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kukfa /
Created August 14, 2017 07:44
IDA plugin to easily follow DWORD addresses within hex dump
import idaapi
import idc
class HexJumpHandler(idaapi.action_handler_t):
def activate(self, ctx):
selection = idaapi.read_selection()
valid_selection = selection[0]
if (valid_selection):
addr = idc.DbgDword(selection[1])
kukfa / win10.vim
Created March 29, 2017 12:51
Vim color scheme designed for visibility on Windows Linux Subsystem
" Vim color file designed for visibility on Windows Linux Subsystem
" Based off of blue color scheme by Steven Vertigan <>
" Usage: copy file contents to /usr/share/vim/vimNN/colors/win10.vim where vimNN is vim version, e.g. vim74
" Add ":color win10" to ~/.vimrc file
set background=dark
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
kukfa / detectChromeExtensions.html
Created March 28, 2017 04:02
Detect Chrome extensions using blocked requests
var extensions = {
'fngmhnnpilhplaeedifhccceomclgfbg': 'EditThisCookie',
'aohghmighlieiainnegkcijnfilokake': 'Google Docs',
'kajibbejlbohfaggdiogboambcijhkke': 'Mailvelope',
'badTestID': 'fakePlugin'
var detectedPlugins = [];
kukfa /
Created September 14, 2016 15:53
Binary Ninja function count
import binaryninja
def functionCount(bv):
print("Function count: " + str(len(bv.functions)))
binaryninja.PluginCommand.register('Function Count', 'Prints the function count to the log', functionCount)