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Last active October 23, 2019 22:41
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const checkboxOverides = {
".form-check-label": {
height: "full",
display: "flex",
alignItems: "center",
minHeight: 10
".form-check-label span": {
pl: 2
"input[type=checkbox]": {
alignSelf: "flex-start",
cursor: "pointer",
webkitAppearance: "none",
mozAppearance: "none",
appearance: "none",
outline: 0,
height: 8,
width: 8,
border: "2px solid",
borderColor: "primary",
display: "inline-block"
"input[type=checkbox]:checked": {
bg: "primary",
border: "none"
"input[type=checkbox]:after": {
content: "'✓'",
color: "white",
pl: 2,
pt: 1,
fontWeight: "black",
display: "none"
"input[type=checkbox]:checked:after": {
display: "block"
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