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Last active August 20, 2024 05:22
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Float window and re-positioning the window to the center of monitor on Aerospace
inherit-env-vars = true
XDG_CONFIG_HOME = '${HOME}/.config'
alt-period = '''exec-and-forget
aerospace layout floating \
&& ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/aerospace/scripts/ \
|| aerospace layout tiling
# ...
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -o errexit
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail
print_screen_size() {
# find focused monitor
local monitor_name=$(aerospace list-monitors --focused --format '%{monitor-name}')
case $monitor_name in
"Built-in Retina Display")
monitor_name="Color LCD";;
*) ;;
# check cache
if [[ -e "/tmp/centralize-focused-window/display-info-${monitor_name}" ]]; then
cat "/tmp/centralize-focused-window/display-info-${monitor_name}"
# display information of the focused monitor
local jq_filter=".SPDisplaysDataType[].spdisplays_ndrvs[] | select(._name == \"${monitor_name}\") | ._spdisplays_resolution"
local display_info=$(system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType -json | jq -r "${jq_filter}")
# print screen size
local screen_width=$(echo "${display_info}" | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
local screen_height=$(echo "${display_info}" | cut -d ' ' -f 3)
mkdir -p /tmp/centralize-focused-window
echo "${screen_width} ${screen_height}" >> "/tmp/centralize-focused-window/display-info-${monitor_name}"
cat "/tmp/centralize-focused-window/display-info-${monitor_name}"
centralize-focused-window() {
local screen_size=$(print_screen_size)
local screen_width=$(echo "${screen_size}" | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
local screen_height=$(echo "${screen_size}" | cut -d ' ' -f 2)
osascript <<EOF
set w to ${screen_width} / 5 * 3
set h to ${screen_height} / 5 * 3
set x to (${screen_width} - w) / 2
set y to (${screen_height} - h) / 2
tell application "System Events" to tell first application process whose frontmost is true
-- it seems using only 'first window' or 'last window' (or 'front window') is not enough
-- for some applications like Brave, Obsidian that have multiple windows and using both
-- windows is necessary to centralize the focused window
set position of first window to {x, y}
set position of last window to {x, y}
set size of first window to {w, h}
set size of last window to {w, h}
end tell
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