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Dawid Laszuk laszukdawid

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laszukdawid /
Last active September 16, 2021 20:38

Agents Bar Contributor License Agreement

  1. Definitions

"You" (or "Your") means the party making Contributions under this Contributor License Agreement ("Agreement") with Agents Bar Ltd. (the "Project Manager") who is either the copyright owner, or a person or Entity authorized by the copyright owner to enter into this Agreement on such owner’s behalf. An organization or entity (each, an "Entity") making a Contribution, and all other Entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that Entity, are considered to be a single contributor for purposes of this Agreement (where

laszukdawid /
Last active July 11, 2024 13:42
Parse local TensorBoard data into pandas DataFrame
def convert_tb_data(root_dir, sort_by=None):
"""Convert local TensorBoard data into Pandas DataFrame.
Function takes the root directory path and recursively parses
all events data.
If the `sort_by` value is provided then it will use that column
to sort values; typically `wall_time` or `step`.
*Note* that the whole data is converted into a DataFrame.
Depending on the data size this might take a while. If it takes
laszukdawid /
Last active January 25, 2023 19:32
Set of commands and files to enable timed theme (dark/light) change
kretyn@meland:~/$ mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user
kretyn@meland:~/$ mkdir -p ~/.scripts
kretyn@meland:~/$ cd ~/.config/systemd/user
kretyn@meland:~/.config/systemd/user$ cat light.service
Description=Automatically change the "Window Theme" to "light" in the morning.

Accessing view

The best view is through the browser by checking the url from the AWS console.

However, sometimes these it's not easy/possible, and then it's easier to do it by tunneling ssh into mplayer:

Project view

> ssh aws_cam@{cam_IP} cat /tmp/results.mjpeg | mplayer -demuxer lavf -lavfdopts format=mjpeg:probesize=32 -

Camera view

laszukdawid /
Created July 27, 2019 20:12 — forked from bradtraversy/
Docker Commands, Help & Tips

Docker Commands, Help & Tips

Show commands & management commands

$ docker

Docker version info

laszukdawid / fresh-start
Created August 11, 2018 06:03
What to install on fresh os
git -- Version control
dos2unix -- Converts end of line dos<=>unix<=>mac
Ubuntu specific
laszukdawid / .vimrc
Last active October 30, 2022 17:50
Vim settings
" Executing pathogen, which helps organise plugins
execute pathogen#infect()
"""""""""" PACKAGES """"""""""
set runtimepath^=~/.vim/bundle/ctrlp.vim
""""" SPELLCHECKER """""
:map <F7> :setlocal spell! spelllang=en_gb<CR>