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Last active September 19, 2024 19:28
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Bash script to take a specific obsidian note and copy it along with images into hugo content
set -x # Enable debug mode
# Check if correct number of arguments are provided
if [ "$#" -ne 3 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <obsidian_file> <hugo_content_dir> <hugo_post_name>"
exit 1
# Function to format title
format_title() {
echo "$1" | sed 's/_/ /g; s/\b\(.\)/\u\1/g'
# Format the title
# Derive Hugo root directory from content directory
# Get the absolute path of the Obsidian file and convert it to Windows path
OBSIDIAN_FILE_ABS=$(wslpath -w "$(readlink -f "$OBSIDIAN_FILE")")
# Check if Obsidian file exists
if [ ! -f "$OBSIDIAN_FILE" ]; then
echo "Error: Obsidian file not found: $OBSIDIAN_FILE"
exit 1
# Create Hugo post directory
mkdir -p "$HUGO_POST_DIR"
# Function to find and use Hugo archetype
use_hugo_archetype() {
local archetype_path="$HUGO_ROOT_DIR/archetypes/"
if [ -f "$archetype_path" ]; then
echo "Using Hugo archetype: $archetype_path"
cp "$archetype_path" "$HUGO_POST_DIR/"
# Replace placeholders in the archetype
sed -i "s|title = \".*\"|title = \"$FORMATTED_TITLE\"|g" "$HUGO_POST_DIR/"
sed -i "s|date = \".*\"|date = \"$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z")\"|g" "$HUGO_POST_DIR/"
# Append Obsidian content to the archetype
echo "" >> "$HUGO_POST_DIR/"
echo "Hugo archetype not found. Creating a basic front matter."
echo "+++" > "$HUGO_POST_DIR/"
echo "title = \"$FORMATTED_TITLE\"" >> "$HUGO_POST_DIR/"
echo "date = \"$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z")\"" >> "$HUGO_POST_DIR/"
echo "author = \"Capone\"" >> "$HUGO_POST_DIR/"
echo "+++" >> "$HUGO_POST_DIR/"
echo "" >> "$HUGO_POST_DIR/"
# Use Hugo archetype
# Extract image references from the Markdown file
IMAGES=$(grep -oP '!\[\[.*?\]\]' "$HUGO_POST_DIR/" | sed 's/!\[\[//;s/\]\]//')
# Function to find image in parent directory
find_image() {
local parent_dir="$(dirname "$(wslpath -u "$OBSIDIAN_FILE_ABS")")"
local grandparent_dir="$(dirname "$parent_dir")"
local image_name="$1"
echo "Searching for image: $image_name" >&2
echo "In directory: $parent_dir" >&2
echo "And in directory: $grandparent_dir" >&2
if [ -f "$parent_dir/$image_name" ]; then
echo "$parent_dir/$image_name"
elif [ -f "$grandparent_dir/$image_name" ]; then
echo "$grandparent_dir/$image_name"
echo ""
# Copy each referenced image and update links
while IFS= read -r IMG; do
echo "Processing image: $IMG" >&2
# Find the image in the parent directory
IMG_PATH=$(find_image "$IMG")
echo "Found image path: $IMG_PATH" >&2
# Check if the image file exists
if [ -n "$IMG_PATH" ] && [ -f "$IMG_PATH" ]; then
# Copy image to Hugo static directory
mkdir -p "$HUGO_ROOT_DIR/static/img"
cp "$IMG_PATH" "$HUGO_ROOT_DIR/static/img/"
echo "Copied: $IMG to $HUGO_ROOT_DIR/static/img/"
# Replace Obsidian image syntax with Hugo shortcode in the Markdown file
sed -i "s|!\[\[$IMG\]\]|{{< image src=\"/img/$IMG\" alt=\"$IMG\" position=\"center\" style=\"border-radius: 8px;\" >}}|g" "$HUGO_POST_DIR/"
echo "Warning: Image not found: $IMG"
done <<< "$IMAGES"
# Convert any remaining Obsidian-style links to Hugo shortcode
sed -i 's/!\[\[\(.*\)\]\]/{{< image src="\/img\/\1" alt="\1" position="center" style="border-radius: 8px;" >}}/g' "$HUGO_POST_DIR/"
echo "Post copied to Hugo directory: $HUGO_POST_DIR"
echo "Image references updated to Hugo shortcode format."
echo "Hugo root directory derived as: $HUGO_ROOT_DIR"
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