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Created August 12, 2024 14:37
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PREFIX schema: <>
PREFIX gsp: <>
PREFIX wiki: <>
PREFIX hyf: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
SELECT ?dataset ?variableName ?temporalCoverage WHERE {
# Bind the @id of the mainstem of interest
BIND(<> AS ?mainstem)
# Find all monitoring locations that reference the mainstem
?monitoringLocation hyf:referencedPosition/hyf:HY_IndirectPosition/hyf:linearElement ?mainstem .
# Get the datasets for each monitoring location
?monitoringLocation schema:subjectOf ?dataset .
# Get the measured variable name and temporal coverage for each dataset
?dataset schema:variableMeasured/schema:name ?variableName ;
schema:temporalCoverage ?temporalCoverage .
# Filter datasets by the desired variable name using fuzzier matching
FILTER(REGEX(?variableName, "stream(flow)?|discharge|flow", "i"))
# Filter datasets to only include those with a temporal coverage
# starting before 2018-01-01 and continuing to the present
FILTER(strdt(?temporalCoverage, xsd:dateTime) <= "2018-01-01T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime &&
STRSTARTS(?temporalCoverage, ".."))
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