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Last active June 26, 2016 17:16
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Save kyleschmolze/57b1baa0f850467d4a80 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This super simple script loads SlimFAQ content into any page.
Specify a category from SlimFAQ by it's URL, and put a simple
template into the HTML, and this script will auto-load those questions
into the page. When clicked, the links will open inside the SlimFAQ sidebar.
Sample html template:
<div data-slimfaq-category='' data-slimfaq-limit=2>
<h2 data-slimfaq-category-name></h2>
<p data-slimfaq-question-template></p>
$(document).ready ->
if $("[data-slimfaq-category]").length
$("[data-slimfaq-category]").each ->
endpoint = $(this).attr 'data-slimfaq-category'
endpoint += '.json' unless endpoint.match /\.json^/
.success (json) =>
questions = json.questions
# if it doesn't have questions, it's not a category
return unless questions?
# Insert the category name, if it exists
# Use this template for questions
question_template = $(this).find("[data-slimfaq-question-template]")
# Clone template, insert <a> tag for each question
for question in questions
clone = question_template.clone()
# find the first <a> tag in the template, or insert a new one
link = clone.find('a').eq(0)
if !link.length
link = $("<a>")
clone.prepend link
link.attr 'href', question.url
# attach a click handler so that the link opens the Slimfaq sidebar
# (if it's loaded on the page) instead of redirecting (e) ->
# if Slimfaq isn't defined, don't do interupt
return true unless Slimfaq?
$(Slimfaq.SlimfaqContainer).find('iframe').attr 'src', $(this).attr('href')
clone.insertBefore question_template
# remove template
.error => # If we don't get a 200 from SlimFaq
$(this).text "Sorry, we couldn't load our FAQ."
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