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Created April 15, 2016 11:28
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#FORMAT python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
A parser to display bibtex code with a nice formatting within MoinMoin wiki pages.
The parsing is done in pure pytho, so that you will not need external programs. This
parser script should work for MoinMoin 1.9.3.
Copyright: 2012 by Laurent Perrinet -- see
Copyright: 2010 by Ryota Tomioka -- see
Based on Matt Cooper's keyval parser Copyright: 2006 by Matt Cooper <>
License: GNU GPL
Version: 1.0
import re
from MoinMoin import wikiutil
show_hide = """
<script language="javascript">
function toggle() {
var ele = document.getElementById("toggleText");
var text = document.getElementById("displayText");
if( == "block") { = "none";
text.innerHTML = "show";
else { = "block";
text.innerHTML = "hide";
show_hide_old = """
<script type="text/javascript">
function hideshow(which){
if (!document.getElementById)
if ("block")"none"
def latex2unicode(str):
# translation dictionary
tab = {"\\\"u": "&uuml;",
"\\\"o": "&ouml;",
"\\\"e": "&euml;",
"\\\"a": "&auml;",
"\\o" : "&oslash;",
"\\O" : "&Oslash;",
"~" : " ",
"\\'e" : "&eacute;",
"\\'E" : "&Eacute;",
"\\`e" : "&egrave;",
"\\`E" : "&Egrave;",
for key in tab.keys():
str = str.replace(key, tab[key])
str = str.replace("{" + key + "}", tab[key])# case where the character is enclosed in curly brackets
return str
def removepar(str):
str = str.replace("{", "").replace("}", "")
return str
class Bibitem:
def __init__(self):
# fields common to all entries
self.bib = {"title":"", "author":"", "year":"", "url":"", "abstract":""}
def setValue(self, key, val):
if key.lower().strip() in self.bib.keys() and not(self.bib[key.lower().strip()] == ""):
key_ = key.lower().strip()
tmp = self.bib[key_] # ????
self.bib[key_] += ' + ' + removepar(val.lstrip('" ').rstrip(' ",'))
self.bib[key.lower().strip()] = removepar(val.lstrip('" ').rstrip(' ",'))
# TODO: include bibtex entry by unfolding it
# TODO: better handle format instead of one line at a time
# TODO: include DOI and link
# TODO: remove duplicate entries
# TODO: include citeulike links
def isReady(self):
return len(self.bib["author"]) > 0 and len(self.bib["title"]) > 0 and len(self.bib["year"]) > 0
def format_author(self):
authors = self.bib["author"].split(" and ")
result = []
for author in authors:
if "," in author:
# TODO: handle the more complex cases?
name, surname = author.split(", ")
author = surname + " " + name
return ", ".join(result)+"."
def format_abstract(self):
result = self.bib["abstract"]
# TODO: include abstract by unfolding it
# tmp = '<a href="javascript:hideshow(document.getElementById("%s"))">abstract</a>' % self.bib["author"]
# tmp += '<div id="%s" style="font:12px ; display: block"> %s </div>' % (self.bib["author"], result)
tmp = '<a id="displayText" href="javascript:toggle();">abstract</a>'
tmp += '<div id="toggleText" style="display: none"> %s </div>' % result
return tmp
# return "<i> %s </i> " % result
# return "<p style=\"font-size:x-small;\"> %s </p> " % result
def format_title(self):
title = latex2unicode(self.bib["title"])
tmp = "<u>%s</u>" % (title)
# TODO: title is a link to the first URL encountered
if not(self.bib["url"] == ""):
# return "<u>%s</u>, <a href=\"%s\">URL</a>." % (title, self.bib["url"])
tmp += ", "
for i_url, url in enumerate(self.bib["url"].split('+')):
number = ""
if i_url > 0: number = str(i_url+1)
tmp += "<a href=\"%s\">URL%s</a> " % (url.strip(), number)
tmp += '.'
return tmp
return tmp + '.'
class BibitemJournal(Bibitem):
def __init__(self):
self.bib["journal"] = ""
self.bib["volume"] = ""
self.bib["number"] = ""
self.bib["pages"] = ""
def format(self):
if len(self.bib["title"]) > 0:
#return "<li>%s %s %s %s %s.</li>" % (self.format_author(), self.format_title(), self.format_journal(), self.format_volnumpages(), self.bib["year"])
return "<li>%s %s %s %s %s %s.</li>" % (self.format_author(), self.format_title(), self.format_journal(), self.format_volnumpages(), self.bib["year"], self.format_abstract())
return ""
def format_journal(self):
if len(self.bib["journal"]) > 0:
return "<i>%s</i>," % (self.bib["journal"])
return ""
def format_volnumpages(self):
result = ""
if len(self.bib["volume"]) > 0:
result += "<b>%s</b>" % self.bib["volume"]
if len(self.bib["number"]) > 0:
result += "(%s)" % self.bib["number"]
if len(self.bib["pages"]) > 0:
result += ":%s," % self.bib["pages"]
elif len(result) > 0:
result += ","
return result
class BibitemBook(Bibitem):
def __init__(self):
self.bib["publisher"] = ""
self.bib["address"] = ""
def format(self):
if len(self.bib["title"]) > 0:
return "<li>%s <i>%s</i> %s %s.</li>" % (self.format_author(), self.format_title(), self.format_pubadd(), self.bib["year"])
return ""
def format_pubadd(self):
result = ""
if len(self.bib["publisher"]) > 0:
result += "%s," % self.bib["publisher"]
if len(self.bib["address"]) > 0:
result += " %s," % self.bib["address"]
return result
class BibitemTechreport(Bibitem):
def __init__(self):
self.bib["institution"] = ""
def format(self):
if len(self.bib["title"]) > 0:
return "<li>%s %s %s %s.</li>" % (self.format_author(), self.format_title(), self.format_institution(), self.bib["year"])
return ""
def format_institution(self):
if len(self.bib["institution"]) > 0:
return "Technical report, %s," % self.bib["institution"]
return ""
class BibitemInCollection(BibitemBook):
def __init__(self):
self.bib["booktitle"] = ""
self.bib["pages"] = ""
self.bib["publisher"] = ""
self.bib["address"] = ""
def format(self):
if len(self.bib["title"]) > 0:
# return "<li>%s %s %s %s %s %s.</li>" % (self.format_author(), self.format_title(), self.format_booktitle(), self.format_pages(), self.format_pubadd(), self.bib["year"])
return "<li>%s %s %s %s %s %s %s.</li>" % (self.format_author(), self.format_title(), self.format_booktitle(), self.format_pages(), self.format_pubadd(), self.bib["year"], self.format_abstract())
return ""
def format_booktitle(self):
if len(self.bib["booktitle"]) > 0:
return "In <i>%s</i>," % self.bib["booktitle"]
return ""
def format_pages(self):
if len(self.bib["pages"]) > 0:
return "pages %s." % self.bib["pages"]
return ""
class Parser:
Key-value pairs parser
"Key" is anything before the delimiter,
"Value" is everything after (including more delimiters)
If a delimiter isn't found, the line is not turned into a key-value pair
parsername = "BibTex"
def __init__(self, raw, request, **kw):
self.request = request
self.form = request.form
self.raw = raw
self._ = request.getText
self.args = kw.get('format_args', '')
attrs, msg = wikiutil.parseAttributes(request, self.args)
self.delim = attrs.get('delim', '')[1:-1]
def format(self, formatter):
linesep = "\n"
delimiter = self.delim or "="
# split the raw input into lines
lines = self.raw.split("\n")
bib = None
result = []
while lines:
line = lines.pop(0)
line = latex2unicode(line)
if len(line.strip()) > 0 and line.strip()[0] == "@": # bibitem type
# Output the last bibitem
if bib is not None:
# New bibitem begins
bibitem_type = line[1:-1].split("{", 1)[0] # the type is the string between "@" and "{" and we drop the rest (hoping we end the line after the citekey and ",")
bibitem_type = bibitem_type.lower()
if bibitem_type == "incollection" or bibitem_type == "inproceedings" or bibitem_type == "conference":
bib = BibitemInCollection()
elif bibitem_type == "book":
bib = BibitemBook()
elif bibitem_type == "techreport":
bib = BibitemTechreport()
bib = BibitemJournal()
elif line.find(delimiter) > -1: # we found a line with a "=" sign
(k, v) = line.split(delimiter, 1)
while (v.count('{') - v.count('}')) > 0:
line = lines.pop(0)
#line = latex2unicode(line)
v += line
v = v.strip('\n')
if bib is not None:
bib.setValue(k, v)
result.append("Strange line [%s] found\n" % line)
# if there is no delimiter, we append the proper formatting of the bibitem to the results:
if bib is not None and bib.isReady():
bib = None
if bib is not None:
self.raw = show_hide
self.raw += "<ul>\n%s</ul>\n" % linesep.join(result)
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