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Forked from agramfort/
Created February 23, 2016 05:06
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basic circular stats
circular data analysis functions
# Authors : Anne Kosem and Alexandre Gramfort
# License : Simplified BSD
from math import sqrt, atan2, exp
import numpy as np
def circular_meanangle(phases): # circular mean of phase distribution "phases"
ang = np.mean(np.exp(1j * phases))
return atan2(ang.imag, ang.real)
def circular_PLV(phases): # Phase Locking Value (Lachaux et al., 1998)
return abs(np.sum(np.exp(1j * phases)) / len(phases))
def rayleigh_test(phases): # test if phase distribution is non-uniform; TRUE if pval<0.05 (Fisher, 1995)
ph = phases.reshape(-1)
n = len(ph)
w = np.ones(n)
r = np.sum(w * np.exp(1j * ph))
r = abs(r) / np.sum(w)
R = n * r
pval = exp(sqrt(1 + 4 * n + 4 * (n ** 2 - R ** 2)) - (1 + 2 * n))
return pval
def bootstrap_conf(x, n_permutations=10000, seed=0): # gives 95% confidence interval [ll; ul] of the mean of phase distribution x (Fisher, 1995)
n_samples = len(x)
rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)
C = np.empty(n_permutations, dtype=x.dtype)
for ind in range(n_permutations): # surrogate
C[ind] = circular_meanangle(x[rng.randint(len(x), size=(n_samples))]) # circular mean for each surrogate
C = np.sort(C)
indl = 0.025 * n_permutations
indu = 0.975 * n_permutations
ll = C[indl]
ul = C[indu]
return C, ll, ul
if __name__ == '__main__':
import pylab as pl
fig = pl.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, polar=True)
theta = np.pi / 4.
kappa = 1. # concentration parameter, decreasing variance with increasing kappa
# generate sample set following von mises distribution with mean theta and
# concentration parameter kappa
sample = np.random.vonmises(theta, kappa, 200)
pl.hist(sample, bins=20, range=(-np.pi, np.pi), alpha=0.2, normed=True, color='b')
# mean angle
m = circular_meanangle(sample)
pl.plot([m, m], [0, 1], 'b', linewidth=3)
# confidence interval
_, ll, ul = bootstrap_conf(sample)
pl.plot([ll, ll], [0, 1], '--b', linewidth=2)
pl.plot([ul, ul], [0, 1], '--b', linewidth=2)
# rayleigh test against uniformity, PLV
pval = rayleigh_test(sample)
plv = circular_PLV(sample)
pl.xlabel('probability of distribution uniformity = %G, PLV = %G' % (pval, plv))
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