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Cities and Energy CA terra test
// attempt at a city power distribution simulator
//core concepts cellular atomata
//'creatures' have properties that change how they interact w/ cells around them
//registerCA creates a custom CA, can just use default w/ creatures
var terrarium, initTimeout;
//example CAs below
terra.registerCA({ //custom CA
type: 'elementary',
alive: false,
ruleset: [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0].reverse(), // rule 146
colorFn: function () { return this.alive ? this.color + ',1' : '0,0,0,0'; },
process: function (neighbors, x, y) {
if (this.age === y) {
var index = neighbors.filter(function (neighbor) { return neighbor.coords.y === y - 1;
}).map(function (neighbor) { return neighbor.creature.alive ? 1 : 0; });
index = parseInt(index.join(''), 2);
this.alive = isNaN(index) ? !x : this.ruleset[index];
return true;
//brutes and bullies CA, no custom CA required
type: 'plant',
color: [0, 120, 0],
size: 10,
initialEnergy: 5,
maxEnergy: 20,
wait: function() {
// photosynthesis :) += 1;
move: false,
reproduceLv: 0.65
type: 'brute',
color: [0, 255, 255],
maxEnergy: 50,
initialEnergy: 10,
size: 20
type: 'bully',
color: [241, 196, 15],
initialEnergy: 20,
reproduceLv: 0.6,
sustainability: 3
// create a simple plant creature CA: secondCreature + simplePlant
type: 'secondCreature',
color: [120, 0, 240],
sustainability: 6,
reproduceLv: 1
type: 'simplePlant',
color: [166, 226, 46],
size: 10,
reproduceLv: 0.8,
wait: function() { += 3; },
move: false
window.addEventListener('resize', function () {
initTimeout = setTimeout(init, 300);
function init () {
var width = window.innerWidth;
var height = window.innerHeight;
var cellSize = Math.max(width, height) / 70; //larger is more cells, smaller individual cell
if (terrarium) terrarium.destroy();
terrarium = new terra.Terrarium(Math.ceil(width / cellSize), Math.ceil(height / cellSize), {
cellSize: cellSize
// example 1 - comment / uncomment to work
terrarium.grid = terrarium.makeGridWithDistribution([['plant', 50], ['brute', 5], ['bully', 5]]);
// example 2 - comment / uncomment to work
//terrarium.grid = terrarium.makeGridWithDistribution([['secondCreature', 10], ['simplePlant', 90]]);
// example 3 - comment / uncomment to work
//terrarium.grid = terrarium.makeGrid('elementary');
terrarium.animate(300); //how many turns
<script src="//"></script>
overflow: hidden
background: #333
position: absolute
top: 50%
left: 50%
transform: translate(-50%, -50%)
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