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Kyungwook, Park kyungw00k

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WaldoJeffers / compose.js
Last active January 3, 2024 16:47
JavaScript one-line compose (ES6)
const compose = (...fns) => fns.reduce((f, g) => (...args) => f(g(...args)))
// Usage : compose functions right to left
// compose(minus8, add10, multiply10)(4) === 42
// The resulting function can accept as many arguments as the first function does
// compose(add2, multiply)(4, 10) === 42
jherax / is-private-mode.js
Last active March 19, 2024 18:29
Detect if the browser is running in Private mode - Promise based (last update: Feb 2020)
* Lightweight script to detect whether the browser is running in Private mode.
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
* Live demo:
* @see
* This snippet uses Promises. If you want to run it in old browsers, polyfill it:
* @see
Avaq / combinators.js
Last active September 21, 2024 01:18
Common combinators in JavaScript
const I = x => x
const K = x => y => x
const A = f => x => f (x)
const T = x => f => f (x)
const W = f => x => f (x) (x)
const C = f => y => x => f (x) (y)
const B = f => g => x => f (g (x))
const S = f => g => x => f (x) (g (x))
const S_ = f => g => x => f (g (x)) (x)
const S2 = f => g => h => x => f (g (x)) (h (x))
stormoz / install.bat
Last active February 10, 2022 08:57
Start Selenium Grid hub and nodes as Windows services
nssm install SeleniumHub java -jar C:\Selenium\selenium-server-standalone-2.48.2.jar -role hub
nssm start SeleniumHub
nssm install SeleniumNode1 java -jar C:\Selenium\selenium-server-standalone-2.48.2.jar -role node -hub http://localhost:4444/grid/register\Selenium\chromedriver.exe
nssm set SeleniumNode1 DependOnService SeleniumHub
nssm start SeleniumNode1
nssm install SeleniumNode2 java -jar C:\Selenium\selenium-server-standalone-2.48.2.jar -role node -hub http://localhost:4444/grid/register\Selenium\chromedriver.exe
nssm set SeleniumNode2 DependOnService SeleniumHub
nssm start SeleniumNode2
haje01 / TensorFlow 시작하기.md
Last active May 3, 2024 07:30
TensorFlow 시작하기

텐서플로우 시작하기

글쓴이: 김정주(

이 문서는 텐서플로우 공식 페이지 내용을 바탕으로 만들어졌습니다.


텐서플로우(TensorFlow)는 기계 학습과 딥러닝을 위해 구글에서 만든 오픈소스 라이브러리입니다. 데이터 플로우 그래프(Data Flow Graph) 방식을 사용하였습니다.

bprosnitz / iframe_contents.html
Created May 6, 2015 19:21
iframe origin security: dispatchEvent vs postMessage
window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
console.log('iframe: Got postmessage in origin ' + location.origin + ' from origin: ' + event.origin + '(' + + ')');
window.addEventListener('dispatchToIframe', function() {
console.log('iframe: Got dispatchEvent() in origin ' + location.origin + '(from index.html)');
setTimeout(function() {
window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('dispatchFromIframe'));
inceax /
Last active November 14, 2020 05:19
raspberry pi 2에 osmc 빠른 세팅을 위한 개인 설정 기록

osmc 세팅

  • 빠른 세팅을 위한 개인 설정 기록
  • osmc rc3, raspberry pi 2 기준


스킨 한글화

  1. 폰트 설치
sudo apt-get install fonts-nanum
sudo cp /usr/share/fonts/truetype/nanum/NanumGothic.ttf /usr/share/kodi/addons/skin.osmc/fonts/
hiasinho /
Last active September 1, 2021 22:23
Internet Explorer on Vagrant

The Virtual Machine Images – VMs used for testing several versions of IE – are now also available as vagrant boxes. Here’s the list:

philippschmitt / countPhotosForGeoLocation
Last active May 13, 2020 22:02
Count all photos that are available on Flickr and Panoramio for a specific geo fence
This script counts all photos that are available on Flickr and Panoramio for a specific geo fence and returns a JSON object with the data.
For convenience it's embedded in a little node.js server so that you can upload it to your server and use it as an API.
Here's an example url with all query attributes prefilled. Please use your own Flickr API key!
The location is the Berlin TV Tower (
Example URL: