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Last active August 23, 2017 17:03
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Branching in Free
// Eda and I are using Free. We have a need to handle situations where the right hand side of the for comprehension produces
// an Either and Left means that we need to 'branch' to do something to handle the failure, but handling the failure
// will not result in something that allows the rest of the main program to continue - we still want it to short circuit.
// The branch is itself a Free program, so whatever mechanism is uses needs to put the result of the branch onto the
// Left so that the main program still short circuits.
// Question: Is this completely the wrong way to think about this?
// If not, I found this:
// So we translated it to Cats (removing the implicit views, because they're EVIL):
import cats.Monad
import cats.syntax.either._
object FreeBranching {
case class Branch[F[_], L, R](value: F[Either[L, R]]) {
* This flatMap allows you to change the L type
* L1 >: L allows you to change the L type from Nothing to Something
* Z => L1 allows you to flatMap with Branch[F, Nothing, R1] without changing
* the L type
def flatMap[L1 >: L, R1, Z](f: R => Branch[F, Z, R1])(implicit ev: Z => L1, F: Monad[F]): Branch[F, L1, R1] = {
def doLeft(l: L): F[Either[L1, R1]] = F.pure(Left(l))
def doRight(r: R): F[Either[L1, R1]] =
Branch(F.flatMap(value)(_.fold(doLeft, doRight)))
def map[R1](f: R => R1)(implicit F: Monad[F]): Branch[F, L, R1] =
flatMap[L, R1, L](r => Branch(F.pure(Right(f(r)))))
def merge[A](implicit MF: Monad[F], ev1: L => A, ev2: R => A): F[A] =
type Partial[F[_]] = {
type FreeA[A] = Free[F, A]
type FreeBranch[F[_], L, R] = Branch[Partial[F]#FreeA, L, R]
object FreeBranch {
// Needs type annotation because Branch expects F[_] and Free is F[_, _]
def apply[F[_], L, R](fa: Free[F, Either[L, R]]): FreeBranch[F, L, R] = Branch[Partial[F]#FreeA, L, R](fa)
def liftFR[F[_], L, R](fr: Free[F, R]): FreeBranch[F, L, R] = FreeBranch([L]))
implicit class FreeBranchLiftSyntax[F[_], R](fr: Free[F, R]) {
def liftToFreeBranch[L](): FreeBranch[F, L, R] = FreeBranch.liftFR(fr)
def liftEitherToFreeBranch[A, B](implicit ev: R <:< Either[A, B]): FreeBranch[F, A, B] = FreeBranch.apply(
implicit class FreeBranchOptionSyntax[R, F[_]](right: Free[F, Option[R]]) {
def ifEmpty[L](left: Free[F, L]): FreeBranch[F, L, R] =
FreeBranch(right.flatMap {
case Some(r) freeMonad[F].pure(r.asRight[L])
case None[R])
implicit class FreeBranchEitherSyntax[L, R, F[_]](right: Free[F, Either[L, R]]) {
def ifLeft[L2](left: L Free[F, L2]): FreeBranch[F, L2, R] = {
FreeBranch(right.flatMap {
case Right(r) freeMonad[F].pure(r.asRight[L2])
case Left(l) left(l).map(_.asLeft[R])
def freeMonad[F[_]] = new Monad[Partial[F]#FreeA] {
override def pure[A](x: A): Free[F, A] = Free.pure(x)
override def flatMap[A, B](fa: Free[F, A])(f: (A) Free[F, B]): Free[F, B] = fa.flatMap(f)
override def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(f: (A) Free[F, Either[A, B]]): Free[F, B] = f(a).flatMap {
case Left(a1) tailRecM(a1)(f)
case Right(b) pure(b)
// We also introduced the FreeBranchEitherSyntax to handle our problem. However, this doesn't actually work for us, because
// we're using a monad stack of EitherT[IO, Failure, A]:
class MonadStacks {
type Failure = String
type MonadStack[A] = EitherT[IO, Failure, A]
implicit class LiftSyntax[A](value: Either[Failure, A]) {
def lift(): MonadStack[A] = EitherT(IO(value))
sealed trait Foo[A]
// The 'ms' in Bar below is just a cheap way for us to get an instance of MonadStack into the interpreter below. In production
// code, Bar would have other parameters and call some service or something that would return an Either[Failure, Int] and
// the interpreter would need to lift that into the MonadStack
case class Bar(ms: MonadStack[Int]) extends Foo[Either[Failure, Int]]
val interpreter: Foo ~> MonadStack =
new (Foo ~> MonadStack) {
def apply[A](fa: Foo[A]): MonadStack[A] =
fa match {
case Bar(ms) ms // Doesn't compile: A is an Either[Failure, Int], but ms is MonadStack[Int], not MonadStack[Either[Failure, Int]]
"ifLeft" must "keep a value on the Right" in {
val program = for {
i Free.liftF(Bar(1.asRight[Failure].lift)).ifLeft(_ Free.pure(""))
} yield i
program.value.foldMap(interpreter) must be(1.asRight)
// So, while Eda goes to figure out the right way to solve this, I thought I'd see if I can produce an implementation of
// FreeBranching that uses EitherT instead of Either:
object FreeBranchingEitherT {
case class Branch[F[_], L, R, M[_]](value: F[EitherT[M, L, R]]) {
def flatMap[L1 >: L, R1, Z](f: R => Branch[F, Z, R1, M])(implicit ev: Z => L1, monadF: Monad[F], monadM: Monad[M], traverseM: Traverse[M]): Branch[F, L1, R1, M] = {
def doLeft(l: L): F[EitherT[M, L1, R1]] = monadF.pure(EitherT { monadM.pure(Left(l)) })
def doRight(r: R): F[EitherT[M, L1, R1]] = EitherT[M, Z, R1]) x.leftMap(ev))
val fmfeT: F[M[F[EitherT[M, L1, R1]]]] = { _.fold(doLeft, doRight) }
val fmeT: F[M[EitherT[M, L1, R1]]] = monadF.flatMap(fmfeT) { m monadF.sequence(m) }
val fme: F[M[Either[L1, R1]]] = { me monadM.flatMap(me) { _.value } }
val feT: F[EitherT[M, L1, R1]] = { m EitherT[M, L1, R1](m) }
def map[R1](f: R => R1)(implicit monadF: Monad[F]): Branch[F, L, R1, M] = Branch[F, L, R1, M](
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