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Created January 11, 2015 01:35
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"Auto build & serve" of golang code :)
# Makefile to perform "live code reloading" after changes to .go files.
# n.b. you must install fswatch (OS X: `brew install fswatch`)
# To start live reloading run the following command:
# $ make serve
# binary name to kill/restart
PROG = vanilla
BINDATA_PATHS = tmpl/... assets/...
# targets not associated with files
.PHONY: dependencies default build test coverage clean kill restart serve
# check we have a couple of dependencies
@command -v fswatch --version >/dev/null 2>&1 || { printf >&2 "fswatch is not installed, please run: brew install fswatch\n"; exit 1; }
@command -v go-bindata >/dev/null 2>&1 || { printf >&2 "go-bindata is not installed, please run: go get\n"; exit 1; }
# default targets to run when only running `make`
default: dependencies test
# clean up
go clean
# run formatting tool and build
build: dependencies clean
go-bindata $(BINDATA_PATHS)
go fmt
go build
# run unit tests with code coverage
test: dependencies
go test -cover
# generate code coverage report
coverage: test
go test -coverprofile=.coverage.out
go tool cover -html=.coverage.out
# attempt to kill running server
-@killall -9 $(PROG) 2>/dev/null || true
# attempt to build and start server
@make kill
@make build; (if [ "$$?" -eq 0 ]; then (./${PROG} &); fi)
# watch .go files for changes then recompile & try to start server
# will also kill server after ctrl+c
serve: dependencies
@make restart
@fswatch -o --exclude=bindata.go ./*.go tmpl/* | xargs -n1 -I{} make restart || make kill
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