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Created May 5, 2012 21:11
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Mining twitter blog post
import re, urllib, urllib2, json
BLACKLIST = ['odesk', 'elance', '#jobs', 'now hiring']
def search_twitter(query, no_retweets=True):
if no_retweets:
# use the negation operator to filter out retweets
query += ' -RT'
url = '' % urllib.urlencode({
'q': query,
'lang': 'en', # restrict results to english tweets
'rpp': 100, # return 100 results per page (maximum value)
response = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(url).read())
return response['results']
def init_queries():
phrases = [
'wish there was',
'why isn\'t there',
'wish someone would create',
'somebody needs to create',
'somebody should create',
'someone needs to create',
'someone should create',
# add type of product (eg. app, site, or website) to end of phrases
return ['%s %s' % (p, suffix) for p in phrases for suffix in ['app', 'site', 'website']]
def make_regex(query):
"""Returns a compiled regex. Use like so"""
s = r'(\s\S+){0,2}\s'.join(query.split())
return re.compile(s, re.IGNORECASE)
def blacklist(text):
# reject if tweet starts with quotes or contains blacklisted word
return text[0] in ['"', unichr(8220)] or any(bad in text for bad in BLACKLIST)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
queries = init_queries()
index = int(sys.argv[1])
except (ValueError, IndexError):
print 'Usage: %s <int>' % sys.argv[0]
for i, query in enumerate(queries):
print '%s: %s' % (i, query)
query = queries[index % len(queries)]
results = search_twitter(query)
regex = make_regex(query)
for tweet in results:
if['text']) and not blacklist(tweet['text']):
print tweet['text']
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