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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Interactive Cologne Developers 2014: Geoff Galitz - WebOps @

Interactive Cologne Developers 2014: Geoff Galitz - WebOps @


Geoff is doing WebOps @ and will speak up at Interactive Cologne Developers 2014. Which talk do you want to hear from him? Vote here.

Further, read a nice story how to stay connected LTE-wise to your north-america remote team:

Back in January i went to the WebPerformance CGN Meetup at Solutionspace and got to know Geoff. Geoff is doing WebOps on a remote Team @, his team members are in New York, California, Boston, Berlin among other locations.

Beside his talk on how Shutterstock is dealing with thumbails (and bringing them up to edge locations) the most impressive thing to me was that Geoff is living in the Eifel. Ok, stop. Geoff is living in the Eifel, working in a remote team spread around the world including North America?! Actually I know the Eifel a bit and asked about his Internet connection and how well it works out.

Geoff was quite surprised when LTE made it to the Eifel. Due to insufficient volume, though he had to get two (!) LTE routers placed at each side of his property(!!) to get into two mobile cells(!!!) and be able to switch to the not reduced connection. NICE! :)

I bet you would do that too, to stay connected to your team! Do you?!

Geoff is will talk about one out of 3 topics at Interactive Cologne Developers 2014. Vote for the topic here.

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