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Kevin Yu ky28059

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PatriotCTF 2024 — Really Only Echo

Hey, I have made a terminal that only uses echo, can you find the flag?

nc 3333

We're given a Python server that looks like this:


import os,pwd,re

PatriotCTF 2024 — Blob

blob says: blob

We're given an express server that looks like this:

  .set("view engine", "ejs")
  .use((req, res) => res.render("index", { blob: "blob", ...req.query }))

PatriotCTF 2024 — Let's Play [steg]Hide & Seek

Not much of a backstory here... there is an embedded flag in here somewhere, your job is to find it.

We're given a "QR code mosaic" looking like this:


Plugging it into Aperi'Solve, we can extract a patriotCTF.bmp resembling the logo on their website:


jailCTF 2024 — jellyjail

how can one golf with jelly if it just explodes when you hit it with a large metal golf club?

nc 5999

We're given a Python server that looks like this:

from jellylanguage.jelly.interpreter import jelly_eval

CSAW'24 Quals — I like it RAW

Seems like medium rare just isn't my taste.

We're given 3 files: a raw camera image,


(the above image is actually the "Preview Image" due to file size; the actual image is 19 MB)

a file named secret.png,

CyberSpace CTF 2024 — trendz(zz)?

The latest trendz is all about Go and HTMX, but what could possibly go wrong? A secret post has been hidden deep within the application. Your mission is to uncover it.

Notice anything off in this application? If you suspect something is wrong, report it to the superadmin. You never know what secrets might be uncovered.

nc 1337

We're given a Go server that looks like this:

package main

CyberSpace CTF 2024 — Game with Rin

Nanakura Rin, a very skilled gamer, took one of the flags. You need to defeat her 200 times to get the flag back.

nc 1337

We're given a Python server that looks like this:

from basement_of_rin import NanakuraRin, flag, generate_graph

import time

CyberSpace CTF 2024 — SKK?

What have you done to my flag?

We're given an encoded image of the flag


and an encoder script that looks like this:

import numpy as np

corCTF 2024 — msfrogofwar3


We're given a Flask server that looks like this:

from flask import Flask, request, render_template
from flask_socketio import SocketIO, emit
from stockfish import Stockfish
import random

UIUCTF 2024 — Log Action

I keep trying to log in, but it's not working :'(

We're given a simple Next.js + Next Auth site with a simple login / logout implementation:

"use client";
import { useFormStatus, useFormState } from "react-dom";
import { authenticate } from "@/lib/actions";