defilements (go).
  • MN 20 - How to Stop Thinking (go).
  • MN 117 - The Great Forty (go).
  • DN 15 - The Great Discourse on Causation (go).
  • MN 140 - The Analysis of the Elements (go).
  • MN 62 - The Longer Advice to Rāhula (go).
  • MN 118 - Mindfulness of Breathing (go).
  • MN 10 - Mindfulness Meditation (go).
  • MN 121 - The Shorter Discourse on Emptiness (go).
  • MN 131 - One Fine Night (go).
  • KN Snp 2.10 - Get Up! (go).
  • AN 3.107, AN 3.108, SN 3.13, AN 5.217, SN 42.6, AN 10.76, MN 21, MN 22, MN 12, MN 18, AN 5.30, AN 9.3, SN 47.9.
  • AN 5.161, AN 5.162, SN 56.34, SN 47.8, AN 10.72, AN 6.77, AN 8.73, AN 8.74, AN 12.63, AN 10.60, SN 35.247, SN 35.127, SN 8.4, AN 7.50, AN 3.113, AN 10.61.
  • Further reading: What the Buddha really taught, SuttaCentral Editions
  • Youtube: How to retrieve Ancient Buddhist Canon (Cách thỉnh kinh) 2024 (go).

(back to N.0.B), (back to N.1.), (up)

  • Pierre-Joseph Proudhon - What is Property? - An Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government (go).
  • Pierre-Joseph Proudhon - The Coming Era of Mutualism (go).
  • Michail Bakunin - On Representative Government and Universal Suffrage (go).
  • Michail Bakunin - God and the State (go).
  • Pëtr Kropotkin - Mutual Aid - A Factor of Evolution (go).
  • Pëtr Kropotkin - The State: Its Historic Role (go).
  • Errico Malatesta - The Paris Commune (go).
  • Errico Malatesta - Anarchists Have Forgotten Their Principles (go).
  • Errico Malatesta - An Anarchist Programme (go).
  • Emma Goldman - Socialism: Caught in the Political Trap (go).
  • Emma Goldman - Syndicalism - The Modern Menace to Capitalism (go).
  • Emma Goldman - The Failure of Christianity (go).
  • Andrew Flood - The trouble with Islam (go).
  • The Anarchist International - Anti-War Manifesto (go).
  • Voline - Synthesis (Anarchist) (go).
  • Rudolf Rocker - Anarcho-syndicalism: Theory and Practice (go).
  • Noam Chomsky - Notes on Anarchism (go).
  • Noam Chomsky - Vietnam: How Government Became Wolves (go).
  • Noam Chomsky - On Anarchism (go).
  • Negation - The state and counter-revolution (go).
  • Solidarity Federation - The Economics of Freedom - An anarcho-syndicalist alternative to capitalism (go).
  • Peter Gelderloos - How Nonviolence Protects the State (go).
  • Peter Gelderloos - Anarchy Works (go).
  • Peter Gelderloos - Worshipping Power - An Anarchist View of Early State Formation (go).
  • CrimethInc - Series: The Anarchist Critique of Democracy (go).
  • Ziq - Anarchy Vs. Archy: No Justified Authority - Or Why Chomsky Is Wrong (go).
  • Anark - The State is Counter-Revolutionary (go).

(back to N.0.B), (back to N.1.), (up)

Q. Chess Practice

Aim for strong principles, tactics, endgames, and strategies; Simple London for White and Caro-Kann/Nimzo-Indian for Black.

R. Speedcubing Resources

Aim for decent enough in all WCA events. Main 3x3, 3BLD, 2x2, Pyraminx, Megaminx, OH, 4x4, 5x5.


My reference resources and some experiences as a software engineer (60% backend/game/robotic, 30% frontend, 10% ops, working in game dev since 2007, robot engineering since 2015, and web dev since 2018), it should be a good “birds-eye view” for a programmer who want to learn things the bottom-up approach. This list is handcrafted and not generated by AI nor contains any affiliation. Some notes before proceeding with the list (up):

  • This guide is based on 100% free and quality resources vetted and curated by me. It’s not mean to be an exhaustive list. It aims to provide just a minimum skeleton that built from the ground up. Copy/clone/fork this so that you can use the checkboxes.
  • Avoid sinking time into pointless videos made by grifters and course/dream sellers, don’t let them exploit your emotions and insecurities for views and money. This is not a get rich quick course, or get 6 figures salary roadmap, it's just my knowledge base.
  • Practice the habit of always checking official documentations first before watching tutorials, endure the inconvenient in the moment, you'll become much better and more independent in the long run. Take the knowledge and leave, don't worship the educator.
  • For YouTube videos, just blast through them in 3x speed, enjoy the ride, and code along. Beware the sales funnel in some videos and don't waste money on those. Make sure the concepts are well sticked to your mind before moving on or else you're just wasting your time. Use uBlock Origin and SponsorBlock to combat the evil advertisement industry.
  • For someone who’s self-taught, it will take more than 18 months to thoroughly finish the whole Streamlined Noob to SWE L7 Roadmap - Foundation, assumes that you spend at least 8 hours everyday working on it, there is no shortcut.
  • Remember the 80/20 rule: you only need to do 20% (easy things first) to achieve 80% of results (good enough). The rest 20% is exponentially expensive, so tread carefully. Have a plan in mind and focus on a certain niche, for example, if you want to be hirable fast focus on web dev with Go and NextJS, if you want to have a lot of fun and can do useful things right away and can earn money via selling games on Steam then focus on game dev and robotics first. And also participate in free competitions or game jams if you have chance.
  • Have a Daily Routine planed out in details and stick with it. Cultivate good habits and drop bad habits gradually. Please stay healthy in both body and mind.
  • Just go through the list in a top-down order, one-by-one, and you’re good to go. Stuffs inside parentheses mean optional. Numbers in the bracket are total duration in 2x speed and number of video in that playlist.
  • All you need is a large sample size (build a lot of projects) for a comprehensive mental model. It all comes down to a lot of reps and muscle memory. And also to have a beefy portfolio of finished projects.
  • Think about the problems in your life or others that you want to solve and try to apply your knowledge.
  • Regarding code editor, using whatever feels comfortable is good enough, but Vim motions is a must-have. I recommend Neovim, but you can also use Emacs, it has great org mode for note taking, it’ll be much more enjoyable when you have full control of your dev environment.
  • If you're using magnet/torrent, consider keeping the files for at least 7 days or 1.0 ratio for seeding so that you can pay back the community.

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GaziRiad commented Aug 3, 2023

Thanks for sharing this knowledge, i've practiced JS for a while now but i'm yet uncertain about design patterns and when and where and how to use them. also studied MVC but feels a bit sketchy for me RN. I'm planning to start react since i have a good JS foundation i think and maybe that would make things easier.

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i'm yet uncertain about design patterns and when and where and how to use them

A good rule of thumb is to start simple, and add things when it's utmost necessary. The same for optimization, beside common coding practices, optimization should only be done after proper benchmarking and profiling.

also studied MVC but feels a bit sketchy for me RN.

Yeah have strong foundation in the stuffs in section B is a humongous advantage. And to get the feel for certain concepts or patterns there'd be no better way than to just build (and actually finish) a lot of projects, either professional or pet projects.

I'm planning to start react since i have a good JS foundation i think and maybe that would make things easier.

Per my observation, React/NextJS + TailwindCSS is a cheat code to getting wed dev jobs nowadays.

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