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Last active July 14, 2020 15:59
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(defmulti exception->map
(fn [^SQLException e]
(.getSQLState e)))
(defn- remove-quotes [s]
(clojure.string/replace s #"\"" ""))
(defn sql-key->keyword [sql-key]
(-> sql-key
(string/replace #"_key$" "")
(string/replace-first #"_" "/")
(string/replace #"_" "-")
(defn sql-error->sql-key [sql-error]
(remove-quotes (re-find #"\".*\"" sql-error)))
;; Postgres unique_violation
(defmethod exception->map "23505" [^SQLException e]
(-> (.getMessage e)
(defmethod exception->map :default [^SQLException e]
(println "Unhandled SQL execption "
(.getSQLState e) "\n "
(.getMessage e))
{:unknown [(.getSQLState e)]})
;; Usage:
(jdbc/execute-one! *database* (sql/format form))
(catch Exception e
;; This will return {:duplicate-key :some-table/some-key} if the exception is a 23505 error.
(exception->map e)))
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