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Created January 31, 2015 09:13
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package isbn;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* ISBN class.
public class Isbn {
/** Number of digits in ISBN. */
public static final int LENGTH = 13;
/** Number of digits in old ISBN. */
public static final int OLD_LENGTH = 10;
* Check whether the number sequence is valid as ISBN.
* Check method is:
* @param numberSequence the number sequence which you want to check. This sequence is allowed to include hyphens
* @return true if the number sequence is valid as ISBN, otherwise false
public static boolean isValid(String numberSequence) {
if (numberSequence == null) throw new NullPointerException();
if (!Pattern.matches("^\\d+(-?\\d+)*$", numberSequence)) return false;
String normalizedSequence = removeHyphen(numberSequence);
if (normalizedSequence.length() == 13) return isValidAsIsbn13(normalizedSequence);
else if (normalizedSequence.length() == 10) return isValidAsIsbn10(normalizedSequence);
else return false;
* Check whether the 13-digits number is valid as 13-digits ISBN.
* @param number 13-digits number which you want to check. This must not include hyphens
* @return true if the 13-digits number is valid as ISBN, otherwise false
* @throws IllegalArgumentException number is not 13-digits
static boolean isValidAsIsbn13(String number) {
if (number == null) throw new NullPointerException();
if (!Pattern.matches("^\\d{" + LENGTH + "}$", number)) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
char[] digits = number.toCharArray();
final int myDigit = computeIsbn13CheckDigit(digits);
int checkDigit = digits[LENGTH - 1] - '0';
return myDigit == 10 && checkDigit == 0 || myDigit == checkDigit;
* Compute the check digits of 13-digits ISBN.
* Both full 13-digits and check-digit-less 12-digits are allowed as the argument.
* @param digits the array of each digit in ISBN.
* @return check digit
* @throws IllegalArgumentException the length of the argument array is neither 12 nor 13 or the element of digits is negative
static int computeIsbn13CheckDigit(char[] digits) {
if (digits == null) throw new NullPointerException();
if (digits.length != LENGTH && digits.length != LENGTH - 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
for (char c : digits) {
if (c < '0' || '9' < c) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
int[] weights = {1, 3};
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < LENGTH - 1; ++i) {
sum += (digits[i] - '0') * weights[i % 2];
return 10 - sum % 10;
* Check whether the 10-digits number is valid as 10-digits ISBN.
* @param number 10-digits number which you want to check. This must not include hyphens
* @return true if the 10-digits number is valid as ISBN, otherwise false
* @throws IllegalArgumentException number is not 10-digits
static boolean isValidAsIsbn10(String number) {
if (number == null) throw new NullPointerException();
if (!Pattern.matches("^\\d{" + OLD_LENGTH + "}$", number)) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
char[] digits = number.toCharArray();
final int myDigit = computeIsbn10CheckDigit(digits);
if (myDigit == 10) return digits[9] == 'X';
final int checkDigit = digits[9] - '0';
return myDigit == 11 && checkDigit == 0 || myDigit == checkDigit;
* Compute the check digits of 10-digits ISBN.
* Both full 10-digits and check-digit-less 9-digits are allowed as the argument.
* @param digits the array of each digit in ISBN.
* @return check digit
* @throws IllegalArgumentException the length of the argument array is neither 9 nor 10 / the element in digits is negative
static int computeIsbn10CheckDigit(char[] digits) {
if (digits == null) throw new NullPointerException();
if (digits.length != OLD_LENGTH && digits.length != OLD_LENGTH - 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
for (char c : digits) {
if (c < '0' || '9' < c) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0, weight = 10; i < 9; ++i, --weight) {
sum += (digits[i] - '0') * weight;
return 11 - sum % 11;
* Convert 10-digits ISBN to 13-digits ISBN. Check digit is re-computed.
* @param isbn10 10-digits ISBN. It can include hyphens
* @return 13-digits ISBN
* @throws IllegalArgumentException the number of digits of the argument is not 10
public static String toIsbn13(String isbn10) {
if (isbn10 == null) throw new NullPointerException();
String normalizedNumber = removeHyphen(isbn10);
if (normalizedNumber.length() != OLD_LENGTH) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
// Compute check digit
String isbn13 = "978" + normalizedNumber.substring(0, OLD_LENGTH - 1);
final int checkDigit = computeIsbn13CheckDigit(isbn13.toCharArray());
// Compose 13-digits ISBN from 10-digits ISBN
if (isbn10.contains("-")) {
return "978-" + isbn10.substring(0, isbn10.length() - 2) + "-" + String.valueOf(checkDigit);
} else {
return "978" + isbn10.substring(0, isbn10.length() - 1) + String.valueOf(checkDigit);
* Remove hyphens in the argument string.
* @param s
* @return string where hyphens are removed
static String removeHyphen(String s) {
if (s == null) throw new NullPointerException();
return s.replace("-", "");
* Static factory.
* @param number ISBN which you want to instantiate.
* @return ISBN Object
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the argument is invalid as ISBN
public static Isbn of(String number) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (number == null) throw new NullPointerException();
if (!isValid(number)) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (removeHyphen(number).length() == OLD_LENGTH) {
return new Isbn(toIsbn13(number));
} else {
return new Isbn(number);
private final String originalIsbn;
private final String normalizedIsbn; // hyphens are removed
private final String prefix;
private final String group;
private final String publisher;
private final String bookName;
private final String checkDigit;
private Isbn(String originalIsbn) {
assert null != originalIsbn;
this.originalIsbn = originalIsbn;
this.normalizedIsbn = removeHyphen(this.originalIsbn);
String[] numbers = this.originalIsbn.split("-");
if (numbers.length == 5) {
this.prefix = numbers[0]; = numbers[1];
this.publisher = numbers[2];
this.bookName = numbers[3];
this.checkDigit = numbers[4];
} else {
this.prefix = ""; = "";
this.publisher = "";
this.bookName = "";
this.checkDigit = "";
public String getIsbn() {
return originalIsbn;
public String getPrefix() {
return prefix;
public String getGroup() {
return group;
public String getPublisher() {
return publisher;
public String getBookName() {
return bookName;
public String getCheckDigit() {
return checkDigit;
* @return original description of ISBN. It can include hyphens like 978-4-***-*****-*.
public String toString() {
return originalIsbn;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof Isbn))
return false;
Isbn other = (Isbn)obj;
return other.normalizedIsbn.equals(normalizedIsbn);
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + normalizedIsbn.hashCode();
return result;
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Doesn't work. Generates a 14 character ISBN13s:

isbn13 == Isbn.toIsbn13(isbn10)
|      |       |        |
|      |       |        143470713X
|      |       97814347071310
|      false
|      1 difference (92% similarity)
|      978143470713(-)0
|      978143470713(1)0

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Bug is on line 65. If the checksum is 10, you should return 0. For example:

int modulo = sum % 10;
return modulo == 0 ? 0 : 10 - modulo;

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Same error is on line 103 for ISBN 10 check digits. Another way to account for this is just run modulo again. For example: return (11 - sum % 11) % 11;

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