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Last active March 22, 2017 16:17
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  • Save kstevens715/b130fc7dcc3f6753c7b791c938b26c2f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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On ETL K8:

failures = Resque::Failure.all(0, Resque::Failure.count).map { |f| f["payload"]["args"][0].gsub("applicant/", "").split("/") }.reject { |j| j[0] =~ /gpa/ }
file ='/tmp/applicants.txt', 'w')
failures.each { |failure| file.write("#{failure[0]},#{failure[1]}\n") }

On local host

kubectl cp wa-etl-resque-web-386939940-dp406:/tmp/applicants.txt applicants.txt
scp applicants.txt wa-current@wa-util-p0:/home/wa-current/current/applicants.txt

On WebadMIT util:

require 'cas3/cas_3_onebutton_etl'
csv ="applicants.txt")
csv.each { |row| Admin::Cas3OnebuttonEtl.etl!(row[1], row[0]) }; nil
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