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OK, so today I was looking at Writer monad, a very basic Monad.

In its essence, it's just a Monad that outputs (e.g. log) something,
The "Variation three: Output" Monad from the original Monads for functional programming, 92 paper is very lean:

type M a = (Output, a)
type Output = String
lattice0 / gist:c23561ff62af5647c4ac0f3d8d26a739
Last active March 28, 2024 06:29
Vstarcam raspberry pi IP finder and HTTP port
#Give an IP address in the range of the camera to the eth0 interface
sudo ip address add dev eth0
#First, scan the eth0 interface to find all the IPs connected to it
nmap -e eth0
#Now that you found the camera's IP, scan which ports are open to find the HTTP port (suupose the IP is ...189)
nmap -e eth0 -p 0-65535
#SSH and foward the HTTP port of the discovered camera
XueshiQiao /
Last active February 26, 2023 15:44
H.264 Annex B format and AVCC format

AnnexB format:

([start code] NALU) | ( [start code] NALU) |

AVCC format:

([extradata]) | ([length] NALU) | ([length] NALU) |
Jim-Bar /
Last active September 16, 2024 08:40
About YUV formats

About YUV formats

First of all: YUV pixel formats and Recommended 8-Bit YUV Formats for Video Rendering. Chromium's source code contains good documentation about those formats too: chromium/src/media/base/video_types.h and chromium/src/media/base/ (search for RequiresEvenSizeAllocation(), NumPlanes() and those kinds of functions).


You can think of an image as a superposition of several planes (or layers in a more natural language). YUV formats have three planes: Y, U, and V.

Y is the luma plane, and can be seen as the image as grayscale. U and V are reffered to as the chroma planes, which are basically the colours. All the YUV formats have these three planes, and differ by the different orderings of them.

DD3Boh / gist:6c51fd3c5f91b1042e956771483714de
Created July 19, 2017 14:59
How to merge a newer CAF tag in an android kernel
First go here:
This site gives information about all msm soc release details with tag + android version
Search your msm here.. Check the latest one and look for correct android version and mark that tag.
Now open one of the following links (dependent on your linux kernel version)
crearo / fragment_shader_NV12_to_RGB.frag
Last active August 1, 2024 01:57
A fragment shader to convert NV12 to RGB.
/** A fragment shader to convert NV12 to RGB.
* Input textures Y - is a block of size w*h.
* texture UV is of size w*h/2.
* Remember, both U and V are individually of size w/2*h/2, but they are interleaved.
* The layout looks like this :
* ----------
* | |
* | Y | size = w*h
* | |
* |________|
jpouellet /
Last active February 1, 2024 12:50
Forwards a specified port to a specified VM, auto-detecting its NetVM chain. (Qubes OS)
# Inspired by
ip() { qvm-ls --raw-data ip -- "$1"; }
netvm() { qvm-prefs -g -- "$1" netvm; }
forward() {
local from_domain=$1
local to_domain=$2
dleonard00 /
Created January 15, 2017 07:31
extract the certificate and key from an .ovpn file
# This script will extract the certificate and key from an .ovpn file
# into their own files, which makes it possible to use them to configure
# the VPN using Ubuntu's network manager
# Usage example:
# >> ovpnconvert
# You can keep following these instructions here:
vinicius73 /
Created November 22, 2016 12:26
["LÓGICA DE PROGRAMAÇÃO" É BOBAGEM, e explicarei porquê.]

#["LÓGICA DE PROGRAMAÇÃO" É BOBAGEM, e explicarei porquê.]

Se preparem que o texto é longo.

Várias vezes chegam novatos aqui perguntando como começar, e a galera diz "estuda lógica primeiro, depois vai pra linguagem X". Vivo dizendo que é bobagem. Ontem, em particular, falei isso, e vieram várias pessoas por inbox me perguntar porquê (e uma pra me xingar, achando que falei por arrogância).

Pra facilitar, eu vou escrever uma boa explicação de porquê "lógica de programação" é furada, doa a quem doer, e postar na APDA e no fórum da EnergyLabs (para futuras referências, porque esse assunto vai voltar, ctz).

btroncone /
Last active June 15, 2024 07:17
RxJS 5 Operators By Example