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Last active June 23, 2022 07:32
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Quick function to fit a Von Mises distribution
import numpy as np
def tuning_function(theta, theta0, kappa, fmax, bsl, theta_bound):
# Von Mises, with kappa the concentration, theta0 the location
# fmax the firing rate at pref ori, bsl the min firing rate (not the baseline, which was substracted)
tf = bsl + np.exp(kappa*(np.cos(2*np.pi/theta_bound*(theta-theta0))-1)) * (fmax-bsl)
return tf
# we will use the tutorial from :
from lmfit import Model, Parameters
def fit_tc(array, init_kappa, theta_bound=2*np.pi):
Fits the data points in `array` to `tuning_function`.
set theta_bound to 2*np.pi for fitting signed angles (eg dirrection)
or to np.pi for an unsigned one (like orientation)
theta = np.linspace(0, theta_bound, len(array), endpoint=False)
mod = Model(tuning_function)
pars = Parameters()
# name default vary min max
pars.add_many(('theta0', theta[np.argmax(array)], True, 0., theta_bound),
('kappa', init_kappa, True, .1, 5.),
('fmax', np.max(array), True, 0.0, 2*np.max(array)+5),
('bsl', np.min(array), True, 0.0, np.max(array)+5),
('theta_bound', theta_bound, False))
out =, pars, theta=theta, nan_policy='omit', max_nfev=50000)
return out.best_values
# test the function
N_directions = 8
theta_bound = 2*np.pi
theta = np.linspace(0, theta_bound, N_directions, endpoint=False)
array = tuning_function(theta, theta0=np.pi/4, kappa=2., fmax=20., bsl=1., theta_bound=theta_bound) + 0.1*np.abs(np.random.randn(N_directions))
fitted_params = fit_tc(array, 3.5)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(13, 5))
ax.plot(theta, array, '.')
theta_more = np.linspace(0, theta_bound, 60, endpoint=True)
ax.plot(theta_more, tuning_function(theta_more, **fitted_params))
ax.set_ylabel('Mean firing rate');
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should produce something like

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