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Last active August 19, 2024 18:05
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local wezterm = require("wezterm")
-- Custom title and icon based on:
local process_icons = {
["bash"] = wezterm.nerdfonts.cod_terminal_bash,
["btm"] = wezterm.nerdfonts.mdi_chart_donut_variant,
["cargo"] = wezterm.nerdfonts.dev_rust,
["curl"] = wezterm.nerdfonts.mdi_flattr,
["docker"] = wezterm.nerdfonts.linux_docker,
["docker-compose"] = wezterm.nerdfonts.linux_docker,
["gh"] = wezterm.nerdfonts.dev_github_badge,
["git"] = wezterm.nerdfonts.fa_git,
["go"] = wezterm.nerdfonts.seti_go,
["htop"] = wezterm.nerdfonts.mdi_chart_donut_variant,
["kubectl"] = wezterm.nerdfonts.linux_docker,
["kuberlr"] = wezterm.nerdfonts.linux_docker,
["lazydocker"] = wezterm.nerdfonts.linux_docker,
["lazygit"] = wezterm.nerdfonts.oct_git_compare,
["lua"] = wezterm.nerdfonts.seti_lua,
["make"] = wezterm.nerdfonts.seti_makefile,
["mycli"] = "󱤢",
["node"] = wezterm.nerdfonts.mdi_hexagon,
["nvim"] = wezterm.nerdfonts.custom_vim,
["ruby"] = wezterm.nerdfonts.cod_ruby,
["stern"] = wezterm.nerdfonts.linux_docker,
["sudo"] = wezterm.nerdfonts.fa_hashtag,
["vim"] = wezterm.nerdfonts.dev_vim,
["wget"] = wezterm.nerdfonts.mdi_arrow_down_box,
["zsh"] = wezterm.nerdfonts.dev_terminal,
-- Return the Tab's current working directory
local function get_cwd(tab)
return tab.active_pane.current_working_dir.file_path or ""
-- Remove all path components and return only the last value
local function remove_abs_path(path) return path:gsub("(.*[/\\])(.*)", "%2") end
-- Return the pretty path of the tab's current working directory
local function get_display_cwd(tab)
local current_dir = get_cwd(tab)
local HOME_DIR = string.format("file://%s", os.getenv("HOME"))
return current_dir == HOME_DIR and "~/" or remove_abs_path(current_dir)
-- Return the concise name or icon of the running process for display
local function get_process(tab)
if not tab.active_pane or tab.active_pane.foreground_process_name == "" then return "[?]" end
local process_name = remove_abs_path(tab.active_pane.foreground_process_name)
if process_name:find("kubectl") then process_name = "kubectl" end
return process_icons[process_name] or string.format("[%s]", process_name)
-- Pretty format the tab title
local function format_title(tab)
local cwd = get_display_cwd(tab)
local process = get_process(tab)
local active_title = tab.active_pane.title
if active_title:find("- NVIM") then active_title = active_title:gsub("^([^ ]+) .*", "%1") end
local description = (not active_title or active_title == cwd) and "~" or active_title
return string.format(" %s %s/ %s ", process, cwd, description)
-- Determine if a tab has unseen output since last visited
local function has_unseen_output(tab)
if not tab.is_active then
for _, pane in ipairs(tab.panes) do
if pane.has_unseen_output then return true end
return false
-- Returns manually set title (from `tab:set_title()` or `wezterm cli set-tab-title`) or creates a new one
local function get_tab_title(tab)
local title = tab.tab_title
if title and #title > 0 then return title end
return format_title(tab)
-- Convert arbitrary strings to a unique hex color value
-- Based on:
local function string_to_color(str)
-- Convert the string to a unique integer
local hash = 0
for i = 1, #str do
hash = string.byte(str, i) + ((hash << 5) - hash)
-- Convert the integer to a unique color
local c = string.format("%06X", hash & 0x00FFFFFF)
return "#" .. (string.rep("0", 6 - #c) .. c):upper()
local function select_contrasting_fg_color(hex_color)
-- Note: this could use `return color:complement_ryb()` instead if you prefer or other builtins!
local color = wezterm.color.parse(hex_color)
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: unused-local
local lightness, _a, _b, _alpha = color:laba()
if lightness > 55 then
return "#000000" -- Black has higher contrast with colors perceived to be "bright"
return "#FFFFFF" -- White has higher contrast
local module = {}
function module.format_tab_title(tab, tabs, panes, config, hover, max_width)
local title = get_tab_title(tab)
local color = string_to_color(get_cwd(tab))
if tab.is_active then
return {
{ Attribute = { Intensity = "Bold" } },
{ Background = { Color = color } },
{ Foreground = { Color = select_contrasting_fg_color(color) } },
{ Text = title },
if has_unseen_output(tab) then
return {
{ Foreground = { Color = "#EBD168" } },
{ Text = title },
return title
return module
local tab_format = require "tab_format"
local wezterm = require "wezterm"
local act = wezterm.action
wezterm.on("format-tab-title", tab_format.format_tab_title)
return {
default_prog = { "zsh" },
-- ui
font = wezterm.font "Iosevka Nerd Font",
font_size = 14,
color_scheme = "Ayu Dark (Gogh)",
default_cursor_style = 'BlinkingBlock',
cursor_blink_rate = 500,
-- tab bar
hide_tab_bar_if_only_one_tab = false,
show_new_tab_button_in_tab_bar = false,
show_tab_index_in_tab_bar = true,
switch_to_last_active_tab_when_closing_tab = false,
use_fancy_tab_bar = true,
-- window
enable_scroll_bar = true,
-- window_background_opacity = 0.85,
-- window_close_confirmation = "NeverPrompt",
window_padding = {
left = 0,
right = 0,
top = 0,
bottom = 0,
-- keys
keys = {
{ key = "w", mods = "CMD", action = act.CloseCurrentTab { confirm = false }, },
{ key = "t", mods = "CMD", action = act({ SpawnCommandInNewTab = { cwd = wezterm.home_dir } }), },
{ key = 'f', mods = 'CMD|SHIFT', action = wezterm.action.ToggleFullScreen, },
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