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A functional JavaScript library in ES6. Composition, currying, polyfills and performance.
* A functional JavaScript library -- composition, currying, polyfills and performance.
* Copyright Lansana Camara, 2016
* @license MIT
| Variables
// Object#toString result shortcuts
const objectTag = '[object Object]';
const arrayTag = '[object Array]';
const stringTag = '[object String]';
const functionTag = '[object Function]';
const numberTag = '[object Number]';
const booleanTag = '[object Boolean]';
// Used for native method references
const arrayProto = Array.prototype;
const objectProto = Object.prototype;
// Native method shortcuts
const hasOwnProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty;
const toString = objectProto.toString;
const push = arrayProto.push;
const slice = arrayProto.slice;
// Assignable DOM node attributes map
const assignableDOMNodeAttributes = {
value: true,
innerText: true,
innerHtml: true
// Hash table for checking is an attribute is an assignable DOM node attribute
const isAssignableDOMNodeAttribute = attr => assignableDOMNodeAttributes[attr];
// Useful ternary helper
const noop = () => {
// No operations
| Aliases
| These aliases are just meant to replace the name of certain functions. For example,
| instead of `reduce`, one could use `foldl` if coming from a functional programming
| language like Haskell and `foldl` is what they're used to.
const forEach = each;
const forEachRight = eachRight;
const foldl = reduce;
const foldr = reduceRight;
| Private functions
| These functions are used as helpers and/or to keep the rest of the DRY. For example,
| `each` and `eachRight` follow the same logic with minor differences (i.e., iterate
| from right to left instead of left to right). `_createEach` allows us to keep that logic
| in one place.
* Compose a new function of the result of calling the argument
* @example
* const plus5 = num => num + 5;
* const times2 = num => num * 2;
* const plus5AndTimes2 = compose(plus5, times2);
* plus5AndTimes2(5) // 20
* @private
* @param functions {Array} An array of functions to compose
* @param dir {Number} Specify iterating from right to left
* @returns {Function} The composed function
function _createCompose(functions, dir) {
if (dir > 0) {
functions = map(functions, f => f).reverse();
return val => reduce(functions, (prevVal, currFunc) => {
return currFunc(prevVal);
}, val);
* Loops over `iterable` and calls `iteratee` on each item in `iterable`
* @private
* @param iterable {Array|Object} The array or object to loop over
* @param iteratee {Function} The function to call on each item in `iterable`. Return false to break loop.
* @param dir {Number} Less than 0 for left to right, greater than 0 for right to left
function _createEach(iterable, iteratee, dir) {
if (isArrayLike(iterable)) {
let len = iterable ? iterable.length : 0,
i = dir > 0 ? len : -1;
while (dir > 0 ? --i >= 0 : ++i < len) {
if (iteratee(iterable[i], i, iterable) === false) {
} else {
let _keys = keys(iterable),
len = _keys.length,
i = dir > 0 ? len : -1;
while (dir > 0 ? --i >= 0 : ++i < len) {
if (iteratee(iterable[_keys[i]], _keys[i], iterable) === false) {
return iterable;
| Composition
* Follows the natural behavior of `_createCompose`
* @param functions {Function} A letiable number of functions to compose
* @returns {Function} The composed function
function compose(...functions) {
return _createCompose(functions, -1);
* Specialized version of `_createCompose` (loops from right to left)
* @param functions {Function} A letiable number of functions to compose
* @returns {Function} The composed function
function composeRight(...functions) {
return _createCompose(functions, 1);
| Collections
* Loops over `collection` from left to right and calls `iteratee` on each item
* @param iterable {Array|Object} The array or object to loop over
* @param iteratee {Function} Callback function to be applied on each iteration
function each(iterable, iteratee) {
return _createEach(iterable, iteratee, -1);
* Loop array starting from the right (start at index obj.length - 1), and apply
* a function on each element
* @param iterable {Array|Object} The array to loop over
* @param iteratee {Function} Function to be applied on each item
function eachRight(iterable, iteratee) {
return _createEach(iterable, iteratee, 1);
* Create a reducing function iterating from left to right
* @param array {Array} The array to loop over
* @param iteratee {Function} The function to apply on each element in `array`
* @param memo {*} The value that is accumulated from the return value of each iteratee
* @returns {*}
function reduce(array, iteratee, memo) {
if (array.reduce) {
if (isUndefined(memo)) {
return array.reduce(iteratee)
return array.reduce(iteratee, memo);
if (isUndefined(memo)) {
memo = array.shift();
each(array, (elem, index, list) => {
memo = iteratee(memo, elem, index, list);
return memo;
* Follows the natural behavior of `reduce`, but iterates from right to left
* @param array {Array} The array to loop over in reverse
* @param iteratee {Function} The function to apply on each item in `array`
* @param memo {*} The value that is accumulated from the return value of each `iteratee`
* @returns {*} The value in `memo` after having reduced each item in `array`
function reduceRight(array, iteratee, memo) {
let reversed = map(array, elem => elem).reverse();
return reduce(reversed, iteratee, memo);
* Create a new array with the results of applying a function on each element
* @param array {Array} The array to loop over
* @param iteratee {Function} The callback function to apply on each element
* @returns {Array} The new array created
function map(array, iteratee) {
if ( {
let results = new Array(array.length);
each(array, (elem, index, list) => {
results[index] = iteratee(elem, index, list);
return results;
* Create a new array with all the elements that passed a test implemented by
* the `predicate` function
* @param collection {Array} The array to loop over
* @param predicate {Function} The test to apply on each item on `array`. Args: (value, index|key, collection)
* @returns {Array} An array of elements `predicate` returned true for
function filter(collection, predicate) {
if (collection.filter) {
return collection.filter(predicate);
let results = [];
each(collection, (elem, index, list) => {
if (predicate(elem, index, list)) {
return results;
* fjs.partition returns an array of two arrays. The first array is all items that return true for `predicate`,
* the second array is all items that return false for `predicate`
* @example
* const even = num => num % 2 === 0;
* partition([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], even);
* // [[2, 4, 6], [1, 3, 5, 7]]
* @param collection {Array|Object} The collection to partition
* @param predicate {Function} The function that determines the partitioning
* @returns {Array} An array containing two arrays. One, elements that pass `predicate`, two, elements
* that fail `predicate`.
function partition(collection, predicate) {
let passed = [],
failed = [];
each(collection, (elem, index, list) => {
if (predicate(elem, index, list)) {
passed[passed.length] = elem;
} else {
failed[failed.length] = elem;
return [passed, failed];
* Extracts a list of property values for a given property name from objects in an array.
* @example
* let arr = [
* {name: 'Foo', age: 1},
* {name: 'Bar', age: 2},
* {name: 'Baz', age: 3}
* ]
* pluck('name')(arr)
* // ['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz']
* pluck('age')(arr)
* // [1, 2, 3]
* @param propertyName {String} This is the property name to get values from
* @returns {Function} Returns a function that takes an array of objects. The function reduces the
* value at `propertyName` in each object into an array and returns the array.
function pluck(propertyName) {
return arr => {
return reduce(arr, (collection, obj) => {
return concat(collection, obj[propertyName]);
}, []);
| Arrays
* Concatenate multiples arrays together
* Time complexity: O (n^2)
* @param arrays {Array} An array of arrays, each concatenated to a base (the first array), from left to right.
* @returns {Array} A single array containing all the values of all the arrays in `arrays`
function concat(...arrays) {
let base = arrays.shift();
if (base.concat) {
each(arrays, array => {
base = base.concat(array);
} else {
each(arrays, array => {
each(array, elem => {
base[base.length] = elem;
return base;
* Quicksort implementation
* Time complexity: O (n log n)
* @private
* @param array {Array} The array to sort (must contain either numbers or characters)
* @returns {Array} A new array that is a sorted version of `array`
function sort(array) {
const len = array.length;
if (len < 2) {
return array
let i = -1,
pivotIndex = Math.floor(rand(0, len)),
pivot = array[pivotIndex],
less = [],
more = [],
sorted = [];
while (++i < len) {
// Prevent duplicates of `pivot` from being added
if (pivotIndex !== i) {
array[i] > pivot ? more[more.length] = array[i] : less[less.length] = array[i];
return concat(sorted, sort(less), sort([pivot]), sort(more));
* Binary search for the index of `val` in `array`
* Time complexity: O (log n)
* @private
* @param haystack {Array} The haystack to look for `needle` in
* @param needle {*} The needle to find in `haystack`
* @param start {Number} The index in `array` to start searching
* @param stop {Number} The index in `array` to stop searching
* @param compare {Function} This acts as a comparison function with (haystack[guess], needle) as arguments.
* This allows custom comparisons (maybe using objects and need to access by property).
* Return 1 if (guess > needle), 0 if (guess === needle), -1 if (guess < needle)
* @returns {*} The index at which `val` is in `array`, or -1 if not found
function indexOf(haystack, needle, start, stop, compare) {
if (start > stop) {
return -1;
let mid = (start + stop) >>> 1;
if (isFunction(compare)) {
const result = compare(haystack[mid], needle);
if (result === 0) {
return mid;
} else if (result === 1) {
return indexOf(haystack, needle, start, mid - 1, compare);
} else if (result === -1) {
return indexOf(haystack, needle, mid + 1, stop, compare);
} else {
if (haystack[mid] === needle) {
return mid;
} else if (haystack[mid] > needle) {
return indexOf(haystack, needle, start, mid - 1);
} else if (haystack[mid] < needle) {
return indexOf(haystack, needle, mid + 1, stop);
| Objects
* Check if object has key as own property.
* @param obj {Object} Check if `obj` has an own property of `key`
* @param key {String} The key to check
* @returns {boolean} True or false
function has(obj, key) {
return obj ?, key) : false;
* Get the an array of the keys of an object
* @param obj {Object} The object to get the keys from
* @returns {Array} An array of strings containing the key values of `obj`
function keys(obj) {
if (Object.keys) {
return Object.keys(obj);
} else if (!isObject(obj)) {
return [];
let _keys = [];
each(obj, (val, key) => {
return _keys;
* Get the value of a key in an object
* @example
* let obj = {name: 'Lansana', age: 21}
* pluck('name')(obj);
* // Lansana
* @param propertyName {String} The key you want the value of
* @returns {*} Returns a function which takes an object as a param. The return value of that
* invocation is the value at property `propertyName`
function prop(propertyName) {
return obj => obj[propertyName];
* Call a function on each item on an object. Similar to `map` in that `iteratee` is called o.
* each key in the object, however a new object is returned as opposed to a new array.
* @example
* let numbers = {one: 1, two: 2, three: 3, four: 4}
* mapObject(numbers, (val, key, obj) => obj[key] += 1)
* // {one: 2, two: 3, three: 4, four: 5}
* @param obj {Object}
* @param iteratee {Function}
* @returns {Object}
function mapObject(obj, iteratee) {
let resultObj = {};
each(keys(obj), key => {
resultObj[key] = iteratee(obj[key], key, obj);
return resultObj;
| These functions are used to manipulate the DOM and work with HTML.
* Create an element.
* @example
* let span = createElement('span', { innerText: 'Hello, world!' });
* let h1 = createElement('h1', {
* class: 'title',
* id: 'im-an-h1',
* ariaLabel: 'Hello, world!'
* }, span);
* // <h1 class="title" id="im-an-h1" aria-label="Hello, world!">
* // <span>Hello, world!</span>
* // </h1>
* @param type {String} The type of element ('h1', 'h2', 'p', 'a', 'div', etc.)
* @param config {Object} An object to configure the element (add text, innerHtml, classes, id, custom attr's, etc.)
* @param children {Element} A variable number of elements to append as children from left to right
* @returns {Element} The newly formed element with all it's configuration/children nodes
function createElement(type, config, ...children) {
let _el = document.createElement(type);
each(config, (val, key) => {
// Native DOM node attributes that need an assignment
// Ex: = bar, instead of node.setAttribute(foo, bar);
if (isAssignableDOMNodeAttribute(key)) {
_el[key] = config[key];
// Attributes that don't need an assignment (can be set with `node.setAttribute()`)
else {
// Normalize attribute, e.g. ariaLabel => aria-label
let attr = key.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase();
_el.setAttribute(attr, config[key]);
each(children, child => {
if (isElement(child)) _el.appendChild(child);
return _el;
* Recursive walk on the DOM. Calls an iteratee function on each node.
* @param node
* @param iteratee
function walkTheDOM(node, iteratee) {
node = node.firstChild;
while (node) {
walkTheDOM(node, iteratee);
node = node.nextSibling;
* Kill all event handlers on a given node, and everything beneath/besides it.
* @param node
function purgeEventHandlers(node) {
walkTheDOM(node, childNode => {
for (let prop in childNode) {
if (isFunction(childNode[prop])) {
childNode[prop] = null;
* Cross-browser event listener adder.
* @param target {Element} The node to attach the event to
* @param type {String} The name of the event
* @param f {Function} The callback to be applied on the event
function addEventListener(target, type, f) {
if (target.addEventListener) {
target.addEventListener(type, f, false);
} else if (target.attachEvent) {
target.attachEvent(`on${type}`, f);
} else {
target[`on${type}`] = f;
| Utilities
* Get a random number from `min` (included) to `max` (excluded)
* @param min {Number} The minimum
* @param max {Number} The maximum
* @returns {Number} The random number
function rand(min, max) {
return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
| Existential functions
| These functions are used to determine whether or not certain things exist on a value.
| For example, you could use `hasLength` to determine if something has a length property.
* Check if a length property of `val` is a valid length property
* @param val {*} The length property to be checked
* @returns {Boolean} True or false
function hasLength(val) {
const len = val.length;
return isNumber(len) && len > -1 && len % 1 === 0;
* Check if something is empty
* @param obj {Array|Object} The array or object to check
* @returns {Boolean} True if empty, false if not empty
function isEmpty(obj) {
if (isArrayLike(obj) && (isArray(obj) || typeof obj === 'string' || typeof obj.splice === 'function')) {
return !obj.length;
} else {
let empty = true;
each(obj, (val, key) => {
if (has(obj, key)) {
return empty = false;
return empty;
| Type Checkers
| These functions are used to check the type of values.
* Check if `val` is a DOM element.
* @example
* isElement(document.body)
* // true
* isElement('<body>')
* // false
* @param val {*} The value to be tested against
* @returns {Boolean} If `val` is the right type, return true. Else, false.
function isElement(val) {
return val && val.nodeType === 1;
* Check if `val` is undefined.
* @example
* isUndefined(undefined)
* // true
* isUndefined(1)
* // false
* isUndefined({})
* // false
* isUndefined([])
* // false
* isUndefined(function(){})
* // false
* isUndefined(null)
* // false
* @param val {*} The value to be tested against
* @returns {Boolean} If `val` is the right type, return true. Else, false.
function isUndefined(val) {
return typeof val === 'undefined';
* Check if `val` is null.
* @example
* isNull(null)
* // true
* isNull(undefined)
* // false
* isNull(void 0)
* // false
* @param val {*} The value to be tested against
* @returns {Boolean} If `val` is the right type, return true. Else, false.
function isNull(val) {
return val === null;
* Check if `val` is a boolean.
* @example
* isBoolean(true)
* // true
* isBoolean(false)
* // true
* isBoolean('hello')
* // false
* isBoolean([1, 2, 3])
* // false
* @param val {*} The value to be tested against
* @returns {Boolean} If `val` is the right type, return true. Else, false.
function isBoolean(val) {
return val === true || val === false || (isObjectLike(val) && === booleanTag);
* Check if `val` is a number.
* @example
* isNumber(7)
* // true
* isNumber('7')
* // false
* isNumber(Infinity)
* // true
* isNumber(Number.MAX_VALUE)
* // true
* @param val {*} The value to be tested against
* @returns {Boolean} If `val` is the right type, return true. Else, false.
function isNumber(val) {
return typeof val === 'number' || (isObjectLike(val) && === numberTag);
* Check if argument is a string.
* @example
* isString('hello')
* // true
* isString(7)
* // false
* @param val {*} The value to be tested against
* @returns {Boolean} If `val` is the right type, return true. Else, false.
function isString(val) {
return typeof val === 'string' || (!isArray(val) && isObjectLike(val) && === stringTag);
* Check if argument is a function.
* @example
* isFunction(function(){})
* // true
* isFunction('hello')
* // false
* @param val {*} The value to be tested against
* @returns {Boolean} If `val` is the right type, return true. Else, false.
function isFunction(val) {
return typeof val === 'function' && === functionTag;
* Check if argument is an object.
* In JavaScript, an array is an object, but we only want to check for objects
* defined with {}, not [], so we explicitly check for that using objToStr.
* @example
* isObject({})
* // true
* isObject([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
* // false
* isObject(function(){})
* // false
* isObject(null)
* // false
* @param val {*} The value to be tested against
* @returns {Boolean} If `val` is the right type, return true. Else, false.
function isObject(val) {
return val === Object(val) && === objectTag;
* Check if something is object-like
* @example
* isObjectLike({})
* // true
* isObjectLike([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
* // true
* isObjectLike(function(){})
* // false
* isObjectLike(null)
* // false
* isObjectLike('hello')
* // false
* @param val {*} The value to check
* @returns {Boolean} True or false
function isObjectLike(val) {
return val !== null && typeof val === 'object';
* Check is `val' is a classified an Array object
* @example
* isArray([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
* // true
* isArray(document.body.children)
* // false
* isArray(function(){})
* // false
* isArray(null)
* // false
* isArray('hello')
* // false
* @param val {*} The value to be tested against
* @returns {Boolean} If `val` is the right type, return true. Else, false.
function isArray(val) {
if (Array.isArray) {
return Array.isArray(val);
return === arrayTag;
* Check if `val` is array-like. Values are considered array-like if they aren't a function,
* has a 'length' property that's greater than or equal to `0` and less than or equal to
* @example
* isArrayLike([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
* // true
* isArrayLike(document.body.children)
* // true
* isArrayLike(function(){})
* // false
* isArrayLike(null)
* // false
* isArrayLike('hello')
* // true
* @param val {*} The value to check
* @returns {Boolean} True or false
function isArrayLike(val) {
return val !== null && hasLength(val) && !isFunction(val);
* Checks if `val` passes the `isArrayLike` test as well as checks if `val` is an object
* @example
* isArrayLikeObject([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
* // true
* isArrayLikeObject(document.body.children)
* // true
* isArrayLikeObject(function(){})
* // false
* isArrayLikeObject(null)
* // false
* isArrayLikeObject('hello')
* // false
* @param val {*} The value to check
* @returns {Boolean} True or false
function isArrayLikeObject(val) {
return isObjectLike(val) && isArrayLike(val);
| Enjoy
export {
// Composition
// Collections
// Arrays
// Objects
// Utilities
// Existentialist functions
// Type Checkers
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