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Created June 13, 2022 09:32
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some and any keywords for generic protocols in Swift 5.7
some and any keywords for generic protocols in Swift 5.7
protocol Item { }
struct User {
let name: String
var isAnonymous: Bool {
return name.isEmpty
protocol Group {
associatedtype Item
var items: [Item] { get }
var users: [User] { get }
Runtime Error:
required by global function 'namesOfUsers(addedTo:)' where 'some Group' = 'any Group'
As I use namesOfUsers in showDepartment with `some Collection<any Group>` typed groups,
The below error happens at `print(namesOfUsers(addedTo: group))`.
error: type 'any Group' cannot conform to 'Group'
only concrete types such as structs, enums and classes can conform to protocols
//func namesOfUsers(addedTo group: some Group) -> [String] {
func namesOfUsers(addedTo group: any Group) -> [String] {
group.users.compactMap { user in
user.isAnonymous ? nil :
struct Devs: Group {
typealias Item = Int
let items: [Int]
let users: [User]
let devs = Devs(items: [1,2,3,4,5],
users: ["", "bob", "john", "", "kate"].map(User.init))
print(namesOfUsers(addedTo: devs))
// ["bob", "john", "kate"]
// Here's another group.
struct Designers: Group {
typealias Item = String
let items: [String]
let users: [User]
let designers = Designers(items: ["graphics", "navigation", "architecture", "requirements"],
users: ["", "elen", "steve", ""].map(User.init))
func showDepartment(consistsOf groups: some Collection<any Group>) {
groups.forEach { group in
print(namesOfUsers(addedTo: group))
let groups: [any Group] = [devs, designers]
showDepartment(consistsOf: groups)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
["bob", "john", "kate"]
["graphics", "navigation", "architecture", "requirements"]
["elen", "steve"]
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