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Created October 30, 2017 18:01
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restructuredBootstrap sphinx demo template

Welcome to sphinx-project's documentation!

.. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2
    :caption: Table of Contents:


.. alert-success:: **Congratulations!**

    You've setup a basic sphinx project with restructuredBootstrap and restructuredWeb!

.. row::

  .. column:: 12,6

    An example of using rows and columns to embed a ted talk.

      Physics is like sex: sure, it may give some practical results, but that's not why we do it.

    .. hr::

    .. button-primary:: :fa:`file-video-o fw`  View the talk
      :class: large block
      :doc: test-document

  .. column:: 12,6

    .. ted::

Indices and tables

Test Document

A document linked to from index.rst.

Example Row

.. row::

  .. column:: 12,6

    .. alert-info:: **Hello world!** Here's a great deep learning course.

        "Hello world!"

  .. column:: 12,6

    .. youtube:: vOppzHpvTiQ

Example Tabs

.. tabs::
    :name: demo-tabs-1

    .. tab:: :fa:`book fw`  Tab #1

        .. alert-success:: Content for tab #1.

    .. tab:: :fa:`user-o fw`  Tab #2

        .. alert-info:: Content for tab #2.
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