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Last active August 27, 2020 18:45
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Perfect numbers in parallel
package main
import (
var (
n = flag.Int("n", 1000, "Max number to search")
workers = flag.Int("workers", runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0), "Number of workers")
updates = flag.Duration("updates", 10*time.Second, "How often to print updates")
func isPerfect(n int) bool {
var sum int
for i := 1; i*i < n; i++ {
if n%i != 0 {
sum += i
if i != 1 {
sum += n / i
return sum == n
func main() {
progress := time.Tick(*updates)
work := make(chan int, *workers*2)
perfect := make(chan int)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < *workers; i++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for {
candidate, ok := <-work
if !ok {
if isPerfect(candidate) {
perfect <- candidate
go func() {
for i := 2; i <= *n; {
select {
case work <- i:
case <-progress:
fmt.Printf("... %d\n", i)
start := time.Now()
count := 0
for {
select {
case n, ok := <-perfect:
if !ok {
goto done
fmt.Printf("Perfect: %d\n", n)
fmt.Printf("Found %d perfect numbers under %d in %s\n", count, *n, time.Since(start))
$ go run perfect.go -n 100000000
Perfect: 6
Perfect: 28
Perfect: 496
Perfect: 8128
... 7205645
... 14711469
... 20996253
... 26584596
... 31696347
Perfect: 33550336
... 36497108
... 41046846
... 45396598
... 49563289
... 53581849
... 57448907
... 61230252
... 64904562
... 68490501
... 72000477
... 75433485
... 78789168
... 82097531
... 85334579
... 88529677
... 91678190
... 94786011
... 97847648
Found 5 perfect numbers under 100000000 in 3m57.070214021s
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